24 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
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Spreadsheets are used in almost all businesses, for applications ranging from the mundane to the mission-
critical. Errors in the data, formulas, or manipulation of spreadsheets could be costly, even devastating. The
received wisdom is that about 5% of all formulas in spreadsheets contain errors, and this rate is consistent
across spreadsheets. However, this estimate is based on ve studies, some of which are quite informal, and
a total of only 43 spreadsheets. Our research was designed to deepen our understanding of spreadsheet
errors. Specically, we address three questions about errors in operational spreadsheets: what is the aver-
age cell error rate, how does it differ among spreadsheets, and what types of errors are most prevalent? We
created a spreadsheet auditing protocol and applied it to 50 diverse operational spreadsheets. We found
errors in 0.9% to 1.8% of all formula cells, depending on how errors are dened. We also found that the
error rate differed widely from spreadsheet to spreadsheet. [Article copies are available for purchase from
Keywords: please provide
Errors in software have been a problem since the
beginning of the computer era. The discipline of
software engineering (Sommerville, 2004) was
created in part to develop methods to minimize
errors in software code. Professionally devel-
oped software is now generally created and
debugged using disciplined approaches from
software engineering.
The advent of the personal computer in
the 1980s increased by orders of magnitude
the number of people who worked closely with
computers. Just as professional programmers
were learning to use disciplined approaches to
programming, millions of so-called end-user
programmers began to create their own pro-
grams in the form of spreadsheets. One of the
appealing features of spreadsheet programming
on a personal computer is that the end user
can work independently of the constraints of a
professional programmer or an MIS group. This
allows the end user much more freedom and
speed in completing the business task at hand.
Errors in Operational
Stephen G. Powell, Dartmouth College, USA
Kenneth R. Baker, Dartmouth College, USA
Barry Lawson, Dartmouth College, USA
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009 25
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
But very few end users have any training for
the programming tasks they attempt, and many
have little appreciation for the risks inherent in
a casual approach to programming.
As spreadsheets have spread throughout
business, they have increasingly been used
for mission-critical applications (Croll, 2005;
Grossman, Mehrotra, & Özluk, 2005). At the
same time, evidence has accumulated that many
spreadsheets have errors (Panko, 2005) and that
sometimes these errors cost the organizations
that use them millions of dollars (EUSPRIG,
n.d.). End users and organizations that rely on
spreadsheets generally do not fully recognize
the risks of spreadsheet errors. In fact, spread-
sheets tend to be somewhat invisible, both as
corporate assets and as sources of risk.
Although the received wisdom holds that
errors are prevalent in spreadsheets, our review
of the literature suggests that this conclusion
is based more on casual empiricism than solid
research. In fact, researchers have produced
only limited information on the types of er-
rors that occur, how frequently they occur on
average, and how the error rate varies from one
spreadsheet to another.
The current study was designed to im-
prove our understanding of spreadsheet errors
by testing a large sample of spreadsheets in
actual use by organizations. We developed a
detailed auditing protocol and trained a group
of researchers to apply it consistently. Using an
explicit protocol is important for two reasons:
(1) it allows other researchers to replicate and
improve on our work; and (2) it contributes to the
development of improved auditing procedures,
which is important in its own right. The audit-
ing procedure is described in detail in Powell,
Baker, and Lawson (2006b).
We begin this article with a summary of pre-
vious work on spreadsheet errors which comes
from eld audits and laboratory experiments.
Then we describe the design of our study and the
sample of spreadsheets we audited. Our results
are summarized in terms of error instances (the
occurrence of a single type of error) and error
cells (the number of cells affected by a single
error instance). We also categorize the errors
as to whether they generate wrong numerical
results. We report the total number of errors we
identied, as well as how they were distributed
across error types and across spreadsheets. This
is the rst data on errors and their distribution
to appear in the research literature that can be
replicated with parallel studies using similar
Since our interest in this article is primarily
with the classication and frequency of errors,
we will discuss only those questions here. In a
related article (Powell, et al., 2006a), we pro-
vide a review of the literature on all aspects of
spreadsheet errors.
Types of Errors
Before we can productively study spreadsheet
errors, we need to dene and classify the types of
errors we seek. Classication is useful because it
helps us to understand what is common among
errors. It also allows us to compare different
studies of errors, and eventually to understand
the causes of errors and to develop cures.
