Washington, D.C. 20210
Unempolyment Insurance
April 30, 2020
Assistant Secretary
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Operating, Financial, and Reporting Instructions for Section 2105: Temporary
Full Federal Funding of the First Week of Compensable Regular Unemployment
for States with No Waiting Week
1. Purpose. To provide states with operating, financial, and reporting instructions for the full
federal funding of the first week of unemployment compensation (UC) authorized by section
2105, Temporary Full Federal Funding of the First Week of Compensable Regular
Unemployment for States with No Waiting Week, of the CARES Act of 2020, Public Law
(Pub. L.) 116-136.
2. Action Requested. The Department of Labor’s (Department) Employment and Training
Administration (ETA) requests that State Workforce Administrators provide the information
in this Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) and the Attachments I through IV to
appropriate program and other staff in state workforce systems as they implement the
Unemployment Insurance (UI)-related provisions that respond to the economic effects of the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
3. Summary and Background.
a. Summary On March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the CARES Act, which
includes the Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act set out in Title II, Subtitle
A. Section 2105 of the CARES Act provides for full federal funding of the first week of
regular UC for states with no waiting week.
b. Background The CARES Act was designed to mitigate the economic effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic in a variety of ways. UIPL No. 14-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief,
and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 Summary of Key Unemployment
Insurance (UI) Provisions and Guidance Regarding Temporary Emergency State Staffing
Flexibility, issued April 2, 2020, summarizes the various provisions within the CARES
This UIPL focuses on section 2105 of the CARES Act, which authorizes full federal
funding of the first week of regular UC for states with no waiting week and that have
entered into an agreement with the Department pursuant to the section.
Importance of Program Integrity. The programs and provisions in the CARES Act
operate in tandem with the fundamental eligibility requirements of the Federal-State UI
program, which must be adhered to. In addition, some of the CARES Act programs
include new eligibility requirements which states will need to apply. These requirements
include that individuals are only entitled to benefits if they are no longer working through
no fault of their own and that individuals must be able and available to work.
States play a fundamental role in ensuring the integrity of the UI program. While states
have been provided some flexibilities as a result of COVID-19, those flexibilities are
generally limited to dealing with the effects of COVID-19, as discussed in UIPL Nos. 10-
20 and 13-20 through 18-20. States must ensure that individuals only receive benefits in
accordance with statutory provisions.
Quitting work without good cause to obtain additional benefits under the regular UI
program or the CARES Act is fraud. Section 2105(f) of the CARES Act cross-references
the fraud and overpayment provisions included in section 2107(e), which expressly
provides that if an individual has obtained benefits through fraud, the individual is
ineligible for any additional benefit payments, must pay back the benefits, and is subject
to criminal prosecution under 18 U.S.C. §1001. States are required to enforce these
The Department is actively working with states receiving funding under the CARES Act
to provide UI benefits only to those who are entitled to such benefits. The Department is
also actively engaged with its Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to ensure program
integrity. The Act includes an appropriation of $26 million to the Department’s OIG
(section 2115) to carry out audits, investigations, and other oversight activities related to
states’ adherence to existing UI laws and policies, as well as the provisions of the CARES
4. Guidance. Under section 2105 of the CARES Act, a state is eligible to enter into an
agreement with the Department if the state law provides that compensation is paid to
individuals for their first week of regular UC without a waiting week.
The following section identifies the conditions under which states may enter into an
agreement with the Department for reimbursement of the first week of regular UC, as well as
important program dates and details about program administration. Attachment I sets forth
the statutory language of section 2105 of the CARES Act. Attachment II provides general
provisions for administering the temporary full federal funding of the first week of
compensable regular UC under section 2105, including certifications and assurances.
Attachment III and Attachment IV provide the Supplemental Budget Request (SBR)
Application and the Instructions for Completing the SF-424 and SF-424A, respectively.
a. Applicability of other programs and guidance. As discussed in UIPL No. 10-20,
Unemployment Compensation (UC) for Individuals Affected by the Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19), issued March 12, 2020, most states require that an individual, who is
otherwise eligible for UC benefits, must first serve a waiting period (generally one week)
prior to receiving benefits in a particular benefit year. However, federal law does not
require a waiting period or waiting week provision.
