Whitepaper | August 2020
Message from Toyota Research Institute CEO Gill Pratt
The Promise of Automated Driving Technology
Core Principles
The Future of the Driver - Vehicle Relationship
The Automated Driving Landscape
Toyotas Approach to Vehicle Automation
Automated Driving Deployment: Personally-Owned Vehicles
Automated Driving Deployment: Mobility as a Service
Elements of Automated Driving
Challenges Facing Automated Driving Development
Toyotas Automated Driving Programs, Partnerships, and Investments
Technology on Toyota Vehicles
As Toyota President Akio Toyoda has said, “the
automotive industry is facing sweeping, once-in-
a-century changes. They are driven by innovations
in four technology categories – Connected,
Automated, Shared and Electried – each with its
own challenges and opportunities.
For automated driving, the challenges include
complex technical problems in perception,
prediction and planning, and a range of social,
ethical and policy issues for citizens, regulators
and lawmakers to consider.
While simpler to focus on technical issues, the
social, ethical, and policy challenges facing
automated driving are the most dicult. Since
no technology can perfectly predict human
behavior, some crashes will still occur wherever
vehicles with automated technology travel
the same roads with human-driven vehicles
and pedestrians. Even if automated driving
technology can be made, on average, much
safer than human driving, it may be dicult for
society to accept the remaining inevitable injuries
and fatalities when a vehicle with automated
technology is involved in a crash.
Of course, society has faced similar questions
before. In medicine, for example, patients
must sometimes risk adverse outcomes in
the hope of being cured. In general, we have
come to accept such risks, so there is reason to
hope a similar understanding could evolve for
vehicles with automated technology. But going
for a drive is not the same as ghting a life-
threatening illness. Trac crashes are suciently
rare to conceal the potential safety benets of
automated driving, and news of technology-
caused crashes tend to be greatly amplied in
human perception. Societal acceptance will likely
take time and will not be easy.
As a result, some may ask why any company
would take on the challenge of developing
a system for automated driving. For Toyota,
two of the most compelling reasons are: 1)
automated driving technology oers the
chance to dramatically reduce the more than a
million human-driven trac fatalities that occur
around the world every year, and: 2) automated
driving technology could provide mobility for
a rapidly growing segment of society – the
elderly – for whom loss of mobility leads to loss
of independence and lower quality of life. As we
have seen since Toyota rst began researching
automated driving in the 1990s, we continue to
see the technologys potential to help everyone
get where they want and need to be... safely.
We hope the public shares our belief mobility can
be a source of inspiration, and automated driving
oers the chance to share joy in the experience
of driving and a way to improve quality of life
for everyone. Most importantly, because risk
can never be completely eliminated, we hope
the public will work with us as partners in the
development of automated driving technology to
improve the safety, availability of mobility and, in
turn, quality of life for as many people as possible.
Dr. Gill Pratt
Chief Scientist and Executive Fellow for Research, Toyota Motor Corporation
Chief Executive Ocer, Toyota Research Institute
More than 80 years ago, Kiichiro Toyoda
launched a department inside Toyoda Automatic
Loom Works to investigate what was then a
relatively new technology: automobile engines.
This move, which laid the foundation for the
Toyota Motor Corporation, reected a critical
insight: Automobiles would revolutionize society
– not because the automobile was a machine
that could move, but because it was a machine
that could dramatically amplify human mobility.
Today, technology is once again poised to
expand what is possible for mobility. Connected
vehicles – the power of big data – sharing,
and vehicle electrication change the concept
of the car. At the same time, steep declines
in the cost of sensors, exponential growth in
computing power and the rapid improvement of
Articial Intelligence (AI) systems have opened
the door to advanced systems for automated
driving. At Toyota, we see the extraordinary
potential for this technology. Just as we did
so many decades ago, we are remaking our
company to meet this new challenge.
Importantly, Kiichiro Toyodas insight in the
1930s remains true today. The value oered
by todays groundbreaking technology is not
in the machines themselves, but in what they
oer to society. As a result, our ultimate goal is
not to create automation for cars, but rather to
expand autonomy for people. We are working
to create the tools that will help people get
where they want and need to be, and to create
a society where mobility is safe, convenient,
enjoyable, aordable and available to everyone.
As we pursue this vision, we are guided by a
commitment to safety – both in how we research,
develop, and validate the performance of vehicle
technology and in how we aim to benet society.
Despite their tremendous positive benets,
cars and trucks are involved in crashes that
annually result in more than a million fatalities
worldwide. Our research into automated driving
is an extension of Toyotas long-standing
focus on improving automobile safety, and it
advances our ultimate goal of helping realize
a future without trac injuries or fatalities.
That is why we are working to help consumers
both enjoy the benets of this research in the
near term, while we continue to work on the
most advanced technologies for the future. We
have made advanced driver assistance systems
(ADAS) available across nearly all new Toyota
and Lexus vehicles through Toyota Safety Sense
and Lexus Safety System+. These packages,
which include underlying automated driving
components like Automatic Emergency Braking
and Lane Keep Assist, are available as standard
or optional equipment on new Toyota and Lexus
vehicles in Japan and Europe, while nearly
every model and trim level sold in the United
States provides it as standard equipment.
Looking ahead, we follow those same priorities
in our research. We are working aggressively
to develop vehicles that will use the “Toyota
Chaueur automated driving approach but
have also prioritized research and development
of nearer term “Toyota Guardian™” active
safety technology. We believe Toyota Guardian
– which uses Toyotas underlying automated
driving technology to support and protect a
driver by amplifying the drivers capabilities – is
an approach that can save more lives sooner,
prior to bringing Chaueur to market.
As with any technology revolution, the impact
of automated driving will go well beyond
cars and trucks to include new business
models and product categories, ranging from
mobility service platforms to personal robotics
solutions. Major challenges remain, but we
are inspired to help lead the way toward the
future of mobility as we continue to focus on
enriching lives around the world with safe
and responsible ways of moving people.
The value oered by todays
groundbreaking technology is not
in the machines themselves, but in
what they oer to society.
Toyota is guided by its Global vision,
which calls on the company to “lead the
way to the future of mobility, enriching
lives around the world with the safest and
most responsible ways of moving people.
This mission inuences everything we
do, including making high-quality cars
and trucks, constantly innovating and
working to safeguard the environment.
Automated driving is a natural next
step in Toyotas growth as a mobility
company. It expands upon traditional
automotive capabilities to help people
get to where they want and need to be,
while oering the potential to benet
all of society by helping to eliminate
trac fatalities and injuries, reshape
cities, reduce emissions, and achieve
our ultimate goal: mobility for all.
First and foremost, Toyota is committed to
automated driving because the technology
oers the promise of a world with far fewer
casualties from crashes. According to the
World Bank, there are about 1.25 million
worldwide trac fatalities annually and
far more trac injuries. Automated driving
technology could drastically reduce this
number by helping to prevent crashes
caused by human error. Our work on this
technology follows from our commitment
to safe driving with a goal of developing
a car that would never be responsible
for causing a crash and that can avoid or
mitigate many crashes caused by other
vehicles or external factors on the road.
This focus on safety carries through to
all of Toyotas research and development
of systems for automated driving. This
means testing and validation to help
ensure the proper performance of
new technologies before their market
introduction and a focus on expanding
the adoption of potentially life-saving
features to non-self-driving vehicles.
Beyond their core safety benets, systems
for automated driving may help make trac
smoother and more ecient. This could provide
meaningful improvements to air quality through
reduced emissions and to the quality of life of
drivers through shortened and more predictable
travel times. The technology would also expand
the number of people able to experience
the joy of driving, while also signicantly
improving the quality of time spent in a vehicle
during routine commuting or long drives.
Vehicle automation also holds the promise of
increasing access to vehicle travel to a larger
portion of the world’s population through
aordable, on-demand mobility models.
