For Official Use Only (FOUO)
For Official Use Only (FOUO) is a document designation, not a classification. This designation is used by
Department of Defense and a number of other federal agencies to identify information or material
which, although unclassified, may not be appropriate for public release. In all cases the designations
refer to unclassified, sensitive information that is or may be exempt from public release under the
Freedom of Information Act.
DoD Directive 5400.7 defines For Official Use Only information as "unclassified information that may
be exempt from mandatory release to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)." The
policy is implemented by DoD Regulation 5400.7-R and 5200.1-R.
How does this pertain to FED LOG?
FEDERAL LOGISTICS DATA on Mobile media or FED LOG is a Logistics Information
Services product that contains proprietary and sensitive data, such as, manufacture’s
data, service data, and NATO/Non-US Stock Numbers neither are releasable to the
general public. FED LOG is a FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) product. Unauthorized
distribution of this product or its contents is strictly prohibited and may be punishable by
civil and criminal penalties. Proprietary manufacturers' data and North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) Stock Numbers are contained on the discs, neither of which are
releasable to the general public, and are provided only on a need to know basis. FED LOG
falls under the legal control of the U. S. Government and required to be managed in
accordance with the applicable records management laws and regulations.
Statutory/Regulatory Responsibilities & Obligations
Each government department or agency defines what information shall be protected and how its
protected information shall be handled. The following information pertains only to Department of
Defense FOUO information. When dealing with sensitive but unclassified information from another
department or agency, check with the originator regarding appropriate handling.
How does this pertain to FED LOG?
For Logistics Information Services is the originator of the FED LOG and has
established user safeguarding requirements to protect the FED LOG product, FOUO data
and materials.
Dissemination of FOUO Information
FOUO information may be disseminated within the DoD components and between officials of the DoD
components and DoD contractors as necessary in the conduct of official business. FOUO information
may also be released to officials in other departments and agencies of the executive and judicial
branches in performance of a valid U.S. Government function.
How does this pertain to FED LOG?
The FED LOG product may be disseminated to DoD Contractors who are currently under
contract and have been sponsored to use and purchase FED LOG in the fulfillment of
their contract by their Procuring/Procurement Contracting Officer. see U. S.
Government Contractor Sponsor requirements.
The FED LOG may be released to officials in other DOD departments or entities in
support of the U.S. Government.
The FED LOG may be released to officials in other U. S. Government Departments and
Agencies of the executive and judicial branches in performance of a valid U.S.
Government function. These departments and agencies will be required to sign a Non-
Disclosure Agreement. See Other U. S. Gov’t requirements
Marking FOUO Information
Unclassified documents and material containing FOUO information shall be marked as follows:
Documents will be marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY at the bottom of the front cover (if there is one),
the title page (if there is one), the first page, and the outside of the back cover (if there is one).
Pages of the document that contain FOUO information shall be marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY at the
bottom. Each paragraph containing FOUO information shall be marked with the abbreviation FOUO in
parentheses at the beginning of the FOUO portion.
Material other than paper documents (for example, slides, computer media, films, etc.) shall bear
markings which alert the holder or viewer that the material contains FOUO information.
FOUO documents and material transmitted outside the Department of Defense must bear an
expanded marking on the face of the document so that non-DoD holders understand the status of the
FOUO documents and material may be transmitted via first class mail, parcel post, or -- for bulk
shipments -- fourth class mail.
How does this pertain to FED LOG?
The FEDLOG DVD/CDs are marked For Official Use Only on the face of each disc, and on
each display screen. Any output paper/electrical documents/data from FED LOG is to
bear markings which alert the holder or viewer that the material contains FOUO
When and where electronic information products/systems contain the FED LOG data or
extracted data the opening screen will be marked with the FOUO handling
legend. Where possible, each paragraph, column, row, or portion of an electronic record
that contains FOUO material will be so marked. The marking may appear in the opening
screen, as a footnote, or a remark; e.g., "Data in columns a, c, and f of this database are
to be handled as FOUO."
When and where information products contain the FED LOG data or extracted data each
page of a printout or report generated from databases containing FOUO data will
display a pre-programmed header and footer containing the FOUO handling legend.
The FED LOG is distributed monthly in compliance with FOUO protocol via US Postal
Services First Class Mail. The mailing address will be USPS CASS complaint for CONUS
and OCONUS addresses.
Safeguarding FOUO Information
FOUO information should be handled in a manner that provides assurance that unauthorized persons
do not gain access.
During working hours, reasonable steps should be taken to minimize risk of access by unauthorized
personnel. After working hours, FOUO may be stored as a minimum in unlocked containers, desks or
cabinets if U. S. Government or U. S. Government -contract building security is provided. If U. S.
Government or U. S. Government -contract building security is not provided, it must be stored at a
minimum in a locked desk, file cabinet, bookcase, locked room, or similar place.
FOUO information with dissemination restrictions may not be placed on shared computer drives or
internal (Intranet) web sites unless those drives and sites are password protected or otherwise
restricted to individuals who have specific responsibilities for handling or using the data in the course
of performing official duties.
Each page of a printout or report generated from databases containing FOUO data will display a pre-
programmed header and footer containing the FOUO handling legend. Where practical, the legend
may be rubber stamped on the document.
FOUO documents may be destroyed by shredding or tearing into pieces and discarding the pieces in a
regular trash container unless circumstances suggest a need for more careful protection.
How does this pertain to FED LOG?
All FOUO Safeguarding applies to FED LOG. When and where electronic information
products/systems contain the FED LOG data or extracted data will have access control must be
established and maintained. They are to be are password protected or otherwise restricted to
individuals who have specific responsibilities for handling or using the data in the course of
performing official duties.
The specified markings and safeguarding measures will be followed to minimize risk of access by
unauthorized personnel accessing the FED LOG data.
The software contained on the FED LOG DVD/CD is provided under license to the
Logistics Information Services for the purposes authorized by that license. Duplication,
copying, or other use of the software contained on this product without the permission
of the software owner may violate U.S. or international copyright law, or international
copyright treaties.
U. S. Contractors must be authorized in writing by their procurement contracting officer to
receive FED LOG. It is the contracting officer's responsibility to ensure the contractors'
awareness of the non-releasibility and safeguarding requirements of the FED LOG product.
All discs must be rendered inoperable prior to disposal or recycling. FED LOG FOUO discs
and documents will be destroyed per the disposition instruction set forth by the DoD
entity or sponsor. FED LOG may be destroyed by shredding or tearing into pieces, and
the pieces discarded in a regular trash container; unless circumstances suggest a need
for more careful protection then in the matter and schedule set forth by the DoD entity
or sponsor,
The Logistics Information Services FED LOG sponsorship requires detailed disposition
instructions are to be executed on specified cycle and at the termination of the
Administrative penalties may be imposed for misuse of FOUO information. Criminal penalties
may be imposed depending on the actual content of the information (privacy, export control,
How does this pertain to FED LOG?
FED LOG is a FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) product. Unauthorized distribution of this
product or its contents is strictly prohibited and may be punishable by civil and criminal
The Procuring or Procurement Contracting Office (PCO) is responsible for the
safeguarding and the adherence to all FED LOG FOUO Protocol by the DoD Contractor.