State of North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Health Benefits (NC Medicaid) NCDHHS is an equal opportunity employer and provider. MAY/2024
NC Medicaid Managed Care
Provider Playbook
Managed Care Claims and Prior Authorizations Submission:
Frequently Asked Questions Part 2
WellCare (WCHP) Response
AmeriHealth Caritas (AMHC)
Healthy Blue Response
Carolina Complete Health (CCH)
United Healthcare (UNHC) Response
How to file a claim with
the PHP what are the
options (virtual, fax,
paper, etc.)?
WellCare (WCHP) accepts both
electronic and paper claims (no
faxes). Paper claims must be
received on original red/white
CMS claim forms, so faxes are not
considered compliant.
See the provider manual, provider
resource guide and Quick
reference guide at this link for
detailed information regarding
clean claims and step by step filing
Electronic Claim Submission
Via Wellcare provider portal at
Paper Claim Submission
All paper claims should be
submitted to:
WellCare Health Plans
The claims submission process
applies to providers who wish to
submit out-of-network claims. This
process can be found on page 4 of
the AmeriHealth Caritas North
Carolina (AMHC) Provider Claims and
Billing Manual, found at
“In accordance with 42 C.F.R.
§438.602(b), health care providers
(including ordering, prescribing, or
referring only providers) interested in
participating in the AMHC network
must be screened and enrolled as a
Medicaid provider by the North
Carolina Department of Health and
Human Services (NCDHHS) and shall
be reenrolled every three years,
except as otherwise specifically
permitted by DHHS in the Revised
and Restated RFP 30-190029-DHB,
Section V. This applies to non-
Providers have the option of
submitting claims electronically or by
mail. Providers participating and
those not participating with Healthy
Blue may enroll with our trading
partner, Availity at
Additional Claims information can be
received by calling 844-594-5072,
select the Claims prompt.
Paper Claim Submission
All paper claims should be submitted
Blue Cross NC | Healthy Blue Claims
P.O. Box 61010
Virginia Beach, VA 23466
Electronic Claims Submission
CCH can receive ANSI X12N 837
professional, institution or encounter
transactions. In addition, it can
generate an ANSI X12N 835
electronic remittance advice known
as an Explanation of Payment (EOP).
Providers that bill electronically have
the same timely filing requirements
as providers filing paper claims.
Providers that bill electronically must
monitor their error reports and
evidence of payments to ensure all
submitted claims and encounters
appear on the reports. Providers are
responsible for correcting any errors
and resubmitting the affiliated claims
and encounters.
CCH’s Payor ID is 68069. Our
Clearinghouse vendors include Availity
and Change. Visit our website for our
Both in-network and out-of-network
providers may submit claims via EDI
submission, under Payer ID 87726.
Prior to doing so, they need to enroll
with our clearinghouse OptumInsight
to establish a secure connection, and
they (or their claims processing
service) may do so by calling 866-367-
9778 and selecting option 3.
UNHC uses this clearinghouse for
both in-network and out-of-network
An out-of-network provider can submit
a paper claim by mail to:
UnitedHealthcare Community
P.O. Box 5280
Kingston, NY 12402-5240
NC Medicaid
2 of 7
WellCare (WCHP) Response
AmeriHealth Caritas (AMHC)
Healthy Blue Response
Carolina Complete Health (CCH)
United Healthcare (UNHC) Response
Attn: Claims Department
P.O. Box 31224
Tampa, FL 33631-3224
participating in and/or out of the
State providers as well. Claims for all
services provided to Plan members
must be submitted by the provider
who performed the services.
Submitting Claims
Providers may submit claim via
electronic or paper methods:
Use the payer ID for AmeriHealth
Caritas North Carolina: 81671.
AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina
Attn: Claims Processing Department
P.O. Box 7380
London KY 40742-7380
Additional details regarding the
billing and the claims submission
process is available in the Provider
Claims and Billing Guide at
electronic Companion Guide which
offers more instructions.
