Foreign Direct Investment and Regional
Trade Agreements: The Market Size
Effect Revisited
Florence Jaumotte
© 2004 International Monetary Fund WP/04/206
IMF Working Paper
Middle East and Central Asia Department
Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Trade Agreements:
The Market Size Effect Revisited
Prepared by Florence Jaumotte
Authorized for distribution by Erik De Vrijer
November 2004
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent
those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are
published to elicit comments and to further debate.
The paper investigates whether the market size of a regional trade agreement (RTA) is a
determinant of foreign direct investment (FDI) received by countries participating in the RTA.
This hypothesis is tested on a sample of 71 developing countries during the period 1980–99.
Evidence is found that the RTA market size had a positive impact on the FDI received by
member countries, even more so in the 1990s when such agreements were revived and became
more widespread. The size of domestic population also seemed to matter, possibly because of
its effect on the availability of the labor supply. It appears, however, that not all countries in the
RTA benefited to the same extent from the RTA: countries with a relatively more educated
labor force and/or a relatively more stable financial situation tended to attract a larger share of
FDI at the expense of their RTA partners. This evidence suggests it is essential for all RTA
countries to improve their business environment to the best available in the region. Finally, a
partial negative correlation between the FDI received by RTA countries and that received by
non-RTA countries possibly reflects a diversion of FDI from non-RTA to RTA countries. As an
illustration, FDI benefits are simulated from the creation of a regional trade agreement between
Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia.
JEL Classification Numbers: F13, F15, F21
Keywords: Foreign direct investment; Regional trade agreements; Economic integration;
Market size; Scale economies
Author(s) E-Mail Address: [email protected]g
This paper was prepared while working as an economist in the IMF’s Middle Eastern Department. I am grateful
to Michel Lazare, Edward Gardner, and Patrizia Tumbarello for their help in shaping this project. Thanks also go to
Peter Allum, Robert Barro, David Burton, Philippe Callier, S. Nuri Erbas, Domenico Fanizza, Mangal Goswami,
Hervé Joly, Edouard Martin, and Randa Sab for their helpful comments. All remaining errors are mine.
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Contents Page
I. Introduction ......................................................................................................................3
II. RTA and FDI: A First Look at the Data...........................................................................5
III. The Econometric Model ..................................................................................................7
IV. Results............................................................................................................................11
V. Application to Maghreb Countries.................................................................................13
VI. Conclusion .....................................................................................................................15
1. Ratio of Average Stock of FDI to GDP—Comparison RTA Versus Non-RTA ...........17
2. Ratio of Average FDI Inflow to GDP............................................................................17
3. Ratio of Average Stock of FDI to GDP .........................................................................18
4. Ratio of Average FDI Inflow to GDP............................................................................18
5. Autoregressive Model of the Level of FDI Stock..........................................................19
6. Regional Model: Estimation in First Difference and Instrumentation...........................20
7. Regional Model: Sensitivity Tests.................................................................................21
8. FDI in Percent of GDP for Maghreb Countries .............................................................22
9. Actual and Predicted FDI Stock-to-GDP Ratio for Maghreb Countries .......................23
10. Actual and Predicted Average Annual Growth of the FDI Stock-to-GDP Ratio ..........24
11. Growth in the FDI Stock-to-GDP Ratio Implied by the Creation of a Maghreb
Regional Market.............................................................................................................24
1. Partial Correlation FDI—Domestic Market Size...........................................................25
2. Partial Correlation FDI—Regional Market Size ...........................................................25
I. List of South-South Regional Trade Agreements..........................................................26
II. List of Sample Economies.............................................................................................28
III. Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix..................................................................29
Appendix Tables
A1. Summary Statistics of Selected Variables ....................................................................29
A2. Correlation Matrix Between Selected Variables...........................................................29
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The 1990s witnessed a spread of regional trade agreements (RTAs), including many between
developing countries. Among the newly created RTAs are Mercosur, the Group of Three, and
the Cross-Border Initiative. Existing RTAs have also been revived and have increased their
membership. Many developing countries are in an RTA or are discussing the possibility.
Although they are not always without costs,
RTAs provide the benefits of free trade within
the confines of a regional group. These include the exploitation of comparative advantage
with partner countries, increased competition leading to greater efficiency, and a larger
market allowing the exploitation of economies of scale. These efficiency gains can turn into
dynamic gains by increasing growth, as well as domestic and foreign investment. In many
instances, foreign direct investment (FDI) may actually act as an essential catalyst for these
dynamic benefits to materialize. FDI is valued for the activity and employment it creates, the
incentives it gives to domestic producers to increase their efficiency, and the technology and
know-how transfers it may generate.
As such, the effect of RTAs on FDI is the central focus
of this paper.
RTAs may affect the incentives for FDI through multiple channels (Blomström and Kokko,
1997). The implementation of an RTA usually involves the reduction/elimination of tariff
and non-tariff barriers between RTA members, and the imposition of a common external
tariff vis-à-vis non-members. The theory predicts a positive impact of such measures on an
interregional FDI, but an ambiguous effect on intraregional FDI, which depends on the
structure and motives for pre-existing investment.
The positive effect on FDI inflows from
outsiders is likely to arise from the larger market size. Indeed, FDI involves a non-negligible
set-up cost which generates increasing returns to scale and makes larger markets a more
profitable investment opportunity than smaller markets. Firms whose competitiveness lies in
intangible assets developed through research and development (R&D) face even stronger
increasing returns to scale, due to the large initial R&D expenditures they incur. The market
size effect applies mostly to market-seeking FDI, although vertical FDI (driven by a cost
reduction motive) may also be stimulated if the output is destined for other members of the
RTAs are considered of second-best nature compared to multilateral free trade because of the risk of trade
diversion. Trade diversion occurs when import supply from countries outside the region is replaced by less
efficient production from countries within the region. RTAs could even be worse than the status quo if trade
diversion exceeded trade creation and other benefits of RTAs. However, this risk is reduced when the objective
of the RTA is to promote exports and prepare the terrain for more effective competition outside the region
instead of protecting import-substitution. RTAs have moved toward a more open kind of regionalism in the
1990s. For a discussion of the benefits and costs of RTAs, see for example De la Torre and Kelly (1992), and
Baldwin and Venables (1995).
See for example Blomström, Globerman, and Kokko (2000), Borenzstein, De Gregorio, and Lee (1995).
