Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 32, Number 2—Spring 2018—Pages 73–90
he Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago asked its panel of
economics experts—made up of leading professors of economics around
the country—to respond to two statements on international trade in its
March 2012 survey (at The first
statement focused on attitudes towards the general concept of free trade: “Freer
trade improves productive efficiency and offers consumers better choices, and in
the long run these gains are much larger than any effects on employment.” The
second statement honed in specifically on the North American Free Trade Agree-
ment (NAFTA): “On average, citizens of the U.S. have been better off with the North
American Free Trade Agreement than they would have been if the trade rules for
the U.S., Canada and Mexico prior to NAFTA had remained in place.” The experts
could choose among a range of options, from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.”
There was near-unanimous support for the first statement on free trade. Of the
37 economists who answered, 35 picked “strongly agree” or “agree.” Two answered
“uncertain” and none disagreed. The second question on NAFTA produced a
virtually identical response. Once again, no one disagreed and only two econo-
mists picked “uncertain.” The only difference was that there was one less vote for
“strongly agree” (reducing the tally for this option from 11 to 10) and one more
vote for “agree” (raising the tally from 24 to 25).
What Do Trade Agreements Really Do?
Dani Rodrik is the Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy, John F.
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. His email
address is
For supplementary materials such as appendices, datasets, and author disclosure statements, see the
article page at doi=10.1257/jep.32.2.73
Dani Rodrik
74 Journal of Economic Perspectives
The consensus in favor of the general statement supporting free trade is not a
surprise. Economists disagree about a lot of things, but the superiority of free trade
over protection is not controversial. The principle of comparative advantage and
the case for the gains from trade are crown jewels of the economics profession, so
the nearly unanimous support for free trade in principle is understandable. But the
almost identical level of enthusiasm expressed for the North American Free Trade
Agreement—that is, for a text that runs into nearly 2,000 pages, negotiated by three
governments under pressures from lobbies and special interests, and shaped by a
mix of political, economic, and foreign policy objectives—is more curious.
The economists must have been aware that trade agreements, like free trade
itself, create winners and losers. But how did they weight the gains and losses to
reach a judgment that US citizens would be better off “on average”? Did it not matter
who gained and lost, whether they were rich or poor to begin with, or whether the
gains and losses would be diffuse or concentrated? What if the likely redistribution
was large compared to the efficiency gains? What did they assume about the likely
compensation for the losers, or did it not matter at all? And would their evaluation
be any different if they knew that recent research suggests NAFTA produced minute
net efficiency gains for the US economy while severely depressing wages of those
groups and communities most directly affected by Mexican competition?
Perhaps the experts viewed distributional questions as secondary in view of the
overall gains from trade. After all, opening up to trade is analogous to technological
progress. In both cases, the economic pie expands while some groups are left behind.
We did not ban automobiles or light bulbs because coachmen and candle-makers
would lose their jobs. So why restrict trade? As the experts in this survey contemplated
whether US citizens would be better off “on average” as a result of NAFTA, it seems
plausible that they viewed questions about the practical details or the distributional
questions of NAFTA as secondary in view of the overall gains from trade.
This tendency to view trade agreements as an example of efficiency-enhancing
policies that may nevertheless leave some people behind would be more justifiable
if recent trade agreements were simply about eliminating restrictions on trade such
as import tariffs and quotas. In fact, the label “free trade agreements” does not
do a very good job of describing what recent proposed agreements like the Trans-
Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
(TTIP), and numerous other regional and bilateral trade agreements actually do.
Caliendo and Parro (2015) is the most sophisticated evaluation to date of NAFTAs overall economic
effects. These authors develop a multisector, multicountry Ricardian model with intermediate inputs
and productive heterogeneity within sectors. They conclude that NAFTA increased US “welfare” by 0.08
percent (that is, by less than one tenth of 1 percent). Moreover half of this gain came not from an
increase in efficiency but from an improvement in the US terms of trade (that is, at the expense of
other countries, mainly Mexico). As for the distributional impacts, they have been recently estimated
by Hakobyan and McLaren (2016). These authors find very sharp adverse effects for certain groups of
workers. High school dropouts working in industries that were heavily protected by tariffs on Mexican
exports prior to NAFTA experienced a drop in wage growth of as much as 17 percentage points relative
to wage growth in unaffected industries.
Dani Rodrik 75
Contemporary trade agreements go much beyond traditional trade restrictions at
the border. They cover regulatory standards, health and safety rules, investment,
banking and finance, intellectual property, labor, the environment, and many
other subjects. They reach well beyond national borders and seek deep integration
among nations rather than shallow integration, to use Lawrence’s (1996) helpful
distinction. According to one tabulation, 76 percent of existing preferential trade
agreements covered at least some aspect of investment (such as free capital mobility)
by 2011; 61 percent covered intellectual property rights protection; and 46 percent
covered environmental regulations (Limão 2016).