At the outset, we make a distinction be-
tween errors in the use of a spreadsheet and
errors in the cells of the spreadsheet itself. A
spreadsheet can be perfectly correct but used
to solve the wrong problem, or its results could
be misinterpreted. More concretely, a correct
spreadsheet can lead to an error if sorting is
done improperly, or if formulas are overwritten,
or if incorrect data were entered temporarily.
All of these errors would be difcult or impos-
sible to detect purely from examination of the
spreadsheet itself.
Most classications of spreadsheet errors
have focused primarily on the spreadsheet itself,
not on errors in use. Because spreadsheets es-
sentially consist of data and formulas, an error
in the spreadsheet must arise from erroneous
data or erroneous formulas.
26 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
There is no generally accepted taxonomy
of spreadsheet errors, possibly because differ-
ent classications are appropriate for different
purposes. The rst researchers who studied
spreadsheet use simply listed examples of
errors without attempting to classify them.
Subsequent authors offered distinctions (but
not complete taxonomies), such as that between
domain errors (lack of knowledge of the ap-
plication area) and device errors (misuse of the
spreadsheet itself).
Panko and Halverson (1996) were the rst
to offer a real taxonomy of errors. They dis-
tinguished qualitative and quantitative errors,
and further decomposed quantitative errors
into mechanical, logic, and omission errors.
Quantitative errors lead to wrong numbers in
the current version of the spreadsheet. The three
types were dened as follows:
Mechanical errors arise from typing or
pointing errors.
Logic errors arise from choosing the wrong
function or creating the wrong formula.
Omission errors arise from misinterpreta-
tion of the situation to be modeled.
Qualitative errors do not lead to wrong
numbers in the current version of the spread-
sheet, but are risky practices that could lead to
errors in subsequent use. This category includes
practices such as hard-coding numbers into
formulas. It can also include long formulas,
poor physical layout, or lack of sufcient
Rajalingham, Chadwick, and Knight
(2000) and Purser and Chadwick (2006) have
developed the most elaborate taxonomy of errors
available to date (see Table 1). The rst distinc-
tion in this hierarchy is between application-
identied errors and developer/user-identied
errors. Excel has eight categories of errors
that it displays in a cell when it cannot resolve
a formula; these are application-identied
errors. The remaining errors are developer/
user-identied errors.
Although this taxonomy may be interesting
from a theoretical perspective, it has limitations
as a practical tool for auditing. First, its catego-
ries overlap. For example, an error caused by
lack of domain knowledge could occur during
insertion. Second, it may not be possible in
practice to determine the cause of an error and
A. Application-Identied Errors
B. Developer/User-Identied Errors
1. Qualitative Errors
A. Structural
a. Visible
b. Hidden
B. Temporal
2. Quantitative Errors
A. Reasoning
a. Domain Knowledge
1. Real-World Knowledge
2. Mathematical Representation
b. Implementation
1. Syntax
2. Logic
B. Accidental
a. Insertion
b. Update
1. Modication
2. Deletion
Table 1. Error taxonomy (Rajalingham et al., 2000; Purser & Chadwick, 2006)
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009 27
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
therefore to properly categorize it. For example,
a complex formula giving wrong results could
be due to lack of domain knowledge, incorrect
syntax, or an accidental typing mistake.
Powell et al. (2006a) summarized the litera-
ture on classication of errors as follows:
Classications are offered without specify-
ing the contexts or purposes for which the
classication is intended.
The existing classications do not include
sufcient examples of specic errors that
satisfy each category.
Classications are not rigorously tested
to demonstrate that multiple users can
consistently classify actual errors into the
proper categories.
The boundary between quantitative errors
and qualitative errors remains vague.
No studies compare the types of errors by
development stage.
Frequency of Errors
Research on the frequency of errors in spread-
sheets comes from a variety of sources, mostly
experiments in the laboratory. One approach is to
observe subjects as they build spreadsheets and
record the number of errors they make. Another
approach is to ask subjects to build a spread-
sheet from a written description and determine
the frequency of errors in the nished product.
However, the approach of most relevance to our
research is the eld audit, in which operational
spreadsheets are examined for errors.