Combining automated technology with
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) will help increase
personal mobility, especially for people with
physical limitations. This type of on-demand
transportation could potentially transform cities
and support more economically vibrant and
ecient communities. For example, parking
areas in urban centers could be repurposed
for people rather than vehicles, with MaaS
vehicles using automation helping cities evolve
into more environmentally-friendly spaces with
greatly reduced emissions, trac and noise.
Toyota believes the technology behind
automation will bring sweeping benets and
mobility solutions that extend far beyond cars
and trucks. AI oers the potential to revolutionize
and improve the daily lives of millions by creating
new categories of technologies and services.
Toyota is leveraging its research in automated
driving to create new mobility solutions, such as
robots with enhanced perception, reasoning and
manipulation that can oer expanded freedom of
movement for all, including people with limited
mobility associated with age, illness or disability.
For example, assistive robots could someday
empower and enable people who might
otherwise be restricted in their ability to move
around their homes or in their communities.
These systems show promise in helping
seniors “age in place with dignity rather
than moving into assisted living facilities –
an important potential benet given current
demographic trends in many countries.
Since the 1990s, Toyota has worked to
develop automated driving technologies
through the framework of our Integrated
Safety Management Concept. This
approach focuses on technologies
that could mitigate the risk of collision
at each stage of driving, including
Parking, Active Safety, Pre-Collision
Safety, Passive Safety and Rescue.
We accomplish this by working in each
category to improve safety along three
distinct pillars: people, vehicles and
the trac environment. This approach
allows us to expand our focus, looking
beyond the potential of new vehicle safety
technologies to include expanded safety
education programs and new partnerships
with governments and other stakeholders
that can improve the construction of
roads and other trac infrastructure.
Dynamic Radar Cruise
Control (DRCC)
Lane Keeping Assist
Adaptive High-Beam
System (AHS)
Automatic High
Beam (ABS)
Lane Departure Alert
Blind Spot Monitor
Vehicle Dynamic
Traction Control
Brake Assist (BA)
Coordination System
Cooperative ITS
Night View
PCS: Pre-Collision SystemVDIM: Vehicle Dynamic Integrated ManagementITS: Intelligent Transport Systems
VSC: Vehicle Stability Control
BA: Break Assist
ABS: Antilock Braking System
Antilock Braking
System (ABS)
GOA: Global Outstanding Assessment
Active Safety Passive Safety
Intelligent Parking
Assist (IPA)
Intelligent Clearance
Sonar (ICS)
Drive-Start Control
Back Guide
System (PCS)
Brake Assist
Pre-Collision Braking
Regular Type:
PCS to help prevent
rear-end collisions
Advanced Type:
PCS to help prevent
collisions with
Basic Function
Injury-reducing Body
Pop-up Hood
Automatic Collision
Notification (ACN)
Panoramic View
Intelligent Adaptive
Front-lighting System
In addition to looking forward, we also
strive to learn from the past. This includes
studying actual collisions in order to meet
and push beyond the industrys ever-higher
safety standards. Toyota analyzes the causes
of vehicle-related collisions and occupant
injuries by using a range of investigation
data. Using technologies like Toyotas
Total Human Model for Safety (THUMS),
we simulate crashes to help develop safety
technologies. In addition, we conduct
experiments on actual vehicles before we
launch new technologies. Post-launch, we
evaluate the eectiveness of the technologies
by assessing any crashes that might occur.
Collectively, this strategy has resulted in
meaningful safety improvements, as each
new advancement in technology or design
expands the range of potential collisions
the vehicle can prevent or mitigate.
Toyotas development philosophy for automated
driving is the Mobility Teammate Concept
(MTC), an approach built on the belief people
and vehicles can work together in the service
of safe, convenient and ecient mobility.
The MTC combines all of Toyotas research into
automated driving and merges it into a vision in
which people and vehicle “team up to monitor
and assist each other whenever necessary. In
the near term, this approach capitalizes on the
dierent skills humans and machines bring to
the challenge of safe driving. Indeed, thanks
to the power of connected systems and cloud-
based technology, this sharing of responsibilities
means intelligent vehicles might one day improve
continually, with every car and truck potentially
beneting from the experience of many drivers.
Importantly, MTC is a philosophy built on
the belief people should have choices,
and technology should amplify rather than
replace human capability. Instead of removing
humans from any engagement with their
own mobility, it allows people to enjoy the
freedom and joy of driving if they choose,
while also beneting from the capabilities of
automated driving when they need or wish.
The emergence of automated driving
has raised new questions about
the future of the personally-owned
vehicle and about the long-term
relationship between car and driver.
For some, this is an easy question with little
signicance. To them, a car is just a means
of transportation used to move from one
place to another, not much dierent than
a train or a plane. At Toyota, we see a car
as something more – a feeling we know
many people share around the world that
is captured by the Japanese word “Aisha,
or “My car, I love it. And we do not think
this relationship will cease any time soon.
What is it about the connection
between people and cars that
generates so much love?
We believe its a relationship that is
fundamentally dierent from those
we have with many other machines.
A car is a safe, personal space with a
comfortable and relaxing environment.
Almost everything about it, inside and
out, can be customized to express our
unique identity. Over time, the car itself
changes to reect who we are and the
lives we lead. Most importantly, the
car amplies us – allowing us to travel
further, faster and with less eort in the
company of and with the goal of joining
loved ones. What’s more, we control the
car. We press the accelerator, and the car
moves us the way our legs do, but with
more power. We turn the steering wheel,
and it is as if we ourselves are changing
our bodys direction of exploration.
Each customization we make to our car
also helps to build a deep and meaningful
relationship between it and us. Our
car becomes the only one like it in the
world: a unique reection of our own
life. We pamper, abuse and use our cars
extensively, and they carry the marks of
this relationship: a sticker here, a coee
stain there, and that time where we made
a tear in the back seat and never bothered
to get it xed. At a more social level, cars
belong to families and are sometimes
passed on to the next generation, carrying
with them the histories of our lives and
relationships. Over time, a car stops
being just a mode of transportation
and becomes something we love.
For Toyota, the relationship between cars
and people is fundamental to everything
we do, including our research into
automated technology. We use the word
“teammate to describe our concept for
automated driving because of our belief
car and driver can help each other to make
driving safe, comfortable and fun.
What does this relationship mean in practice?
When it comes to safety, driving skills don’t just
dier between people. Experience, age, medical
conditions or simple fatigue mean individual
driving ability can change from moment to
moment. Thats why Toyota designs automated
driving technologies with the aim of meeting
these shifting needs, helping to support safe
driving regardless of the drivers condition.
Of course, there are also people who want
a specic driving experience and expect the
vehicle to perform the way they want, when
they want. That may mean a sporty driving
mode in some situations and a smooth
ride in others. We believe advanced vehicle
technologies should respect these unique
and changing needs and respond with the
capability a driver desires while maintaining
the appropriate level of safety support.
In short, Toyota believes cars should learn from
and be responsive to their owners. Even in a
future where driving is automated, we believe
this connection means cars will continue to be
loved, with the relationship deepening as they
meet our needs and grow to reect our unique
tastes over the course of our lives together.
Over decades, vehicles have become more
sophisticated. Computers can increasingly
handle direct involvement with key
functions, such as acceleration and
braking. More recently, new technologies
have emerged to perform additional tasks,
such as helping to keep a vehicle in its lane
or intervening if a collision is imminent.
With the rise of systems that can perform
some or all driving tasks, a host of terms
have entered the market to describe
them. These include “automated,
“highly automated,semi-” and
partially autonomous,self-driving,
and “driverless, to name a few.
For general descriptive purposes, Toyota
uses the word “automated” to describe a
wide range of technology that augments
or replaces direct human control during
some period of time. We use the term
autonomous” to describe only those
vehicles where an automated system
can perform the complete dynamic
driving task, essentially replacing the
job of the driver, during some period
of time (not necessarily indenitely).