To illustrate the changing nature of trade agreements, compare US trade
agreements with two small nations, Israel and Singapore, signed two decades
apart. The US–Israel Free Trade Agreement, which went into force in 1985, was
the first bilateral trade agreement the US concluded in the postwar period. It is
quite a short agreement—less than 8,000 words in length. It contains 22 articles
and three annexes, the bulk of which are devoted to free-trade issues such as
tariffs, agricultural restrictions, import licensing, and rules of origin. The US–
Singapore Free Trade Agreement went into effect in 2004 and is nearly ten times
as long, taking up 70,000 words. It contains 20 chapters (each with many articles),
more than a dozen annexes, and multiple side letters. Of its 20 chapters, only
seven cover conventional trade topics. Other chapters deal with behind-the-border
topics such anti-competitive business conduct, electronic commerce, labor, the
environment, investment rules, financial services, and intellectual property rights.
Intellectual property rights take up a third of a page (and 81 words) in the US–
Israel agreement. They occupy 23 pages (and 8,737 words) plus two side letters in
the US–Singapore agreement.
Taking these new features into account requires economists to rethink their
default attitudes toward trade agreements, and the politics behind them. This paper
offers a starting point toward the reconsideration that is needed. I will argue that
economists’ conflation of free trade with trade agreements is rooted in an implicit
political economy perspective that views import-competing interests as the most
powerful and dominant architect of trade policy. Under this perspective, protec-
tionists on the import side are the main villain of the story. Trade agreements, when
successfully ratified, serve to counter their influence and get us closer to a welfare
optimum by reducing the protectionism (or harmful regulations) that these special
interests desire. In particular, they prevent beggar-thy-neighbor and beggar-thyself
policies that would result in the absence of trade agreements. In achieving these
ends, governments may be assisted by other special interests—those with a stake
in expanding exports and market access abroad. But the latter play an essentially
useful role, since they are merely a counterweight to the protectionist lobbies.
There is an alternative political economy perspective, one that reverses the
presumption about which set of special interests hold the upper hand in trade policy.
In this view, trade agreements are shaped largely by rent-seeking, self-interested
behavior on the export side. Rather than reining in protectionists, trade agreements
empower another set of special interests and politically well-connected firms, such
76 Journal of Economic Perspectives
as international banks, pharmaceutical companies, and multinational corporations.
Such agreements may result in freer, mutually beneficial trade, through exchange
of market access. But they are as likely to produce welfare-reducing, or purely redis-
tributive outcomes under the guise of free trade.
When trade agreements were largely about import tariffs and quotas—that is
before the 1980s—the second scenario may not have been particularly likely. But
with trade agreements increasingly focusing on domestic rules and regulations, we
can no longer say the same. Taking these new features into account requires us to
cast trade agreements, and the politics behind them, in quite a different light.
Free Trade versus Free Trade Agreements
Basic trade theory suggests that free trade is the optimal policy for an economy,
provided compensatory policies can be implemented and adverse interactions with
market failures can be addressed through complementary policies. The only excep-
tion is that a large country may be able to manipulate its terms of trade at the
expense of its trade partners, using an “optimal tariff.” The latter motive provides a
rationale for countries to enter into trade agreements, preventing mutually harmful
trade protectionism.
Economists have long known that real-world trade agreements are difficult
to understand from the lens of “optimal tariff” theory. And as trade agreements
have evolved and gone beyond import tariffs and quotas into regulatory rules
and harmonization (patent rules, health and safety regulations, labor standards,
investor courts, and so on), they have become harder and harder to fit into received
economic theory.
International agreements in such new areas produce economic consequences
that are far more ambiguous than is the case of lowering traditional border
barriers. They may well generate increases in the volume of trade and cross-border
investment. Nevertheless their welfare and efficiency impacts are fundamentally
uncertain. Here, I will sketch the issues that arise in four areas that have become
common in modern trade agreements: trade-related intellectual property rights,
rules about cross-border capital flows, investor-state dispute settlement procedures,
and harmonization of regulatory standards.
Consider first patents and copyrights (so-called “trade-related intellectual
property rights” or TRIPs). TRIPs entered the lexicon of trade during the Uruguay
Round of multilateral trade negotiations, which were completed in 1994. The
United States has pushed for progressively tighter rules (called TRIPs-plus) in
subsequent regional and bilateral trade agreements. Typically TRIPs pit advanced
countries against developing countries, with the former demanding stronger and
lengthier monopoly restrictions for their firms in the latter’s markets. Freer trade
is supposed to be win-win, with both parties benefiting. But in TRIPs, the advanced
countries’ gains are largely the developing countries’ losses. Consumers in the devel-
oping nations pay higher prices for pharmaceuticals and other research-intensive
What Do Trade Agreements Really Do? 77
products and the advanced countries’ firms reap higher monopoly rents. One
needs to assume an implausibly high elasticity of global innovation to developing
countries’ patents to compensate for what is in effect a pure transfer of rents from
poor to rich countries.
That is why many ardent proponents of free trade were
opposed to the incorporation of TRIPs in the Uruguay Round (for example, Bhag-
wati, Krishna, and Panagariya 2014).
Nonetheless, TRIPs rules have not been dropped, and in fact expand with each
new free trade agreement. Thanks to subsequent trade agreements, intellectual
property protection has become broader and stronger, and much of the flexibility
afforded to individual countries under the original World Trade Organization
agreement has been eliminated (Sell 2011).
Second, consider restrictions on nations’ ability to manage cross-border capital
flows. Starting with its bilateral trade agreements with Singapore and Chile in 2003,
the US government has sought and obtained agreements that enforce open capital
accounts as a rule. These agreements make it difficult for signatories to manage
cross-border capital flows, including in short-term financial instruments. In many
recent US trade agreements, such restrictions apply even in times of macroeco-
nomic and financial crisis. This has raised eyebrows even at the International
Monetary Fund (Siegel 2013).