Panko (2005) summarized the results of
seven eld audits in which operational spread-
sheets were examined, typically by an outsider
to the organization. His results show that 94%
of spreadsheets have errors and that the average
cell error rate (the ratio of cells with errors to
all cells with formulas) is 5.2%.
Table 2 summarizes the data behind these
estimates. In total, 88 spreadsheets are repre-
sented in the table. For all 88, the weighted
average percentage of spreadsheets with errors
is 94%. Data on cell error rates were available
on 43 of these spreadsheets, and the weighted
average for this sample is 5.2%.
There are several reasons to question the
reliability of these estimates. First, three of the
seven sources are unpublished (Hicks, 1995;
Lukasic, 1998; Butler, 1992). Second, the major-
ity of the sources gave little or no information
on their denition of errors or on the methods
used to nd errors. Third, Lawrence and Lee
(2004), whose observations account for 70%
of the sample used to estimate the cell error
*Weighted average of 88 spreadsheets in sources 1-7.
**Weighted average of 43 spreadsheets in sources 3-7.
Percent with
Cell Error Rate
(% of cells)
1. Coopers and Lybrand (1997) 23 91 N/A
2. KPMG (1998) 22 91 N/A
3. Hicks (1995) 1 100 1.2
4. Lukasic (1998) 2 100 2.2
5. Butler (2000) 7 86 0.4
6. Clermont (2002) 3 100 3.0
7. Lawrence and Lee (2004) 30 100 6.9
Average 94* 5.2**
Table 2. Spreadsheet error rates (Panko, 2005)
28 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
rate, did not actually report a cell error rate of
6.9% on completed spreadsheets. Rather, they
reported that auditors had “issues” concerning
6.9% of the cells on the initial review of mod-
els that they subsequently discussed with the
developers. The authors provided no details on
the denition of an “issue” or its relation to an
actual error. Moreover, the initial model version
that was reviewed was revised an average of six
times before the model was complete. Thus the
estimate of a 6.9% error rate applies only to is-
sues raised by auditors on initial model versions,
not to errors in completed spreadsheets. If, as
seems warranted, we exclude this study from
the calculation of the cell error rate, the average
cell error rate decreases from 5.2% to 1.3% on
a base of only 13 audited spreadsheets.
Our review of the literature on spreadsheet
errors draws attention to several shortcomings.
First, no generally accepted classication of
errors exists. Second, the classications that
do exist are of more theoretical than practical
value. Third, existing estimates of error rates
are based on extremely limited data. Fourth, no
studies of errors have fully revealed the sources
of spreadsheets tested, how errors were dened,
and the auditing methods that were used.
Our research into spreadsheet errors is predicat-
ed on several guiding principles or constraints.
First, our interest is in errors in completed,
operational spreadsheets, not errors made in
a laboratory setting or errors made during the
development of a spreadsheet. A second prin-
ciple is that we conduct the audit using only the
information in the spreadsheet itself, without
relying on the developer. A third principle is
that we use an explicit auditing protocol that
any moderately experienced user of Excel can
These principles limit our study in certain
ways. When we work without access to the
spreadsheet developers, we are not able to check
our understanding of a model with an expert. In
practice, this means that at times we will accept a
suspicious formula as correct because we cannot
be sure that it is incorrect. It also means that we
cannot hope to uncover errors in formulating
the underlying problem or errors in interpret-
ing spreadsheet results. Detecting these types
of errors requires a much more time-intensive
longitudinal study of how spreadsheets are
used in the broader context of problem solving.
Offsetting these limitations is the fact that we
can audit a much larger volume of spreadsheets
using our protocol than otherwise.
Our procedures almost certainly lead to an
underestimate of the actual error rates in the
spreadsheets we audit. We may occasionally
classify a cell incorrectly as an error, but we
have been conservative in limiting our deni-
tion of errors to cells for which we can have
a high degree of condence that our judgment
is correct. On the other hand, there are entire
classes of errors that we cannot hope to iden-
tify with the procedures used in this study. For
example, most (but not all) errors in input data
are beyond our scope.
Sample Spreadsheets
Our sample of 50 spreadsheets came from a
wide variety of sources. Some were obtained
during site visits to companies. We carried
out site visits at two consulting companies, a
bank, a college, a large energy company, and
a state government agency. We also obtained
spreadsheets from a variety of organizations
through the alumni and faculty networks at
the Tuck School of Business. No single source
contributed more than ve spreadsheets to the
sample of 50 analyzed here.
