Making Your Mark at Business Dining Experiences
etiquette noun
et· quette
Definition of etiquette
The set of rules or customs that control accepted behavior
in particular social groups or social situations.
What is Dining Etiquette?
In the realm of dining, etiquette refers to proper manners and
behavior in a formal dining situation.
Table manners play an important part in making a favorable
impression. They are visible signals of your manners, and therefore,
are essential to professional success.
Whether having lunch with a prospective employer or dinner with a
business associate, your manners speak volumes about you and will
leave a lasting impression.
Making Proper Introductions
Introduce individuals to each other using both first and last names.
If an individual has a title, such as “doctor,” include the title as well
as the first and last name.
Introduce the younger or less prominent individuals to the older or
more prominent person first.
Make specific relationships clear.
For example: “Dr. Walters, I would like you to meet James Smith, the chair of
our department.”
Name Tag Placement
Name tags should be placed on the right hand side of your front
shoulder area.
Why? When shaking hands it allows for a natural progression for the
eyes to the name tag.
Arrival and Greetings
When Meeting Someone
Rise if seated
Smile and extend your hand
Repeat the other person’s name in your greeting
A firm handshake should last three to four seconds.
Both men and women should be ready to initiate the handshake.
Do not remove your jacket unless the host does
If you are uncomfortable, you may ask the host(s) permission to remove your
Arrival and Greetings (Cont.)
Getting Started
It is considered acceptable for men
to assist women with their chair but it
does not always happen; in upscale
restaurants, wait staff may assist.
Once seated, take your napkin, fold
it in half and place it on your lap
(again, wait staff may assist but it is
appropriate to do this yourself).
Your cell phone or other personal
electronics should not be part of the
dining experience.
Either silent your personal devises or power
them off for the duration of the event and
keep them put away.
Checking your phone at the table implies
that you have something more important
going on than conversing with or listening
to your hosts and is considered rude.
The Formal Place Setting
Most formal dinners will have
multiple courses.
As a general rule of thumb,
always begin eating with the
flatware farthest from your
plate and work your way in.
Sometimes, a utensil will be
provided at the time of the
specific course.
Sit up straight with your
feet on the floor.
You may cross your
ankles, but crossing legs
causes slouching and
makes you look too
Keep your elbows off
the table and left or
right hand in your lap.
You are responsible for
conversing with your
Keep conversations polite
and professional. Avoid
controversial subjects
such as politics, religion
and sports in some cases.
It is okay to ask about
family, job, etc.
Try not to dominate the
Immediate Left
Immediate Right
Across from You
As soon as you are seated, place the
napkin on your lap.
Let the napkin fall open naturally
End of napkin on your legs should be
folded over towards you.
If you need to leave the table, place the
napkin on your chair, loosely folded.
After the meal, place your napkin to the
left of your plate.
Water, juice, or iced tea.
One glass of wine may be acceptable.
Never turn your wine glass over to
indicate you do not want to drink. Simply
use your hand on the glass to show that
you are not interested.
Coffee or tea after the meal is
appropriate but limit yourself to one or
two packets of sugar.
Ordering (Cont.)
Go for simple foods, such as
meat, simple salad, and soup.
Avoid spaghetti, pizza, and
hand-held items.
If it is a fixed menu, and you do
not like what you are being
served, remain gracious and do
not refuse the food.
If the host and/or others at the
table order a glass of wine, you
may do so if you wish.
If you are unsure what to order,
look at the menu and ask the
waiter for a recommendation.
Formal dinners can serve a
different wine with each course.
You do not have to finish each
Serving Food and Passing Items
Plates are served on the left and removed from your right.
The person closest to the plate should offer to the person on the left,
serve themselves, and then pass the food to the right.
Always pass to the right, and always include the service plate.
Never use your own utensils to serve food out of a communal dish.
Pass the salt and pepper together.
Do not serve yourself first when asked to pass something.
Transfer butter or dips to your own
plate instead of directly to the
Do not take bites directly from the
Tear off bite size pieces, butter them,
and then eat them.
Do not cut rolls or bread with a knife.
Break the bread.
Never completely cover it in butter,
and do not stuff it all in your mouth at
once – take small bites.
Wait for everyone to be served, then
follow the host’s lead to start.
Dip soup spoon into soup moving
away from yourself. Do not fill the
entire spoon.
Sip from the edge of the spoon, do
not place the whole spoon in your
mouth. Do not slurp or gulp.
To finish the soup, tilt the bowl away
from you and use the spoon. When
finished, put the spoon on the plate
under the bowl.
Ideally, the salad will be prepared so
that it consists of bite-size pieces.
If not, use your salad fork to cut them
into smaller pieces. And if that does
not work, you may use your dinner
knife. Make sure to keep your dinner
knife for the main course.
If an item falls of the plate, pick it up
with a utensil and place it on the
edge of the plate – do not eat it.
Main Course
Two styles of using utensils
Zig Zag Method
The most common method used in America, you will hold your fork in your left hand, cut
bite size piece with your knife in your right hand, set the knife down on your plate, and
transfer the fork to your right hand and eat.
European Method
Use the utensils in the same hands as explained in the Zig Zag Method, but use your left
hand to put food into your mouth.
Either way, never cut more than 1-2 bites at a time.
Main Course (Cont.)
Do not blow on hot food.
Never season your food before trying it.
Do not complain about the quality of your food or small errors.
Take very small bites and always finish chewing before speaking.
Main Course (Cont.)
If you dislike an item in the meal, move food around on the plate
a little to appear as though you at least tried it.
If you have a food allergy, it is your (the guest’s) responsibility to
notify the host ahead of time.
If you get a piece of an inedible item, such as a stem or bone,
politely remove it from your mouth with a utensil and place it on
the edge of your plate trying to cover with another piece of food.
Do not spit into your napkin.
Main Course (Cont.)
When finished with the main
course, place utensils
parallel, with cutting edge of
your knife facing you and
fork to the left of the knife on
the plate at a 4 o’clock
position. This signals to the
wait staff that you are
Always leave your dishes in
place and let the wait staff
remove them. Do not push
plates away from you.
Sorbet may be served immediately
before the main course.
This serves as a palate cleanser, so
that you can appreciate the
flavors of the main entrée.
Be prepared, keep it brief and simple.
Always stand when offering a toast and do not
bang your glass to get attention.
If you are on the receiving end of a toast,
never stand or drink and always say thank you.
Allow the host to toast the guest of honor first,
and if they do not, you may ask his or her
permission to offer the toast.
Never refuse to participate, you can always
use an empty glass or non-alcoholic beverage.
Other Reminders
Some invitations state “acceptance or regrets,while others say
RSVP or possibly nothing at all – it is polite to notify the host of your
intent to attend either way.
Always be on time.
If proper attire is not stated, it is okay to call and ask the host.
Always err on the side of over-dressing (dressing up) and being neat (no
wrinkled clothes, etc.)
Rule of 9 – never wear more than 9 accessories (including all
jewelry, glasses, and decorative buttons or pins).
Do not forget to say thank you and then send a note of
gratitude to your host following the dinner.