Paradoxically, capital account liberalization became a norm in trade agree-
ments just as professional opinion among economists was becoming more skeptical
about the wisdom of free capital flows. The frequency and severity of financial crises
associated with financial globalization have led many experts to believe that direct
restrictions on the capital account have a second-best role to complement pruden-
tial regulation and, possibly, to provide temporary breathing space during moments
of extreme financial stress. The International Monetary Fund itself, once at the
vanguard of the push for capital-account liberalization, has officially revised its
stance on capital controls. It now acknowledges a useful role for them where more
direct remedies for underlying macroeconomic and financial imbalances are not
available. Yet investment and financial services provisions in many free-trade agree-
ments run blithely against this new consensus among economists.
A third area where trade agreements include provisions of questionable merit
are the so-called “investor-state dispute settlement” (ISDS) procedures. These provi-
sions have been imported into trade agreements from bilateral investment treaties.
They are an anomaly in that they enable foreign investors, and they alone, to sue
host governments in special arbitration tribunals and to seek monetary damages for
regulatory, tax, and other policy changes that reduce their profits. Foreign inves-
tors (and their governments) see ISDS as protection against expropriation, but in
See Diwan and Rodrik (1991) for an attempt to justify TRIPS from the standpoint of developing nations.
The history of this paper is of some interest. It was written while I was visiting the World Bank as a junior
researcher and at a time when developing nations were strenuously objecting to the US push for TRIPS
in the Uruguay Round. The paper was motivated by a challenge that came down to us from the then chief
economist of the World Bank. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could make a positive economic case for
TRIPS for the developing nations? It turned out someone could.
78 Journal of Economic Perspectives
practice arbitration tribunals interpret the protections provided more broadly than
under, say, domestic US law (Johnson, Sachs, and Sachs 2015).
Developing countries traditionally have signed on to investor–state dispute
settlement procedures in the expectation that they would compensate for their
weak legal regimes and help attract direct foreign investment. But ISDS also suffers
from its own problems: it operates outside accepted legal regimes, gives arbitrators
too much power, does not follow or set precedents, and allows no appeal. Whatever
the merits of ISDS for developing nations, it is more difficult to justify its inclusion
in trade agreements among advanced countries with well-functioning legal systems
(like the prospective Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the
United States and European countries).
Finally, consider the pursuit of the harmonization of regulatory standards that
lies at the center of today’s trade agreements. The justification for harmonization is
that eliminating regulatory differences among nations reduces the transaction costs
associated with doing business across borders. Taking this line of argument one step
further, proponents sometimes label regulatory standards abroad that are more
demanding than those at home as “non-tariff barriers.” There is little question that
governments sometimes do deploy regulations to favor domestic producers over
foreign ones. But these differences may also reflect dissimilar consumer preferences
or divergent regulatory styles. European bans on genetically modified organisms
and hormone-fed beef, for example, are rooted not in protectionist motives—the
same bans apply to domestic producers as well—but in pressures from consumer
groups at home. The US government, for its part, considers them as protectionist
barriers, and dispute-settlement panels of the World Trade Organization have often
agreed (Euractiv 2006 [updated 2012]).
For economists, the trouble is that unlike in the case of tariffs and quotas,
there is no natural benchmark that allows us to judge whether a regulatory standard
is excessive or protectionist. Different national assessments of risk—safety, envi-
ronmental, health—and varying conceptions of how business should relate to its
stakeholders—employees, suppliers, consumers, local communities—will produce
different standards, none obviously superior to others.
In the language of economics, regulatory standards are public goods over which
different nations have different preferences. An optimal international arrangement
would trade off the benefits of expanding market integration (by reducing regu-
latory diversity) against the costs of excessive harmonization. But in general, we
have only a hazy idea where that optimal point may lie, which in any case will vary
across different policy domains. Perhaps regulators and trade negotiators do their
For some statistics on the use of investor-state dispute settlement procedures, see UNCTAD (2015, chapter
III). Of all concluded cases as of end-2014, 27 percent resulted in a ruling in favor of the investor. Twenty-
seven percent of the cases were settled, 9 percent were discontinued, and in 2 percent of cases, the state
was found in breach but no damages were awarded. In the rest of the cases (36 percent), rulings were in
favor of the state. Note that even when the state “wins” in these cases, it is at most awarded its legal costs.
Dani Rodrik 79
job properly and assess the costs and benefits appropriately, safeguarding room for
diversity. Perhaps not.
Regardless, it is curious that economists tend to be nearly unanimous in their
view that trade agreements are a good thing. Despite not knowing much about the
details, they must believe such agreements regularly strike the right balance in all
these areas of ambiguity.
Is it that none of these complications matter as long as the
agreement is called a “free trade agreement”?
The tendency to associate “free trade agreements” all too closely with “free
trade” may result from the fact that the new (and often problematic) beyond-the-
border features of these agreements have not yet made their mark on the collective
unconsciousness of economists. But I suspect it also results from a certain implicit,
hand-waving kind of political economy analysis. In this perspective, protectionist
interests are the dominant influence in the determination of trade and other poli-
cies. Hence, in the absence of trade agreements, barriers to trade are too high and
there is too little trade. Trade agreements are in turn a mechanism through which
protectionist interests can be neutralized. The specific details of the agreement do
not matter much as long as trade-creating interests are empowered to offset the
otherwise dominant protectionist influences. In other words, trade agreements must
move us in a desirable direction because they are a counterweight to protectionists.