We also obtained spreadsheets from vari-
ous Web sites. Several software companies post
spreadsheets on their Web site, either to illustrate
how to use their software or to showcase the
results that practitioners have had with their
software. The Web site of Decisioneering Inc.
(http://www.decisioneering.com), makers of the
Crystal Ball add-in for Excel, is typical. This
site lists hundreds of sample models used in
industries ranging from aerospace to utilities.
Each of these spreadsheets has been contributed
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009 29
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
by a practitioner, and it can be assumed that these
spreadsheets are carefully engineered and tested
by the time they appear on the Web site.
Our search for sample spreadsheets was not
strictly random. We asked potential contribu-
tors to give us important spreadsheets that were
completed and had been in use for some time.
We eliminated any spreadsheet that contained
only data and no formulas. We also eliminated
spreadsheets that contained a very small number
of cells or that were too simple to warrant audit-
ing (using only a couple of SUM functions, for
example). We eliminated some spreadsheets that
involved broken links to other spreadsheets. We
also eliminated some that used complex macros.
Thus our sample is by design not representative
of the class of very small spreadsheets, which
we believe are very common in practice. It is
also not representative of the most elaborate
spreadsheets in use. (Grossman et al. [2005]
reported on some very large Excel models used
in critical applications.)
While our sample is not strictly random,
it is certainly representative of the general
population of spreadsheets (with the caveats
cited above). The sample includes spreadsheets
from many different types of organizations,
spreadsheets created by both novice and ex-
pert developers, and spreadsheets that span
a broad range from small and simple to large
and complex.
Auditing Software
When we began this research, we were aware of
the auditing and error checking tools available
in Excel, but we knew little about third-party
auditing software. As we learned more, we
realized that many auditing tools are available,
and some research suggests that appropriate
software can make auditing easier. Accordingly,
we decided to include a small number of audit-
ing tools in our protocol. From a list of roughly
50 such tools supplied by Roger Grinde of the
University of New Hampshire, we selected
10 to review in some detail. Eventually we
settled on two to use in our auditing protocol:
XL Analyst (http://www.codematic.net/default.
htm) and Spreadsheet Professional (http://www.
XL Analyst is an Excel add-in that evaluates
28 aspects of a spreadsheet, from “Formulas
evaluating to an error” to “Use of SUMIF.”
Spreadsheet Professional is a collection of
tools for building, testing, analyzing, and using
spreadsheets. In our auditing protocol we made
use of two features of this tool: maps and calcu-
lation tests. The mapping tool creates a coded
version of each worksheet in a workbook. Each
non-blank cell is coded as a label, a number, or
a formula. It also shows which formulas have
been copied from an original formula. The
calculation test tool checks a workbook for 25
conditions such as “Blank cell referenced.” For
each of these categories it gives the number of
cells involved and their cell addresses.
Selection and Training of Auditors
Our spreadsheet auditors were undergradu-
ates, graduate students, or recent alumni from
business or engineering schools. All had sev-
eral years of experience with Excel, usually
in a business setting. None were professional
programmers or professional spreadsheet de-
For an auditor, the rst step in training was
to study the auditing protocol, which describes
in detail the stages an audit goes through and
the data to be gathered at each stage. Then an
auditor was given two or three spreadsheets to
audit. The nished audited workbooks were then
reviewed by the researchers for adherence to
the auditing protocol and for the quality of the
audit. In total, auditor training took an average
of 10 hours.
Auditing Protocol
The auditing protocol we used in this research
is a highly detailed document that species
the steps to take in auditing a spreadsheet for
size, complexity, several types of qualitative
features, and errors. (A complete description
of the protocol is available at http://mba.tuck.
30 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
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The auditing protocol involves the follow-
ing 11 steps:
1. Run the two software tools XLAnalyst and
Spreadsheet Professional.
2. Transfer selected results from the software
tools to a data record sheet.
3. Record the purpose of the workbook and
each worksheet.
4. Examine workbook for use of Excel func-
5. Review the results of XL Analyst and use
them to locate errors.
6. Review the Spreadsheet Professional maps
and use them to locate errors.