For questions or more information on
electronic filing please contact:
800-225-2573, ext. 25525
Or by e-mail at
Paper Claim Submission
All paper claims and encounters
should be submitted to:
Carolina Complete Health Attn:
PO Box 8040
Farmington MO 63640-8040
How does the health plan
determine if the provider
made a
“good faith” effort in
contracting to determine
Per our Good Faith contracting
policy NC35-ND-001) if within 30
calendar days the potential
network provider rejects the
request or fails to respond either
verbally or in writing, WellCare
may consider the request for
inclusion in the NC Medicaid
Managed Care Provider Network
rejected by the provider. If
discussions are ongoing or the
contract is under legal review,
WellCare shall not consider the
request rejected. The 30-day
period begins when the provider
The Good Faith Contracting Policy
must be developed in and submitted
for approval to fulfill a PHP/DHB
contract requirement. If NC
Medicaid determines appropriate,
AMHC is willing to share the policy in
redacted form to remove
information that is considered
proprietary and/or confidential.
AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina
will share a redacted version with NC
Medicaid upon request.
AMHC offers to contract with a
provider using a NCDHHS
Healthy Blue maintains a Good Faith
Contracting policy and requires three
unsuccessful attempts at completing
a contract before the determination
is made.
The Good Faith Effort starts from
when the provider receives a version
of the contract which is consistent
with the version approved by the
Department and include the standard
provisions for provider contracts
found in Attachment G. Required
Standard Provisions of PHP and
Provider Contracts, including the
prescribed provisions located therein.
The initial contract offering will serve
as the first effort. If the provider does
not execute the first effort, CCH will
make a second effort at least 10
UNHC developed a “Good Faith
Provider Contracting Policy” which
was submitted for Department
review and approval 90 days post
contract award. Per those
requirements, UNHC included a
definition of “good faith” contracting
effort and defined it as “United
engaged in a good faith effort to
contract with a provider of
healthcare services but the provider
refused or failed to meet United’s
objective quality standards.” The
policy expands on the process for
documenting contracting outreach
NC Medicaid
3 of 7
WellCare (WCHP) Response
AmeriHealth Caritas (AMHC)
Healthy Blue Response
Carolina Complete Health (CCH)
United Healthcare (UNHC) Response
has received a copy of the contract
that is consistent with the version
of the contract approved by the
approved provider agreement in
writing via letter, email, or fax; an
AMHC Account Executive will
follow up the initial outreach
within 10 business days and
negotiations will continue until
both parties agree on contract
terms or decide not to move
If within 30 calendar days of
receiving an agreement, the
potential network provider rejects
the agreement or fails to respond
verbally or in writing, AMHC may
consider the request for inclusion
in the AMHC network rejected; if
discussions are ongoing or the
contract is under legal review,
AMHC shall not consider the
request rejected.
AMHC will consider all facts and
circumstances surrounding a
provider’s willingness to contract,
including reviews of non-standard
requests, prior to determining that
AMHC made a good faith effort
which was not accepted.
calendar days after the first effort
taking into consideration any
feedback from the provider. If the
provider does not execute the
agreement from the second effort,
CCH will make a third and final effort
at least 10 calendar days after the
second effort taking into
consideration any feedback from the
provider from the previous efforts.
CCH will have exhausted all good
faith contracting efforts after the
third and final effort. The good faith
contracting effort period must be at
least 30 calendar days, but CCH may
allow additional time if discussions
are ongoing, contract revisions are
being made or negotiated, the
contract is under legal review by the
provider or if in the opinion of CCH
such additional time could lead to an
executed contract. If after at least 30
days and the three good faith
attempts, the provider fails to
respond to the efforts verbally or in
writing, the request to join the
network will be considered rejected.
attempts and objective further
elaborates on what it means to meet
objective quality standards.
In summary, Good Faith negotiation
and contracting efforts are tracked in
our database. We will not reimburse
the out-of-network provider more
than 90% of the Medicaid fee-for-
service rate if the provider refuses to
contract or fails to meet objective
quality standards.
What information is
needed from the provider
to file a claim?