The President signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Pub. L. 116-127) on
March 18, 2020. That Act includes the Emergency Unemployment Insurance
Stabilization and Access Act of 2020 (EUISAA) set out in Division D. The Department
provided guidance for implementation of the EUISAA provisions in UIPL No. 13-20,
Families First Coronavirus Response Act, Division D Emergency Unemployment
Insurance Stabilization and Access Act of 2020, issued on March 22, 2020.
EUISAA temporarily supersedes the existing federal Extended Benefits (EB) law that
requires states to have a non-compensable waiting week to receive the federal share of
EB funding of the first week. UIPL No. 13-20 discusses the requirement to modify or
suspend the waiting week provision for a state to qualify, among other things, for
Allotment II of the emergency administrative grants. UIPL No. 13-20 also discusses the
temporary provision for states without a waiting week to receive the federal share of
funding for the first week of EB.
b. Eligibility to participate. Under section 2105 of the CARES Act, a state may voluntarily
enter into an agreement with the Department for the Federal Government to provide full
reimbursement of regular UC paid to individuals by the state for their first week of
unemployment, as well as any additional administrative expenses incurred by the state
because of the agreement. To enter into such an agreement, section 2105(b) of the
CARES Act requires that compensation be paid to an individual for his or her first week
of regular unemployment without serving a waiting week.
States without a waiting week provision in their existing state UC law may participate.
States with a noncompensable waiting week provision in their existing state UC law may
participate if they demonstrate the following actions:
i. they have waived their waiting week provision pursuant to section 4102(h)(3)(B)
of EUISAA, as described in UIPL No. 13-20; or they have amended their state
law to provide that compensation be paid to individuals for their first week of
regular unemployment without serving a waiting week; and
ii. they have executed an agreement in effect with the Department providing for the
section 2105 reimbursment.
However, if a state’s UC law provides that the first week of unemployment becomes
compensable at some later point in the claim series, or when certain other criteria are met
(e.g., after the claimant receives a certain number of weeks of benefits, or until the end of
a claim series), the state does not meet the requirements to receive reimbursement
pursuant to section 2105 of the CARES Act on the basis of this provision alone.
This program is available to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the
U.S. Virgin Islands, provided they have signed an agreement with the Department.
c. Important program dates. For states without a waiting week, reimbursement for the
first week of regular UC is available for weeks of unemployment beginning after the
date on which the state enters into an agreement with the Department. In states where the
week of unemployment ends on a Saturday, the first week for which states may request
reimbursement is the week of unemployment ending April 4, 2020, provided an
agreement was in place no later than March 28, 2020. In states where the week of
unemployment ends on a Sunday, the first week for which states may request
reimbursement is the week of unemployment ending April 5, 2020, provided an
agreement was in place no later than March 29, 2020.
The agreement is valid only if the state law (including a waiver of state law) making the
first week compensable is in effect. The state may not seek reimbursement under section
2105 of the CARES Act for any weeks of unemployment that begin before the effective
date of a waiver or a change in state law, even if the state law is worded to apply
Reimbursement for the first week of regular UC for states is not available for any week of
unemployment ending after December 31, 2020. Accordingly, in states where the week
of unemployment ends on a Saturday, the last week for which states may request
reimbursement is the week of unemployment ending December 26, 2020. For states
where the week of unemployment ends on a Sunday, the last week for which states may
request reimbursement is the week of unemployment ending December 27, 2020.
d. Funding. Benefit costs for this program are 100 percent federally funded. Administrative
costs for this program are also 100 percent federally funded.
i. Accessing Benefit Funds. Under the CARES Act, for each state that has entered
into an agreement with the Department for the federal reimbursement of the first
week of regular UC paid to individuals, the Department will certify to the
Treasury Department a monthly allotment projected to equal 100 percent of the
estimated reimbursement required under the agreement.
As a state’s drawdown of allotments is monitored, monthly amounts will be
adjusted as needed. A state must request funds from the Federal Unemployment
Account to reimburse the total amount of regular UC paid to individuals by the
state for their first week of regular UC.