In the case examined by this paper (RTAs between developing countries), FDI inflows from outsiders are
likely to account for the major part of FDI, since developing countries carry little outward FDI themselves. This
makes it more likely that the creation of an RTA will increase the overall level of FDI into the region.
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RTA. Interregional FDI may also increase if the average level of external protection
increases or is expected to increase as a result of the RTA.
Regarding intra-regional FDI, the
lowering of internal tariffs tends to reduce the incentives for tariff-jumping FDI, but on the
other hand facilitates vertical FDI which delocalizes the production process to the countries
with the best advantage by location. Intra-regional FDI motivated by the exploitation of
intangible assets should not be negatively affected by the lowering of internal tariffs. Finally,
the significant efficiency benefits brought about by an RTA may feed into higher growth
rates and possibly more R&D, which would further stimulate both interregional and
intraregional FDI.
However, even if an RTA increases the overall level of FDI, the surge in FDI is unlikely to
be evenly distributed among the members. On the contrary, it is likely to be geographically
concentrated in the RTA members with the strongest advantage by location. Existing
production facilities may also be reorganized and concentrated in these same countries,
implying a loss of existing FDI for countries with less locational advantages. Such a
phenomenon is more likely to occur in sectors for which economies of scale are large relative
to transport costs, such as more technology-intensive sectors.
Most of the empirical evidence on the FDI effects of RTAs is from the European Internal
Market Programme (IMP). In a survey of the literature, Dunning (1997) concludes that the
IMP had positive effects on both interregional and intraregional FDI in the European
Community (EC), but more so on interregional than intraregional FDI. Although this variable
was not as significant as the other determinants of FDI, Dunning questions whether the IMP
can really be considered as an independent variable, since its main effects will be through
market size, income levels, the structure of economic activity, and agglomeration economies.
Pain and Landsbury (1996) find an increase of intra-regional FDI by the United Kingdom
and Germany as the IMP was implemented during 1980–92. They also find little support for
the proposition that IMP led to a more pronounced intra-EC concentration of economic
activity, though some countries lost FDI (e.g., France and Belgium). However, they find
some evidence of investment diversion from the United States and Austria to the benefit of
the EC (in the case of German outward FDI). Girma (2001) adopts a different
methodological approach to test the effect of the IMP on inward FDI in the U.K.
manufacturing sector. Instead of a simple intercept shift (captured by a dummy variable for
the IMP), he interacts the IMP dummy with the determinants of FDI, and includes both the
European market size and the domestic size as potential determinants of FDI. He concludes
that the size of the European market and the unit labor costs relative to the rest of the EC
became more important determinants of FDI than local market size as the IMP was
Such fears are believed to have been behind the surge in Japanese FDI into the European Single Market.
This finding applies mostly to FDI for acquisitions, and less so to FDI for start-ups, for which the size of the
U.K. market remains as important as before.
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Another RTA which has attracted a lot of attention is Mercosur, created in 1991 and
consisting of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The creation of Mercosur resulted in
strong increases in inflows of FDI into the region, and more particularly into Argentina and
Brazil. Blomström and Kokko (1997) argue that the achievement of macroeconomic stability
appeared to be a pre-condition for the FDI response to materialize in Argentina and later in
Brazil. Moreover, Brazil and Argentina had large privatization programs that could probably
have been one factor leading to the FDI increase (Chudnovsky, Lopez, and Porta, 1995).
Finally, the inflows of FDI into the region were not distributed equally between participating
countries, with mixed experiences for Uruguay and Paraguay. However, the main gains from
the RTA for these countries are likely to be dynamic, with higher growth and increased
demand for their exports in the entire Mercosur region.
This paper focuses on the experience of developing countries with RTAs, and more
particularly tests the effect of enlarged market size on the newly received FDI as well as the
importance of locational advantages within the RTA. For this purpose, the focus is
essentially on South-South RTAs, or RTAs which involve only developing countries. North-
South RTAs, which involve industrial and developing countries, are not taken into account,
because the increase in FDI received by the southern countries in such cases results mostly
from a cost reduction motive by the northern country and is less related to the enlargement of
the market size to which the southern country gives access. The sample covers 71 developing
countries over the period 1980–99. The results show a significantly positive effect of RTA
market size on FDI. The size of domestic population also matters, probably due to its effect
on the availability of labor supply. However, the regressions confirm the importance of
relative locational advantages within the RTA, in particular as far as education and financial
stability are concerned: the higher the educational level and financial stability relative to
other members of the RTA, the larger the FDI received by the country. Finally, the paper
finds evidence of a negative partial correlation between the FDI received by RTA countries
and that received by non-RTA countries, possibly reflecting diversion effects. A simulation
of the potential FDI benefits from the creation of a RTA between Algeria, Morocco, and
Tunisia illustrates the necessity for each RTA member to improve the domestic business and
investment environment to the best available in the region in order to share in the FDI
Section II analyzes the distribution of FDI between RTA and stand-alone countries, and
looks at its evolution over time. Section III discusses the determinants of FDI and the
econometric specifications used to test for the presence of a regional market size effect. The
results of the estimations are presented in Section IV. Section V attempts to estimate the FDI
gains that could result from the creation of an RTA between Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia.
Finally, Section VI concludes the paper.
Data on FDI flows and stocks are taken from the World Investment Report (UNCTAD,
2000). In this report FDI is defined as an “investment involving a long-term relationship and
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reflecting a lasting interest and control of a resident entity in one economy in an enterprise
resident in an economy other than that of the foreign direct investor.” FDI flows comprise
three components, namely equity capital, reinvested earnings and intra-company loans
transactions. For most countries, these data are originally from the IMF Balance of Payments
Statistics Yearbook. FDI stocks are at book value or historical cost, reflecting prices at the
time when the investment was made. For many countries, FDI stocks were calculated by
accumulating FDI flows over a period of time or adding FDI flows to some benchmark
estimate of the FDI stock. The sample was split into five-year periods (1980–85, 1985–90,
1990–95, and 199599). Beginning-of-period FDI stocks and annual average FDI inflows
over each sub-period were converted into 1995 U.S. dollars.
Table 1 compares the average stock of FDI in percent of GDP for RTA and non-RTA
In the 1980s, RTA countries had somewhat smaller stocks of FDI than non-RTA
countries. However, since 1990, their stocks of FDI have outgrown substantially those of
non-RTA countries by 33 percent on average. The average stock of FDI for RTA countries
was 24 percent of GDP in the 1990s versus 18 percent for non-RTA countries. During the
1980s and 1990s combined, RTAs’ stocks of FDI were on average 3 percentage point larger
than non-RTAs’ stocks.