By contrast, much of what is currently
described in public discourse as an
autonomous vehicle is often not truly
autonomous” from human oversight
or driving responsibility. Care in using
these terms is important, as their
application to vehicles in the market
may impact consumers’ expectations
and understanding about how those
vehicles perform. As we implement
these technologies in passenger
vehicles, we believe it is important
to describe accurately, or to use
terminology that suggests, the actual
function the vehicle can perform. We
believe helping consumers understand
automated driving technology is another
way of promoting safety in its use.
Regardless of whether one prefers
automated” or “autonomous, the
range of capabilities of these emerging
technologies cannot be described in
just one word. For that, international
standards organizations have developed
documents to address technical
aspects of automation for vehicles.
One example of activity is SAE International’s issuance of
recommended practice J3016. That document categorizes
automation based on whether an automation system:
• performs acceleration/deceleration or steering,
performs acceleration/deceleration and steering,
monitors and responds to the driving environment,
performs fallback of the dynamic driving task
(functions required to operate a vehicle),
is limited by an operational design domain
(conditions under which a vehicle can operate).
SAE has dened levels of automation that range from no automation (labeled as “Level 0”)
to full automation (labeled as “Level 5”) as displayed in the following chart.
These levels provide valuable and useful guidance, and they serve an important role in
facilitating clarity in global discussions and potential regulations around automation
These are driver support features These are automated driving features
What does the
human in the
drivers seat
have to do?
You are driving whenever these driver support features
are engaged — even if your feet are off the pedals and
you are not steering
You must constantly supervise these support features,
you must steer, brake or accelerate as needed to
maintain safety
These automated driving features
will not require you to take
over driving
When the feature
These features
are limited to
warnings and
blind spot
lane departure
lane centering
adaptive cruise
lane centering
adaptive cruise
control at the
same time
traffic jam
local driverless
steering wheel
may or may not
be installed
same as
level 4, but
can drive
in all
These features
steering OR
support to
the driver
These features
AND brake/
support to
the driver
These features can drive the vehicle
under limited conditions and will
not operated unless all required
conditions are met
This feature
can drive the
vehicle under
all conditions
you must drive
You are not driving whenever these driver support
features are engaged — even if your feet are off the
pedals and you are not steering
What do these
features do?
SAE J3016
Copyright © 2014 SAE International. The summary table may be freely copied and distributed provided
SAE International and J3016 are acknowledged as the source and must be reproduced AS-IS.
Toyotas research into automation is driven
by two related but distinct objectives:
1) improving driving safety and
2) improving access to and the
convenience of mobility.
We are pursuing two distinct concepts to
achieve those goals with the development
of each built on similar perception,
prediction and planning technology.
For those who cannot or choose not
to drive because of age, inrmity or
any other reason, we are working to
develop automated driving technology
that will allow a vehicle to drive on
its own without human oversight or
fallback responsibility. We call this
eventual capability Toyota Chaueur.
We are designing Chaueur to use an
AI system to completely perform the
driving function. With Chaueur, the
human will not have a role for the task
of driving while the system operates
(similar to SAE Levels 4 and 5).
To more quickly realize the safety benets
of automated driving technology and to
expand the ability of current drivers to
experience the joy of driving, Toyota is
developing an approach to active safety
called Guardian. Guardian aims to safely
blend vehicle control between the driver
and an AI system, sharing roles to take
best advantage of their individual skills.
We call this blended envelope control.
As in the ight control systems modern
ghter airplanes use, the human driver
retains control, but the AI translates his or
her commands to keep the vehicle within
a dened safety envelope. Guardian will
constantly monitor the environment and
step in to amplify the drivers capabilities
and may intervene when a collision or
other safety-critical incident is imminent.
This is not done by braking alone, as
in current pre-collision systems, but by
employing the full range of driving actions,
including accelerating, changing lanes and
preventing the driver from over-reacting to
a situation. Fundamentally, the system is
being designed to help prevent the vehicle
from being hit, to avoid hitting anything
else and to stop it from going o the road.
Toyota has made signicant progress applying
blended envelope control between the driver
and the system to automobiles. Rather than
switching between the driver and the system
in the event of a safety issue, there is a near-
seamless blend of both working as teammates
to extract the best input from each.
Guardian exists on a spectrum of capability
that denes how much it can assist to protect
vehicle occupants. This includes mistakes or
other errors made by the driver and from external
factors on the road, such as other vehicles,
obstructions or trac conicts. The higher the
Guardian capability, the greater the number and
types of crashes it can help protect against.
For example, at a modest level of Guardian
capability, systems like Lane Departure Alert
(LDA) and Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)
can help prevent some crashes. At the highest
level, Guardian capability is being developed
with the goal to ensure a human-driven vehicle
would never be responsible for causing a
crash and also avoid many crashes that other
vehicles or external factors would cause.
Guardian oers an important path to vehicle
automation because it avoids several challenges
Chaueur faces. Chaueur is an important
technology that will make a meaningful impact
on the lives of people who cannot or do
not wish to drive. But its development faces
signicant technical and social challenges
that will take time to address. In particular, the
Chaueur automation model faces several key
challenges when applied to automated driving:
Humans suer from a basic psychological
challenge known as “vigilance decrement,
which makes it hard to keep ones attention
and awareness engaged when monitoring
for rare events over long time periods.
Navigating the trac environment can at
times be exceptionally complicated in ways
that go beyond developing technology that
can handle varied environmental conditions
and obey the rules law denes. A system fully
capable of staying within appropriate lanes,
stopping and starting at trac lights, and
navigating a route from one point or another
would also encounter a trac context dened
by people and can change at any time.
At present, many deployments of Level
4-equivalent systems address these issues
by operating in highly restricted Operational
Design Domains, which limit the vehicles to
operate in conditions, such as low speeds, fair
weather, simple geography, light trac and few
other variables on the road, like pedestrians
or cyclists. Wider deployment will require a
signicant technical and sociological leap so
vehicles can recognize the road environment’s
physical elements and the social context and
interactions between the people who use it.
We are designing Guardian to avoid many of
these constraints. The underlying automated
technology only intervenes when necessary. This
allows human drivers to leverage their social
awareness to navigate through the complicated
and rapidly shifting trac environment. In so
doing, Toyota believes the Guardian approach
may help us realize the safety benets of
automated technology sooner by enabling us
to introduce higher levels of driver assistance
into production vehicles in the near term as
we continue our progress toward Chaueur.
To ensure these benets are available to as
many drivers as possible, Toyota plans to
oer Guardian to others in the industry.
In addition, just as Guardian is designed
to amplify the human drivers ability rather
than replacing it, it might also add an extra
measure of support to another automated
driving system, whether provided by Toyota or
any other company. For example, Toyota has
announced its intention to include Guardian
as standard equipment on all Toyota e-Palette
platforms we build for the MaaS market,
oering intervening support regardless of which
automated system a eet buyer chooses to use.
What’s more, Toyota also believes Guardian
will, over time, build much-needed trust and
acceptance for highly automated driving
technology. Automated systems are often
viewed with suspicion or fear because they
remove the human from vehicle control.
Guardian may foster a dierent reaction
because it is designed to amplify human
performance rather than replace it and
because it may highlight those situations
where the automated technology
provided a safety benet.
Toyotas research on automated driving
technology goes beyond seeking to expand
vehicle capabilities. It also considers
the capability of human drivers and the
diculty of the driving environment.
Importantly, driver capability and driving
diculty are not static. They rise and fall over
time. Driver capability depends on factors, such
as skill, fatigue and distraction level. Driving
diculty shifts based on issues ranging from
weather to trac or construction. Most of the
time, driver capability is sucient to prevent a
crash. It is the times when driving diculty rises
above the drivers skill that a crash is likely.