All requests must go through the Automated Standard Application for Payments
(ASAP) system. There will be a new line in the ASAP for making drawdowns for
first week reimbursement. The line will be labeled “WD For 2105 Temporary
Comp.Drawdown requests must adhere to the funding mechanism stipulated in
the Treasury-State Agreement executed under the Cash Management
Improvement Act of 1990. Requests will be funded in the same manner as all
ASAP transactions elected by the states (Credit Gateway FEDWIRE or ACH to
the state benefit payment account).
ii. Implementation costs. To request federal funds for administrative costs for
implementing this program, the state must submit a Supplemental Budget Request
(SBR) detailing such costs. This SBR is limited to one-time costs that are
attributable to implementation of the section 2105 program.
Permissible implementation costs include:
Computer programming and other technology costs;
Implementation of necessary program business processes; and
Overhead related only to the above.
The SBR application must include the basis for these estimated costs.
Calculations for costs for state staff and contractors should be shown in
accordance with the SBR instructions in ET Handbook No. 336, Unemployment
Insurance State Quality Service Plan Planning and Reporting Guidelines, 18
States should submit the SBR application for implementation of paying the first
week of compensation, along with required SF-424 and SF-424A forms, by May
29, 2020. This may be submitted electronically to the National Office at covid-
[email protected], with a copy to the appropriate Regional Office. Instructions for
submitting applications are found at Attachment III, SBR Application Template,
and Attachment IV, Instructions for Completing the SF-424 and SF-424A.
e. Reporting Instructions. Reporting instructions for states receiving reimbursement for
the first week of regular UC are as follows:
i. ETA 2112 (Office of Management and Budget) (OMB 1205-0154).
Line 25. Include the amount of federal funds received for the first week of
regular UC on line 25 labeled “Other”, column C and column E, and indicate
in the comments section that such deposit represented federal funds for of the
first week of regular UC.
Line 42d. Include the disbursement of federal funds for the first week of
regular UC on line 42d labeled “Other Temporary Federal Compensation,
column C and column F.
Intra-account transfer. Include on Lines 47E and 16F amounts of federal funds
used for payment of the first week of regular UC.
ii. ETA 9178-P. This form is a monitoring instrument for ETA to track a grantee’s
progress toward completing project activities related to SBR funding provided to
states under section 4(d)(ii) of this UIPL.
As part of the monitoring process, grantees receiving supplemental grant awards
must submit a Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) using the form ETA 9178-P. The
form provides for narrative updates on supplemental grant activities to ETA and
helps ensure that the grantee achieves the goals described in the supplemental
grant application.
The instructions in Attachments II and III in UIPL No. 16-20, Change 1 provides
the form and instructions for completing the ETA 9178-P, as well as the timeline
for submitting these status reports.
Section 2116(a) of the CARES Act provides that “Chapter 35 of Title 44, United States
Code, (commonly referred to as the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995), shall not apply
to the provisions of, and the amendments made by, this subtitle.” Therefore, these
instructions are considered final.
f. Record Maintenance and Disposal of Records.
i. Record Maintenance. Each state must maintain records during the administration
of the section 2105 program and must make all such records available for
inspection, examination, and audit by such federal officials, employees as the
Department may designate, or as may be required by the law. Reference ET
Handbook No. 401, UI Report Handbook 5
Edition, for details.
ii. Disposal of Records. The electronic/paper records created during the
administration of the section 2105 program must be retained for three years after
final action (including appeals or court action) on the payments, or for less than
the three-year period if copied by microphotocopy or by an electronic imaging
method. At the end of the three-year period, the section 2105 records must be
transferred to state accountability under the conditions for the disposal of records
that apply to UCFE and UCX records, as explained in Chapter X of ET Handbook
No. 391, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE)
Instructions for State Agencies, and Chapter I of ET Handbook No. 384,
Handbook on Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX).
g. Termination of the agreement. Either party, upon thirty (30) days written notice, may
terminate the reimbursement agreement under section 2105 of the CARES Act. The
Department reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if it determines that the state
does not have an adequate system for administering the section 2105 program, including
because the state is not adequately ensuring that individuals receiving benefits under the
program are eligible for such benefits. In the case of termination, the reimbursement
period will end thirty (30) days from the date the state notifies the Secretary of its election
to terminate the reimbursement program. No reimbursement will be provided for weeks
of unemployment beginning after the date the termination of the agreement is effective.