This inference is valid as long as the argument’s premise is correct—namely,
that trade agreements on balance empower the special interests more closely aligned
with good economic performance. But what if they empower the wrong special
interests instead—the investors, banks, and multinational enterprises seeking to
increase rents at the expense of the general interest?
When trade agreements are mostly about tariffs and quotas, there is an easy way
to tell the difference. The presence of high tariffs before the agreement and tariff
reduction as a result of the agreement provide prima facie evidence that protectionists
were the dominant influence before the agreement and that they were countervailed
through the agreement. But this intuition does not carry over to trade agreements on
domestic rules, regulations, and standards because we do not readily know where the
efficient benchmark is. A trade agreement captured by an alternative set of special
interests may make things worse just as easily as it makes them better. Such an agree-
ment can move us away from the efficient outcome, even if it takes the guise of a free
trade agreement and expands the volume of trade and investment.
There is plenty of anecdotal evidence of rent-seeking by firms that favor trade
agreements. But to put this evidence in context, let us first examine why countries
sign trade agreements in the first place.
An additional area of concern raised by trade specialists early on in the context of NAFTA was the
design of the rules of origin, the regulations that determine whether a good imported by one country
receives duty-free treatment within the free trade area. Krueger (1993) and others worried that restrictive
rules of origin would essentially extend the more protectionist country’s tariffs to the other partners.
(This concern does not arise in customs unions where countries adopt a common external tariff.)
80 Journal of Economic Perspectives
The Logic of Trade Agreements
When economists teach gains from trade, they emphasize that free trade is
good for each nation on its own. (What it means to say “good for the nation” in
the presence of losers as well as gainers is, of course, a thorny issue, but I will leave
that aside, in keeping with the standard treatment.
) Ricardo’s (1817) demonstra-
tion of the principle of comparative advantage—free trade expands a nation’s
consumption possibilities frontier even if it has an absolute productivity advantage
in producing every good—remains one of our profession’s most significant
intellectual achievements. A direct implication is that countries should want to have
free trade regardless of what their trade partners do. Responding to another coun-
try’s protectionism by raising one’s own trade barriers is tantamount to cutting off
the nose to spite the face.
If this insight were the end of the story, the presence (and proliferation) of
trade agreements would be a mystifying puzzle. What is the point of signing agree-
ments with other countries to do what is in your national interest in the first place?
A possible answer was provided early on by Harry Johnson (1953). Countries that
are “large” in world markets have the incentive to exploit their market power. An
import tariff restricts home demand for other countries’ exports and drives down
the world price of the imported good. A Nash equilibrium among large countries
would be inefficient, as each country would be imposing its own, positive “optimal”
tariffs. Correspondingly, a trade agreement that enforced free trade could leave all
the countries better off.
Even if the logic of this argument is accepted, the question remains of why a
formal trade agreement is needed, such as the World Trade Organization or NAFTA.
After all, a free-trade equilibrium can be achieved through cooperation in a repeated
interaction game. In addition, one can ask whether a formal agreement on its own
can prevent opportunistic behavior on the part of sovereign nations. Nonetheless,
the motive to manipulate the terms-of-trade provides a valid economic motive for
countries to commit themselves to free trade by signing on to trade agreements.
However, this theory does not sit well with the fact that actual policymakers do
not seem very concerned about the terms of trade when they negotiate trade agree-
ments. They tend to care more about the volume of trade: nations like it when their
exports grow, but not so much when their imports expand. Effectively, nations trade
market access: more of your imports in return for more of my exports. Moreover,
these preferences do not seem to be grounded in the effects that trade volumes
have on world market prices. It is true that home policies that lower import demand
tend to reduce world market prices of imports, and hence improve the terms of
However, Driskill (2012) takes the profession to task, correctly, for sweeping distribution under the rug
when discussing the “welfare gains” from trade.
See Grossman (2016) for an exposition of the Johnson argument and the subsequent literature.
Bagwell and Staiger (2002) have been the most consistent and prolific defenders of this perspective on
trade agreements.
What Do Trade Agreements Really Do? 81
trade. But on the export side, general government practice consists of boosting
export supply, through export subsidies, credits, and other assistance, rather than
reducing it. This has the effect of lowering export prices on world markets, and
hence worsening the terms of trade.
Also, if trade agreements are really about curbing terms-of-trade manipulation,
what do we make of the prohibition on export subsidies in the World Trade Organiza-
tion? When a government resorts to export subsidies, it worsens its own terms of trade
and confers economic benefits on other nations. If it does so nevertheless, it must be
for noneconomic or special-interest reasons. Regardless, there would be no reason
for trade agreements to prohibit their use. As Grossman (2016) notes, “the literature
offers no compelling reason why trade agreements should outlaw export subsidies in
a trading environment characterized by perfectly competitive markets.”