Table 2 reports average FDI inflows in percent of GDP for RTA and non-RTA countries.
Although the differences between RTA and non-RTA countries are less marked, the data
point to larger FDI inflows into RTA countries at the end of the period (1995–99). Thus, the
prima facie evidence seems to indicate a positive effect of RTAs on FDI, at least in the
1990s. However, a careful examination of the question will require using an econometric
model of FDI that isolates the effect of regional market size and controls for other
determinants of FDI.
Tables 3 and 4 compare FDI received by RTA countries in different geographical areas. The
ASEAN countries received the most FDI, with an average FDI stock of 44 percent of GDP in
1999. Their net FDI inflows averaged 4.5 percent of GDP over the 1980s and 1990s. The
second most attractive RTA countries are from the Western Hemisphere with an average FDI
stock of 39 percent of GDP in 1999. Their net FDI inflows averaged 2.1 percent of GDP over
the 1980s and 1990s, and as much as 4.8 percent over the period 1995–99. Finally come the
The 1980 FDI stock was deflated using the average GDP deflator for 1976-80. FDI flows for each subsequent
five-year period were expressed in 1995 U.S. dollars, using the average GDP deflator for the corresponding
A list of South-South RTAs and their composition is given in Appendix I.
For each country, the stock of FDI in percent of GDP (FDI/Y) and the net FDI inflows in percent of GDP
(I/Y) are related in the following way:
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Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and sub-Saharan RTA countries with an average FDI stock
of 25 percent of GDP in 1999. This is equal to the average for all non-RTA countries in 1999
(see Table 1). Over the period 1980–99, the net FDI inflows averaged 1.7 percent of GDP for
the GCC, and 1.3 percent of GDP for sub-Saharan RTA countries. In the 1990s, net FDI
inflows in GCC countries averaged 2.5 percent of GDP, while those in sub-Saharan RTA
countries averaged 1.5 percent of GDP.
The model attempts to explain the stock of FDI received by a country (expressed in 1995
U.S. dollars). To the extent that FDI may be reversible, the stock of FDI provides a better
measure of the actual “inflow of FDI” than does the increment in the FDI stock. The main
determinants considered in this model follow other studies
and include the following
Size of the host market
Most studies find a highly significant and positive effect of domestic market size and its
expected growth on the FDI received by a country.
The model therefore includes domestic
market size, proxied by real GDP, and its expected growth, proxied by past real GDP growth.
However, in order to test for a regional market size effect, this model introduces an
alternative measure of market size which takes the value of the regional market size for
countries belonging to a RTA and the value of domestic market size for stand-alone
countries. The regional market size is calculated as the sum of the domestic market size and
of the market size of all the countries sharing an RTA with the country considered.
When a
country belongs to multiple RTAs, the measure of regional market size includes the partner
countries in all the RTAs of which the country is a member. This measure is imperfect as it
does not take into account the extent of intra-RTA trade liberalization and hence the actual
degree of integration of the markets of the RTA members. However, for practical purposes, it
provides a useful benchmark measure of regional market size. Data on GDP are taken from
World Economic Outlook (IMF) and the World Development Indicators of the World
Bank (2001), and converted into 1995 U.S. dollars.
This section is based on the literature review of Lim (2001). More references can be found in this paper.
Other reviews of the typical determinants of FDI can be found in Caves (1996), Singh and Jun (1995), and
Michalet (1997).
Studies include expected market growth because FDI is typically a long-run and therefore forward-looking
As mentioned before, the measure of regional market size is limited to countries which share a “South-South”
regional trade agreement and ignores “North-South” regional trade agreements.
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Agglomeration effects
There may be incentives to locate new FDI close to existing FDI due to linkages between
projects, availability of support services, or because the presence of other firms signals
favorable national conditions for FDI. Several studies found that agglomeration effects are
important in explaining FDI. The lagged value of the stock of FDI is one possible measure of
the incentives for clustering and is therefore included in the model. However, this variable
can also be interpreted as capturing the sluggishness in the adjustment of the stock of FDI to
its optimal level in an error correction mechanism.
Another agglomeration-related variable
is the quality of infrastructure. Unfortunately, most traditional indicators for infrastructure
development are not available for many developing countries over a long time period. The
model therefore uses as a proxy the number of television sets per capita as reported in the
World Development Indicators of the World Bank (2001).
Labor cost and quality
Part of the FDI in developing countries is motivated by cheap labor costs and a reduction of
production costs. This so-called “vertical FDI” consists in removing to the developing
country the labor-intensive stages of the production process in order to benefit from lower
labor costs. For other types of FDI, quality labor is more important than cheap labor. For
example, firms which produce differentiated goods and are in search of new markets need
local staff that will be able to operate the production technology used in the source country.
Accordingly, the empirical evidence on the effect of wage costs is somewhat mixed,
depending on the type of FDI considered, while some evidence of a positive effect of
education on FDI is found in several studies. Labor cost data for such a large sample of
developing countries over such a long period would be difficult to collect. On the other hand,
the model includes the average schooling years in the population over age 15 as a proxy for
labor quality and, to some extent, as an inverse proxy for labor cost. The education data is
from Barro and Lee (2000).
Business/investment climate
The business/investment climate influences the additional cost of doing business in a foreign
country. The Political Risk Services Group has constructed several indices to measure the
risk of doing business in a given country. First, the political risk index measures the internal
and external political stability, the government’s attitude toward inward investment, the level
of corruption in the political system, the quality of the bureaucracy, and the degree of rule
and law enforcement. Second, the financial risk index measures the current account and
foreign debt position, the net liquidity, and exchange rate stability. Finally, the economic risk
index is based on the budget position, the current account, inflation, real GDP growth and
Denote FDI by x and the optimal level by *. If x adjusts sluggishly to its optimal level x*, i.e.,
= γ (x*-x
) with 0< γ <1, it follows that x = (1- γ) x
+ γ x*.
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output per capita. Previous studies have found a negative impact of an unfavorable business
climate on FDI, though the evidence on the regulatory, bureaucratic and judicial environment
is less strong, perhaps due to measurement problems. All three risk indices are highly
positively correlated, but when introduced simultaneously only the financial risk index
remains significant. The financial risk index is therefore the measure used in the model.