Automated technology oers the potential
to contribute at periods of both high and low
driving diculty. With the power of blended
envelope control, the vehicle might one day
leverage Guardian to help prevent a crash
when driving diculty is higher than the
drivers capability to navigate safely. At times
of low driving diculty, Guardian technology
will maintain vigilance to help make minor
corrections (i.e., lane keep assist) to help
keep a vehicle in its lane, for example.
At present, Guardians technical abilities
might be higher than the drivers skill only in
some limited circumstances. Over time, as
technology improves and the system learns,
Guardian capability will grow steadily toward
an ideal goal of creating a vehicle that would
never be responsible for a crash, regardless
of human driver errors. At the same time,
Chaueur capability will advance toward a goal
of being able to drive safely in all conditions.
Importantly, driving environments can be
extremely complex and dicult, and no
automated system – regardless of how
capable it may be – is likely to prevent crashes
entirely. A fundamental question yet to be
addressed is “how safe is safe enough?” The
answer will depend on government regulation,
liability risks, societal acceptance and what
is technically possible. In general, we believe
systems providing Chaueur capability might
need to be signicantly safer than average
human drivers to be accepted by society.
By contrast, Guardian capability might be
judged against the standard of, on average
and as often as possible, “do no harm.
Far Future
Possbile Crash #2
Possbile Crash #1
In 2003, Toyota introduced its rst millimeter
wave radar-based Pre-Collision System
(PCS). Soon after, Toyota rolled out the
system to more-aordable vehicles,
such as Prius. Developing advanced
technologies rst, then nding reasonable
ways to bring them to a more popular and
aordable range of vehicles, continues
to be Toyotas strategy. This two-axis
approach allows us to rapidly spread the
availability of safety technology, and it also
applies to automated driving technologies.
The results can be seen most clearly in
Toyota Safety Sense and Lexus Safety
System+. As research and development
progresses, future generations of both
systems will continue to expand to widen
the range of safety systems and automated
technologies available to the general
public. For example, in 2018, Toyota began
to roll out the second generation of Toyota
Safety Sense and Lexus Safety System+ on
vehicles beneting from a major model
change. In this second generation, we
added new capabilities to enhance safety,
including the ability to detect pedestrians
in low-light conditions, the ability to
detect bicycles, and an expanded road
sign recognition system covering more
regions and countries than before.
This approach of beginning with
personally-owned vehicles is a proven
and valuable method for technology
development, as it speeds the introduction
of advanced systems that can help
improve safety, reduce accidents and
ease trac. Today, thanks to rapid
component and information technology
developments, we can often reach
mass-vehicle deployment of new safety
systems much faster than before.
Toyota is committed in the near term
to bringing vehicles with automated
driving capabilities to market. Teammate,
targeted for commercial availability
in 2021, is expected to initially enable
driver-supervised automated driving
(SAE Level 2) on highways. The system
will evaluate trac conditions, make
decisions and take action during highway
driving. Potential capabilities include
changing lanes (with driver approval),
maintaining a safe distance from
preceding vehicles and exiting highways.
Through its own programs and in
partnership with various companies
in the mobility services space, Toyota
plans to leverage a range of MaaS
platforms to support and accelerate
the development and deployment
of automated driving technology.
MaaS addresses one of the key
challenges in developing automated
driving systems – the need for signicant
driving data to improve core technologies.
Initial component costs mean personally-
owned vehicles with systems for automated
driving are likely to be expensive and
sell in small numbers. This, combined
with the low usage rates of private
vehicles, limits how much data they
will collectively generate in order to
help improve the system. In a MaaS
application, costs can be amortized
across a eet and higher utilization
rates will increase data gathered. As a
result, the systems capabilities can be
extended more quickly, beneting both
MaaS and personal vehicle applications.
In addition, MaaS provides a unique
opportunity to deploy vehicles equipped
with SAE Level 4 automated systems
sooner. Fleets do not need the same
exibility as personally-owned vehicles
and can be limited to simplied operating
domains, such daylight hours, good
weather and/or known xed routes.
Toyota believes the deployment of a high
level of automation to support MaaS can
help lower costs per passenger mile to
create new waves of consumer demand
and a virtuous cycle of aordable mobility,
safety and convenience. It can also help
improve automated driving technology
and support greater societal acceptance
and consumer adoption. Taken together,
the system will bring forward key benets
of automated driving much faster than
through private ownership alone.
To fully realize the potential synergies
of automated technology and MaaS
networks, Toyota is pursuing a range of
technology and vehicle platforms.
e-Palette, rst announced at the 2018
Consumer Electronics Show, is a purpose-
built mobility commerce platform designed to
support Autono-MaaS business applications.
The open, exible platform will be easily
adapted to support a range of uses, including
ride-sharing, delivery and retail. Currently
under development in coordination with
partners, including Amazon, DiDi, Mazda,
Pizza Hut and Uber, e-Palette will be controlled
by SAE Level 4 Automated technology or, if
desired, by a user’s proprietary system for
automated driving. In either case, e-Palette
will include Toyotas Guardian technology,
which will act as a safety net. Toyota plans to
deploy mobility solutions like the e-Palette
at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic
Games, which now take place in 2021.
Toyota also plans to deploy automated
driving technology on the mobility networks
operated by third parties. In August 2018,
we announced a new collaboration with
Uber Technologies designed to advance and
bring to market autonomous ride-sharing
as a mobility service at scale. As part of the
agreement, Toyota is developing an Autono-
MaaS eet based on the Sienna Minivan
platform, which will be equipped with Uber’s
Autonomous Driving System and use Toyotas
Guardian as a safety support system. Pilot-
scale deployments are intended to begin
on the Uber ride-sharing network in 2021.
In general, driving automation operates
via interactions between fundamental
systems. Various combinations of these
systems enable vehicles to understand
the driving environment, make intelligent
decisions and, in the case of higher
automation levels, navigate safely
to a destination. These fundamental
systems are described as follows:
Localization and Mapping determines
where the vehicle is within its
environment. This requires building
a specialized map of the surrounding
environment, either from scratch or
by drawing from a baseline of prior
knowledge that is well-understood and
trusted to be mostly correct, and then
localizing the vehicle within that map.
This system helps a vehicle correctly
interpret the data its sensors gather.
Perception combines information
from the Localization and Mapping
system with data from vehicle sensors
– including cameras, LiDAR, RADAR,
Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(GNSS) and inertial navigation units
(INU), among other inputs – to collect
and interpret information about the
vehicles current situation and its
relationship to its environment. This
includes the location and movement of
the full range of obstacles, both static
and dynamic, including infrastructure,
vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles and more.
The amount and complexity of data
for analysis makes this one of the most
challenging steps in automated driving.
Prediction helps the vehicle estimate
where other vehicles, pedestrians,
bicycles, etc. are likely to be in the
future. Often there are multiple possible
predictions (known as hypotheses).
Currently, humans do a much better
job of prediction than any machine.
This area will continue to challenge the
development of automated driving.
Planning determines one or more
safe courses of travel for the vehicle,
including decisions such as which lane
to travel, where to position the vehicle
relative to other dynamic objects and
how much space to aord obstacles.
Importantly, the Planning system makes
decisions about how to safely guide
the vehicle under uncertain conditions,
such as when other vehicles on the road
may be blocked from view or if they behave
in unexpected ways. Multiple hypotheses
may lead to multiple possible plans, with the
ultimate choice depending on the actions
of other vehicles, pedestrians and more.
Control executes the planned driving
trajectories set by the planning system,
which are updated constantly based on
new information. This is accomplished using
actuators that direct vehicle driving functions.
Coordination communicates with other vehicles,
the road infrastructure and cloud databases.