Trade policy practitioners seem to worry little about international terms-of-
trade spillovers. Instead, they tend to justify trade agreements by reference to the
politics of trade policy at home: Trade agreements are what enable governments
to say “no” to domestic import-competing interests. Absent trade agreements, this
argument goes, governments are too easily tempted to do the easy thing and provide
import protection when faced with short-term political pressures (for example,
Bown 2016).
A number of academic papers conceptualize this argument in the form of a
time-inconsistency problem (for example, Staiger and Tabellini 1987; Maggi and
Rodriguez-Clare 1998). In this framework, the government knows that free trade is
the best policy in the long run. But it faces short-term political pressures to respond
to organized interest groups. Forward-looking workers and capitalists understand the
difference between the government’s short-run and long-run incentives and behave
accordingly. In particular, they make their investment decisions so as to ensure the
government provides them with trade protection. In these settings, trade agreements
are a commitment device for governments to withstand political pressure from future
protectionists. As Grossman (2016) notes, we may question whether there is not an
easier way of purchasing such commitment than negotiating very complicated deals
with multiple partners over many years. Nevertheless, the view that trade agreements
serve to neutralize protectionist special interests is very widely held.
This commitment or lock-in argument is analogous to the familiar case for
policy delegation in other areas with dynamic inconsistency, such as monetary
policy (justifying an independent central bank) or business regulation (justifying
autonomous regulatory agencies). In any of these settings, the validity of the policy
conclusion depends critically on the specification of the game that is being played
between the government and special interests.
When there is a genuine time consistency problem, everyone is better off with
pre-commitment or delegation (save, possibly for the lobbyists and special inter-
ests). When protectionists show up at the government’s door, the government says:
Under imperfect competition, countries may have an economic incentive to use export subsidies to
shift excess profits from foreign firms to domestic firms. See Grossman (2016, section 3) for a discussion.
82 Journal of Economic Perspectives
“Sorry, I’d love to help you out, but the trade agreement will not let me do it.” This
is the good kind of delegation and external discipline.
Now consider a different setting. Here, the government fears not its future
self, but its future opponents: the opposition party (or parties). The latter may have
different views on economic policy, and if victorious in the next election, the oppo-
sition may well choose to shift course. In this situation, an incumbent government
enters an international agreement to tie the hands of its opponents. From the stand-
point of social welfare, this strategy has much less to recommend itself. The future
government may have better or worse ideas about government policy, and it is not
clear that restricting what it can do in the future is a win-win outcome. This govern-
ment too will present its case in traditional delegation terms. But what it is really
doing is to ensure the permanence of partisan policies.
Now suppose further that the current government is captured by special
interests—but by exporter lobbies instead of import-competing lobbies. In this
case, the government’s objectives are explicitly redistributive, to transfer rents from
the rest of society to a special interest. But unlike in the usual model, the rent-
seekers are not the traditional protectionists. They are pharmaceutical companies
seeking tighter patent rules, financial institutions that want to limit ability of countries
to manage capital flows, or multinational companies that seek special tribunals to
enforce claims against host governments. In this setting, trade agreements serve to
empower special interests, rather than rein them in.
Whose Interests Do Trade Agreements Serve?
With traditional trade agreements, which focused on reducing tariff and
nontariff barriers to trade, it was relatively easy to figure out which of these different
models approximated reality better. Consider for example the GATT (General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) rounds of multilateral trade negotiations before
the World Trade Organization was established in 1995. Tariff levels were high
after World War II, and negotiations were largely about bringing them down. Few
other issues were discussed beyond tariffs and other explicit barriers at the border.
The fact that tariffs were high to begin with is prima facie evidence that protec-
tionist interests had previously held the upper hand in the political equilibrium.
The fact that trade agreements succeeded in lowering tariffs is evidence that such
agreements served to counteract those protectionist interests. In other words, the
trade-agreements-as-political-commitment story worked pretty well. It suggests that
these agreements were moving the economies of the negotiating parties broadly in
the right direction.
Of course, if trade deals are the outcome of partisan politics, there will be pressure in the future to renege
on them, once political power changes hands. But this is no different than in the standard time-inconsistency
case, where short-term incentives always militate in favor of reneging on trade agreements. In both cases,
the argument relies on the presence of costs that render international agreements hard to reverse.
Dani Rodrik 83
With post-1995 trade agreements, matters are no longer so simple. Tariffs and
explicit barriers to trade have dropped considerably, and many new areas of negoti-
ation have opened up in which there is typically no efficient “free-trade” benchmark
analogous to the role that zero duties play in the context of tariffs. Do Vietnam’s
capital-account regulations, say, or patent rules serve the country’s economic devel-
opment well or poorly? Are European Union food safety regulations closely aligned
with European consumers’ risk preferences or do they privilege producer interests
too much? Does US jurisprudence provide adequate protections for foreign inves-
tors, or not? To be sure, domestic regulations and product standards can be enacted
for protectionist purposes—simply to keep competing imports out. But they can be
also used to serve developmental, social, or other deserving goals.
If countries have gotten the balance wrong in these and other areas, can we
be at all sure that trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership or the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership will move their policies closer to
the social optimum—and not further away? Can the dispute settlement process
provided by such trade agreements draw the appropriate distinctions in practice
between pure protectionism and legitimate regulatory divergence?