The degree of a country’s openness can affect FDI in multiple ways. Lower import barriers
discourage tariff-jumping FDI but may stimulate vertical FDI by facilitating the imports of
inputs and machinery. Lower export barriers tend to stimulate vertical FDI by facilitating the
re-export of processed goods, and other (non-tariff-jumping) horizontal FDI by expanding
the effective market size and leading to an improved business climate and expectations of
better long-term economic growth. The evidence of openness is mixed, depending on the
type of FDI considered, although on balance the evidence points to a positive effect of
openness on FDI. Openness is commonly measured by the export-to-GDP ratio. However,
following Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1999), this paper corrects the export-to-GDP ratio for the
size of the country, as it is well known that country size has a negative effect on such
measures of openness independently of the country’s trade policy.
The trade data are taken
from the Direction of Trade Statistics (IMF, 2000).
The model also includes time- and country-specific fixed effects: time effects control for
trends in world FDI unrelated to the countriesfundamentals, while country effects capture
country-specific determinants of FDI such as natural resource endowment and possibly
specific tax regimes that stimulate particular types of FDI. Fiscal incentives as such are not
included in the model due to data constraints and lack of evidence of a significant effect in
the literature. Indeed, many studies found mixed results on the effect of fiscal incentives.
Possible explanations include the potentially transient nature of such incentives, the
possibility of deducting taxes paid in a foreign country from domestic taxes (at least in some
countries), and the scope for tax avoidance through transfer pricing.
The specifications
The basic model, called “domestic model,” relates the stock of FDI received by a country to
its domestic market size as well as the other determinants of FDI described above, but does
not include regional variables. It reads:
The model only includes the export-to-GDP ratio because export- and import-to GDP ratios are highly
correlated. The logarithm of the export-to-GDP ratio is regressed on a constant and the country’s size, measured
by the logarithms of population and area. The trade openness measure is the exponential of the residual
(including the intercept term).
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,,1, tititi
where FDI denotes the stock of FDI (in 1995 U.S. dollars), Y denotes real GDP (in 1995 U.S.
dollars), g
denotes real GDP growth, educ denotes the average years of education of people
over age 15, stabfin is the financial risk index of the Political Risk Services Group, tv is the
number of televisions per capita, res(X/Y) is the measure of trade openness, µ denotes the
country’s fixed effect, and ω the time effect. In order to minimize endogeneity problems and
capture the possibly slow adjustment of the FDI stock, the model uses the lagged value of the
explanatory variables. Real GDP growth refers to the growth between
t-1 and t.
The “regional” model builds on the domestic model by adding RTA-related variables: the
regional market size; the average real growth rate in partner countries; and the gap between
the domestic and RTA education level, financial stability, and infrastructure. The latter
variables are aimed at measuring the locational advantage of country
i relative to other
countries with which it shares a RTA. The higher the education level, the financial stability,
and the infrastructure development in country i compared to the countries with which it
shares an RTA, the higher its locational advantage for FDI within the RTA. The effect of the
average real growth rate in partner countries is more uncertain. On the one hand, a relatively
high growth rate in partner countries implies that country i may not be as dynamic and
therefore as attractive as its partners. On the other hand, it implies that the regional market is
expanding and may thus increase FDI of country i on this account, particularly if country i
offers other locational advantages. In its most complete form, the model thus reads:
,2,1,2,1,2,1 titititititi
where the notations are as in equation (1),
REGY denotes the market size extended to include
RTA market size for countries belonging to a RTA,
denotes the average real growth
rate in RTA partner countries (including country i), and the prefix GAP denotes the ratio
between the domestic value of the variable and the average value for all countries sharing a
RTA with country
i (including country i itself). The measure of average education, financial
stability, and infrastructure in the RTA partners is calculated for the maximum number of
partners for which this data is available. However, in some cases, coverage was only
available for a subset of the RTA countries. The implicit assumption made is that countries
for which data is not available offer locational conditions similar to the average in the region.
Although this assumption is probably too optimistic, it is the best that can be done given the
current state of the data.
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The sample covers 71 developing countries during the period 1980–99. A list of the countries
can be found in Appendix II. In order to focus on medium-term evolutions, the time interval
considered is five years and the sample period is divided into four sub-periods, 1980–85,
1985–90, 1990–95, and 1995–99. The regressions thus relate the end-of-period FDI stock
(e.g., 1985) to the beginning-of-period value of the determinants (e.g., 1980). About
65 percent of the observations are from countries that belong to a South-South RTA, while
the other 35 percent are from countries that do not belong to an RTA. Appendix III presents
summary statistics and correlations for the main variables used in the econometric analysis.
Table 5 reports the estimates of the domestic and regional models using feasible generalized
least squares with correction for panel-heteroskedasticity. The results for the domestic model
(column one) show a positive and statistically significant effect on FDI of lagged FDI,
education, financial stability, and openness. The only control variable which is not significant
is infrastructure; however the quality of the proxy used for infrastructure is debatable.
Moreover, the lagged stock of FDI already controls to some extent for agglomeration effects
and is itself very significant.
Focusing on market size, although the growth of domestic market size has a positive and
significant effect on FDI, domestic market size itself is insignificant. In contrast, the
estimations of the regional model (columns 2–3) show that the alternative measure of market
size, which replaces domestic by regional market size for RTA countries, has a positive and
significant effect on FDI. Figures 1 and 2 depict the partial correlations between FDI and
respectively, domestic and regional market sizes.
They show a zero or even negative
correlation between FDI and domestic market size, but a robust positive correlation between
FDI and regional market size.
The model in column 3 tests whether countries of a same RTA are in competition for the FDI
received by the RTA through locational advantages such as a high education level, a high
financial stability, a well-developed infrastructure, or a high rate of domestic market growth.
Evidence is found of such a competition through education and financial stability. Indeed, the
coefficients on the gaps between the domestic and RTA education level and financial
stability are significantly positive, indicating that the RTA average education and financial
stability exert a negative influence on the FDI received by the home country. The results for
the infrastructure proxy are not significant in line with the results obtained for the domestic
model. Finally, although domestic market growth has a positive effect on the FDI received,
the regional average market growth has no significant impact. There are two counteracting
effects at work here, as explained in Section III. A higher regional average market growth
implies that other countries in the RTA are dynamic and therefore attractive for FDI. On the
The partial correlation between a regressor and the dependent variable refers to the correlation between this
regressor and the part of the dependent variable which is not explained by the other regressors. The calculation
of the partial correlations is based on the competitive regional model reported in column 3 of Table 5.
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other hand, it also implies a higher growth of the regional market to which the home country
gives access and may therefore increase FDI in the home country, particularly if it presents
other locational advantages.