7. Review the Spreadsheet Professional
calculation tests and use them to locate
8. Review all formulas not already reviewed
for errors.
9. Conduct sensitivity analyses to uncover
10. Rate the workbook on various aspects
of spreadsheet design (e.g., use of mod-
11. Record the total time taken by the audit and
record comments on any special situations
This particular sequence of steps evolved
over several months of testing. During this
time we trained auditors and tested the protocol
ourselves and through our assistants on dozens
of operational spreadsheets. More details on
the auditing protocol are available in Powell
et al. (2006b).
Error Taxonomy
One of the challenges of spreadsheet error re-
search is how to categorize errors. As we pointed
out earlier, many different error classications
have been offered. Most of these suffer from
the same aw: errors that arise from different
causes cannot be distinguished by an auditor.
For example, when we encounter an error in
a formula, we rarely can determine whether
the error was due to sloppy typing, lack of
domain knowledge, lack of Excel knowledge,
a subsequent user changing the formula, or
some other cause. We can, however, easily
detect some formulas that give the wrong result.
With somewhat more effort we can sometimes
identify formulas that would give a wrong
result with a different set of numerical inputs.
An example of the latter error is an IF formula
whose True condition is active in the current
version and is correct, but whose False condition
can be activated with a different set of inputs
and is incorrect. We can also identify many
practices that are likely to cause errors as the
spreadsheet is used or that simply will make it
harder than necessary to use the spreadsheet
productively. The most common of these poor
practices is placing numerical inputs directly
into formulas. Other poor practices include
limited or nonexistent documentation, dupli-
cation of inputs, illogical physical layout, and
so on. A fundamental question in spreadsheet
error research is where to draw the line between
errors and poor practices.
Initial Error Taxonomy
Recall that our study required our auditors to
detect errors in the spreadsheets themselves,
without access to external information or to the
spreadsheet developer. Thus the types of errors
we sought had to be observable by our audi-
tors. A second requirement for our taxonomy
was consistency: a single error must with high
probability be placed in the same category by
different auditors.
Our rst attempt to dene an operational
taxonomy used three categories:
1. wrong result with current inputs,
2. wrong result with different but allowable
inputs, and
3. poor practice.
After some experience with this clas-
sication, we discovered that the category of
poor practices was so ill-dened that no two
auditors could agree in specic instances. As
a result we eliminated this category from our
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009 31
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is prohibited.
protocol. We also discovered that the second
category, wrong result with different inputs, was
ambiguous because it forced us to decide which
numerical inputs were allowable or plausible.
For example, most spreadsheets can be made
to generate errors with unlikely inputs, such as
text instead of numbers.
Interim Error Taxonomy
Eventually we settled on the following six error
types that our experience with auditing sug-
gested were well dened in theory and could be
identied with high reliability in practice:
1. Logic Errora formula is used incorrectly,
leading to an incorrect result.
2. Reference Errora formula contains one or
more incorrect references to other cells.
3. Placing Numbers in a Formulaone or
more numbers appear in formulas.
4. Copy/Paste Errora formula is wrong
due to inaccurate use of copy/paste.
5. Data Input Erroran incorrect data input
is used.
6. Omission Errora formula is wrong
because one or more of its input cells is
More details on this taxonomy, including
examples of situations in which a cell would or
would not be classied as an error, are available
in Powell et al. (2006b). Not surprisingly, we
found that we had to test our categorization
extensively before we could be condent that
our auditors could implement it effectively.
Even after auditing dozens of spreadsheets, we
found it necessary for the senior researchers
to review each audited workbook and to make
judgments as to which of the errors cited would
be included. (In the end, our overall inter-rater
reliability was on the order of 90%).
Our experience has been that errors come
in hundreds of subtle variations, many of which
do not t neatly into any classication scheme.
If nothing else, this suggests that we should
be skeptical of drawing rm conclusions from
previous studies of errors in which both the
errors themselves and the procedures used to
nd errors are not clearly spelled out.
Final Error Taxonomy
After completing our audits of 50 spread-
sheets using the taxonomy described above,
we returned to the question that motivated our
initial taxonomy: which of these errors actu-
ally give wrong results and which are merely
poor practices?