External Human Machine Interaction
(e-HMI) manages the communication of
information between the vehicle and humans
in the trac environment. Importantly, while
communication between driver and vehicle is
obviously important, particularly in managing
the transfer of vehicle operation, so too is
communication between the vehicle and
humans outside the vehicle, such as drivers of
other vehicles, rst responders and pedestrians.
An overlapping set of core technologies and
tools help make the fundamentals of automated
driving possible. The core technologies
and tools are described as follows:
Classical controls, including proportional-
integral-derivative controllers and non-
linear gain scheduling, are used for low-
level controller tasks like set-point tracking
and regulation within actuators, such as
steering actuator or throttle actuator.
Modern controls include state-space
representations, robust control, nonlinear
control and adaptive control. These mostly
explicit mathematical equations solve
apriori (oine) for the control value.
Optimizations, such as model predictive control
(MPC) or receding horizon control (RHC), are
used to generate path trajectories, which
lower-level controllers subsequently track.
Optimizations rely on numerical methods to
solve/converge in real-time for the control value.
Articial Intelligence (AI) is a broad term for
technology that processes information and
makes decisions to achieve a certain goal.
This may be accomplished via a rule-based
system, such as if a vehicle perceives a stop
sign and follows a programmed command to
stop, or via machine learning, in which a system
might process large volumes of information
Computer Vision is the process of gathering
information from sensors and using it to
perceive the surrounding environment.
This process leverages AI to draw
knowledge from the data, identifying and
dierentiating individual elements, such
as cars, pedestrians, trees and roads.
Predictive Algorithms are used to anticipate
the likely behavior of other objects in the
road environment, such as the expected
future position of another vehicle on
the road based on its current trajectory
and proximity to other vehicles.
Decision Algorithms choose the vehicles
proper path based on the predicted
behavior of others on the road. Importantly,
decision algorithms must operate despite
uncertainty, which varies based on conditions,
including visibility and trac congestion.
Maps are baseline representations of the
core elements of the physical world the
vehicle occupies. These can be generated
ahead of time, such as high-denition maps,
to be used by a vehicle when it enters an
environment, or generated in real time (on-the-
y) using algorithms, such as Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping (SLAM).
Sensors gather data from the driving
environment or from the vehicle itself. These
include systems that gather data about the
world, such as cameras, sonar, LiDAR and
RADAR; those that track location, such as GNSS;
and those that monitor the movement of the
vehicle itself, such as inertial measurement
units or wheel speed and angle monitors.
Actuators are used to control the physical
operation of the vehicle, opening or closing the
throttle, turning the wheels or engaging the
brakes. Importantly, while computers rapidly
perform much of automated driving, actuators
are limited by physical constraints, including
vehicle dynamics and the speed of the
actuator itself. Thus, automated drive systems
must account for the lag between issuing
commands and the vehicles physical response.
Simulation is used to test the performance
of automated driving software in a virtual
environment. Data gathered from real-world
testing is used to recreate a variety of trac
scenarios digitally, which are then used
to test and measure system response and
to promote proper operation. Automated
driving software can be tested in both the
car and simulator at the same time, while
engineers shift back and forth seamlessly
to allow for continuous integration testing.
Driving systems can also be operated in
multiple simulation instances at the same
time, allowing for the relatively-rapid creation
of billions of miles of training and test data.
V2X Communication consists of a direct
information exchange between vehicles with
roadside trac management systems and
with pedestrians via dedicated short-range
communication (DSRC) and/or via cellular
networks. These vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V),
vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-
to-pedestrian (V2P) communications share
information about road signals, signs, road
conditions and other vehicles or pedestrians
that may be dicult to see. They can also alert
drivers of approaching vehicles, pedestrians,
red lights, and slow or stationary vehicles.
Vehicle-to-network (V2N) supports map data
generation and map data updates, as well
as various kinds of information delivery and
remote control. Together, V2X communications
provide an additional means for automation to
gain knowledge about surrounding trac. The
obtained information is combined with data
from on-board sensors to enable the vehicle
to make better decisions for vehicle control,
trac safety, eciency and driver interaction.
The industry faces various challenges
to realize and popularize automated
driving. These include legal/regulatory
developments, social-system reform
and the time needed for societal
acceptance, with the detailed situation
varying between countries and regions.
Automated driving technology also
depends on other industries that provide
key technologies that together make up
the automated driving ecosystem. Key
subjects, listed below, typically reect
geographical or cultural dierences,
globally and regionally. Therefore,
one key and unique success factor
for automated driving is the level of
collaboration and cooperation with
various stakeholders who are not always
actors in the traditional auto industry.
Realizing and popularizing automated
driving will call for appreciating their
expectations. Industry collaboration
in non-competitive areas that act
as a foundation of systems for
automated driving and vehicles, such
as infrastructure or social systems,
is an eective way forward.
For example, in Japan, SIP (Cross
ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion
Program) under the Japan Cabinet Oce,
identies areas of collaborative work and
promotes research and development
among relevant stakeholders. SIP
collaboration scope includes dynamic
mapping and cybersecurity.
For some technologies, regional or
global harmonization and collaboration
across borders would be required
to establish a common shared
foundation. With such a foundation,
we can accelerate our technology
development toward improving our
customers’ safety and toward enhancing
freedom and mobility eciency.
Infrastructure (Trac Design and
Management, Road Construction)
Data Privacy
Safety Assurance (Design, Construction,
Performance, Validation)
Social System (Vehicle Registration,
Licensing, Driving Education and
Training, Trac Rules, Insurance, Law
Enforcement, Crash Investigation, Safety
and Emission Inspections, etc.)
Regional Dierences (Custom & Behavior, Tacit
Driving Manner and Rules, Ethical Perceptions)
Social Acceptance (Safety Concerns)
Sustainable solutions
(Smart Cities, Urban Planning)
Toyota Motor Corporation: TMC’s
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
leads the companys eorts to develop
automated driving technologies at
the global level, pulling together the
resources and work of all the other entities
listed here, in addition to organizing
the research, development and testing
of these technologies by all relevant
functions at Toyota Motor Corporation.
Toyota Research Institute – Advanced
Development (TRI-AD): Launched in
March 2018, TRI-AD is a company Toyota,
Aisin and Denso organized that works
in collaboration with the U.S.-based
Toyota Research Institute (TRI). The
companys mission is to leverage the
cutting-edge research in AI for automated
driving created by TRI into real products
that can have a substantial positive
impact on mobility for the world.
Toyota Central Research & Development
Laboratories: TCRDL contributes to the
present and future businesses of the
Toyota Group by conducting research in a
variety of elds. At the same time, it surveys
global technology trends and explores
new elds of science to propose a vision of
the future that will lead to new businesses
and contribute to the advancement of
science, technology and industry.
Toyota Research Institute (TRI): Toyota Research
Institute is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Toyota
Motor North America under the direction of
Dr. Gill Pratt. The company, established in
2015, aims to strengthen Toyotas research
structure and has four initial mandates:
1) enhance the safety of automobiles, 2)
increase access to cars to those who cannot
otherwise drive, 3) translate Toyotas expertise
in creating products for outdoor mobility
into products for indoor mobility and 4)
accelerate scientic discovery by applying
techniques from AI and machine learning.
Toyota Motor North America Research and
Development (TMNA R&D): Founded in 1977 in
Ann Arbor, Michigan, and formerly a division
of Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing
North America, Inc. (TEMA), TMNA R&D provides
everything from engineering design and
prototype building to testing and evaluation
of vehicles, parts and materials for Toyotas
North American vehicles. It includes research
divisions studying Next Generation Mobility
and Society Research, Cloud Infrastructure
Architecture, Intelligent Computing, Network,
and System & Software. It is also the home of
Toyotas newly established North American
purchasing and supplier center. With facilities
in Michigan, California and Arizona, TMNA
R&D also handles emissions certication,
technical research, regulatory aairs and more.