Table 6 reports estimates of the regional model in first difference. The main result is
confirmed, namely that the alternative measure of market size (extended to include RTA
market size) has a significantly positive effect on FDI. Most other variables, except the
lagged stock of FDI, the education gap, and openness, lose significance in the first-difference
estimation, possibly because of the smaller number of time periods (one time-period is lost
due to first-differencing, yielding three instead of four time-periods). The estimation in
column 2 uses instruments for the lagged dependent variable and the other potentially
endogenous variables, namely the lagged first-differences of domestic market size and of
domestic market growth. It is a well known fact that dynamic panel models can create a
contemporaneous correlation between these regressors and the error term.
Following the
Arellano-Bond (1991) method, the model uses as instruments the second lag of the FDI
stock, as well as the second lag of the first-differences of domestic market size, domestic
market growth, domestic education, the education gap, domestic financial stability, the
financial stability gap, domestic infrastructure, the infrastructure gap, and openness. The
coefficient on RTA market size is robust to this correction and, despite the fact that the
Arellano-Bond method tends to yield imprecise estimates, remains significant at the
10 percent level.
Table 7 presents some sensitivity tests of the relationship between RTAs and FDI. First,
market size is split into GDP per capita and population. The component of RTA market size
which matters is GDP per capita. Regarding domestic size, population actually seems to exert
a positive effect on FDI. However, the latter may reflect more the effect of the availability of
labor supply rather than market size. Within an RTA, FDI may prefer to locate in a country
with a large labor supply.
The second sensitivity test interacts the domestic and RTA market size variables (measured
by GDP) with dummies for the 1980s and the 1990s respectively. The estimation shows a
more important role of the RTA market size variable in the 1990s than in the 1980s, possibly
reflecting the revival of existing RTAs and creation of new RTAs during this period. To
some extent, this test shows that if RTA market size could be more precisely measured by
taking into account the effective degree of trade integration, the effect of this variable would
most likely be even larger. On the other hand, the coefficient on the domestic market size
variable changes from positive in the 1980s to negative in the 1990s, which seems consistent
with the increased role of RTA market size. However, the two coefficients on domestic
market size are imprecisely estimated so that not too much weight can be placed on this
Sevestre and Trognon (1996) discuss the potential for bias in the estimation of dynamic models with fixed
- 13 -
The last three regressions examine whether RTAs have attracted FDI at the expense of stand-
alone countries. Diversion is measured by a variable which, for stand-alone countries, takes
as value the average FDI received by RTA countries and, for RTA countries, takes as value
the average FDI received by stand-alone countries. FDI is measured alternatively by the FDI
inflow in percent of GDP (Measure 1), the end-of-period stock of FDI (Measure 2), and the
beginning-of-period stock of FDI (Measure 3). The coefficients on these variables are
negative and significant or close to significant in the case of the stock measures (Measures 2
and 3), pointing to a negative partial correlation between the FDI received by RTA countries
and the FDI received by stand-alone countries.
As an illustration, this section analyzes the evolution of FDI in Maghreb countries and
attempts to quantify the increase in FDI that could result from the creation of a regional
market between Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia.
Evolution of FDI in Maghreb countries
Table 8 reports the FDI stock-to GDP ratios and FDI inflow-to-GDP ratios for Algeria,
Morocco, and Tunisia in the 1980s and 1990s. Tunisia appears to have attracted substantially
more FDI relative to its size than Algeria and Morocco. It maintained an average stock of
FDI close to 80 percent of GDP over the 1980s and 1990s.
During this same period, the
stock of FDI averaged 7 percent of GDP in Morocco and 4 percent of GDP in Algeria.
Similarly, FDI inflows averaged 2.7 percent of GDP in Tunisia during the 1980s and 1990s,
versus 1.1 percent in Morocco and about zero percent in Algeria.
In Algeria, the FDI stock-to-GDP ratio remained stagnant at 4 percent for most of the period,
and decreased slightly to 3.5 percent in 1995–99. In contrast, Morocco started attracting
much larger inflows of FDI in the 1990s, of the order of 2 percent of GDP. Consequently, its
stock of FDI rose from 4 percent at the end of the 1980s to as much as 17 percent of GDP in
Determinants of FDI in Maghreb countries
The model appears to be a good predictor of the average level of the FDI stock-to-GDP ratio
over the period 1980–99 for each of the countries. As reported in Table 9, the predicted
average for Algeria is 4 percent, similar to the actual value; it is 8 percent for Morocco
The World Investment Report constructs the FDI stocks for Algeria and Morocco by accumulating flows
since 1971. For Tunisia, estimates of the FDI stocks are available starting in 1990, and the stocks for 1980 and
1985 are constructed by subtracting flows. If the FDI stock for Morocco was constructed by subtracting flows
from the recently published 2002 FDI stock of 31 percent of GDP (not available at the time of the analysis), it
would be higher, of the order of 20 percent of GDP in 1990. Yet, the FDI stock-to-GDP ratio of Tunisia would
still be significantly higher than those of Morocco and Algeria.
- 14 -
against an actual value of 9 percent; and the predicted average for Tunisia is 79 percent
against an actual value of 77 percent.
In Tunisia and Morocco, country-specific factors (captured by country dummies in the
regression) contribute to explaining the level of the FDI stock-to-GDP ratio. The predicted
FDI stock-to-GDP ratio would be much smaller if the fixed effects for these countries did not
differ from the average for all sample countries (see column 3 of Table 9).
candidates for Tunisia- and Morocco-specific factors include the endowment in natural
resources and the former colonial link to France. For Algeria, the fixed effect does not play a
predominant role. Excluding fixed effects, Morocco’s FDI stock would only be 4 percent of
GDP in 1999, and is hindered by low education and to a lesser extent low domestic growth
and low openness (relative to the average for the three countries). Tunisia’s FDI stock on the
other hand would be 15 percent of GDP in 1999, higher than in Morocco due to a higher
initial stock of FDI, stronger domestic growth, a higher education level, and relatively more
Looking at predicted versus actual growth in the FDI stock-to-GDP ratio, Algeria and
Tunisia have not fully benefited from the FDI increases that were warranted by world trends
and the improvement in their fundamentals, particularly in the 1990s (see Table 10). The
model predicted a strong growth of the FDI stock-to-GDP ratio for Tunisia in the 1995–99,
on account of an upward world trend in FDI, strong past growth in Tunisia’s stock of FDI, an
increase in the education level, and an increase in expected domestic growth. Yet, the FDI
stock-to-GDP ratio actually decreased during this period. In Algeria, the FDI stock-to-GDP
ratio stagnated and actually declined in 1995–99, despite the upward world trend in FDI and
improvements in the education level. On the other hand, Morocco’s FDI stock-to-GDP ratio
increased strongly, at a rate similar to that predicted by the model. In the case of Algeria, the
deterioration of political stability and internal security in the 1990s may have contributed to
the decline in the FDI stock-to-GDP ratio. Another possible explanation why Algeria and
Tunisia underperformed in the 1990s relative to the behavior of fundamentals may be that the
country fixed effects are in fact time varying and may have declined in these countries, as
resource-related FDI (oil and gas) declined. Finally, the emergence, for European investors,
of new markets in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and the large privatizations
that took place in these countries may have diverted FDI from North Africa toward Eastern
Europe. In this context, the creation of a regional market between the Maghreb countries
could make these countries more attractive to potential foreign investors.