In order to investigate this distinction, we
reviewed all the instances of errors we found and
categorized each one as either a wrong result or
a poor practice. While this distinction may ap-
pear to be objective, there are many subtle cases
that require interpretation. For example, simply
embedding a number in a formula is usually a
poor practice, not a wrong result. However, we
encountered situations in which one number was
embedded in a formula and a related but different
number was included elsewhere among inputs.
For example, an input module might contain
the number 4% next to the heading “Ination,”
but the actual ination rate used in a formula
was 3.5%. We categorized this case as a wrong
result, even though the actual spreadsheet may
have been numerically correct. Again we stress
that determining whether a particular cell is an
error (or gives a wrong result) is not a purely
objective task.
We audited 50 spreadsheet workbooks and in
three of them were unable to nd any errors
of the types included in our auditing protocol.
This implies a spreadsheet error rate of 94%,
which is identical to the spreadsheet error rate
estimated by Panko (2005).
In the remaining 47 spreadsheets, we found
a total of 483 instances of errors involving a
total of 4,855 error cells. (An error instance is a
single occurrence of one of the six errors in our
taxonomy. Typically a single instance involves
32 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
more than one cell.) Thus, on average each
error instance involved 10.05 error cells. The
average cell error rate over all 270,722 formulas
audited was 1.79%. This is considerably lower
than the 5.2% cell error rate cited by Panko
(2005), although somewhat higher than the
corrected estimate of 1.3% we derived earlier
from Panko’s data.
Table 3 shows how the error instances and
error cells were distributed by error type.
Hard-coding errors were the most common
(37.7% of instances and 43.5% of cells), fol-
lowed by reference errors (32.9% of instances
and 22.1% of cells) and logic errors (21.9% of
instances and 28.6% of cells). The remaining
three categoriescopy/paste, omission, and
data input errorstogether accounted for less
than 5% of instances and cells.
As explained earlier, not all of the 483 error
instances we identied involved wrong results.
In fact, roughly 40% of these were hard-coding
errors, in which a number was included in a
formula rather than a cell reference; most of
these did not produce wrong results. In order to
determine how many errors actually gave rise to
wrong results, we categorized each instance as a
wrong result or a poor practice. With this more
restrictive denition, we found that 7 of the 50
spreadsheet workbooks we audited were error-
free, for a spreadsheet error rate of 86%.
In the remaining 43 spreadsheets, we
found a total of 281 instances of wrong results
involving a total of 2,353 cells. Using this
denition, the average cell error rate over all
270,722 formulas audited was 0.87%. This is,
of course, substantially lower than the 1.79%
cell error rate we estimated using our more
inclusive denition of error, and much less than
Panko’s estimate of 5.2%.
Table 4 shows how wrong results break
down by type of error. Most, but not all, hard-
coding errors were categorized as poor practice.
Most, but not all, of the other error categories
were labeled wrong result. In total, 58% of
error instances and 48% of error cells were
categorized as wrong result.
Our results suggest that the average cell
error rate across all spreadsheets is in the range
of 1% when we use a restrictive denition and
2% when we use an inclusive denition. But
the average error rate does not tell us how
the error rate varies across spreadsheets. The
received wisdom is that errors are unavoidable
in spreadsheets, as they are in most facets of
life. In fact, Panko (2005) cites an error rate
of 5% as the norm for many different activi-
ties. This suggests that we should expect most
spreadsheets to have a cell error rate close to
the average.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of cell error
rates using our original, inclusive denition.
Using that denition, 46% of our sample
spreadsheets had error rates below 2%; 70%
had error rates below 5%. However, several
spreadsheets had error rates above 10%; in fact
one had a cell error rate of 28%. Figure 2 shows
Error Type Instances Cells
Hard-Coding 182 (37.7% of total) 2,111 (43.5% of total)
Reference 159 (32.9%) 1,074 (22.1%)
Logic 106 (21.9%) 1,389 (28.6%)
Copy/Paste 17 (3.4%) 206 (4.2%)
Omission 13 (2.7%) 65 (1.3%)
Data Input 6 (1.2%) 10 (0.2%)
Total 483 4,855
Table 3. Errors categorized by type
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009 33
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
the distribution of cell error rates using the more
restrictive denition. In this case 68% had cell
error rates below 2% and 90% were below 5%.
The highest single error rate was 17%.