Paper claims must be received on
original and complete red/white
CMS claim forms. Please see the
provider manual, provider
resource guide, and quick
reference guide. All these
resources including detailed
information regarding clean claims
and step-by-step are available on
the public Provider Portal, which
does not require a username and
password, by going to: th-
AMHC is required by applicable
contract requirements with the
Department and by applicable North
Carolina and federal regulations to
capture specific data regarding
services rendered to its members.
A detailed list of data elements, as
listed here, are needed for a claim to
be paid. This information is found in
the AMHC Provider Claims and Billing
Manual at
Electronic claim submissions will
adhere to specifications for
submitting medical claims data in
standardized Accredited Standards
Committee (ASC) X12N 837 formats.
Electronic claims are validated for
Compliance SNIP levels 1 to 4:
Professional claims that meet
standardized X12 EDI Transaction
Standard: 837P -
Professional Claims
Institutional claims that meet
CCH follows Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) rules and
regulations, specifically the Federal
requirements set forth in 42 USC §
1396a(a)(37)(A), 42 CFR §447.45 and
42 CFR § 447.46; and in accordance
with State laws and regulations, as
Providers must bill with their NPI
number in box 24Jb. We encourage
our providers to also bill their
In terms of data elements needed for
a provider to file a claim - this
information is available in our
provider administrative guide and
located on UNHC’s provider website: min-
Billing provider name, address,
telephone number (F1)
NC Medicaid
4 of 7
WellCare (WCHP) Response
AmeriHealth Caritas (AMHC)
Healthy Blue Response
Carolina Complete Health (CCH)
United Healthcare (UNHC) Response
All claims must have complete and
compliant data including:
Current CPT and ICD-10 (or its
successor) codes
NPI number(s)
Provider and/or practice name(s)
matching the W-9 initially
submitted to WellCare
The following mandatory information
is required on all claims, both
institutional and professional:
Member’s (patient’s) name
Member’s Plan ID number
Member’s date of birth and
Other insurance information:
company name, address, policy
and/or group number
Amounts paid by other insurance
(with copies of matching EOBs)
Information advising if member’s
condition is related to
employment, auto accident or
liability suit
Date(s) of service, admission,
Primary, secondary, tertiary and
fourth ICD-10-CM/PCS diagnosis
codes, coded to the full
specificity available, which may
be 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 digits.
Name of referring physician, if
HCPCS procedures, services or
supplies codes
CPT procedure codes with
appropriate modifiers
CMS place of service code
Charges (per line and total)
Days and units
Physician/supplier Federal Tax
Identification Number or Social
Security Number
National Practitioner Identifier
(NPI) and Taxonomy
Physician/supplier billing name,
address, zip code, and telephone
standardized X12 EDI Transaction
Standard: 837I -
Institutional Claims
Claim submissions, whether
electronic or paper, must include the
following information:
Member’s ID number including
alpha prefix
Member’s name
Member’s date of birth
ICD-10-CM diagnosis code
Date of service
Place of service
Procedures, services or supplies
rendered with CPT-4
codes/HCPCS codes/
disease-related groups
Itemized charges
Days or units
Provider tax ID number
Provider name according to
Billing provider information, and
rendering provider information
when different than billing or
when billing a group taxonomy
NPI of billing and rendering
provider when applicable, or API
when NPI isn’t appropriate
Taxonomy of billing provider,
attending and rendering provider
when submitted
Coordination of benefits/other
insurance information
Precertification number or copy
of precertification
NDC, unit of measure and
quantity for medical injectables
taxonomy code in box 24Ja and the
Member’s Medicaid number in box 1a
to avoid possible delays in processing.
Claims missing the required data will
be returned, and a notice sent to the
provider, creating payment delays;
Such claims are not considered “clean”
and therefore cannot be accepted into
our system.
Claims eligible for payment must
meet the following requirements:
The enrollee must be effective
on the date of service (see
information below on
identifying the enroll(lee),
The service provided must be a
covered benefit under the
enrollee’s contract on the date of
service, and Referral and prior
authorization processes must be
followed, if applicable.