FDI benefits of a regional trade agreement
Table 11 reports for each country estimates of the FDI benefits that would result from the
creation of a regional market. The simulation uses estimated elasticities from the competitive
The predicted ratio would be even lower if we corrected for the fixed effect in the lagged value of the FDI
stock-to-GDP ratio, one determinant of the current ratio.
- 15 -
regional model (column 3 of Table 5) and is based on 1999 data. The increase in market size
resulting from a regional trade agreement would lead to a simulated increase in each
country’s FDI stock varying from 62 percent in Algeria to 85 percent in Morocco and
165 percent in Tunisia. In the case of Morocco, securing such FDI gains would benefit from
further improvement in the education level of the population.
The magnitude of the simulated FDI gains appears quite large and needs to be interpreted
with caution. First, the estimated elasticities may not be best suited to project the effect of a
RTA creation, as most of the time-variation in the regional market size variable used in the
regressions resulted from the growth of RTA partners rather than change in RTA
composition. Second, the FDI model, although useful to estimate correlations on a broad
sample of observations, may not be adequate to forecast FDI for individual countries. Other
variables, such as relative wage costs, a better proxy for infrastructure, and other aspects of
the liberalization would help refine projections. Third, the education level in Morocco had to
be estimated based on partial data. However, this exercise illustrates the need for the RTA
countries to align domestic business conditions with the best available in the region in order
to secure their share of the FDI benefits. In that sense, the creation of a regional market may
stimulate virtuous competition between the partner countries.
This paper has examined whether the market size of a RTA influences the FDI received by
participating countries. In addition to traditional determinants of FDI, the FDI model
included a measure of RTA market size (for countries belonging to RTAs). The estimations
were carried out on a sample of 71 developing countries over the period 1980–99 and yielded
a significantly positive effect of RTA market size on FDI. However, domestic population
size also appeared to matter, possibly reflecting a labor supply effect rather than a market
size effect. The estimations revealed that countries within the same RTA may not benefit to
the same extent as those from a different RTA. Countries with relatively higher education
and financial stability tend to attract a larger share of the FDI at the expense of other RTA
members. The simulation of the FDI effects of the creation of a regional market between
Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia illustrates this risk, and points to the need for Morocco to
continue improving education levels. More generally, the creation of an RTA may stimulate
virtuous competition between the participating countries, forcing them to improve their
investment environment to the best available in the region. Finally, the paper found some
evidence of FDI diversion between RTA countries and countries which do not belong to an
From a policy point of view, this paper does not provide enough evidence to conclude that
RTAs are necessarily desirable. As mentioned in the introduction, RTAs may induce costs,
due for example to trade diversion. However, the fact that the creation of a RTA, by
enlarging the market size of individual countries, tends to stimulate the inflow of FDI is an
important benefit which, by its dynamic nature, may well outweigh the static costs of trade
- 16 -
diversion. A policy advice that the paper allows to make is that if an RTA is to be created,
each member country should strive to bring the quality of its business environment to the
best available in the region in order to share in the FDI benefits.
- 17 -
Non-RTA RTA Number obs.
Number RTA
1980 0.15 0.11 96 62
(0.03) (0.02)
1985 0.16 0.14 99 64
(0.03) (0.02)
1990 0.14 0.18 109 67
(0.04) (0.03)
1995 0.16 0.23 117 70
(0.03) (0.03)
1999 0.24 0.30 117 71
(0.04) (0.03)
1980s 0.15 0.12 195 126
(0.02) (0.02)
1990s 0.18 0.24 343 208
(0.02) (0.02)
All years 0.17 0.20 538 334
(0.02) (0.01)
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
Table 1. Ratio of Average Stock of FDI to GDP - Comparison RTA Versus Non-RTA
Non-RTA RTA Number of Number RTA
observations countries
1980-85 0.008 0.010 96 62
(0.003) (0.002)
1985-90 0.015 0.014 99 64
(0.005) (0.004)
1990-95 0.018 0.015 109 67
(0.004) (0.003)
1995-99 0.028 0.033 117 70
(0.005) (0.004)
1980s 0.012 0.012 195 126
(0.003) (0.002)
1990s 0.023 0.024 226 137
(0.003) (0.002)
All years 0.018 0.018 421 263
(0.002) (0.002)
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
Table 2. Ratio of Average FDI Inflow to GDP—
Comparison RTA versus non-RTA
- 18 -
ASEAN GCC Sub-Saharan Western
Africa RTA Hemis
here RTA
1980 0.23 0.05 0.09 0.13
(0.07) (0.08) (0.03) (0.04)
1985 0.31 0.09 0.11 0.15
(0.08) (0.08) (0.03) (0.04)
1990 0.37 0.10 0.17 0.18
(0.11) (0.11) (0.04) (0.05)
1995 0.41 0.16 0.19 0.25
(0.10) (0.11) (0.04) (0.05)
1999 0.44 0.25 0.24 0.39
(0.11) (0.13) (0.05) (0.06)
All years 0.360.130.16 0.22
(0.04) (0.05) (0.02) (0.02)
Number of countries 1980 5 4 32 21
Number of countries 1999 7 5 37 22
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
Table 3. Ratio of Average Stock of FDI to GDP
RTA Countries by Geographical Area
ASEAN GCC Sub-Saharan Western
Africa RTA Hemisphere RTA
1980-85 0.034 0.011 0.010 0.005
(0.008) (0.009) (0.003) (0.004)
1985-90 0.048 0.005 0.013 0.010
(0.014) (0.014) (0.005) (0.007)
1990-95 0.051 0.020 0.008 0.019
(0.009) (0.009) (0.003) (0.004)
1995-99 0.046 0.031 0.021 0.048
(0.012) (0.013) (0.005) (0.006)
All years 0.045 0.017 0.013 0.021
(0.006) (0.006) (0.002) (0.003)
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
Table 4. Ratio of Average FDI Inflow to GDP—
RTA Countries by Geographical Area
- 19 -
Dependent variable: log (FDI
Domestic model
Market size Competitive
year90 0.33 0.30 0.27
(12.02)** (9.90)** (5.20)**
year95 0.52 0.52 0.59
(11.94)** (12.09)** (7.85)**
year99 0.62 0.55 0.72
(9.84)** (9.31)** (6.05)**
log (FDI) 0.48 0.44 0.43
(13.90)** (14.87)** (12.85)**
log (Y) -0.07 -0.22 -0.21
(0.69) (1.81) (1.50)
log (REGY) 0.40 0.60
(3.56)** (5.63)**
4.40 4.20 3.02
(9.01)** (7.34)** (3.25)**
log (educ) 0.71 0.74 0.34
(7.88)** (10.37)** (2.14)*
log (GAPeduc) 2.02
log (stabfin) 0.35 0.38 0.04
(5.17)** (5.73)** (0.26)
log (GAPstabfin) 0.71
log (tv) 0.01 -0.03 -0.06
(0.49) (1.19) (1.27)
log (GAPtv) 0.05
res (X/Y) 0.25 0.16 0.16
(2.76)** (1.73) (1.93)
Observations 259 260 268
Number of countries 71 71 71
1/ Absolute value of t-statistics in parentheses. * significant at 5% level;