However, reimbursement will be provided for any weeks of unemployment that end prior
to the termination.
In addition, the agreement will be terminated immediately upon the Secretary’s
determination that the state law (or a waiver) does not provide that compensation is paid
to individuals for their first week of regular unemployment without a waiting week, and
the state will be required to return any reimbursments made pursuant to section 2105
during the period that the state law or waiver was not in effect.
5. Inquiries. States should direct inquiries to the [email protected] and copy the appropriate
Regional Office.
6. References.
Sections 2105 and 2107 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)
Act, Pub. L. 116-136, including Title II, Subtitle A, Relief for Workers Affected by
Coronavirus Act;
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Pub. L. 116-127), including Division D
Emergency Unemployment Insurance Stabilization and Access Act of 2020 (EUISAA);
UIPL No. 10-20, Unemployment Compensation (UC) for Individuals Affected by the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), issued March 12, 2020,
UIPL No. 13-20, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, Division D Emergency
Unemployment Insurance Stabilization and Access Act of 2020, issued March 22, 2020,
UIPL No. 14-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Summary of Key Unemployment Insurance (UI) Provisions and Guidance Regarding
Temporary Emergency State Staffing Flexibility, issued April 2, 2020,
UIPL No. 15-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) Program Operating, Financial,
and Reporting Instructions, issued April 4, 2020,
UIPL No. 16-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Program Operating, Financial, and
Reporting Instructions, issued April 5, 2020,
UIPL No. 16-20, Change 1, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
of 2020 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Program Reporting Instructions
and Questions and Answers, issued April 27, 2020,
UIPL No. 17-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) Program Operating,
Financial, and Reporting Instructions, issued April 10, 2020,
ET Handbook No. 336, Revisions to Employment and Training (ET) Handbook 336, 18
Edition, Change 3: “Unemployment Insurance (UI) State Quality Service Plan (SQSP)
Planning and Reporting Guidelines;”
ET Handbook No. 384, Handbook on Unemployment Compensation for Ex-
Servicemembers (UCX) (1994 edition);
ET Handbook No. 391, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE)
Instructions for State Agencies (1994 edition); and
ET Handbook No. 401, UI Reports Handbook 401 (5
7. Attachments.
Attachment I: Statutory Language of Section 2105 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020;
Attachment II: General Provisions for Administering Temporary Full Federal Funding of
the First Week of Compensable Regular Unemployment for States with No Waiting
Attachment III: Supplemental Budget Request (SBR) Application; and
Attachment IV: Instructions for Completing the SF-424 and SF-424A.
Attachment I to UIPL No. 20-20
Statutory Language of Section 2104 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
Security (CARES) Act of 2020
(a) Federal-State Agreements.--Any State which desires to do so may enter into and participate
in an agreement under this section with the Secretary of Labor (in this section referred to as the
Secretary). Any State which is a party to an agreement under this section may, upon providing
30 days written notice to the Secretary, terminate such agreement.
(b) Requirement That State Law Does Not Apply a Waiting Week.--A State is eligible to enter
into an agreement under this section if the State law (including a waiver of State law) provides
that compensation is paid to individuals for their first week of regular unemployment without a
waiting week. An agreement under this section shall not apply (or shall cease to apply) with
respect to a State upon a determination by the Secretary that the State law no longer meets the
requirement under the preceding sentence.
(c) Payments to States.--
(1) Full reimbursement.--There shall be paid to each State which has entered into an
agreement under this section an amount equal to 100 percent of--
(A) the total amount of regular compensation paid to individuals by the State for their
first week of regular unemployment; and
(B) any additional administrative expenses incurred by the State by reason of such
agreement (as determined by the Secretary).