Toyota Collaborative Safety Research
Center (CSRC): CSRC partners with leading
universities, hospitals, research institutions
and federal agencies, with a focus on safety
research projects aimed at developing and
bringing to market new and advanced safety
technologies. Research areas include active/
passive integration, human experience,
driver state detection and big data/safety
analytics, with results shared publicly
with other companies and academia.
Toyota Connected: TOYOTA Connected leads
Toyotas global development of mobility
services for consumers, businesses and
government, powered by vehicle data science,
machine learning and contextual data services.
It pioneers the development of Toyotas Mobility
Services Platform (MSPF), a global, cloud-
based digital ecosystem that provides the tools
necessary to bring to market mobility services.
Toyota AI Ventures: Toyota AI Ventures
is a Silicon Valley-based venture capital
subsidiary of Toyota Research Institute that
invests in promising startups from around
the world. The fund focuses on companies
developing solutions in AI, robotics,
autonomous mobility, data and cloud
technology that share its mission of improving
the quality of human life through AI.
Toyota Research on Automated Cars in Europe
(TRACE): Toyota Motor Europes Advanced
Research team in Brussels collaborates with
experts across Europe in the eld of computer
vision for automation. It is organized loosely
around a lab structure named TRACE (Toyota
Research on Automated Cars in Europe).
Current partners include KU Leuven, University
of Cambridge, CTU Prague, Max Planck Institute
Saarbrücken and ETH in Zürich. Each partner
contributes with unique research algorithms, and
all elements are integrated into the experimental
vehicles under the responsibility of KU Leuven.
Current activities include state-of-the-art
deep learning algorithms for object detection,
robust and precise tracking, and full scene
segmentation and classication. Monocular
and stereo-camera algorithms provide
long-range depth measurements. The
objective is real time-free space estimation
for path planning and vehicle control.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
The CSAIL-Toyota Joint Research Center
projects range from autonomy to self-awareness.
Research is aimed at furthering the development
of automated driving technologies.
Stanford University: Stanford’s SAIL laboratory
is engaged in research projects that include
human-computer and human-robot interactions.
The focus is on developing innovative and
impactful approaches, algorithms, and data.
The approach includes research in perception,
learning, reasoning and interaction.
University of Michigan: TRI’s Ann Arbor research
facility with University of Michigan focuses on
research into enhanced driving safety, partner
robotics and indoor mobility, automated
driving, and student learning and diversity.
Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, University
of Virginia, Ohio State University: A project
attempting to quantify key occupant responses
(kinematics, kinetics and muscle activity) to
evasive swerving and emergency braking using
both adult and child subjects on a test track.
Virginia Tech: A research study attempting to
estimate the Residual Safety Problem after
Integrated Safety Systems (ISS) is deployed in
2025. ISS consists of all active (auto braking
for vehicle, pedestrian, bicyclist, lane keeping,
etc.) and passive safety systems (advanced
airbag, curtain shield airbag, roof strength,
pedestrian protection active hood, etc.).
University of Michigan Transportation
Research Institute: An investigation into
kinematics of minimally aware adult occupants
exposed to Automatic Emergency Braking
(AEB) and evasive maneuvers on a test track.
University of Iowa: Research attempting
to measure the response characteristics
and estimated benet with respect to
reduction in injury/fatalities of adaptive
headlamp system that highlights detected
pedestrians and bicyclists using both driver
and pedestrian/bicycle simulator study.
TASI – Indiana University, Purdue University
at Indianapolis: A project attempting to
develop test scenarios and methods for the
evaluation of vehicle road departure warning
and assist and control systems on a test track.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Age Lab: A project attempting to develop a
deep-learning-based, full-scene recognition
of vehicle environment from a vision sensor.
Examples are vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists,
trac signs, buildings, curbs, etc.
University of Wisconsin: A project attempting
to provide a theoretical and mathematical
framework of how drivers communicate
with each other in an intersection.
University of California at San Diego: A project
attempting to provide a computational
prediction model for a transfer of control
between the automation and the human
driver. The model has factors originated
from human motor and perceptual
behaviors, scenarios and environments.
University of Iowa – National Advanced
Driving Simulator: A project attempting to
provide a meaningful and useful dataset
of driver behaviors when encountering
situations where transfer of control between
automation and the human is required.
Beyond our research programs, Toyota is also
working to improve the safety of automated
technology testing, development and
deployment industry wide through Automated
Vehicle Safety Consortium (AVSC) and the SAE
standards development process. The AVSC works
to create a principles-based safety framework to
guide the development of common standards
for eet-managed vehicles equipped with SAE
Level 4 and 5 automation and to harmonize the
range of programs underway at organizations
and standards bodies around the world. In
addition, the well-established SAE standards
development process has already resulted
in publication of multiple documents.
The Automated Vehicle Safety Consortium™
(AVSC) is an industry program of SAE Industry
Technologies Consortia (SAE ITC®) building
on principles that will inform and help lead
to industrywide standards for advancing
automated driving systems. The members of
this consortium have long been focused on the
development of safe, reliable and high-quality
vehicles, and they are committed to applying
these same principles to SAE Level 4 and
Level 5 automated vehicles so communities,
government entities and the public can be
condent these vehicles will be deployed safely.
SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (SAE ITC®)
is an aliate of SAE International. The SAE ITC
team specializes in establishing and managing
consortia by providing proven processes, tools
and resources. ITC enables public, private,
academic and government organizations
to connect and collaborate in neutral,
pre-competitive forums thus empowering
the global setting and implementation of
strategic business improvements in highly
engineered industries. (www.sae-itc.com)
Toyota believes in the importance of education
to driving safety. It is a key component of our
Integrated Safety Management Concept, through
which we work to promote safety at dierent
stages of driving, including parking, active safety,
pre-collision safety, passive safety and rescue. The
emergence of automated technology presents
new important consumer education needs,
because these vehicles would fundamentally alter
the vehicles existing relationship with its driver,
its passengers, and other road users, such as
drivers of other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
To support education programs more directly,
Toyota has joined with a coalition of industry,
nonprot and academic institutions to launch
Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE).
It represents the spectrum of stakeholders who
believe in the potential of automated technology
and includes advocates for the blind, seniors
and other groups seeking new mobility options.
Industry members include traditional automakers,
parts makers and technology companies. PAVE
also includes insurers seeking to reduce the
human and nancial costs of road crashes
and an advisory group of leading academic
institutions supporting PAVE’s activities.
The group has one goal – to inform and
educate the public and policymakers on the
facts regarding automated technology. The
organization is purely educational and does
not advocate for a particular technology or for
specic public policies. Its members believe
that to fully realize the benets of automated
technology, policymakers and the public need
factual information about the present and future
state of technology and its potential benets.
Toyota is excited to support the educational
activities that PAVE will launch, including a
website and social media channels providing
facts about the potential and reality of automated
technology; hands-on public demonstration
events, so Americans can see, feel, and experience
automated technologies; policymaker workshops
to help federal, state and local ocials make
informed decisions; and training materials for auto
dealers to help their customers understand and
make use of the technology in vehicles today.
Partnership for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE):
Toyota invests in a broad range of
companies through direct investment,
investment funds established in partnership
with nancial institutions, and Toyota AI
Ventures. Portfolio companies include:
Apex.AI aims to develop reliable, safe, and
certied software for autonomous mobility
systems. Its initial products are Apex.OS, a
robust software framework built on the Robot
Operating System (ROS), and Apex.Autonomy,
a set of software building blocks that enables
developers to create a custom autonomy stack.
Blackmore develops compact, robust
Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave
(FMCW) LiDAR sensors and supporting
analytic tools and software. Blackmores
technology is designed for use in a variety
of intense, mission-critical automotive,
geospatial and industrial environments
where cost and performance specications
limit more traditional sensors.