We began this article by noting that the
received wisdom on spreadsheet errors main-
tains that errors average 5% of cells and this
rate is consistent across spreadsheets. Our
results give a very different impression. The
average cell error rate appears to be closer to
1% or 2%, depending on how errors are dened.
Perhaps even more important, roughly half of
the spreadsheets we tested had rates below
these levels, although a few had astonishingly
high rates. These results suggest that errors are
not a constant factor, but presumably depend
on the situation being modeled and the devel-
opers skills. Finally, we document for the rst
time in the published literature the sources of
errors. Thirty to forty percent of errors are due
to embedding numbers in formulas. The next
most common error type is reference errors,
followed by logic errors. The remaining error
types are far less common.
We have audited 50 operational spreadsheet
workbooks and discovered 483 error instances
involving 1.79% of all formulas. This study is
unique in several ways. First, this is the larg-
est published sample of spreadsheets that has
been audited for errors. In fact, our sample of
50 operational spreadsheets exceeds the total
number of spreadsheets (43) cited in Panko’s
(2005) meta-study to estimate cell error rates.
Second, we have been explicit about our deni-
tion of errors. Our work in this area has shown
that errors manifest themselves in a wide variety
of guises, so estimated cell error rates may be
highly sensitive to how one denes errors. In
Error Type Wrong Results Poor Practices
Hard-Coding 31 (11.0% of total) 151 (74.8% of total)
Reference 137 (48.8%) 22 (10.9%)
Logic 89 (31.7%) 17 (8.4%)
Copy/Paste 14 (5.0%) 3 (1.5%)
Omission 7 (2.5%) 6 (3.0%)
Data Input 3 (1.1%) 3 (1.5%)
Totals 281 202
Error Type Wrong Results Poor Practices
Hard-Coding 191 (8.1% of total) 1,920 (76.7% of total)
Reference 857 (36.4%) 217 (8.7%)
Logic 1,073 (45.6%) 316 (12.6%)
Copy/Paste 203 (8.6%) 3 (0.1%)
Omission 26 (1.1%) 39 (1.6%)
Data Input 3 (0.1%) 7 (0.3%)
Totals 2,353 2,502
Table 4. Wrong results and poor practices
34 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
fact, our own estimates range from 0.87 to
1.79% of cells, depending on the denition
of error. Finally, the method we used to detect
errors is fully documented and available to
other researchers. In most previous studies
the methods used to search for errors were
not documented at all; in others only a brief
summary of the methods is offered. Our study
involves an explicit, detailed auditing protocol.
It also used two types of auditing software to
assist in the search for errors.
Our results conrm the general belief
among those who have studied spreadsheets
that errors are commonplace. The specic
estimates we have made are somewhat lower
than what has become received wisdom, but
we note that previous studies of spreadsheet
errors cannot easily be compared since they
use different (and generally undocumented)
auditing methods and denitions of errors. We
now have sound evidence for the hypothesis
that around 1% of all formulas in operational
spreadsheets are in error.
Figure 1. Distribution of cell error rates across spreadsheets
Figure 2. Distribution of cell error rates across spreadsheets (wrong results)
0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00%
Number of Spreadsheets
Cell Error Rate
0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00%
Number of Spreadsheets
Cell Error Rate -Wrong Results
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009 35
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
Obtaining reliable estimates of cell error
rates is only a rst step toward understanding
the fundamental question of the impact that
spreadsheets have on the quality of decision
making in organizations. Errors in formulas
should be avoided, of course, but by themselves
they do not necessarily translate into signicant
errors in the outcomes of spreadsheet use. The
next step we envision in this line of research
is to estimate the numerical impact of errors in
spreadsheets. This investigation would require
working closely with the developers of the
spreadsheet to determine which outputs are
most important and to determine the impact on
those outputs of correcting errors.
Errors in spreadsheet data and formulas
are not the only possible causes of errors in
spreadsheet use. In fact, many of the press ac-
counts reported by EUSPRIG involve misuse of
spreadsheets. For example, spreadsheet results
can be sorted incorrectly, or an out-of-date ver-
sion of a spreadsheet may be used. More gener-
ally, poor decisions based on spreadsheet models
can arise by modeling the wrong problem or by
misinterpreting the results. These types of errors
cannot be identied by auditing the data and
formulas of the spreadsheet itself. To determine
how frequent and damaging these types of errors
are to decision making would involve a kind
of ethnographic research, in which spreadsheet
users were closely observed in their natural
surroundings over months or years.