(2) Terms of payments.--Sums payable to any State by reason of such State's having an
agreement under this section shall be payable, either in advance or by way of reimbursement (as
determined by the Secretary), in such amounts as the Secretary estimates the State will be
entitled to receive under this section for each calendar month, reduced or increased, as the case
may be, by any amount by which the Secretary finds that his estimates for any prior calendar
month were greater or less than the amounts which should have been paid to the State. Such
estimates may be made on the basis of such statistical, sampling, or other method as may be
agreed upon by the Secretary and the State agency of the State involved.
(d) Funding.--
(1) Compensation.--
(A) In general.--Funds in the Federal unemployment account (as established by section
905(g)) of the Unemployment Trust Fund (as established by section 904(a)) shall be used to
make payments under subsection (c)(1)(A).
(B) Transfer of funds.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of the
Treasury shall transfer from the general fund of the Treasury (from funds not otherwise
appropriated) to the Federal unemployment account such sums as the Secretary of Labor
estimates to be necessary to make payments described in subparagraph (A). There are
appropriated from the general fund of the Treasury, without fiscal year limitation, the sums
referred to in the preceding sentence and such sums shall not be required to be repaid.
(2) Administrative expenses.--
(A) In general.--Funds in the employment security administration account (as established
by section 901(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1105(a)) of the Unemployment Trust
Fund (as established by section 904(a) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1104(a)) shall be used to make
payments to States pursuant to subsection (c)(1)(B).
(B) Transfer of funds.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of the
Treasury shall transfer from the general fund of the Treasury (from funds not otherwise
appropriated) to the employment security administration account such sums as the Secretary of
Labor estimates to be necessary to make payments described in subparagraph (A). There are
appropriated from the general fund of the Treasury, without fiscal year limitation, the sums
referred to in the preceding sentence and such sums shall not be required to be repaid.
(3) Certifications.--The Secretary shall from time to time certify to the Secretary of the
Treasury for payment to each State the sums payable to such State under this section.
(e) Applicability.--An agreement entered into under this section shall apply to weeks of
(1) beginning after the date on which such agreement is entered into; and
(2) ending on or before December 31, 2020.
(f) Fraud and Overpayments.--The provisions of section 2107(e) shall apply with respect to
compensation paid under an agreement under this section to the same extent and in the same
manner as in the case of pandemic emergency unemployment compensation under such section.
(g) Definitions.--For purposes of this section, the terms regular compensation, State,
State agency, State law, and week have the respective meanings given such terms under
section 205 of the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970 (26 U.S.C.
3304 note).
Attachment II to UIPL No. 20-20
General Provisions for Administering Temporary Full Federal Funding of the First Week
of Compensable Regular Unemployment for States with No Waiting Week
Compliance with Federal Requirements. States must comply with the provisions
contained in the states’ Agreements with the Department to administer section 2105 of the
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Public Law 116-136) and
all applicable section 2105 funding instruments. States must perform such duties and
functions in accordance with Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and
Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 C.F.R. Part 200 and 2 C.F.R. Part 2900
applicable to all grants and cooperative agreements. Additionally, the Department’s
administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements at 29 C.F.R. Parts 31,
32, 38, 96, and 98 apply to grant funds provided for these activities.
Prohibition on Subsidization of Forced or Indentured Child Labor. Consistent with
section 103 of the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, Pub. L. 116- 94 and in
accordance with Executive Order No. 13126, states must not obligate or expend funds
made available to administer section 2105 of the CARES Act for the procurement of goods
mined, produced, manufactured, or harvested or services rendered, in whole or in part, by
forced or indentured child labor in industries and host countries already identified by the
Department prior to enactment of the Department’s 2008 appropriation.
Salary and Bonus Pay Limitations. States, in compliance with section 101 of the Further
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, PUB. L. 116- 94, must not use funds provided for
section 2105 of the CARES Act administration to pay the salary and bonuses of an
individual, either as direct costs or indirect costs, at a rate in excess of Executive Level II,
except as provided for under section 101 of Public Law 109-149. This limitation shall not
apply to vendors providing goods and services as defined in 2 CFR 200, Subpart F Audit
Requirements. Where states are recipients of such funds, states may establish a lower limit
for salaries and bonuses of those receiving salaries and bonuses from sub-recipients of
such funds, taking into account section 2105 of the CARES Act, including the relative
cost-of-living in the state, the compensation levels for comparable state or local
government employees, and the size of the organizations that administer federal programs
involved including ETA programs. See TEGL No. 5-06 for further clarification. The
incurrence of costs and the receipt of reimbursement for these costs under this award
certifies that the Grantee has read the above condition and is in compliance.