It is hard to provide a definitive answer to these questions. What is clear is
that we cannot simply look at whether agreements are trade-creating or not and
evaluate them on that basis. It is all too easy to come up with examples where too
much regulatory harmonization in the name of reducing transaction costs to trade
leaves at least one of the negotiating parties worse off. The case of tightening intel-
lectual property rights in developing countries, mentioned earlier, is a prominent
example. Erosion of consumer protections in high-standard countries may likewise
expand trade, but it will not leave importing countries better off. It is similarly easy
to see that agreements that privilege investors or corporations over other interests
(like labor or the environment) can end up producing largely redistributive conse-
quences with few efficiency gains. That fear is widespread among opponents of
investor courts.
Potential trade-offs arise in all of these areas: regulatory harmonization may
spur trade, but it could also prevent regulations from reflecting domestic prefer-
ences. A proper negotiating process would take both sides of the ledger into account.
The texts of trade agreements pay plenty of lip service to economic and social goals
beyond trade. However, these are fundamentally trade deals. They are not negotia-
tions on public health, regulatory experimentation, promoting structural change
and industrialization in developing nations, or protecting labor standards in the
advanced economies. It would not be surprising if the process were captured by
See Sykes (2017) for some of the difficulties. Howse and Tuerk (2001) provide an early discussion of
WTO jurisprudence, drawing attention to the risk that WTO rules can be used to challenge domestic
regulations aimed at addressing serious health risks. The specific case they discuss is a case brought
by Canada against France’s ban on asbestos in construction materials. Even though the WTO panel
ultimately ruled against Canada, it accepted the basis of the claim, namely that asbestos and non-asbestos
materials were “like products” and that therefore France had discriminated against Canadian imports.
84 Journal of Economic Perspectives
trade interests. Nor should it be unexpected that the success of the agreements is
typically gauged by the volume of trade they create.
We could gain further insight into specific outcomes by looking at the actual
process through which trade agreements are negotiated. However, such negotiations
are typically secret—a feature that draws the ire of labor, public-interest groups, and
many politicians. During the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, for example,
only two copies of the text were made available in special reading rooms to US
congressmen and their staff with special security clearances (Bradner 2015). And
even these readers could be prosecuted if they revealed the contents to the public.
The ostensible reason for secrecy is to facilitate the back-and-forth dealing
needed to produce compromise. But from the perspective of broader social welfare,
secrecy is a mixed blessing. It may promote quicker bargains. But it also tends to bias
the results against interests not present in the negotiation (Kucik and Pelc 2016).
Business is rarely far from the actual negotiations. In fact, it is commonplace for busi-
ness lobbyists to wait just outside the negotiation room and influence the outcome
in real time (for example, see the account of NAFTA negotiations in Smith 2015).
One of the better-known and most instructive cases is the story of trade-related
intellectual property rights, or TRIPs. The inclusion of TRIPs in the 1994 agreement
that established the World Trade Organization was a landmark event. As Devereaux,
Lawrence, and Watkins (2006, p. 42) write, “[a]fter seven years of negotiating,
industries that rely on copyrights, patents, and trademarks received more protec-
tion than anyone had believed possible at the outset of the talks.” Business interests
had been pushing since at least the 1970s to get the US government to enforce
patent and copyright protections abroad. The conventional international forum for
discussion of such issues was the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
However, US firms regarded WIPO as an ineffective UN agency dominated by devel-
oping countries. A coalition made up of agrochemical companies like Monsanto,
trademark-based companies such as Levi-Strauss and Samsonite, pharmaceutical
companies like Pfizer, and computer companies such as IBM effectively redefined
TRIPs as a trade issue. They managed to engineer what political scientists call
“forum shifting,” moving the focus of international negotiation from WIPO to what
would eventually become the World Trade Organization. US firms coordinated with
their counterparts in Europe and Japan to develop minimum standards on which
they would agree. These standards would in turn significantly shape the final agree-
ment that emerged from the Uruguay Round (Devereaux, Lawrence, and Watkins
2006; Sell 2011).
The shift in forums from the World Intellectual Property Organization to the
World Trade Organization was a brilliant strategic move for business. It ensured
that commercial considerations would dominate and outweigh other goals, such as
implications for economic development and public health. But TRIPs was only the
beginning. Following their success with using the Uruguay Round to pursue their
goals for protection of intellectual property, pharmaceutical and other companies
engaged in what Sell (2011) calls “vertical” forum shifting—that is, pushing for and
obtaining further protections in specific free trade agreements. The United States
What Do Trade Agreements Really Do? 85
had much greater bargaining leverage vis-à-vis individual developing nations in
bilateral or regional trade agreements. Once a precedent had been set in the WTO
talks, it was now possible to go considerably beyond TRIPs. Pharmaceutical compa-
nies were able to obtain test data exclusivity (preventing generics providers from
using the same data in their own licensing applications), a prohibition on parallel
imports (of original products, but by other than the patent-holders), severe restric-
tions on compulsory licensing requirements by host governments, and automatic
patent term extensions (Sell 2011). The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the latest
of these agreements, has such broad protection of intellectual property that the
head of the World Health Organization has spoken out against it, blaming interfer-
ence by “powerful economic operators” (Germanos 2015).
