VMware Fusion
13.5.2 Release Notes
VMware Fusion 13.5.2
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VMware Fusion 13.5.2 Release Notes
VMware by Broadcom 2
1 Introduction 4
2 What's in the Release Notes 5
About VMware Fusion 6
System Requirements
5 What's New 8
6 Product Support Notices 9
Prior Releases 10
Known Issues
9 Resolved Issues 12
Security Issues 12
VMware by Broadcom
VMware Fusion 13.5.2 | 14 MAY 2024 | Build 23775688
Check for additions and updates to these release notes.
VMware by Broadcom 4
What's in the Release Notes
n About VMware Fusion
n System Requirements
n What's New
n Chapter 6 Product Support Notices
n Prior Releases
n Known Issues
n Resolved Issues
VMware by Broadcom
About VMware Fusion
VMware Fusion® is the easiest, fastest, and most reliable way to run Windows and other
x86/ARM based operating systems on a Mac without rebooting.
For more information, see the broader VMware Fusion documentation.
VMware by Broadcom 6
System Requirements
n Hardware
Intel or Apple Silicon Mac models.
n Mac models that support macOS 12 Monterey or later.
n Software
n macOS 12 Monterey and macOS 13 Ventura.
n macOS 14 Sonoma
VMware by Broadcom 7
What's New
n This release introduces product enhancements to support a new commercial subscription and
personal use license model. For more information, see Learn Subscription.
n This release resolves CVE-2024-22267, CVE-2024-22268, CVE-2024-22269, and
CVE-2024-22270. For more information on these vulnerabilities and their impact on VMware
products, see VMSA-2024-0010.
n This release contains security and bug fixes.
VMware by Broadcom 8
Product Support Notices
n Workstation Pro and Fusion Pro are now available free for personal use. By default, each
product is licensed only for Personal Use. A license key for personal use is no longer required.
n Workstation Pro and Fusion Pro require a commercial subscription and associated license key
for use in any commercial setting.
n Commercial subscriptions for both Fusion Pro and Workstation Pro are now offered through
a single Desktop Hypervisor Pro product SKU.
n Workstation Player and Fusion Player are no longer available for purchase.
n Existing Fusion Player and Workstation Player customers with active SnS will continue to
receive support and updates for the duration of their contract term.
n Existing Fusion Player and Workstation Player Personal Use users will continue to receive
product updates for the remainder of their product lifecycles.
VMware by Broadcom
Prior Releases
Features and Known Issues from prior releases of VMware Fusion 13 are described in the release
notes for each release. To view the release notes for a prior release, click the appropriate link:
n VMware Fusion 13.5.1
n VMware Fusion 13.5
n VMware Fusion 13.0.2
n VMware Fusion 13.0.1
VMware by Broadcom 10
Known Issues
n The multi-monitor feature might not work correctly in specific topologies
In specific situations, based on different hardware and topologies, the multi-monitor feature
does not work as expected. You might see issues like reverting the topology to a single
screen, or not cycling through monitors.
Workaround: None.
VMware by Broadcom 11
Resolved Issues
Read the following topics next:
n Security Issues
Security Issues
n OpenSSL, which is consumed by OVF Tool, is updated to version 1.0.2zj.
VMware by Broadcom 12