Boxbot works to address the last-mile problem
in logistics through automation. Through a
combination of proprietary delivery software,
automated local hubs and tech-enabled eets,
Boxbot makes package deliveries much easier
to receive and less expensive to manage.
Connected Signals is a connected vehicle
data analytics company that seeks to provide
predictive, real-time, trac signal information
using existing infrastructure. This data,
derived using sophisticated proprietary
models, supports applications that improve
safety, increase fuel eciency, reduce
carbon emissions and improve trac ow.
Elementary Robotics builds aordable,
intelligent robot assistants designed
to help people at home and work.
Embodied develops companion robots that aim
to revolutionize care and wellness to enhance
quality of life for individuals and families.
Intuition Robotics develops social companion
technologies designed to redene the
experience between humans and machines.
The companys cognitive AI platform and
new interaction modalities enable devices
to learn about users, adapt to them
and proactively engage with them.
Joby Aviation is an electric mobility company
that is building a fully-electric vertical take-
o and landing passenger aircraft optimized
to deliver air-transportation-as-a-service.
The companys 5-seat aircraft is designed
to y at least 150 miles on a charge, to be
faster than existing rotorcraft and to be
signicantly quieter than conventional aircraft.
May Mobility brings communities closer
together with eets of self-driving vehicles
designed to make short-distance travel
safe, personal and eortless. May Mobilitys
fully-managed, right-sized microtransit
service helps people engage more fully
in the places where they live and work.
Metawave seeks to revolutionize the future of
wireless communications and automotive radar
sensing. Leveraging adaptive metamaterials
and AI, Metawave is building high-performance
radars capable of 4D point-cloud imaging,
non-line of sight object detection and
vehicle-to-vehicle communication to make
cars smarter and more connected.
Nauto combines leading-edge vehicle
hardware with an AI platform to make any car
a smart car, helping alert professional drivers
to potential hazards outside the vehicle or
distraction inside and oering eet managers
insight and feedback to help drivers improve.
Parallel Domain provides 3D environment
generation software for automated vehicle
simulation. The automated platform
generates high-delity living worlds
with no manual labor and oers clients
congurable, detailed and scalable simulation
environments designed to accelerate the
time to safety for vehicles with automation.
Perceptive Automata works to solve one of
the hardest problems of automated driving –
enabling vehicles to predict and understand
human behavior. It develops autonomous
systems to anticipate human reactions so
they can navigate safely and smoothly around
pedestrians, cyclists and other drivers.
Realtime Robotics develops a proprietary
special-purpose processor designed to
allow robotic systems to react rapidly to
their environments and compute how and
where to move as their situation changes.
Sea Machines Robotics pioneers autonomous
control and advanced perception systems
for the maritime industry. The company
builds autonomous vessel software and
systems designed to increase the safety,
eciency and performance of ships,
workboats and commercial vessels.
SLAMcore develops visual tracking and
mapping algorithms, more commonly
referred to as Simultaneous Localization
and Mapping (SLAM), for ground-based
and ying robots. SLAMcores Spatial AI
solutions are designed to translate sensor
information into spatial intelligence to
close the loop between perception and
action for autonomous machines.
Third Wave Automation combines the latest
in deep-learning research with modern
robotics and software practices to bring
autonomy to the supply chain and logistics
industries. Its mission is to provide solutions
that deploy safely and immediately improve
warehouse throughput and eciency.
System Safety
Toyota designs its core automated technology
and the protocols used in its testing to
reinforce safety. Collectively, this approach
is built on a strong safety culture that
incorporates best practices for functional
safety into our research activities, which
are in turn overseen by multiple layers of
institutional controls as research is transformed,
rened and prepared for production.
Safety Driver
Currently, Toyota uses a trained Safety
Driver in the U.S. to oversee and control the
operations of the automated technology
during closed course and public road testing.
Though test vehicles operate in tightly controlled
design domains, the trac environment is
complex and unpredictable. As a result, Safety
Drivers are not merely a backstop in case of an
unexpected disengagement or a stopgap on
the road to full automation. Rather, they are a
key component of the development vehicles
overall safety case that can perceive and
prevent unsafe driving behavior in situations
that push the boundaries of the technology.
New Safety Drivers must complete an extensive
training program, which includes multiple levels
of qualication to allow for the various types
of vehicles in the Toyota research eet and
for both manual and automated operation. In
total, trainees spend one month in Toyotas test
facilities in California or Michigan to go through
initial training, including observation time
shadowing instructors, fault injection training
on closed courses, in-class lectures, in-car
training on closed courses and public roads, and
closed-course emergency drills. Trainees also
complete two days of advanced defensive driver
training at Toyotas Arizona Proving Grounds.
TRI follows, as appropriate, the AVSC’s best
practice document entitled: AVSC Best Practice
for in-vehicle fallback test driver (safety operator)
selection, training, and oversight procedures
for vehicles with automation under test.
System Architecture
As part of our functional safety approach,
we designed the software and systems that
control Toyotas automated technology to
reinforce safety. Vehicles are controlled by
the driving system, which makes decisions
about vehicle behavior on the road. In turn,
the driving system is governed by a separate
safety system that is run via a separate code
base on separate hardware. This safety system
imposes limits on the driving system, such as
steering, braking and acceleration boundaries.
This keeps vehicle behavior within safe limits
such that the driving conditions would likely
remain within the Safety Drivers capability of
safely taking control of the vehicle if needed.
Vehicle Cybersecurity
With vehicles becoming more connected, Toyota
strives to address ever-changing cybersecurity
risks. And as a result, we continue our eorts to
strengthen and further improve the security of
our vehicles. This includes collaborating with
other industry members to further strengthen
automotive cybersecurity with respect to vehicle
technologies. Among other steps, Toyota was
a founding member of the Auto-ISAC focused
on sharing cybersecurity threat information
within the auto industry and the development
of automotive cybersecurity best practices.
With respect to the development and testing
of automated technology, Toyota protects
the vehicles, and the servers they talk to,
from general network access via a multilayer
security architecture. Vehicle software and
servers are manually updated on a routine
basis, helping ensure the use of the latest
software releases including functional
improvements, bug-xes and underlying
software security updates. Testing data is
logged locally, then transferred, stored and
protected by a multi-layer security architecture.
In addition, redundancy is built into the
automated technology itself. Test vehicles use
several dierent methods to establish constant,
real-time situational awareness of the driving
environment inside and outside the vehicle. The
control system is designed to evaluate all of the
available data and not rely solely on one input.
Acceleration, braking and steering controls
are segmented from the rest of the automated
system through a separate software compute
box to lower the risk of crucial functions being
compromised. This means errors in the driving
PC are redundantly checked for soundness
by the control unit, so there is less likelihood
of unduly inuencing system performance.
In addition, the systems possess diagnostic
capabilities to assess whether both external
and built-in sensors are operational and detect
failures or other interruptions of service.
Federal, State, and Local Laws
Toyota complies with applicable federal,
state and local laws when testing automated
technology, including test driving in both
manual and automated operation. We are
also actively engaged through industry
organizations and with other stakeholders
to support the development of appropriate
regulatory standards that inspire innovation
and protect everyone who shares the road.
Some of the following features are
available only in specic markets or
may be limited in their capabilities
on a market-by-market basis.
Pre-collision System – Vehicle and
Pedestrian Detection: Available on
Toyota Safety Sense™ and Lexus Safety
System+, Pre-Collision System - Vehicle
and Pedestrian Detection uses an in-
vehicle camera and radar to help detect a
vehicle or a pedestrian in front of you and
can help to mitigate or avoid a potential
collision. If the system determines a frontal
collision is likely, it prompts the driver to
take action using audio and visual alerts.
If the driver notices the potential collision
and applies the brakes, the system may
apply additional force using Brake Assist.