The influence of special interests is rarely exercised through the naked applica-
tion of power—do this, or else! Instead, these groups get their way by convincing
policymakers and the broader public that certain of their goals also further the
public interest. The success of TRIPs had to do in no small part with the framing
of the issue in terms that gave it broad legitimacy and appeal. Thus, what might
have been more accurately called monopoly rents were transformed into “property
rights.” Then firms abroad who imitated and reverse-engineered technologies of
the more advanced countries became engaged in “piracy,” even though this is a
time-honored practice by technologically lagging countries, including today’s devel-
oped countries in the past. As one prominent example, many of Boston’s original
textile mill owners “stole” their designs from Lancashire, taking elaborate steps to
evade British intellectual property rights protections (Morris 2012). With some
hand-waving, preserving the monopoly of US film studios, pharmaceutical compa-
nies, and fashion houses turned into a fundamental issue of free trade.
Pro-trade business interests are known to have played a significant role in the
expansion of trade agreements into other new areas beyond intellectual property.
For example, the push to include services in multilateral trade negotiations took
place at the behest of American firms. Services differ from trade in goods insofar
they often require changes in domestic regulations. Financial services is a good
example. As Marchetti and Mavroidis (2011, p. 692) write, “it was the US financial
Even though US pharmaceutical companies would have gotten a better deal under the Trans-Pacific
Partnership than they ever had, they were dissatisfied at the end because they could not get the other
countries to agree to the 12-year protection in biologics that they currently enjoy in the United States.
They got a minimum of five years instead, with three additional years under special regulatory safe-
guards. Mark Grayson, a spokesman for PhRMA, which represents top pharmaceutical companies, is
quoted as saying: “They were supposed to come back with U.S. law on [intellectual property] rights,
and they didn’t, and our board is very disappointed” (Ferris 2015). For another perspective, Branstetter
(2016) concludes that TPP struck a reasonable balance between incentives to innovation and access
to medicines. He praises the agreement for exporting the US regulatory model (specifically, the Drug
Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984, often known Hatch–Waxman Act) to the
Asia-Pacific context. But given that the parties to the trade agreement are at very different stages of
development, it is not clear that a similar model is suitable for all, rather than being a mechanism for
rent shifting from less-developed to more-developed countries. Moreover, empirical research fails to
find strong effects on innovation from more restrictive patents (Boldrin and Levine 2012; Moser 2013;
Sakakibara and Branstetter 1999; Branstetter 2004).
86 Journal of Economic Perspectives
services sectors that first argued systematically in favor of a trade round that would
include a chapter on liberalization of trade in services.” A key role was played by the
Coalition of Service Industries, a trade group representing US service industries,
which focused its energies on the right of establishment of financial and insurance
companies in foreign countries: “The CSI gathered data, organized conferences,
engaged in extensive public lecturing, and heavily lobbied the US government to
this effect” (p. 693). The heads of Citibank and American Express each headed
key advisory groups organized by the US Trade Representative in the run-up to the
Uruguay Round agreement in 1994. American Express was especially active, with
its executives building up a domestic lobby, establishing links with other service-
industry lobbies around the world, and exerting influence on US policy through
direct participation in negotiations with other countries (Yoffie 1990, cited in
Marchetti and Mavroidis 2011).
Interestingly, this lobbying to expand markets abroad in services has not done
much to nullify service protectionism in the United States itself—unlike in the tradi-
tional account of what trade agreements do. For example, one of the most blatant
forms of US protectionism is the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (often known as
the Jones Act), which prevents foreign ships from serving domestic US shipping
lines. The objective of the law is to maintain a strong US shipbuilding industry and
merchant marine, ostensibly for national security purposes. But the protectionist
intent and consequences are clear (Grennes 2017). It has remained untouched
in all the trade agreements the United States has negotiated, including the Trans-
Pacific Partnership.
As trade agreements move into these new areas, the role of business lobbies
changes as well. Governments have to rely on knowledge and expertise from busi-
nesses to negotiate complex regulatory changes. Hence, business lobbies become
partners and collaborators for the trade negotiators: they help define the issue,
provide information and expertise, and mobilize support from other business
groups transnationally. As Woll and Artigas (2007, p. 131) put it, “[u]nlike the
exchange model assumed in the traditional economic models, firms do not just
exchange votes or money to lobby against regulation. Rather, they offer expertise
and political support in exchange for access to the elaboration of specific stakes.”
Business lobbies also become much more intimately involved in the actual trade
negotiations, sometimes forming a larger part of the delegation than the actual
government representatives (Woll and Artigas 2007).
A rough idea of who actually lobbies for trade agreements can be obtained
from data collected by the Sunlight Foundation for the Trans-Pacific Partner-
ship. Their analysis is based on public lobbying reports issued by corporations
and industry associations, and whether the TPP is mentioned by name in those
reports (as reported by Drutman 2014). Perhaps unsurprisingly, pharmaceutical
manufacturing firms and PhRMA (the industry association) dominate the list.
Others that stand out are auto manufacturers, milk and dairy producers, textiles
and fabrics firms, information technology firms, and the entertainment industry.
Labor unions such as United Steelworkers and AFL-CIO, which are traditionally
Dani Rodrik 87
associated with protectionist motives, tend to lag behind these industry-based
Business interests exert influence also through their presence in the various
trade advisory committees that are set up in the course of trade negotiations.