** significant at 1% level.
2/ The models include country fixed effects.
3/ Outliers have been eliminated based on the DFITS and COVRATIO tests.
Regional model
Table 5: Autoregressive model of the level of FDI stock
(Feasible generalized least squares with correction for panel-heteroskedasticity
- 20 -
Table 6. Regional Model: Estimation in First Difference and Instrumentation
Dependent variable: dlog (FDI
Competitive regional model
First difference 2SLS
constant 0.33 0.27
(4.18)** (2.55)*
year95-year90 0.06
year99-year95 -0.04 -0.07
(0.76) (1.37)
dlog (FDI) 0.17 0.27
(5.33)** (3.93)**
dlog (Y) 0.04 -0.42
(0.13) (0.86)
dlog (REGY) 0.51 0.49
(1.99)* (1.63)
1.58 -3.68
(1.03) (1.09)
-2.73 6.89
(1.34) (1.56)
dlog (educ) -0.41 0.62
(1.05) (1.90)
dlog (GAPeduc) 1.13 -0.63
(1.94) (0.63)
dlog (stabfin) 0.13 0.11
(0.71) (0.57)
dlog (GAPstabfin) 0.45 0.60
(1.34) (1.46)
dlog (tv) 0.03 0.02
(0.42) (0.19)
dlog (GAPtv) -0.02 -0.10
(0.27) (0.83)
dres (X/Y) 0.33 -0.01
(1.81) (0.04)
Observations 183 118
Adjusted R-squared 0.21 0.11
1/ Absolute value of t-statistics in parentheses. * significant at 5 percent level;
** si
nificant at 1
ercent level.
2/ The model is estimated by OLS with heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors in the first column
and by two stage least squares with heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors in the second column.
In the 2SLS procedure, the variables dlog (FDI), dlog (Y), and d(g
) are instrumented by
log (FDI
), dlog (Y
), d(g
), dlog (educ
), dlog (GAPeduc
), dlog (stabfin
), dlog (GAPstabfin
dlog (tv
), dlog (GAPtv
), dres (X/Y
), and the exogenous variables of the model following the
Arellano-Bond (1991) method for dynamic panel models.
3/ Outliers have been eliminated based on the DFITS and COVRATIO tests.
- 21 -
eneralised least s
uares with correction for
Dependent variable: log (FDI
Basic Model
GDP per capita 1980s vs
vs population 1990s
Measure 1 M easure 2 Measure 3
ear90 0.27 0.21 0.17 0.37 0.22 0.22
ear95 0.59 0.43 -0.36 0.72 0.61 0.54
ear99 0.72 0.55 -0.16 0.98 0.88 0.77
0.43 0.37 0.41 0.44 0.41 0.40
ect o
domestic size
-0.21 -0.23 -0.19 0.04
ect o
ional size
0.60 0.58 0.62 0.60
ect o
3.02 3.01 3.00 3.21 2.91
0.47 -1.22 0.02 -0.11 -1.77
ect o
or FDI
Observations 268 268 268 268 268 268
Number of countries 71 71 71 71 71 71
1/ Absolute value of t-statistics in parentheses. * significant at 5 percent level; ** significant at 1 percent level.
2/ The models include country fixed effects, as well as log (educ), log (stabfin), log (tv), log (GAPeduc),
log (GAPstabfin), log (GAPtv), and res (X/Y).
3/ Outliers have been eliminated based on the DFITS and COVRATIO tests.
4/ The basic model is the model in column 3 of Table 5.
Table 7. Re
ional Model: Sensitivit
Competition between RTA and
non-RTA countries
- 22 -
Algeria Morocco Tunisia Algeria Morocco Tunisia
1980 0.05 0.01 0.83 -0.000 0.004 0.027
1985 0.04 0.03 0.79 0.000 0.005 0.008
1990 0.04 0.04 0.71 0.000 0.015 0.068
1995 0.04 0.11 0.87 0.000 0.021 0.003
1999 0.04 0.17 0.70
1980s 0.04 0.03 0.78 0.000 0.004 0.018
1990s 0.04 0.11 0.76 0.000 0.018 0.036
All years 0.04 0.07 0.78 0.000 0.011 0.027
1/ Annual average over the periods 1980–85, 1985–90, 1990–95, and 1995–99.
Table 8. FDI in Percent of GDP for Maghreb Countries
Ratio of stock of FDI to GDP Ratio of FDI inflow to GDP 1/
- 23 -
Actual FDI/Y Predicted FDI/Y
Predicted FDI/Y
without fixed effect
1985 0.04 0.02 0.02
1990 0.04 0.04 0.02
1995 0.04 0.05 0.03
1999 0.04 0.05 0.03
Average 0.04 0.04 0.03
1985 0.03 0.03 0.01
1990 0.04 0.05 0.01
1995 0.11 0.10 0.03
1999 0.17 0.15 0.04
Average 0.09 0.08 0.02
1985 0.79 0.56 0.08
1990 0.71 0.68 0.09
1995 0.87 0.86 0.12
1999 0.70 1.06 0.15
Average 0.77 0.79 0.11
1/ The predictions are based on the estimation of the competitive regional model
(column 3 in Table 5).