Veterans’ Priority Provisions. This program, funded by the Department, is subject to the
provisions of the “Jobs for Veterans Act” (JVA), Pub. L. 107-288 (38 U.S.C. § 4215). The
JVA provides priority of service to veterans and spouses of certain veterans for the receipt
of employment, training, and placement services. The veterans’ priority is implemented
by 20 C.F.R. Part 1010 (73 Fed. Reg. 78132, Sept. 19, 2008). Please note that to obtain
priority service a veteran must meet the program’s eligibility requirements. TEGL No. 10-
09 (November 10, 2009) provided general guidance on the scope of the veterans’ priority
statute and its effect on current employment and training programs. In addition to TEGL
10-09, a series of questions and answers related to priority of service is posted at:
https://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=2816 for fifteen (15) programs
administered by ETA.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State Plan requires states to
describe the policies and strategies in place to ensure, pursuant to the JVA, that priority of
service is provided to veterans (and certain spouses) who otherwise meet the eligibility
requirements for all employment and training programs funded by the Department and
administered by ETA. See Required Elements for Submission of the Unified or Combined
State Plan and Plan Modifications under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act,
OMB Control No. 1205-0522. In addition, the states are required to provide assurances
that they will comply with the Veterans’ Priority Provisions established by the JVA. States
must adhere to JVA requirements, as interpreted by the Department, in administering
section 2105 of the CARES Act.
Certifications and Assurances. In administering section 2105 of the CARES Act, states
must fully comply with the State Quality Service Plan (SQSP) assurances. These SQSP
assurances are detailed in Chapter 1, Part VIII of the “Unemployment Insurance State
Quality Service Plan (SQSP) Assurances,” ET Handbook No. 336 (18th Edition, Change
Assurance of Equal Opportunity (EO).
Assurance of Administrative Requirements and Allowable Cost Standards.
Assurance of Management Systems, Reporting, and Recordkeeping.
Assurance of Program Quality.
Assurance on Use of Unobligated Funds.
Assurance of Prohibition of Lobbying Costs.
Drug-Free Workplace.
Assurance of Contingency Planning.
Assurance of Conformity and Compliance.
Assurance of Automated Information Systems Security.
Assurance of Confidentiality.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB), SF 424 B Assurances-Non- Construction
Programs, signed and submitted by each state with its State Quality Service Plan annual
submission, also apply.
Attachment III to UIPL No. 20-20
Supplemental Budget Request (SBR) Application
Instructions: States must complete the application using the suggested format and instructions
below for the projects/activities for which the state is seeking funding. This application is to be
combined with a completed SF-424 and an SF-424A covering all projects/activities.
Unemployment Insurance
Supplemental Budget Request Abstract
State Name:
Total Funds Requested for All Projects:
Name, Title, and Address of Grant Notification Contact (Typically the State Workforce
Agency Administrator)
Name, E-Mail Address, and Phone Number of SBR Project or Fiscal Manager
E-Mail Address:
Telephone Number:
Provide the following information for each project (add additional rows as needed):
Project Name
Total Cost of Project
Proposed Completion Date
Project Description
Project Timeline
Description of Costs
State Agency Staff Costs:
Type of Position
Total Hours
Cost Per Hour
Contract Staff Costs:
Type of Position
Total Hours
Cost Per Hour
Hardware, Software and Telecommunications Equipment:
Item Description
Cost Per Item
Other Costs:
Name of Project: Provide the name of the proposed project.
Amount of Funding Request for this Project: Provide the total amount of funds requested in
this individual project.
State Contact(s): Provide name, telephone number, and e-mail address of the individuals
Grant Notification contact and SBR Project/Fiscal Manager for questions we may have relating
to this proposal.
Project Description: Provide a brief description of the projects/activities for which the state
seeking funding.
Project Timeline: Provide a list of the dates and the milestones for this project.