If the driver doesn’t brake in time, the
system may automatically apply the brakes
to reduce speed to help minimize the
likelihood of a frontal collision or reduce
its severity. New vehicles equipped with
TSS 2.0/TSS 2.5/TSS 2.5+/LSS+ 2.0/LSS+ 2.5
also have bicyclist detection and enhanced
low-light pedestrian detection capabilities.
Pre-Collision System with active
steering assist: Available on Lexus Safety
System+ A, Pre-Collision System with
active steering assist has the potential
to help reduce the severity of or prevent
collisions with a preceding pedestrian that
may not be avoided through automatic
emergency braking alone. The system is
designed to detect certain situations where
there is a high probability of a collision
with a pedestrian in the vehicles lane
of travel or with a continuous structure,
such as a guardrail. If the system is able
to recognize the lane markers on both
sides of the vehicle and determines
avoiding or mitigating a collision through
brake control alone may not be likely,
but that it might be avoided or mitigated
with steering assist, the system assists
in collision mitigation or prevention by
providing a limited amount of automatic
steering assist within the lane in addition to
activating an alert and applying the brakes.
Front Lateral Side Pre-Collision System:
Available on Lexus Safety System+ A, Front
Lateral Side Pre-Collision System enhances
the capability of the standard Pre-Collision
system with lateral side radar designed to
detect vehicles approaching diagonally
in front of the Lexus. If the system determines
a collision may occur, it warns the driver to
perform evasive maneuvers. Additionally, if the
system determines there is a high probability
for a collision, Brake Assist is applied, which can
help the driver avoid a collision or mitigate the
impact force to occupants and the vehicle.
Lane Departure Alert: Lane Departure Alert
helps you stay in your lane. Using a forward-
looking camera, the system is designed to
detect visible painted lane markings on the
road and alert you if you are inadvertently
moving out of your lane. The system will alert
you with an audible beeping sound and an
indicator light on the instrument panel will
ash so you can then take corrective action.
Lane Departure Alert with Steering Assist
Function: The Lane Departure Alert helps you
stay in your lane. Using a specialized camera,
the system is designed to detect visible painted
lane markings on the road and alert you if you are
inadvertently moving out of your lane. The system
will alert you with an audible beeping sound and
indicator light on the instrument panel will ash
so you can then take corrective action. The Lane
Departure Alert with Steering Assist system brings
added functionality. Should the system determine
the driver is not taking corrective steering
action, the Steering Assist function will initiate
and provide gentle corrective steering when
necessary to help keep the vehicle in the lane.
LSS+ Lane Keeping Assist (LKA): When the
Radar Cruise Control is activated and the
system senses the vehicle deviating from its
lane, LKA helps the car stay on course near the
center of the lane by continuously applying
a small amount of counter-steering force to
keep the vehicle in the center of the lane.
TSS Lane Tracing Assist: When Full-Speed Range
Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC) is enabled
and lane markers are visible, Lane Tracing Assist
(LTA) uses the lines on the road and preceding
vehicles to help keep the vehicle centered while
also displaying the vehicles position on the
vehicles Multi-Information Display (MID) screen.
The system was designed to reduce driver strain
and increase convenience and benet drivers
most during trac jams—but it can be turned
o using the MID. (TSS 2.0/LSS+ 2.0 only)
Automatic High Beam: Automatic High Beams
is designed to help drivers see more of whats
ahead at nighttime while limiting glare to
other drivers. When enabled, this feature uses
a forward-looking camera to help detect the
headlights of oncoming vehicles and taillights
of vehicles in front of you, then automatically
switches between high and low beams to
enhance forward visibility. By using high
beams more frequently, AHB may help drivers
to detect vehicles and obstacles earlier.
Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC): While
staying within a preset speed range, the
system maintains a pre-set distance between
vehicles to help make long highway drives
less tiring. For vehicles equipped with Full
Speed Range DRCC capability, the system
operates at all speeds. This enables low-speed
following, matching speed and, under certain
circumstances, stopping before colliding
with preceding vehicles on highways.
Front Cross-Trac Alert: Available on Lexus
Safety System+ A, Front Cross-Trac Alert is
designed to warn the driver of the presence
of crossing vehicles at intersections, thereby
potentially reducing the severity of or
preventing some intersection collisions. FCTA
uses the front lateral side radar sensors to
detect and alert the driver of approaching
vehicles that may cross the vehicles path. If
the approaching vehicle or bicycle continues
its trajectory, the system is designed to quickly
alert the driver in two stages via the available
HUD and Panoramic View Monitor before the
vehicle/bicycle enters the path of the Lexus.
Road Sign Assist: Using a forward-facing
intelligent camera, Road Sign Assist (RSA) is
designed to detect speed limit signs, stop
signs, do not enter signs and yield signs
and display them on the vehicles Multi-
Information Display. (TSS 2.0/LSS+ 2.0 only)
Panoramic View Monitor: High-resolution
cameras mounted on the front, sides and rear
of the vehicle are designed to give drivers a
“bird’s-eye view” of the near environment.
Moving View and See-Through View options
create a composite image of the vehicles
surroundings as on-screen guides help assist
with parking and tight maneuvering.
Parking Assist Sonar: Parking Assist Sonar uses
ultrasonic sensors integrated into the bumpers
designed to detect surrounding objects.
Using audible tones and an indicator on the
multimedia display, the system can notify you
of a detected object’s location and proximity to
help with routine tasks, such as parallel parking.
Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS): Intelligent
Clearance Sonar scans for stationary objects,
such as walls or parked cars. Should the
system anticipate a collision, it will emit an
audible alert, reduce engine or motor output,
and may automatically apply the brakes.
Intelligent Parking Assist (IPA): Intelligent
Parking Assist uses ultrasonic sensors to
detect surrounding objects and identify
parking spaces. The driver stops the car before
the open parking space and by pushing a
single button, the system guides drivers to
the right position for reverse parking and
assists drivers in backing into the space.
Blind Spot Monitor (BSM): BSM is a system
that aims to reduce accidents by alerting the
driver to other vehicles in the vehicles blind
spot diagonally behind the drivers seat and
visual display in the side mirrors and while
changing lanes by using rear side radars.
Rear Cross Trac Alert (RCTA): RCTA is designed
to provide audible and visual indicators, alerting
the driver when a vehicle approaches while
backing out of a driveway or parking space.
Rear Cross Trac Auto Brake (RCTAB):
RCTAB is designed to detect a vehicle using
a rear camera. And in the case of a possible
collision, it helps to minimize damages
by using alerts and brake control.
Intelligent Adaptive Front-Lighting
System (AFS): Intelligent AFS is designed to
redirect low-beam headlamp units in accordance
with the steering angle and vehicle speed at
night to improve visibility during cornering.
Approaching Vehicle Audible System (AVAS):
EV-operated (Electric Vehicle) hybrid cars
run quietly. When the vehicle is driven at up
to 25km/h or reversing, the system emits an
alert sound to help notify pedestrians
Safety Connect: Safety Connect consists
of the following four features:
Automatic Collision Notication – Toyotas
24/7 response center is automatically notied
in the event of an airbag deployment or
severe rear-end collision. The 24/7 response
center agent will attempt to speak with the
vehicles occupants and then notify local
emergency services to request dispatch of
emergency services to the vehicles location.
Emergency Assistance Button – Engaging
the Emergency Assistance button in
your vehicle can connect you with a 24/7
response center agent who can request
dispatch of necessary emergency services
to your vehicles location in case of a
medical or other emergency on the road.
Enhanced Roadside Assistance – pressing
the Emergency Assistance Button
connects to 24/7 Roadside Assistance.
Stolen Vehicle Locator – in a vehicle-theft
situation, it noties our response center
so agents can assist authorities in locating
your vehicle using GPS technology.