Table 9. Actual and Predicted FDI Stock-to-GDP Ratio for Maghreb Countries 1/
- 24 -
Actual FDI/Y growth Predicted FDI/Y growth
1985–90 -0.24 7.41
1990–95 0.39 6.14
1995–99 -2.91 1.04
1985–90 9.64 11.31
1990–95 21.75 16.50
1995–99 10.67 10.39
1985–90 -1.89 4.11
1990–95 4.06 4.66
1995–99 -5.21 5.42
1/ The predictions are based on the estimation of the competitive regional
model (column 3 in Table 5).
Table 10. Actual and Predicted Average Annual Growth of the FDI Stock-to-GDP Ratio
(In percent) 1/
Total effect Market size effect
Relative education
Relative financial
Algeria 110 62 35 -4
Morocco 7 85 -44 4
Tunisia 215 165 19 0
1/ The predictions are based on the estimation of the competitive regional model (column 3 in Table 5). The simulation of
a regional market is based on 1999 data.
Table 11. Growth in the FDI Stock-to-GDP Ratio Implied by the Creation of a Maghreb Regional Market
(In percent) 1/
- 25 -
Figure 1: Partial Co rrelatio n FDIDomestic Market Size
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
log (Y)
Unexplained log (FDI)
Figure 2: Partial Correlation FDI—Regional Market Size
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
log (YREG)
Unexplained log (FDI)
List of South-South Regional Trade Agreements
Latin America
Central American Common Market (CACM)
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
The Andean Pact
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.
Latin American Integration Association (LAIA)
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and
Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)
Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica,
Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Suriname and
Trinidad and Tobago.
Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) – since 1991
Argentina, Bolivia (since 1996), Brazil, Chile (since 1996), Paraguay and Uruguay.
Group of Three (G3) – since 1994
Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela.
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Brunei (since 1984), Cambodia (since 1999), Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
(since 1997), Myanmar (since 1997), Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
(since 1995).
Middle East and North Africa
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – since 1981
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
The information on RTAs is taken from the World Bank website on Trade. Unless mentioned otherwise, the
RTAs have been in effect during the entire period covered in this paper (1980–99).
Panama is not formally a member but has limited preferential agreements with individual members of the
Sub-Saharan Africa
Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS)
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.
Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA)
Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau (since 1997), Mali, Niger, Senegal, and
Communauté Economique et Monétaire d’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC)
Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea (since
1985), and Gabon.
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) – since 1981
Angola, Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda,
Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius (since 1995),
Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa (since 1994), Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
and Swaziland.
Southern African Customs Union (SACU)
Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland.
Cross Border Initiative (CBI) – since 1990
Burundi, Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles,
Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
List of Sample Economies
Bangladesh Sierra Leone*
China South Africa*
Hong Kong SAR Sudan*
India Tanzania*
Indonesia* Togo*
Korea Uganda*
Malaysia* Zaïre
Myanmar Zambia*
Pakistan Zimbabwe*
Papua New Guinea
Sri Lanka Bulgaria
Thailand* Hungary
Middle East and North Africa
Western Hemisphere
Cyprus Argentina*
Egypt Bolivia*
Iran, I.R. of Brazil*
Israel Chile *
Jordan Colombia*
Kuwait* Costa Rica*
Morocco Dominican Republic
Syrian Arab Rep. Ecuador*
Tunisia El Salvador*
Turkey Guatemala*
Sub-Saharan Africa
Botswana* Mexico*
Cameroon* Nicaragua*
Congo* Panama*
Ghana* Paraguay*
Kenya* Peru*
Liberia* Trinidad and Tobago*
Malawi* Uruguay*
Mali* Venezuela*
1/ * denotes countries that belonged to a South-South RTA in 1995.
2/ Panama is not formally a member but has limited preferential agreements
with individual
members of the CACM.
Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix
educ stabfin tv res (X/Y)
FDI+1 1.00
FDI 0.92 1.00
Y 0.64 0.55 1.00
REGY 0.23 0.20 0.38 1.00
0.30 0.30 0.17 0.07 1.00
0.34 0.33 0.22 0.07 0.80 1.00
educ 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.31 0.09 0.11 1.00
stabfin 0.40 0.42 0.23 0.16 0.38 0.31 0.51 1.00
tv 0.36 0.35 0.28 0.24 0.03 0.02 0.71 0.55 1.00
res (X/Y) 0.47 0.53 0.09 -0.01 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.35 0.30 1.00
Note: The correlations are calculated for the 268 sample observations of the competitive regional model (see
Table 5). FDI denotes the stock of FDI (in millions of 1995 U.S. dollars), Y is real GDP (in millions of 1995 U.S.
dollars), REGY is the regional market size (in millions of 1995 U.S. dollars), gY denotes real GDP growth, REGgy
denotes the average real growth rate in RTA partner countries (including the own country), educ denotes the
average years of education of people over age 15, stabfin is the financial risk index of the Political Risk Services
Group, tv is the number of televisions per 1000 people, and res (X/Y) is the measure of trade openness.
Table A2. Correlation Matrix Between Selected Variables
Variable Mean
Std. Dev.
Min Max
11488 29937 1 292770
6845 17387 1 133022
56143 107811 368 703960
304638 478799 2650 1595214
0.03 0.04
0.03 0.03
4.7 2.2 0.5 10.6
27.1 8.3 6.8 48.0
107.5 111.5 0.0 439.0
res (X/Y)
0.5 0.4 0.0 2.5
Note: The summary statistics are calculated for the 268 sample observations of the competitive regional model
(see Table 5). FDI denotes the stock of FDI (in millions of 1995 U.S. dollars), Y is real GDP (in millions of 1995 U.S.
dollars), REGY is the regional market size (in millions of 1995 U.S. dollars), gY denotes real GDP growth, REGgY
denotes the average real growth rate in RTA partner countries (including the own country), educ denotes the
average years of education of people over age 15, stabfin is the financial risk index of the Political Risk Services
Group, tv is the number of televisions per 1000 people, and res(X/Y) is the measure of trade openness.
Table A1. Summary Statistics of Selected Variables
- 30 -
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