Description of Costs: Provide an explanation of all costs included in the project.
State Agency Staff Costs: Use the table format provided in this attachment to request state
staff to support project implementation.
Contract Staff Costs: Use the table format provided in this attachment to request contract
staff to support project implementation.
Hardware, Software, and Telecommunications Equipment: Provide an itemized list of
hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment including the cost per item and the
number of each item requested. A description of each item must provide any information
needed to identify the specific item and a description of the size and capacity of each item if
Other: Identify each item of cost not covered elsewhere and provide the expected cost per
item. The need for each item must be explained.
Attachment IV to UIPL No. 20-20
Instructions for Completing the SF-424 and SF-424A
I. Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
Use the current version of the form for submission. Expired forms will not be
accepted. SF-424, Expiration Date 12/31/2022, Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Control No. 4040-0004 (Grants.gov).
Legal Name: The legal name must match the name submitted with the System for
Award Management (SAM). Please refer to instructions at https://www.sam.gov.
Employer/Tax Identification Number (EIN/TIN) : Input your correct 9-digit EIN and
ensure that it is recorded within SAM.
Organizational DUNS: All applicants for federal grant and funding opportunities are
required to have a 9-digit Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S®) number,
and must supply their D-U-N-S® number on the SF-424. Please ensure that your
state is registered with the SAM. Instructions for registering with SAM can be found
at https://www.sam.gov. Additionally, the state must maintain an active SAM
registration with current information at all times during which it has an active federal
award or an application under consideration. To remain registered in the SAM
database after the initial registration, there is a requirement to review and update the
registration at least every 12 months from the date of initial registration or
subsequently update the information in the SAM database to ensure it is current,
accurate, and complete. Failure to register with SAM and maintain an active account
will result in a rejection of your submission.
Address: Input your complete address including Zipcode+4; Example: 20110-831.
For lookup, use link at https://tools.usps.com/go/ZipLookupAction!input.action.
Organizational Unit: Input appropriate Department Name and Division Name, if
Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this
application. Provide complete and accurate contact information including telephone
number and email address for the point of contact.
Section # 9, Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type: Input “State Government”.
Section # 10, Name of the Federal Agency: Input “Employment and Training
Section # 11, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: Input “17.225”; CFDA
Title: Input “Unemployment Insurance”.
Section # 12, Funding Opportunity Number and Title: Input “UIPL No. 20-20, First
Week of Compensable Regular Unemployment with No Waiting Week Implementation
Section # 13, Competition Identification Number: Leave Blank.
Section # 14, Areas Affected by Project: Input the place of performance for the project
implementation; Example “NY” for New York.
Section # 15, Descriptive Title of Applicant’s Project: Input First Week of Compensable
Regular Unemployment with No Waiting Week Implementation Grant.”.
Section # 16, Congressional Districts of:
a. Applicant: Input the Congressional District of your home office. For lookup, use
link at www.house.gov with Zipcode + 4.
b. Program/Project: Input the Congressional District where the project work is
performed. If it’s the same place as your home office, input the congressional district
for your home office. For lookup, use link at www.house.gov with Zipcode+4.
Section # 17, Proposed Project:
a. Start Date: Input a valid start date for the project (earliest start date will be March 27,
b. End Date: Input a valid end date for the project.
Section # 18, Estimated Funding ($): Input the estimated funding requested. Ensure that
the funding requested matches the TOTALS in Section B Budget Categories of the SF-
Section #s 19 20: Complete as per instructions for Form SF-424.
Section # 21, Authorized Representative: Please select the “I AGREE” check box and
provide complete information for your authorized signatory including contact information
such as telephone number and email address. If your Authorized Representative has changed
from your previous application submission for this program, please include a letter from a
higher level leadership authorizing the new signatory for the application submission.
Remember to get the SF-424 signed and dated by the Authorized representative.
II. Budget Information -Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A)
Use the current version of the form for the submission. Expired forms will not be accepted.
SF 424A, Expiration Date 02/28/2022, OMB Control No. 4040-0006
Section B Budget Categories: Ensure that TOTALS in Section 6, Object Class Categories
matches the Estimated Funding requested in the SF-424.