Finally, very little research (and none
outside the laboratory) has been conducted to
identify methods for avoiding or mitigating the
impacts of errors in operational spreadsheets.
One promising approach would be to audit a
sample of spreadsheets from different organiza-
tions and attempt to correlate error rates with
corporate or individual practices around spread-
sheet use. Many practitioners have offered
advice on what constitutes good spreadsheet
practice, but there is no scientic evidence from
the eld yet to back up these claims.
This work was performed under the sponsor-
ship of the U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Reproduction of this article, with the customary
credit to the source, is permitted.
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evaluated in an industrial context. Proceedings of the
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of spreadsheets in the city of London. Proceedings
of the European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group
Conference, Greenwich, UK.
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Grossman, T.G., Mehrotra, V., & Özluk, Ö. (2005).
Spreadsheet information systems are essential to
business. Working paper, University of San Fran-
cisco, USA.
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Lawrence, R.J., & Lee, J. (2004). Financial modelling
of project nancing transactions. Institute of Actuar-
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Lukasik, T. (1998). Personal communication to
Ray Panko.
Panko, R. (2005). What we know about spreadsheet
errors. Retrieved September 2, 2006, from http://
36 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(3), 24-36, July-September 2009
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.
Panko, R., & Halverson, R. (1996). Spreadsheets
on trial: A survey of research on spreadsheet risks.
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Hawaii International
Conference on Systems Sciences (pp. 326-335).
Powell, S., Baker, K., & Lawson, B. (2006a). A criti-
cal review of the literature on spreadsheet errors.
Spreadsheet Engineering Research Project working
paper, Dartmouth College, USA.
Powell, S., Baker, K., & Lawson, B. (2006b). An
auditing protocol for spreadsheet models. Spread-
sheet Engineering Research Project working paper,
Dartmouth College, USA.
Purser, M., & Chadwick, D. (2006). Does an
awareness of differing types of spreadsheet errors
aid end-users in identifying spreadsheet errors?
Proceedings of the European Spreadsheet Risk
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Rajalingham, K., Chadwick, D., & Knight, B. (2000).
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Steve Powell is a Professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. His primary research interest lies
in modeling production and services processes, but he has also been active in research in energy econom-
ics, marketing, and operations. At Tuck, he has developed a variety of courses in management science,
including the core Decision Science course and electives in the Art of Modeling, Business Process Redesign,
and Applications of Simulation. He originated the Teacher's Forum column in Interfaces, and has written
a number of articles on teaching modeling to practitioners. He is the academic director of the INFORMS
Annual Teaching of Management Science Workshop. In 2001 he was awarded the INFORMS Prize for the
Teaching of Operations Research/Management Science Practice. He is the co-author with Kenneth Baker
of The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets (Wiley, 2004).
Ken Baker is a faculty member at Dartmouth College. He is currently Nathaniel Leverone Professor of
Management at the Tuck School of Business and also adjunct professor at the Thayer School of Engineer-
ing. At Dartmouth, he has taught courses relating to decision science, manufacturing management, and
environmental management. Over the years, much of his teaching and research has dealt with production
planning and control, and he is widely known for his textbook Elements of Sequencing and Scheduling, in
addition to a variety of technical articles. He has served as the Tuck School's associate dean and directed
the Tuck School's management development programs in the manufacturing area. In 2001 he was named a
Fellow of INFORMS's Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society, and in 2004
a Fellow of INFORMS. He is the co-author with Stephen Powell of The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets
(Wiley, 2004).
Barry Lawson is a research associate at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and is also a visiting
scholar in the geography department of the college. He founded and has served as president of Barry Lawson
Associates, a consulting rm, since 1978. As visiting scholar, he coordinates the development of an atlas
of the upper Connecticut River Watershed in New Hampshire and Vermont. As research associate at Tuck
he serves as the program manager for the Tuck Spreadsheet Engineering Research Project. Lawson has
taught in graduate programs at Boston University and Wayne State University as well as in short courses
at Bentley College. He has moderated a host of public hearings for local, state and federal governments
on controversial environmental and energy- and waste-related projects, and has considerable experience
in group facilitation, conict resolution and simulation design.