Such committees are in principle made up of a wide range of all the stakeholders,
including labor groups and environmental nongovernment organizations who
may have a negative view of conventional trade agreements. But business repre-
sentatives and trade associations are by far the dominant group, making up more
than 80 percent of the membership of such committees during the negotiation of
Trans-Pacific Partnership (as reported in Ingraham 2014; Ingraham and Schneider
Systematic studies of how interest groups on different sides of trade agree-
ments shape the negotiations are rare, given the lack of transparency of the process.
However, one analysis of Swedish lobbies takes advantage of the fact that Sweden
has a far-reaching freedom-of-information clause in its constitution, which enabled
Rönnbäck (2015) to access all the documents behind trade policy formulation in
the country during the Uruguay Round. As Rönnbäck points out, the commonly
maintained assumption in the literature on the political economy of trade is that
the process is influenced overwhelmingly by import-competing, protectionist inter-
ests. Trade agreements are signed despite these interests, not because of them. But
Rönnbäck found that the approach pursued by the Swedish government in the
trade negotiations was not only in line with special-interest lobbying, but it was
largely shaped by it. The interest groups that played the determining role in the
consultative process were in favor of expanding trade. But the interests of these
groups were not in tariffs per se, which were already low. Instead their demand was
“to broaden the scope of the agenda of the GATT, by including issues such as trade
in services, investment measures and public tender agreements” (p. 286). In other
words, industry lobbies pushed for deep integration measures beyond the standard
free-trade policies.
Rönnbäck’s (2015) study also documents how trade negotiations can help
special interests coordinate across national borders. Apparently Swedish businesses
initially did not show much awareness—or interest in—intellectual property rights.
But as the United States pushed harder on TRIPs in the negotiations, the issue rose
in prominence among Swedish interest groups. As Rönnbäck (p. 287) puts it: “It
seems as if the interest groups only realized the potential for economic rents that the
trade negotiations could offer quite slowly, as the negotiations progressed. As soon
as the Swedish interest groups realized this potential, however, they did not hesitate
to act and make demands on the government.” As individual corporations such as
Astra as well as the Pharmaceutical Industry Association took up the cause, Sweden’s
government followed suit. By the late 1980s, any doubts the Swedish government
may have harbored about the wisdom of including TRIPs in the Uruguay Round
seems to have vanished. In the years leading to the final agreement, the intellectual
property issue came to be “described as among the most important for the Swedish
interests” (p. 288).
88 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Finally, the influence of special interests also shows up in the dog that does
not bark: potential areas of negotiation with high social returns that are left out of
the trade agenda. One such area that touches directly the interests of large firms is
global tax-and-subsidy competition. In a world with mobile capital, governments are
tempted to offer better terms to globally mobile corporations in order to compete
for investment. This results in a sub-optimal Nash equilibrium with larger transfers to
corporations and their shareholders than is globally desirable. In practice, the effects
show up in two areas: investment subsidies (in the form of tax holidays and other
sweeteners) and reductions in corporate tax rates. In view of the obvious cross-border
externalities, enacting global disciplines on tax-and-subsidy competition would make
excellent economic sense. Yet trade agreements never touch on this issue. They are
replete with restrictions on what home governments can do to impose obligations
on foreign investors. But they do not prevent these governments from wasting tax
dollars and enriching corporations in a harmful race to the bottom.
Ammunition to the Barbarians?
When I recently gave a talk arguing that economists underplay some of the
adverse consequences of advanced globalization, an economist in the audience took
me to task: Don’t you worry, he asked, that your arguments will be used (or abused)
by populists and protectionists to further their own interests? It is a reaction that
reminds me of a response from a distinguished economist more than two decades
ago to my 1997 monograph Has Globalization Gone Too Far? All your arguments are
fine, he told me, but they will give “ammunition to the barbarians.”
The objection is instructive insofar as it lays bare the implicit political economy
understanding with which economists tend to approach public discussions of trade
policy. In this perspective, the serious threats to sensible trade policy nearly always
come from the import protectionists, and trade agreements mainly offset the influ-
ence of the protectionists. But as trade agreements have evolved and gone beyond
import tariffs and quotas into regulatory rules and harmonization—intellectual
property, health and safety rules, labor standards, investment measures, investor-
state dispute settlement procedures, and others—they have become harder and
harder to fit into received economic theory. Why do many economists presume that
it is more dangerous to express skepticism in public about these rules than it is to
cheerlead? In other words, why do they think that there are barbarians only on one
side of the issue?
I have presented an alternative perspective in this paper. Rather than
neutralizing the protectionists, trade agreements may empower a different set of
rent-seeking interests and politically well-connected firms—international banks,
pharmaceutical companies, and multinational firms. They may serve to internation-
alize the influence of these powerful domestic interests. Trade agreements could
still result in freer, mutually beneficial trade, through exchange of market access.
They could result in the global upgrading of regulations and standards, for labor,
What Do Trade Agreements Really Do? 89
say, or the environment. But they could also produce purely redistributive outcomes
under the guise of “freer trade.” As trade agreements become less about tariffs and
nontariff barriers at the border and more about domestic rules and regulations,
economists might do well to worry more about the latter possibility. They may
even adopt a stance of rebuttable prejudice against these new-type trade deals—a
prejudice against these deals, which should be overturned only with demonstrable
evidence of their benefits.
I am grateful to Robert Lawrence, Gene Grossman, and the editors for helpful comments
that improved the paper, and to Vedant Bahl for research assistance.
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