Payment for service is contingent
upon compliance with referral
and prior authorization policies
and procedures, as well as the
billing guidelines outlined in this
When submitting your claim, you
need to identify the enrollee. There
are two ways to identify the enrollee:
The CCH enrollee number found
on the enrollee ID card or the
provider portal.
The Medicaid Number provided
by the State and found on the
enrollee ID card or the provider
Type of bill (F4)
Statement Covers Period (F6)
Patient Name (F8b)
Patient Birth Date (F10)
Patient Sex (F11)
Admission date (F12)
Admission Hour (F13)
Admission Type/Visit (F14)
Source of Referral for admission
Discharge Status (F17)
Condition Codes (F18-28) if
Occurrence Codes and Dates
(F31-34) if applicable
Value Codes and Amounts (F39-
41) if applicable
Revenue Code (F42)
Revenue Code Description (F43)
HCPCs, CPT Codes (F44)
Service Date (F45)
Service Units (F46)
Total Charges (F47)
Payer Name (F50A-C)
NPI (F56)
Insured Name (F58A-C)
Patients Relationship to Insured
Insured's Unique Identifier
Principal Diagnosis Code (F67)
Other Diagnosis Code (F67A-Q)
Admitting Diagnosis Code (F69)
Principal procedure code and
date (F74)
Other procedure codes and dates
Attending provider and
Identifiers (F76)
NC Medicaid
5 of 7
WellCare (WCHP) Response
AmeriHealth Caritas (AMHC)
Healthy Blue Response
Carolina Complete Health (CCH)
United Healthcare (UNHC) Response
Name and address of the facility
where services were rendered
NDC’s required for physician
administered injectables that are
eligible for rebate
Invoice date
Provider Signature
Other providers (F77-79) if
Like an in-network claim, an out-of-
network claim will require certain data
fields to be completed accurately and
the claim that is submitted to UNHC
must pass basic NC Provider Validation
rules. However, there is no rule
validation surrounding the address or
provider names so the rules will not
deny based on abbreviations for
address or name
In what instances would a
provider/health plan
need to agree to a single
case agreement?
Single case agreements are usually
reserved for services provided by
an out of network provider when
no in-network provider is
available. This would only likely
occur for a delivery out of state or
mother/baby requires highly
specialized care at out-of-network
facility. These are handled on a
case-by-case basis and are not a
normal occurrence.
If a non-participating provider offers
needed services that a participating
provider cannot offer in the
member’s service area, a single case
agreement would be needed.
For provider/PHP to develop a Single
case agreement, several criteria
must be present:
A member is enrolled with NC
Medicaid and Healthy Blue
The provider is not in-network
The member cannot be
redirected to an in-network
The out-of-network request has been
approved as medically necessary
Most Single case agreements (SCAs)
will be initiated internally by Medical
Management, Appeals & Grievances
(A&G) or Behavioral Health. On
occasion, we may get a direct
request from a provider, particularly
if they are waiting for a contract to be
There are two common origins for
1. Internal requests mainly from
Medical Management, Appeals &
Grievances (A&G) or Behavioral
Health and
2. The much rarer request directly
from a provider with an existing
relationship with a member
and/or the negotiator
This accounts for the two common
reasons where an SCA might be
requested; 1) to cover services
rendered out-of-network and 2) to
Single Case Agreements (SCAs) are
negotiated on a case-by-case basis,
and there is no default process to a
SCA if a provider decides not to enter
a contractual agreement with UNHC
through a good faith contracting
effort. With that said, at times (SCAs)
are created to ensure the
member’s needs are met. In such
instances, UNHC would typically
expect a referral from in-network to
an out-of-network provider to meet
medical needs, review the network
to ensure there is no in-network
provider that can render that same
service in the proximity.
NC Medicaid
6 of 7
WellCare (WCHP) Response
AmeriHealth Caritas (AMHC)
Healthy Blue Response
Carolina Complete Health (CCH)
United Healthcare (UNHC) Response
cover services when the existing
providers are at capacity
What is the payment cycle
for medical and pharmacy
Pharmacy payments are issued at
the point of sale. Both medical
and pharmacy claims will be paid
daily. Check runs take place daily
except for Sundays, last day of the
month and national holidays.
Medical payment cycles will be
every Monday and Wednesday,
while pharmacy cycles will run
every four days.
Payment disbursements for both
medical and pharmacy claims are
sent on Wednesdays.
CCH runs checks each Tuesday and
Check cycles take two days to
complete. One day for ERA
(electronic remittance advice)/PRA
(paper remittance advice) generation
and one day for check payment
either through paper or electronic
Payment cycle for both medical and
pharmacy claims will be a daily check
What message will
providers see in the
Provider Portal regarding
individual claim status
prior to first payments
being released?
WCHP’s provider portal will display
a banner with the date they intend
on executing their first check run
(July 6, 2021, for medical claims
and July 1, 2021, for pharmacy
There will be no provider messaging
prior to first payments being
The claims status in our secure
Provider Portal (Availity) will return
the status at the time of the inquiry.
Claim status will show as
Pending/Paid or Denied.
CCH portal returns an EMS message
queue, which includes the claim
number, rejection code/message etc.
The providers will see a message
displaying the claim has been
The claim will show as Acknowledged
until the claim is processed.
It will show Pending if:
We are waiting on additional
information from the provider or
The claim is still being worked on
It will show Payable if it is processed
but waiting for the payment to be
How can I determine
which services require
prior authorization for a
health plan?
WCHP provides a Prior
Authorization Look-up Tool to
determine if a PA is required prior
to rendering services. WCHP’s
Provider Look-up Tool can be found
AMHC provides a Prior Authorization
Look-up Tool to determine if a PA is
required prior to rendering services.
AMHC’s Provider Look-up Tool can be
found at:
Healthy Blue provides a Prior
Authorization Look-up Tool to
determine if a PA is required prior to
rendering services. Healthy Blues
Provider Look-up Tool can be found
CCH provides a Prior Authorization
Look-up Tool to determine if a PA is
required prior to rendering services.
Pre-Auth Tool can be found at:
UNHC provides a Prior Authorization
Look-up Tool to determine if a PA is
required prior to rendering services.
UNHC’s Provider Look-up Tool can be
found at:
How can I submit a prior
authorization to a health
WCHP submission methods:
Online via Provider Portal:
AMHC submission methods:
Online via Provider Portal:
Healthy Blue submission methods:
Online via Provider Portal: north-
carolina-provider/prior- authorization
CCH submission methods:
Online via Secure Provider Portal:
UNHC submission methods:
Online via Prior Authorization and
Notification Tool on Link:
NC Medicaid
7 of 7
WellCare (WCHP) Response
AmeriHealth Caritas (AMHC)
Healthy Blue Response
Carolina Complete Health (CCH)
United Healthcare (UNHC) Response
Via fax to the numbers listed on
the associated forms:
Call 866-799-5318 and follow the
Via fax to 800-678-3189
Online via Surescripts portal:
Via fax to 833-893-2262
Call: 833-900-2262
After hours and holidays:
Call 855-375-8811
Via fax to 877-234-4274
Call 866-885-1406
Prior authorization is not required
for emergency services when a
member seeks emergency care.
Via fax to:
800-964-3627 (inpatient)
844-445-6649 (Outpatient)
Call 844-594-5072
Via fax to 844-376-2318
Call 844-594-5072
Use the Prior-Auth Check Tool on the
website to quickly determine if a
service or procedure requires prior
authorization. This tool will go live
later this summer, before the launch
of NC Medicaid Managed care.
Call 833-552-3876
Via fax to 833-238-7694
Call 919-719-4161.
Call 833-585-4309
If you’re unable to use the link, call
Provider Services at 877-842-3210.
Call Provider Services at 877-842-
3210 and follow the prompts.
Online via CoverMyMeds portal:
Online via SureScripts portal: