Human History 2
Orc History 16
Undead History 30
Night Elf History 46
Maps 64
Burning Legion History 76
Beastiary 82
Heroes & Villains 89
Humans: the Alliance of Lordaeron
Human History
(since the end of the second war)
Aftermath of the Second War
The devastating Second War against the orcish horde left the Alliance of
Lordaeron in a state of shock and disarray. The bloodthirsty orcs, led by the
mighty warchief, Orgrim Doomhammer, not only smashed their way through
the dwarf-held lands of Khaz Modan, but had razed many of Lordaeron’s cen-
tral provinces as well. The unrelenting orcs even succeeded in ravaging the
elves’ remote kingdom of Quel’Thalas before their rampage was finally
stopped. The Alliance armies led by Sir Anduin Lothar, Uther the Lightbringer,
and Admiral Daelin Proudmoore pushed the orcs south into the shattered land
of Azeroth – the first kingdom to fall before the orcs’ ruthless onslaught.
The Alliance forces under Sir Lothar managed to push Doomhammer’s clans out
of Lordaeron and back into the orc-controlled lands of Azeroth. Lothar’s forces
surrounded the orcs’ volcanic citadel of Blackrock Spire and laid siege to their
defenses. In a last-ditch effort, Doomhammer and his lieutenants staged a daring
charge from the Spire and clashed with Lothar’s paladins in the center of the
Burning Steppes. Doomhammer and Lothar squared off in a titanic battle that left
both mighty combatants battered and drained. Though Doomhammer narrowly
succeeded in vanquishing Lothar, the great hero’s death did not have the effect
the warchief had hoped for.
Turalyon, Lothar’s most trusted lieutenant, took up Lothar’s bloodstained
shield and rallied his grief-stricken brethren for a vicious counterattack. Under
the ragged standards of both Lordaeron and Azeroth, Turalyon’s troops
slaughtered the bulk of Doomhammer’s remaining forces in a glorious, but
terrible rout. There was nothing left for the ragged, scattered orc survivors but
to flee to the last standing bastion of orcish power – the dark portal.
Turalyon and his warriors chased the remaining orcs through the festering
Swamp of Sorrows and into the corrupted Blasted Lands where the dark
portal stood. There, at the foot of the colossal portal, the broken horde and
the rugged Alliance clashed in what would be the last, bloodiest battle of
the Second War. Outnumbered and driven mad by the curse of their blood-
lust, the orcs inevitably fell before the wrath of the Alliance. Doomhammer
was taken prisoner and escorted to Lordaeron while his broken clans were
rounded up and hauled north - back to Lordaeron.
dwarven resistance fighters, succeeded in destroying the Demon Soul and
freeing Alexstrasza from the orcs’ control. The vengeful red dragons inciner-
ated the Dragonmaw clan and effectively put an end to the last bastion of
orcish power in the world.
With the death of Nekros, the last of the orcish warlocks – the orcs left to wal-
low in the crowded internment camps – slipped into a crippling lethargy.
Stripped of their will to fight or even die, the orcs lost all sense of themselves
as warriors – and the last traces of the proud culture that had birthed them.
The Alliance Splinters
In the years following the horde’s defeat, the leaders of the various Alliance
nations began to bicker and argue over territorial holdings and decreasing
political influence. King Terenas of Lordaeron, the patron of the Alliance,
began to suspect that the fragile pact they had forged during their darkest
hour would not stand for long. Terenas had convinced the Alliance leaders to
lend money and laborers to help rebuild the city of Stormwind that was
destroyed during the orcish occupation of Azeroth. Those taxes, coupled
with the high expense of maintaining and operating the numerous orc intern-
ment camps, led many leaders – Genn Greymane of Gilneas in particular - to
believe that their kingdoms would be better off seceding from the Alliance.
To make matters worse, the brusque high elves of Silvermoon rescinded
their allegiance to the Alliance, stating that the humans’ poor leadership led
to the burning of their forests during the Second War. Though Terenas tact-
fully reminded the elves that nothing of Quel’Thalas would have remained
if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who’d given their lives to defend
it, the elves stubbornly decided to go their own way. In the wake of the
elves’ departure, Gilneas and Stromgarde pulled stake and seceded as well.
Though the Alliance was falling apart, King Terenas still had allies that he could
count on. Both Admiral Proudmoore of Kul Tiras and the young King, Varian
Wrynn of Azeroth, remained committed to the Alliance. Also, the wizards of
the Kirin Tor, led by the Archmage Antonidas, pledged Dalaran’s steadfast
support to Terenas’ rule. Most pleasingly, perhaps, was the pledge of the
mighty dwarven King, Magni Bronzebeard, who vowed that the dwarves of
Ironforge would forever owe a debt of honor to the Alliance for liberating Khaz
Modan from the horde’s control.
A New Generation
Years passed as tensions abated and a lasting peace settled over Lordaeron.
King Terenas and the Archbishop Alonsus Faol worked ceaselessly to rebuild
the kingdom and bring aid to the remaining nations of the Alliance. The
Beyond the Dark Portal
Only a few months after Nethergarde’s completion, the energies of
the dark portal coalesced and opened up a new gateway to
Draenor. The remaining orc clans, under the leadership of the elder
shaman, Ner’zhul, charged forth into Azeroth once again. Intent on
stealing a number of magical artifacts that would increase Ner’zhul’s
power, the orcs planned to open up new portals in Draenor that
would allow them to escape their doomed red world forever.
Convinced that Ner’zhul was planning a new offensive against the
Alliance, King Terenas of Lordaeron sent his armies into Draenor to
end the orcish threat once and for all. Led by Khadgar and General
Turalyon, the Alliance forces clashed with the orcs across the burn-
ing landscape. Even with the aid of the elven Ranger Alleria, the
dwarf Kurdran and the veteran soldier Danath, Khadgar was unable
to prevent Ner’zhul from opening his portals to other worlds.
The tremendous magical storms caused by the portals’ converging
energies began to tear the ravaged world apart. Ner’zhul, followed
only by his most trusted servants, managed to escape through one
of the portals as Khadgar fought desperately to return his comrades
to Azeroth. Realizing that they would be trapped on the dying
world, Khadgar and his companions selflessly decided to destroy
the dark portal so that Azeroth would not be harmed by Draenor’s
violent destruction. By all accounts, the heroes were successful in
destroying the portal and saving Azeroth – but whether or not they
escaped the death throes of Draenor remains to be seen.
The Battle of Grim Batol
After the destruction of the second dark portal, the Alliance suc-
ceeded in rounding up most of the renegade orc clans still left in
Azeroth. The orc internment camps, built shortly after the Second
War, were filled to capacity and guarded around the clock. Though
the newly arrived Warsong clan had so far escaped the Alliance’s
wrath, there was only one group – the Dragonmaw clan – that was
large enough and strong enough to upset the delicate peace that
had settled over Lordaeron.
The Dragonmaw clan, led by the insidious warlock, Nekros, had
conquered and held a great portion of northern Khaz Modan using
dragons and small units of foot soldiers. Nekros maintained his
hold over the Dragonqueen, Alexstrasza, and her red dragonflight
by use of a powerful artifact known as the Demon Soul. Based in
the ancient dwarven stronghold of Grim Batol, Nekros built up a
sizeable army and planned to reunite the failing horde. But, despite
the warlock’s power, the intervention of the reckless mage, Rhonin,
threw Nekros’ plans awry. Rhonin and his companions, aided by
The Shadows Return
After nearly thirteen years of peace, the rumors of war began to circulate
once again. The King’s agents reported that a young, upstart warchief had
arisen and rallied the few remaining orc clans into an elite fighting force. The
young warchief was intent on tearing down the internment camps and free-
ing his people from their bondage. The “new horde” as it was dubbed, had
brazenly attacked the northern city of Stratholme in an attempt to rescue
one of its captured warriors. The horde even destroyed Durnholde – the
fortress that oversaw the security of the internment camps – and murdered
the officers who ran it. King Terenas sent Uther and his paladins to quell the
warchief’s uprising, but the crafty orcs could never be found. The young
warchief proved to be something of a tactical genius – and evaded Uther’s
best efforts to corral his hit and run attacks.
Amidst the strain of the new orc uprising, King Terenas was disturbed to hear
ill news on another front. Rumor held that a number of supposed “death cults”
had formed in the northern provinces. The cults attracted the disenfranchised
and disheartened citizens of Lordaeron, offering them “eternal life” on earth
as an alternative to servitude to the King. After many years of peace and quiet,
King Terenas knew that troubles were only just beginning for his land. He took
some comfort in the fact that Lordaeron had endured every trial that had ever
come its way – and that its defenders, both new and old, would see it safely
through to a new dawn…
Human Hero Units
The Archbishop, Alonsus Faol, prior to the Second War, founded the Order
of the Knights of the Silver Hand. The holy knights, or paladins, as they are
commonly called, led the battle against the evil orcs and helped to save the
lands of Lordaeron from ruin. Though it has been nearly fifteen years since
the end of the Second War, the paladins still work selflessly to protect
humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil. Empowered by the Light, these
mighty warriors brandish both their warhammers and holy fire in the battle
against all who would trample the meek and innocent.
By channeling the positive energies of the Light, paladins can form a wave of healing
energy to mend their comrades’ wounds. This holy energy is also capable of causing
damage to the undead and their dark masters.
southern kingdom of Azeroth grew prosperous again and
reestablished itself as a military power under King Wrynn’s vision-
ary leadership. Uther the Lightbringer, the supreme commander of
the Paladin Order, kept the peace in Lordaeron by settling civil
disputes and quelling demi-human uprisings throughout the
realm. Admiral Proudmoore, whose mighty fleets patrolled the
trade lanes hunting pirates and marauders, maintained order on
the high seas. But it was the exploits of a newer generation of
heroes that captured the imagination of the populace.
King Terenas’ only son, Arthas, had grown into a strong, confident
young man. The young Prince was trained as a warrior by Muradin
Bronzebeard – brother to King Magni of Ironforge – and despite
his youth, was considered to be one of the finest swordsmen in
Lordaeron. At the tender age of nineteen Arthas was inducted
into the Order of the Silver Hand under the command of Lord
Uther. The kindly Uther, who had been like a brother to King
Terenas for years, considered the Prince more of a favored
nephew than a pupil. Though headstrong and somewhat arrogant,
none could dispute Arthas’ bravery and tenacity. When the troll
warbands of Zul’Aman began raiding the settlements along the
Quel’Thalassian border, Arthas was quick to hunt down the sav-
ages and put an end to their rampage.
Yet despite his heroics, the citizenry of Lordaeron obsessed over
the young Prince’s personal life. Rumors of a budding romance
between Arthas and Lady Jaina Proudmoore had surfaced and set
the kingdom ablaze. Jaina was the youngest daughter of Admiral
Proudmoore, a childhood friend of Arthas. However, the beautiful,
yet shy young woman was also the star pupil of the Kirin Tor – the
Wizard Council of Dalaran. Tutored by the revered Archmage,
Antonidas, Jaina was heralded as a prodigy and excelled at mag-
ical research and investigation. Despite the rigors of their duties,
Arthas and Jaina managed to maintain a close relationship. Given
King Terenas’ age and deteriorating health, the citizenry was
pleased to see that their beloved Prince would marry and carry on
the royal bloodline.
Embarrassed by the public attention, Arthas and Jaina kept their
affair as private as possible. But Jaina, committed to her studies in
Dalaran, knew that their romance could not last. She had studied
the ways of magic her whole life and knew that her true calling was
the pursuit of knowledge – not the trappings of the throne room.
Much to the frustration of Lordaeron’s citizenry, the two lovers
reluctantly parted ways and refocused themselves on their duties.
enchanted warhammers and battle-axes, these fierce fighters live to test them-
selves against worthy opponents. Unconcerned with their race's preoccupation
with mechanical devices and the mining precious minerals, mountain kings live
only for battle. Dedicated to safeguarding the Alliance that saved their kingdom
during the Second War, the mountain kings can be counted upon to rally behind
any banner that stands between freedom and the ever-looming shadow of evil.
The dwarves of the Aerie Peaks often practice hurling hammers, for sport and for war.
But, only the mountain kings of Ironforge can hurl a hammer so hard that it stuns their
enemies senseless. Thus, the Storm Bolt is one of the most dangerous and powerful
attacks of the mighty mountain kings.
First used by Murgen Hammerfall to decimate a swathe of invading gnolls in the
Alterac Mountains, this powerful ability allows the mountain kings to slam the ground
and cause destructive shockwaves of energy to damage their nearby enemies.
Mountain kings who learn the Bash technique strike with such fury that their normal
attacks can often stun and crush an enemy.
By focusing the energies of the dwarves’ “newly discovered enchanted heritage”, the
mountain kings can grow in size and strength – and take on the physical characteris-
tics of carved stone. In this form, they are impervious to magical attacks and have
greatly increased durability.
Human Units
Peasants are the hard-working and stouthearted citizens of Lordaeron. They
serve as the backbone of the Alliance by mining the gold and harvesting
lumber necessary to build up Lordaeron’s military defense forces. Roused by
the tales of the orcs’ atrocities during the Second War, the peasants have
learned to use both pick and axe to defend their communities if threatened.
Peasants of the Alliance have the ability to arm themselves at any town hall so that
they can better fight off invading armies. Though the peasants are capable of saving
their towns from surprise attacks on their towns, they are always glad to give up their
weapons and go back to their regular duties.
The vast ranks of the Alliance armies have been replenished since the devas-
tating battles of the Second war. Trained in the arts of swordsmanship, the stoic
Empowered by the Light, paladins can surround themselves with an
impenetrable barrier of positive energy. While they are encased in it, phys-
ical and magical attacks cannot do them any harm.
The mere presence of a powerful paladin can instill great courage and inner
strength in those around them. This powerful, spiritual surge actually increas-
es the defensive capabilities of those gathered near the paladin.
By invoking the grandeur of the Light, mighty paladins can bring recently
slain comrades back to life – enabling them to fight on for justice, freedom
and the glory of Lordaeron.
Hailing from the magical kingdom of Dalaran, the Archmagi represent the
pinnacle of magical power. Weaving their intricate enchantments, these
crotchety old wizards defend humanity with all the magical powers at their
disposal. Mounted atop their trusty unicorn steeds, the Archmagi brandish
magical blades and ancient staves that serve to channel their fierce energies
in battle. Though gruff and slightly aloof, these experienced wizards are a
heartening sight upon any battlefield where the fate of humanity lies in peril.
One of the Alliance’s most feared spells, Blizzard has become even more
effective and deadly since its original inception during the First War. Calling
down shards of freezing ice to batter and rend their enemies, Archmagi
have been known to route entire armies using this spell.
By use of this spell an Archmage can summon and control a powerful ele-
mental comprised of water and air vapors. These creatures, capable of hurl-
ing torrents of rock-solid water at their enemies, cannot remain in the
physical world for long. Thus, after a short length of time, they will vanish
and return to their base liquid forms.
Some Archmagi are so powerful that their very presence enhances the
energies of the spellcasters around them. These magical synergies mani-
fest in an aura of brilliance, which increases the younger spellcasters’ ener-
gy pools so that they can cast spells more often.
This extremely powerful spell allows the Archmage to teleport himself and
his army to any friendly units or buildings in the world. However, due to
the delicate nature of Mass Teleport, Archmagi can only teleport to places
where someone they know currently is.
Mountain King
The mountain kings, or 'Thanes' as they are known in Ironforge, are
the mightiest dwarven warriors of Khaz Modan. Wielding both
The Kirin Tor has developed a technique that envelops a person in a field that reduces
kinetic energy. This spell actually pulls the energy directly from the creature trying to
move and attack, and channels it into the ground, causing the creature to have
reduced attack and movement speeds.
This form of illusion has come back into widespread use since the days of the Second
War. It creates a magical field around a person that does not impede the passing of light.
Thus, normal people simply see directly through the invisible person. However, any
attempts to attack or cast spells while invisible will cause the invisibility to dissipate.
Long ago, this spell was considered to be the ultimate insult to the enemy. It has the
ability to turn any enemy into a mere sheep for a limited duration of time.
Water Elemental
One of the Archmage’s greatest powers is his ability to summon mighty
Water elementals to aid his comrades in combat. These mindless, hulking
forms of water can take massive punishment from enemy units while deliv-
ering tremendous blows in return. Water elementals were a favorite tool of
the Conjurors of Azeroth during the First War, and now the enchanted crea-
tures have come to aid the defenders of freedom once again.
Mortar Team
Armed with their innovative exploding shells, the stalwart mortar teams of
Ironforge are capable of blasting apart enemy ranks from long range. These
fearless dwarves are masters of explosive devices and relish in pounding
fortified enemy emplacements to dust.
The flare is a chemically charged shell that, when fired by a dwarven mortar team, can
reveal areas and enemies that are difficult to see, or otherwise cloaked by invisibility
or Shadowmeld.
The brave dwarven Riflemen have faithfully protected their mountain king-
dom of Khaz Modan ever since the battle of Grim Batol. Yet, as new threats
arose to threaten their hard-won freedom, they offered their expert skills
and tenacity to the Alliance. Using the legendary single-shot Blunderbuss
Long Rifles, riflemen are excellent marksmen and can shoot both land based
and airborne opponents.
Footmen of the Alliance serve as Lordaeron’s first line of defense.
Armed with broadswords and heavy kite shields, footmen are capa-
ble of breaking any enemy charge.
By placing their shields at a precise angle and bearing down against
oncoming opponents, footmen can deflect incoming fire from enemy
piercing attackers. Though this tactic does slow the footman’s movement,
it is an invaluable skill when employed against piercing attackers.
Though the hearty knights of Azeroth were destroyed during the
First War, the shining knights of Lordaeron still continue to serve
amongst the warriors of the Alliance. Wading into combat astride
their noble warhorses, the knights are renowned for cutting bloody
swathes through enemy ranks. The knights' speed and mobility
mark them as some of the most versatile warriors of the Alliance.
Despite the high elves’ official departure from the Alliance, some elves
still remain true to their former human and dwarven allies. The altruistic
priests of Quel’Thalas refused to abandon their roles as healers and agreed
to remain in Lordaeron despite the edicts from their reclusive masters in
Silvermoon. The high elven priests use their Light-given powers to heal
the wounded and bolster the spirits of Lordaeron’s fighting elite.
The mages of Dalaran discovered a way to bring out the potential of the
warrior’s fighting spirit and essentially wreathe them in their own spiritual
energies. This has had the overall effect of making the Alliance warriors
more resistant to damage and better able to deal damage.
Many wars have been turned by this simple spell that allows priests to
counter the spells of some of the most accomplished wizards. While not
necessarily flashy, this spell’s effects should never be underestimated.
The positive energies of the Light can be channeled to create a healing ener-
gy wave. This technique, developed first by the high elves, and later taught
to humans, has remained relatively unchanged since its original discovery.
As with the elven priests, the elven sorceresses who remained in
Lordaeron paid little heed to their race’s departure from the
Alliance. These female magic users, serving as agents to the Kirin
Tor of Dalaran, use their arcane powers to aid the Alliance in times
of peril. Although their powers are not always used directly in
combat, the sorceresses are able to aid their comrades with a
wide array of specialized conjurings and magical effects.
Scout Tower
Scout towers may be constructed at almost any location to provide contin-
uous on-site observation. The towers are also the first necessary step in
human town defense. These structures may later be upgraded to guard or
cannon towers.
This enhancement is used to allow towers to see units that are invisible. Everything
seen through the sentry’s effect is much sharper and more vibrant than what the naked
eye can perceive.
Guard Tower
These brick towers provide the first line of defense against enemy invasion. The
arrows that fly from these bastions are renowned for their deadly accuracy.
Cannon Tower
With the study and understanding of gunpowder, scout towers may be
modified to house cannon. The artillery provides increased bombardment of
attacking forces, limited only by the restriction of being unable to attack fly-
ing invaders. Rows of these sturdy towers provide a formidable defense
against even the most aggressive assaults.
At the blacksmith, the dwarves refine their mastery of gunpowder. It is also
at this building where more effective steel-forging methods are researched
and perfected. Human troops depend upon the blacksmith to provide both
increasingly effective weapon blades and more impenetrable plates of armor.
Lumber Mill
The master masons of the human lumber mills strive constantly to improve
structural integrity. The site is also a processing mill for lumber harvested from
the surrounding landscape. The wood harvested is used in everything from raw
building materials to weapon handles.
Wo rkshop
The Workshop is a hideaway where dwarven smiths labor amid smoke and
steel to create their unique innovations. Flying gyrocopters are assembled
at this location, as well as heavily armored steam tanks. Artillery is thor-
oughly researched here, providing ammunition for the mobile dwarven
mortar teams.
The ingenious dwarven engineers, taking a nod from their inven-
tive gnomish cousins, constructed the ultimate airborne scout
vehicle. The gyrocopters are small but versatile flying machines
that can cover great distances at speed and evade enemy ground
forces. Though the contraptions are somewhat rickety, they are
armed with mounted cannons and bombs, and piloted by the dar-
ing – if not insane – dwarven pilot corps.
Steam Tank
These cumbersome, heavily armored vehicles are mobile siege
weapons piloted by brave and sometimes reckless dwarves. Their
heavy weaponry is too cumbersome to target enemy units and
can only be used on buildings.
Gryphon Rider
The daring dwarves of the Wildhammer clan have responded once
again to the call and brought the mighty gryphons of the Aerie
Peaks to aid the Alliance in its time of need. Armed with their
trusty, lightning-powered Stormhammers, the fearless wild-
dwarves seek to keep the skies of Lordaeron free from enemy
forces. The proud gryphons share their riders’ implacable resolve
and stand as noble symbols of the Alliance’s fortitude.
Human Structures
Town Hall
The town hall is the nerve center of any human community and
serves as the primary exchange for gold. It is also a center for train-
ing loyal peasants in their particular vocations, whether it be lumber
harvesting, building construction, or gold mining. In time the town
hall can be upgraded to stronger fortifications.
Vital to any human Village, the Farm provides sustenance for
troops and citizens. The uncanny ability of these skilled farmers to
harvest almost any landscape under the harshest conditions is
highly regarded in the lands of Lordaeron. The number of troops
sustainable at any village is dependent upon the amount of land
harvested by the small farms.
The barracks are the staging area and bunking quarters for most
human troops. It is within the barracks’ walls that footmen are
taught the art of shield defense. Here, dwarves and humans train
side by side, united by the threat of their common enemy.
With the advancement of human technology and the need to sup-
port growing numbers of fighting troops, the town hall may be
upgraded to a keep. In addition to adding heavier fortification, the
keep allows for the introduction of the mage class into human
society. The keep can later be upgraded even further, to a Castle.
Arcane Sanctum
Tutored in the Halls of Magic at the mystical city of Dalaran, sorcer-
esses and priests diligently study their mysterious arts within the
depths of the arcane sanctum. Over time, continuous study pro-
vides additional reserves of mana and the mastering of ever more
difficult spells. It is also here that magical sentries may be called to
allow the human towers to detect invisible enemy invaders.
Altar of Kings
Made from materials provided by the Kirin Tor, the Altar of Kings acts
as a harness for the derelict life forces of fallen human champions. It
is only at this site, once erected, that heroes may be resurrected to
do battle once again. The specifics of this building’s magical proper-
ties are among the most guarded secrets in all the human realms.
Castles represent the pinnacle of advanced human civilization.
With this advancement comes the ability to support stables for
housing the war-steeds of the heroic knights. This progression
also allows the building of gryphon aviaries.
Gryphon Aviary
The greatest achievement to come from the alliance of dwarves
and humans is quite possibly the taming and training of the
mighty, noble Gryphons. Following years of failed attempts, dwar-
ven riders finally succeeded in gaining the trust of the aloof
Gryphons. Together with the humans, dwarven riders gave the
greatest care, providing lodgings that would most closely resem-
ble the Gryphons’ aeries among Lordaeron’s Aerie Peaks.
Orcs: the Horde
Orcish History
(since the end of the second war)
Guldan and the Betrayal
During the final days of the Second War, as the horde’s victory over the
Alli’ance seemed almost assured, a terrible feud erupted between the two
most powerful orcs on Azeroth. The nefarious warlock, Gul’dan, master of
the clandestine Shadow Council, led a number of renegade clans against
the might of Orgrim Doomhammer, the warchief of the horde. As
Doomhammer prepared his final assault against the Capital City of
Lordaeron, an assault that would have crushed the last remnants of the
Alliance, Gul’dan and his renegade clans abandoned their posts and set out
to sea. The bewildered Doomhammer, having lost nearly half of his stand-
ing forces to Gul’dan’s treachery, was forced to pull back and forsake his
greatest chance at victory over the Alliance.
The power-hungry Gul’dan, obsessed with obtaining godhood itself, set out
on a desperate search for the undersea Tomb of Sargeras that he believed
held the secrets of ultimate power. Having already doomed his fellow orcs
to become the slaves of the Burning Legion, Gul’dan thought nothing of his
supposed duty to Doomhammer. Backed by the Stormreaver and Twilight’s
Hammer clans, Gul’dan succeeded in raising the Tomb of Sargeras from the
sea floor. However, when he opened the ancient, flooded vault, he found
only crazed demons awaiting him.
Seeking to punish the wayward orcs for their costly betrayal, Doomhammer sent
his forces to kill Gul’dan and bring the renegades back into the fold. For his reck-
lessness, Gul’dan was torn apart by the maddened demons he had set loose.
With their leader dead, the renegade clans quickly fell before Doomhammer’s
enraged legions. Though the rebellion had been quelled, the horde was unable
to recoup the terrible losses it had suffered. Gul’dan’s betrayal had afforded the
Alliance not only hope, but also time to regroup… and retaliate.
Lord Lothar, seeing that the horde was fracturing from within, gathered the last
of his forces and pushed the horde south, back into the shattered heartland of
his homeland, Azeroth. There, the Alliance forces trapped the retreating horde
within their volcanic fortress of Blackrock Spire.
Though Lord Lothar fell in battle at the Spire’s base, his lieutenant, Turalyon,
rallied the Alliance forces at the eleventh hour and pushed the horde back
Draenor and repeatedly clashed with Ner’zhul’s clans upon the ravaged
Hellfire Peninsula. Though neither side gained ground, it was clear that
Ner’zhul would not be stopped from completing his nefarious plans.
Ner’zhul succeeded in opening his portals to other worlds – but he did not
foresee the terrible price he would pay. The portals’ tremendous energies
began to tear the very fabric of Draenor apart. As Turalyon’s forces fought
desperately to return home to Azeroth, the world of Draenor began to buck-
le in upon itself. Grom Hellscream and Kilrogg Deadeye, realizing that
Ner’zhul’s mad plans would doom their entire race, rallied the remaining
orcs and escaped back to the relative safety of Azeroth. As Hellscream and
Deadeye hacked their way through the human ranks in a desperate bid for
freedom, the dark portal suddenly exploded behind them. For them, and the
remaining orcs on Azeroth, there would be no going back... .
Ner’zhul and his Shadowmoon clan passed through their newly created por-
tals, as massive volcanic eruptions began to break Draenor’s continents apart.
The burning seas rose up and roiled the shattered landscape as the tortured
world was finally consumed in an apocalyptic explosion.
Day of the Dragon
Though Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan managed to evade capture,
Deadeye and his Bleeding Hollow clan were rounded up and placed in the
internment camps in Lordaeron. Yet, despite the costly uprising, the camps’
wardens soon re-established control over their brutish charges.
However, unknown to the Alliance’s agents, a large force of orcs still roamed
free in the northern wastes of Khaz Modan. The Dragonmaw clan, led by the
infamous Warlock, Nekros, had maintained its control over the Dragonqueen,
Alexstrasza, and her Dragonflight by using an ancient artifact known as the
Demon Soul. With the Dragonqueen as his hostage, Nekros built up a secret
army within the abandoned dwarf stronghold of Grim Batol. Planning to
unleash his forces and the mighty red dragons on the Alliance, Nekros hoped
to reunite the horde and continue its conquest of Azeroth. Yet, a small group
of resistance fighters, led by the human mage, Rhonin, managed to destroy
the Demon Soul and free the Dragonqueen from Nekros’ command.
In their fury, Alexstrasza’s dragons tore apart Grim Batol and incinerated the
greater bulk of the Dragonmaw clan. Nekros’ grand schemes of reunification
came crashing down as the Alliance troops rounded up the remaining orc
survivors and threw them into the waiting internment camps. The
Dragonmaw clan’s defeat signaled the end of the horde – and the end of the
orcs’ furious bloodlust.
into the abysmal Swamp of Sorrows. Turalyon’s forces succeeded
in destroying the dark portal, the mystical gateway that connect-
ed the orcs to their dark, red homeworld of Draenor. Cut off from
its reinforcements in Draenor and fractured by incessant infighting,
the horde finally buckled in upon itself and fell before the might of
the Alliance forces.
The scattered orc clans were quickly rounded up and placed with-
in guarded internment camps. Though it seemed that the horde
had been defeated for good, some remained highly skeptical that
peace would last. Khadgar, the former apprentice of Medivh, con-
vinced the Alliance high command to build the fortress of
Nethergarde that would watch over the ruins of the dark portal
and ensure that there would be no further invasions from Draenor.
Nerzhul and the Shadow Clans
As the fires of the Second War died down, the Alliance took
aggressive steps to contain the orcish threat. A number of large
internment camps, meant to house the captive orcs, were con-
structed in southern Lordaeron. Guarded by both the paladins and
the veteran soldiers of the Alliance, the camps proved to be a
great success. Though the captive orcs were tense and anxious to
do battle once more, the various camp wardens, based at the old
prison-fortress of Durnholde, kept the peace and maintained a
strong semblance of order.
However, on the hellish world of Draenor, a new orcish army pre-
pared to strike at the unsuspecting Alliance. The elder shaman,
Ner’zhul – the former mentor of Gul’dan – rallied the handful of
clans still left on Draenor under his dark banner. Ner’zhul planned
to open a number of portals on Draenor that would lead the horde
to new, unspoiled worlds. To power his new portals, Ner’zhul
needed a number of enchanted artifacts from Azeroth. To procure
them, Ner’zhul reopened the dark portal and sent his ravenous
clans charging through it.
The new horde, led by veteran chieftains such as Grom Hellscream
of the Warsong clan, and Kilrogg Deadeye of the Bleeding Hollow
clan, surprised the Alliance defense forces and rampaged through
the countryside. Under Ner’zhul’s surgical command, the orcs
quickly rounded up the artifacts that they needed and fled back to
the safety of Draenor.
King Terenas of Lordaeron, convinced that the orcs were preparing
a new invasion of Azeroth, assembled his most trusted lieutenants.
He ordered General Turalyon and the mage, Khadgar, to lead an
expedition through the dark portal to put an end to the orcish
threat once and for all. Turalyon and Khadgar’s forces marched into
taken to the prison-fortress of Durnholde. There, Blackmoore raised the
young orc as a favored slave and gladiator. Intending to train the young orc
to be not only a peerless warrior, but also an educated leader, Blackmoore
hoped to use Thrall to take over the horde, and thereby achieve dominion
over his fellow men.
Nineteen years passed and Thrall grew into a strong, quick-witted orc. Yet
his young heart knew that a slave’s life was not for him. Many things had
transpired in the world outside the fortress as he grew to maturity. He
learned that his people, the orcs – whom he had never met – had been
defeated and placed into internment camps in the human lands.
Doomhammer, the leader of his people, had escaped from Lordaeron and
gone into hiding. He knew that only one rogue clan still operated in secret,
trying to evade the watchful eyes of the Alliance.
The resourceful yet inexperienced Thrall decided to escape from
Blackmoore’s fortress and set off to find others of his kind. During his jour-
neys Thrall visited the internment camps and found his once mighty race to
be strangely cowed and lethargic. Having not found the proud warriors he
hoped to discover, Thrall set out to find the last undefeated orc chieftain,
Grom Hellscream.
Despite being constantly hunted by the humans, Hellscream still held onto the
horde’s unquenchable will to fight. Aided only by his own devoted Warsong
clan, Hellscream continued to fight an underground war against the oppres-
sion of his beleaguered people. Unfortunately, Hellscream could never find a
way to rouse the captured orcs from their stupor. The impressionable Thrall,
inspired by Hellscream’s idealism, developed a strong empathy for the horde
and its warrior traditions.
Seeking the truth of his own origins, Thrall traveled north to find the leg-
endary Frostwolf clan. Thrall learned that Gul’dan had exiled the Frostwolves
during the early days of the First War. He also discovered that he was the
son and heir of the orc hero, Durotan – the true chieftain of the Frostwolves
who had been murdered in the wilds nearly twenty years before…
Under the tutelage of the venerable shaman, Drek’Thar, Thrall studied the
ancient shamanistic culture of his people that had been forgotten under
Gul’dan’s’ evil rule. Over time, Thrall became a powerful shaman and took
his rightful place as chieftain of the exiled Frostwolves. Empowered by the
elements themselves and driven to find his destiny, Thrall set off to free the
captive clans and heal his race of demonic corruption.
During his travels, Thrall found the aged warchief, Orgrim Doomhammer, who
had been living as a hermit for many years. Doomhammer, who had been a
Lethargy and Internment
As the months passed, more orc prisoners were rounded up and
placed within the internment camps. As the camps began to over-
flow, the Alliance was forced to construct new camps in the plains
of south of the Alterac Mountains. To properly maintain and sup-
ply the growing number of camps, King Terenas levied a new tax
on the Alliance nations. This tax, as well as increased political ten-
sions over border disputes, created widespread dissention
amongst the leaders of the Alliance. It seemed that the fragile pact
that had forged the human nations together in their darkest hour
would break at any given moment.
Amidst the political turmoil, many of the camp wardens began to
notice an unsettling change come over their orc captives. The orcs’
efforts to escape from the camps or even fight amongst them-
selves had greatly decreased in frequency over time. The orcs were
becoming increasingly aloof and lethargic. Though it was difficult
to believe, the orcs – once held as the most aggressive race ever
seen on Azeroth – had completely lost their will to fight. The
strange lethargy confounded the Alliance leaders and continued to
take its toll on the rapidly weakening orcs.
Some speculated that some strange disease, contractible only by
orcs, brought about the baffling lethargy. But the Archmage,
Antonidas of Dalaran, posed a different hypothesis. Researching
what little he could find of orcish history, Antonidas learned that
the orcs had been under the crippling influence of demonic power
(or warlock magics) for generations. He speculated that the orcs
had been corrupted by demonic powers even before their first
invasion of Azeroth. Clearly, demons had spiked the orcs’ blood,
which in turn granted the brutes unnaturally heightened strength,
endurance and aggression.
Antonidas theorized that the orcs’ communal lethargy was not
actually a disease, but a long-term racial withdrawal from the
volatile Warlock magics that had made them fearsome, bloodlust-
ed warriors. Though the symptoms were clear, Antonidas was
unable to find a cure for the orcs’ present condition. Many of his
fellow mages, as well as a few notable Alliance leaders, argued that
finding a cure for the orcs would be an imprudent venture. Left to
ponder the orcs’ mysterious condition, Antonidas’ conclusion was
that the orcs’ only cure would have to be a spiritual one…
Thralls Tale
During the dark days of the First War, a cunning human officer
named Aedelas Blackmoore found an infant orc abandoned in the
wilds. The infant orc, whom Blackmoore aptly named Thrall, was
Far Seer
Far Seers are ancient orcs who represent the pinnacle of shamanistic power.
These powerful shamans are counted amongst Thrall's closest advisors and
are constantly in tune with the workings and maneuverings of the horde.
Farseers are not only tied to the elements of the earth and sky, but are also
adept at foretelling the future. Their wisdom is outshined only by their
courage and ferocity in combat. When the enemies of the horde advance,
the farseers mount their loyal dire wolves and wade into battle wielding all
the elemental powers of their shamanistic birthright.
Farseers have the ability to cast bolts of lightning so powerful that they continue to
seek out enemy troops in a wide area of effect. The raging bolts continue to strike new
victims until the spell’s energies finally deplete.
Part of the Far Seers’ power over nature is the ability to command the fury of the earth.
When roused, farseers can cause the earth to quake violently. When called with pre-
cision, can cause heavy destruction to enemy structures and slow hapless foes.
Far Seers have the uncanny ability to percieve distant places and events through a
form of spirit sight. This ability allows them to anticipate enemy movements and main-
tain the element of surprise for the horde’s fighting forces.
One of the farseers’ most otherworldy powers is their ability to call forth powerful wol-
ven apparitions. As the Farseer gains experience, more powerful wolves may be sum-
moned to his side.
Tauren Chieftain
These elder tauren warriors lead their tribes in daily life as well as in battle.
Ceremoniously adorned with the ancient totems of their tribes, chieftains
uphold the honor and simplicity of the proud tauren culture. When roused
by battle, the gigantic chieftains employ enormous halberds that are capa-
ble of tearing through solid trees with one mighty swipe. The chieftains are
fascinated by the orcs, especially their young leader, Thrall. They see an
opportunity to help the orcs return to their traditional roots by providing a
strong example of honor and courage through all tauren warriors.
So heartening and stirring are the mighty chieftains that they exude an aura of strength
and courage to all who accompany them. The chieftains’ auras help their comrades to
run and attack more quickly.
close friend of Thrall’s father, decided to follow the young, visionary
orc and help him free the captive clans. Supported by many of the
veteran chieftains, Thrall ultimately succeeded in revitalizing the
horde and giving his people a new spiritual identity.
To symbolize his people’s rebirth, Thrall returned to Blackmoore’s
fortress of Durnholde and put a decisive end to his former master’s
plans by laying siege to the internment camps. Yet, during the lib-
eration of one camp, Doomhammer fell in battle. Thrall took up
Doomhammer’s legendary warhammer and donned his black
plate-armor to become the new warchief of the horde. During the
following months, Thrall’s small but volatile horde laid waste to the
internment camps and stymied the Alliance’s best efforts to count-
er its clever strategies. Encouraged by his best friend and mentor,
Grom Hellscream, Thrall worked to ensure that no orc would be
cast into slavery – either by humans or demons – ever again.
Orc Hero Units
Though their numbers are few, the seasoned blademasters repre-
sent an elite fighting force within the horde. These skilled swords-
men were once part of the ill-fated Burning Blade clan that con-
sumed itself in the throes of demonic corruption. With their clan
scattered and broken, the proud blademasters swore a grim oath
to free themselves and their brethren from demonic control once
and for all. Under Thrall's command, the blademasters have once
again joined the horde and serve as the young warchief's person-
al guard. Though blademasters are masters of stealth and guile,
they value personal honor above all else.
By focusing their warrior energies, blademasters can become living
cyclones of fighting rage. Spinning their great blades faster than the naked
eye can see, they are capable of simultaneously damaging any enemy
troops in their vicinity.
By channeling their potent powers in one focused strike, blademasters can
cause even greater damage to their enemies.
One of the blademasters’ more mystical abilities is to create duplicate phan-
tom images of themselves. Though the phantom images can move about
freely of their own volition, they are not true entities unto themselves.
So adept and agile are the blademasters that they can move so quickly that
they appear to be invisible to the naked eye.
These cunning warriors are trained from birth to hunt, track and trap the
most dangerous beasts in the wilds and possess the uncanny ability to
regenerate lost health. In times of war, however, headhunters relish turning
their mighty spears on the enemies of the horde without hesitation. Capable
of hurling their deadly spears at distant enemies, troll headhunters provide
invaluable cover fire for the other warriors of the horde.
Like all trolls, headhunters can regenerate lost health over time. This racial ability
makes the trolls fearsome opponents and often allows them to spring back into com-
bat even though they’ve suffered grievous wounds.
The marauding, wolf-riding raiders were once considered to be the most
honored warriors of the horde. Yet, just prior to the Second War, Gul'dan dis-
banded the raiders. Now, after many long years, the young warchief Thrall
has decided to train a new generation of wolf riders. These mighty warriors
carry hefty warblades into combat and rely greatly upon the cunning and
ferocity of their faithful dire-wolf mounts to defeat their enemies.
Raiders carry hand-sewn nets with which they can ensnare enemies. Though creatures will
eventually break free from the nets, they are unable to move while caught. Flying crea-
tures that are ensnared are brought to the ground.
Whenever raiders attack enemy structures, they can they can use this ability to gain
resources to support more troops and build additional structures.
Kodo Beast
The colossal kodo beasts of the Kalimdor plains are valued allies of the orcish
horde. The mighty beasts were charged with carrying the orcs’ pounding war
drums into battle. The huge kodos, serving as symbols of orcish might and
valor, also use their enormous size and strength to scatter enemy forces.
When enraged, kodos are fond of devouring their enemies whole.
Kodos are capable of swallowing enemy units whole. Enemy units can free their
devoured comrades if they kill the kodo before the victim has been digested.
The heartening rhythm of the orcish war drums drives the warriors of the horde to fight
with greater strength and passion. Any allied warriors who hear the pounding drums
gain bonuses to their already considerable fighting skills.
The tauren chieftains hold such sacred bonds with their Earthmother that they
can actually be reincarnated after they die in combat. Though this ability is very
rare, it makes the wise, benevolent chieftains a dangerous foe to threaten.
The mighty chieftains can swing their totems so hard that their impacts cre-
ate powerful linear shockwaves that can damage any enemies bold
enough to stand before them.
The tauren’s massive totem can impact the ground with such force that
every enemy within a wide radius of the chieftain is damaged and stunned
for a short period of time.
Orc Units
The label of peon denotes the lowest station amongst those in the orcish
horde. Inferior in all skills of import, these dredges are relegated to menial
tasks such as harvesting lumber and mining gold. Their labor is also
required for the construction and maintenance of buildings necessary to
support the vast undertakings of the horde. Downtrodden, but exceed-
ingly loyal, the orc peons toil endlessly to provide for the greater horde.
Peons can repair ruined or damaged orc structures through use of this
valuable skill.
Whenever Peons attack enemy structures, they can use this ability to gain
resources to support more troops and build additional structures.
Grunts are the first and last line of the horde's defense. These pow-
erful fighters arm themselves with mighty battle-axes and display
all of the savagery and cunning of their race. In past generations,
grunts were characterized by their depravity and brutality. But
now, under the visionary leadership of Thrall, they more closely
resemble their savage, yet noble warrior ancestors.
Whenever Grunts attack enemy structures, they can use this ability to gain
resources to support more troops and build additional structures.
Troll Headhunter
Though the horde allied itself with the evil forest trolls during the
Second War, the alliance was short lived due to the horde’s even-
tual defeat. But Thrall, on one of his many journeys, befriended a
tribe of shadowy trolls from the steamy jungles of Stranglethorn.
Tauren warriors can pulverize enemies by smashing their totems on the ground, creat-
ing tremendous shockwaves that ripple out and cause damage in a wide area of effect.
The orcish catapult has always been a standing asset to the horde. Capable of hurl-
ing fiery projectiles over great distances, the catapults have been the doom of
many Alliance regiments. Catapults serve as the horde's greatest siege weapon.
Wy vern Rider
The sentient wyverns of Kalimdor were eager to ally themselves with the
shamanistic horde. Impressed by the orcs' commitment to honor and victo-
ry, the wyverns allowed the orcs to ride them into combat against those who
would disturb the tranquility of Kalimdor and its denizens. The wyverns, who
share a common ancestry with both dragons and gryphons, use their pow-
erful claws and razor-like fangs against both airborne attackers and ground
troops, while their riders may hurl envenomed spears at the enemy.
Wyvern riders carry envenomed spears that have been coated with the lethal venom from
Stranglethorne’s giant jungle snakes. When pierced by these spears, the riders’ enemies
are weakened and slowly eaten alive as the vile poison courses through their bodies.
Orc Structures
Great Hall
The great hall is the core stronghold of any orc clan. Using this structure,
orcs process lumber and gold from mining operations are processed. Raw
materials pilfered from enemy camps are added to the war chest. In time,
the great hall can also be more heavily fortified.
Barracks provide lodging for the orc troops. Sometimes a place of dissension
within the lower ranks, the barracks houses not only orcs, but also bloodthirsty
trolls. Here catapults are assembled and readied for war.
These structures serve dual purposes: they act not only as farms for the harvest-
ing of various roots and crops, but also as fortified bunkers for the peon workers
to hide in during times of attack. Increasing numbers of these structures provide
food to support the amassing of additional troops.
Under the leadership of Thrall, the orcs have rediscovered their
ancient shamanistic traditions. In an attempt to rid the horde of its
demonic corruption, Thrall banned the use of warlock magic and
necromancy. Now, all orc magic users practice shaman magic that
draws its power from the natural world and the elements of the
earth. Powerful shamans can call lightning from the sky and rouse
the earth itself to devour legions of their enemies.
Shaman can cause such overwhelming bloodlust in their brethren that affect-
ed warriors actually increase in size and power for short periods of time.
The shamans’ lightning shields, when cast on fellow warriors, create a bar-
rier that damages any nearby ground units.
Shaman can purge any magical spells or enchantments from their com-
rades or enemies with their ability to purge. Though purge can be useful to
remove negative enchantments or curses, it taxes the recipient to such a
degree that the unit’s movements are slow and painful.
Troll Witch Doctor
Although they are savage and cunning in the extreme, the troll
witch doctors have aligned themselves with the horde out of pure
necessity. These dastardly magic users are adept at manipulating
the chemical processes within their fellow warriors in order to
augment their combat abilities.
This strange tribal ward allows any friendly who comes in contact with it to
heal their wounds and replenish their strength.
Through this mysterious ward, witch doctors can keep watch over impor-
tant areas for as long as the ward exists. Even though the wards will van-
ish in time, they are invaluable tools that enable the witch doctors to keep
a constant eye on their surroundings.
Only activated when enemy units cross its threshold, the stasis trap emits
a strong shock of dark energy that immobilizes its victims and renders
them helpless for a short duration of time.
The mighty tauren of the Kalimdor plains have pledged their allegiance
to the new horde out of respect for their courage and honor. The bold
tauren seek only to safeguard their quiet culture from the deathly fires
of the Burning Legion. When roused, tauren are fierce fighters and use
their mighty totems to smash their enemies into the dust of the plains.
only stand guard over various orc holdings, but to detect and identify invis-
ible or magically cloaked enemies as well.
Tauren Totem
The proud, noble tauren, having allied with the orcish horde, reside here
and hone their abilities through contact with their spirit totems. This struc-
ture allows the mighty tauren to make use of the Pulverize ability, a tech-
nique that damages enemy forces and adds a unique tool to the tauren’s
already wide-ranging arsenal.
War Mill
An invention of the crafty trolls, this structure maximizes potential
by serving as a mill for lumber as well as a forge for weapons
smithing. Here weapons and armor are tirelessly reworked for
maximum efficiency. Trolls here can also create one of their most
useful fortifications: spiked barricades.
As clan technology advances, necessity dictates stronger fortifica-
tions and the ability to process the increasing income derived from
pillaging enemy forces. This advancement enables the introduction
of the shaman caste within the orc ranks. In time, the stronghold can
be further modified to accommodate clan development.
Altar of Storms
Once used to channel the demonic energies of the Burning Legion,
these altars have been retooled by troll masons. Using the redis-
covered elemental abilities of the shamans, these altars serve as a
kind of "gate" to revive fallen warriors. When a hero dies, his spirit
can be recalled at these altars to continue service for the horde.
Using their kinship with the creatures of the wild, shamans and
wyverns have struck a beneficial alliance. The deadly wyverns attack
units both on land and in the air with equal efficiency. Raiders and
giant kodo beasts, who have also been recruited into the ranks of the
horde through shamanistic influence, are trained at this facility.
Spirit Lodge
The spirit lodge is a place of quiet contemplation where shamans
and troll witch doctors meditate and refine their mastery of arcane
magic. Having abandoned their practice of necromancy, magic
users within the horde have found different ways to combat their
enemies. Witch doctors manipulate chemicals within the body and
in the environment, while shamans command the forces of nature.
Once orc technology reaches its height, construction of the
Fortress may begin. Far more formidable than even the strong-
hold, the fortress provides a siege-resistant command base. With
the addition of spiked barricades, a Fortress may daunt even the
most hostile foe.
Watch Tower
The horde's mighty watchtowers serve as the last line of defense
for most orc towns. These sturdy structures were created to not
Undead Scourge
Undead History
The Shaman, Nerzhul: Origin of the Lich King
The orcish clans, bound by a noble, shamanistic culture for thousands of years
on the world of Draenor, knew nothing of corruption or spiritual decay. But the
sinister agents of the Burning Legion sought to forge them into a voracious,
unstoppable army. The cunning demon, Kil’jaeden, second in command of
the Legion, saw that the savage warriors had vast potential for murder and
bloodshed – and set out to corrupt their tranquil society from within.
Kil’jaeden appeared to the orcs’ most respected leader, the elder shaman
Ner’zhul, and told him that he would bestow upon the orcs great power and
make them the undisputed rulers of their world. He even offered the old
shaman untold mystical knowledge if he agreed to bind himself and his peo-
ple to the Legion’s will. Calculating and power hungry by nature, Ner’zhul
accepted Kil’jaeden’s offer and made a Blood Pact with the demon. By doing
so, Ner’zhul had sealed the orcs’ fate and damned them to become the unwit-
ting slaves of the Burning Legion.
As time passed, Kil’jaeden recognized that Ner’zhul did not have the will or
the brazen audacity to follow through with his plan of forging the orcs into
a bloodthirsty horde. Ner’zhul, realizing that his pact with Kil’jaeden would
only lead to his race’s annihilation, refused to help the demon any further.
Enraged by the shaman’s defiance, Kil’jaeden swore to take vengeance
upon Ner’zhul, and corrupt the orcs despite him. Kil’jaeden found a new,
eager apprentice to lead the orcs on the path to oblivion - Ner’zhul’s own
nefarious protégé, Gul’dan.
With Kil’jaeden’s help, Gul’dan succeeded where his teacher had faltered. The
evil, power-hungry orc not only abolished the ancient practice of shamanism
– which he replaced with the study of demonic warlock magics – but united
the orc clans into the volatile horde that Kil’jaeden had envisioned. Ner’zhul,
powerless to stop his former apprentice, could only watch as Gul’dan mas-
terfully transformed the orcs into mindless agents of destruction.
Years passed as Ner’zhul brooded silently upon the red world of Draenor. He
watched as his people staged the first invasion of Azeroth. He heard the tales
of the orcs’ Second War against the Alliance of Lordaeron. He bore witness
to the treachery and corruption that seemed to be destroying his people
plagued the horde. It would have to be dogged, merciless, and single-
minded in its mission. This time, Kil’jaeden could not afford to fail.
Holding Ner’zhul’s tortured, helpless spirit in stasis, Kil’jaeden gave him one
last chance to serve the Legion or suffer eternal torment. Once again,
Ner’zhul recklessly agreed to the demon’s pact.
Ner’zhul’s spirit was placed within a specially crafted block of diamond-hard
ice gathered from the far reaches of the Twisting Nether. Encased within the
frozen cask, Ner’zhul felt his consciousness expand ten thousand fold. Warped
by the demon’s chaotic powers, Ner’zhul became a spectral being of unfath-
omable power. At that moment, the orc known as Ner’zhul was shattered for-
ever, and the Lich King was born.
Ner’zhul’s loyal death knights and warlock followers were also transformed by
the demon’s chaotic energies. The wicked spell casters were ripped apart and
remade as skeletal Liches. The demons had ensured that even in death,
Ner’zhul’s followers would serve him unquestioningly.
When the time was right, Kil’jaeden patiently explained the mission for
which he had created the Lich King: Ner’zhul was to spread a plague of
death and terror across Azeroth that would snuff out human civilization for-
ever. All those who died from the dreaded plague would arise as the
undead… and their spirits would be bound to Ner’zhul’s iron will forever.
Kil’jaeden promised that if Ner’zhul accomplished his dark mission of scour-
ing humanity from the world, he would be freed from his curse and grant-
ed a new, healthy body to inhabit.
Though Ner’zhul was agreeable and seemingly anxious to play his part,
Kil’jaeden remained skeptical of his pawn’s loyalties. Keeping the Lich King
bodiless and trapped within the crystal cask assured his good conduct for
the short term, but the demon knew that he would need to keep a watch-
ful eye on the Lich King. To this end, Kil’jaeden called upon his elite demon
guard, the vampiric Dreadlords, to police Ner’zhul and ensure that he
accomplished his dread task. Tichondrius, the most powerful and cunning of
the Dreadlords, warmed to the challenge, fascinated by the plague’s sever-
ity and the Lich King’s unbridled potential for genocide.
Icecrown and the Frozen Throne
Kil’jaeden cast Ner’zhul’s icy cask back into the world of Azeroth. The hard-
ened crystal streaked across the night sky and smashed into the desolate, arc-
tic continent of Northrend, burying itself in the deep, shadowed hallows of the
Icecrown glacier. The frozen crystal, warped and scarred by its violent descent,
came to resemble a throne, and Ner’zhul’s vengeful spirit stirred within it.
from within. Despite Gul’dan’s masterminding the horde’s dark
destiny, Ner’zhul knew that he himself was responsible for setting
it all in motion.
Shortly after the end of the Second War, the news of the horde’s
defeat reached the orcs who had remained in Draenor. Ner’zhul,
knowing that the horde had failed its mission to conquer Azeroth,
feared that Kil’jaeden and the Legion would take dire action
against the remaining orcs. To escape Kil’jaeden’s imminent
wrath, Ner’zhul opened a number of mystical portals that lead to
new, unspoiled worlds. The old shaman rallied the remaining orc
clans and planned to lead them through one of the portals, and
into a new directed destiny.
Before he could execute his plan, Ner’zhul was forced to deal with
an Alliance expeditionary force sent to Draenor to destroy the orcs
forever. Ner’zhul’s loyal clans managed to hold the Alliance forces
at bay while the old shaman opened the raging, magical portals.
To his horror, Ner’zhul realized that the portals’ tremendous ener-
gies were beginning to rip the very fabric of Draenor apart. As the
Alliance forces pushed the orcs further back into the hellish world,
Draenor began to buckle in on itself. Realizing that the battling
clans would never reach the portals in time, Ner’zhul selfishly
abandoned them and escaped with his elite followers in tow. The
evil group of orcs crossed through their chosen portal just as
Draenor blew apart in an apocalyptic explosion. The old shaman
believed he’d been lucky to escape death…
Ironically, he would live to regret his náiveté.
Kiljaeden and the New Deal
Just as Ner’zhul and his followers entered the Twisting Nether –
the ethereal plane that connects all of the worlds scattered
throughout the Great Dark Beyond – they were ambushed by
Kil’jaeden and his demonic minions. Kil’jaeden, who had sworn to
take vengeance on Ner’zhul for his prideful defiance, tortured the
old shaman mercilessly by slowly tearing his body apart piece by
piece. Kil’jaeden kept the shaman’s spirit alive and intact – leav-
ing Ner’zhul painfully aware of his body’s gross dismemberment.
Though Ner’zhul pleaded with the demon to release his spirit and
grant him death, the demon grimly replied that the Blood Pact
they had made long ago was still binding – and that he would
make use of his wayward pawn once again.
The orcs’ failure to conquer Azeroth as the Legion intended,
forced Kil’jaeden to create a new army to sew chaos throughout
the kingdoms of the Alliance. This new army could not be allowed
to fall prey to the same petty rivalries and infighting that had
the Lich King invaded Azjol-Nerub and brought its subterranean temples
crashing down upon the spider lords’ heads.
Though the Nerubians were immune to his plague, Ner’zhul’s growing
necromantic powers allowed him to raise the spider warriors’ corpses and
bend them to his will. As a testament to their tenacity and fearlessness,
Ner’zhul adopted the Nerubians’ distinctive architectural style for his own
fortresses and structures. Left to rule his kingdom unopposed, the Lich King
began preparing for his true mission in the world. Reaching out into the
human lands with his vast consciousness, the Lich King called out to any dark
soul that would listen...
KelThuzad and the Cult of the Damned
There were a handful of powerful individuals, scattered across the world,
who heard the Lich King’s mental summons. Most notable of them was the
Archmage, Kel’Thuzad, of the magical nation of Dalaran. Kel’Thuzad, one of
senior members of the Kirin Tor – Dalaran’s ruling council – had been con-
sidered a maverick for years due to his insistence on studying the forbidden
arts of necromancy. Driven to learn all he could of the magical world and its
shadowy wonders, he was frustrated by what he saw as his peers’ outmod-
ed and unimaginative precepts. Upon hearing the powerful summons from
Northrend, the Archmage bent all of his considerable will to communing
with the mysterious voice. Convinced that the Kirin Tor was too squeamish
to seize the power and knowledge inherent in the dark arts, he vowed to
learn what he could from the immensely powerful Lich King.
Forsaking his fortune and prestigious political standing, Kel’Thuzad abandoned
the ways of the Kirin Tor and left Dalaran forever. Prodded by the Lich King’s
persistent voice in his mind, he sold his vast holdings and stored away his for-
tunes. Travelling alone over many leagues of both land and sea, he finally
reached the frozen shores of Northrend. Intent on reaching Icecrown and
offering his services to the Lich King, the Archmage passed through the rav-
aged, war-torn ruins of Azjol-Nerub. Kel’Thuzad saw firsthand the scope and
ferocity of Ner’zhul’s power. He began to believe that allying himself with the
mysterious Lich King would not only be wise, but potentially fruitful.
After long months of trekking through the harsh arctic wastelands,
Kel’Thuzad finally reached the dark glacier of Icecrown. He boldly
approached Ner’zhul’s dark citadel and was shocked when the silent undead
guardsmen let him pass as though he was expected. Kel’Thuzad descended
deep into the cold earth and found his way down to the bottom of the gla-
cier. There, in the endless cavern of ice and shadows, he prostrated himself
before the Frozen Throne and offered his soul to the dark lord of the dead.
From the confines of the Frozen Throne, Ner’zhul began to reach
out his vast consciousness and touch the minds of Northrend’s
native inhabitants. With surprising ease, he enslaved the minds of
many indigenous creatures, such as ice trolls and the fierce wendi-
go - and drew their evil brethren into his growing shadow. He
found that his psychic powers were almost limitless, and used
them to create a small army that he housed within Icecrown’s
twisting labyrinths. As the Lich King mastered his growing pow-
ers under the Dreadlords’ persistent vigil, he discovered a remote
human settlement on the fringe of the vast Dragonblight. Ner’zhul
decided to test his powers and his dread plague on the unsus-
pecting humans.
Ner’zhul sent the plague of undeath, which had originated from
deep within the Frozen Throne, out into the arctic wasteland.
Controlling the plague with his will alone, he drove it straight into
the human village. Within three days, every human soul in the set-
tlement was dead. Yet, in a surprisingly short amount of time, the
dead villagers began to rise as zombified corpses. Ner’zhul could
feel their individual spirits and thoughts as if they were his own.
The raging cacophony in his mind caused Ner’zhul to grow even
more powerful – as if their spirits provided him with much need-
ed nourishment. He found it was child’s play to control the zom-
bies’ actions and steer them to whatever end he wished.
Over the following months, Ner’zhul continued to experiment
with his plague of undeath by subjugating every human inhabitant
of Northrend. With his army of undead growing daily, he knew
that the time for his true test was nearing.
War of the Spider
For ten long years, Ner’zhul built up his power base in Northrend.
A great citadel was erected above Icecrown and manned by
growing legions of the undead. Yet, as the Lich King extended his
influence over the land, a lone, shadowy empire stood against his
power. The ancient, subterranean kingdom of Azjol-Nerub, which
had been founded by a race of sinister humanoid spiders, sent
their elite warrior-guard to attack Icecrown and end the Lich
King’s mad bid for dominance. Much to his frustration, Ner’zhul
found that the evil Nerubians were immune to not only the
plague, but to his telepathic domination as well.
The Nerubian spider lords commanded vast forces and had an
underground network that stretched nearly half the breadth of
Northrend. Their hit and run tactics on the Lich King’s strongholds
stymied his efforts to root them out time after time. Ultimately,
Ner’zhul’s war against the Nerubians was won by attrition. With the
aid of the furious Dreadlords and his innumerable undead warriors,
An Heir Apparent...
Though the Dreadlords were pleased that Ner’zhul’s true mission had final-
ly begun, the Lich King himself brooded within the tight, shadowy confines
of the Frozen Throne. Despite his vast psychic powers and his complete
dominion over the undead, he longed to be free of his icy prison. He knew
that Kil’jaeden would never release him from his curse. And, due to his
great power, he knew that the demons would destroy him as soon as his
mission was completed.
Still, he had one chance for freedom – one chance to escape his terrible
curse. If he could find a suitable host – some hapless dupe who was torn
between darkness and light – he could possess that body and escape the
confines of the Frozen Throne forever.
Thus, the Lich King sent his vast consciousness out once again and sought
out the perfect host…
Undead Hero Units
While on Draenor, Ner'zhul commanded a number of orcish warlocks and spell-
wielding death knights. Yet, when Kil'jaeden and the Legion captured these sor-
cerers after that world’s destruction, they were transformed into twisted, spectral
aberrations of their former selves. These newly born liches possessed tremendous
magical powers, yet their immortal, undead bodies were bound to the iron will
of Ner'zhul. As payment for their undying loyalty to Ner'zhul, the Lich King grant-
ed them control over the furious elements of Northrend. Now, the liches wield
frost magic along with their own considerable necromantic spells.
Liches can call upon the freezing energies of Northrend to do their bidding. Using a
single enemy as the focal point for their dire spell, liches can cause an explosion of
frost to burst from the targeted creature that will damage everything around it.
Creatures harmed in this way have trouble moving, incapacitated by the freezing ice
that stiffens their joints.
An allied creature can be encased in a protective armor of ice. Creatures attacking the Frost
Armor have difficulty moving due to the jolt of freezing cold that moves through their bodies.
By destroying one of his own minions, the Lich is able to absorb the energies of his
lesser comrade, replenishing his dark magical powers. The lich can absorb the ener-
gies of his undead army by casting a Dark Ritual on them. Though this destroys the
The Lich King was pleased with his latest conscript. He promised
Kel’Thuzad immortality and great power in exchange for his loyalty
and obedience. Kel’Thuzad, eager for dark knowledge and power,
accepted his first great mission – to go into the world of men and
found a new religion that would worship the Lich King as a god.
To help the Archmage accomplish his mission, Ner’zhul left
Kel’Thuzad’s humanity intact. The aged, yet still charismatic wizard
was charged with using his powers of illusion and persuasion to lull
the downtrodden, disenfranchised masses of Lordaeron into a confi-
dence. Once he had their attention, he would offer them a new vision
of what society could be – and a new figurehead to call their king... .
Kel’Thuzad returned to Lordaeron in disguise, and over the span
of three years, he used his fortune and intellect to gather a clan-
destine brotherhood of like-minded men and women. The broth-
erhood, which he called the Cult of the Damned, promised its
acolytes social equality and eternal life on Azeroth in exchange for
their service and obedience to Ner’zhul. As the months passed,
Kel’Thuzad found many eager volunteers for his new cult amongst
the tired, overburdened laborers of Lordaeron. Surprisingly,
Kel’Thuzad’s goal to pervert the citizens’ faith in the Holy Light
towards belief in Ner’zhul’s dark shadow was easily attained. As
the Cult of the Damned grew in size and influence, Kel’Thuzad
made sure to keep its workings secret from the authorities of
Lordaeron at every turn.
The Forming of the Scourge
With Kel’Thuzad’s success in Lordaeron, the Lich King made the final
preparations for his assault against human civilization. Placing his
plague energies into a number of portable artifacts called plague
cauldrons, Ner’zhul ordered Kel’Thuzad to transport the cauldrons to
Lordaeron where they would be hidden within various cult-con-
trolled villages. The cauldrons, protected by the loyal cultists, would
then act as plague generators, sending the plague seeping out
across the unsuspecting farmlands and cities of northern Lordaeron.
The Lich King’s plan worked perfectly. Many of Lordaeron’s north-
ern villages were contaminated almost immediately. Just as in
Northrend, the citizens who contracted the plague died and arose
as the Lich King’s willing slaves. The cultists under Kel’Thuzad were
eager to die and be raised again in their dark lord’s service. They
exulted in the prospect of immortality through undeath. As the
plague spread, more and more feral zombies arose in the north-
lands. Kel’Thuzad looked upon the Lich King’s growing army and
named it the Scourge – for soon, it would march upon the gates of
Lordaeron...and scour humanity from the face of the world.
Through the mastery of subversion and hypnosis, Dreadlords have learned to put their
enemies into a sudden, trance-like sleep. Though this mystical sleep will wear off in time,
a sharp jab from either a friend or an enemy will always awaken the hapless sleeper.
Those who are fortunate enough to have a powerful Dreadlord as an ally can gain the
benefits of his Vampiric Aura. This dark, unholy aura causes the Dreadlord’s allies to
actually gain life by spilling their enemies’ blood.
The Dreadlord marks the pinnacle of his dark powers with the devastating ability to
summon a fiery infernal. At his call, the infernal will streak down from the sky, stun-
ning and wounding nearby enemy forces when it crashes to the earth. The infernal,
engulfed in searing flame, will then rise to do the dreadlord’s bidding.
Undead Units
Acolytes are human beings who have given themselves over to the power of
Ner’zhul and the Scourge. These bitter, fanatical men and women will stop at
nothing to promote the Lich King’s will and maintain the secrecy and domi-
nance of the Cult of the Damned. They view their own deaths and the possi-
bility of becoming undead as the ultimate rewards for the service to Ner’zhul.
The unsummoning of buildings allows the acolytes of the Scourge to reduce fully construct-
ed buildings to their base forms of matter and energy. Some of this matter and energy is lost
in the conversion, as are most things that are pulled through The Great Dark Beyond.
Acolytes who wish to serve as the eyes and ears of Ner’zhul are capable of shedding
their bodies and taking on the forms of invisible Shades.
Ghouls are the basic warriors of the undead Scourge. These lumbering, rot-
ting corpses were once innocent townsfolk who have made the final transi-
tion into true undeath. Ghouls have great stamina and revel in combat with
living beings. Ghouls are ravenous cannibals who can regenerate their
health by eating the flesh of fallen warriors.
Ghouls that are wounded can consume the flesh of the newly dead to replenish their
own lost health.
lich’s lesser comrades, it releases their energies back into the lich and
replenishes the Lich’s power.
The swirling negative energies known as the Death And Decay spell are
favored by the liches for their power to decompose, rot and destroy everything
within them. Not even the strongest warriors or the most durable structures
can stand the full effects of Death And Decay.
Death Knight
Death knights were once heroic, virtuous defenders of humanity.
However, they were corrupted by the subtle machinations of the
Lich King and lured to his dark standard. These former heroes were
given untold power and the promise of immortality in exchange for
their loyalties. Although they retained their humanity, their twisted
souls were bound to the Lich King's will for all time. Bestowed with
black, vampiric runeblades and shadowy steeds, death knights
now serve as the Scourge's mightiest generals.
Death knights can call upon the forces of darkness at will, causing bolts of
death to issue from their hands. While doing considerable damage to the
death knights’ enemies, the Death Coil also heals their undead brethren.
Through the sacrifice of his followers, a death knight can absorb their
unholy energies and convert them into health for himself.
Arguably the death knights’ most horrific power is their ability to raise
recently slain corpses into an army of the undead, no matter what their alle-
giance in life may have been. Though they are brought back for a time, the
death knights’ recalled warriors will eventually fall, never to be raised again.
All death knights can learn to exude a dark, raging battle aura that causes
allied creatures around them to move and regenerate life more quickly.
Dreadlords are incredibly powerful demons who wield the powers
of darkness and mental domination. These cunning, malefic beings
once served as the demon Kil’jaeden’s most trusted lieutenants. Yet,
at Kil'jaeden’s request, the vampiric Dreadlords were sent to watch
over the Lich King, Ner'zhul, and ensure that he carried out his orders
to sow chaos in the mortal world. Though Dreadlords have been
known to revel in the gore of single combat, they generally prefer to
manipulate and beguile their enemies from the shadows.
Dreadlords control the creatures of the night, and some of them have even
mastered the ability to call swarms of bats and insects to strike at their
unsuspecting enemies.
hear their bitter anguish. Thus, the banshees have pledged themselves to
Ner’zhul’s cause and now serve as valuable agents of the Scourge. On certain
nights, when the moon is full, their unnerving, unholy screams can be heard in
the icy winds blowing from the north.
By channeling the powers of their unholy screams, banshees can cause their enemies
to temporarily lose their honed combat skills. As a result of this terrible curse, the vic-
tims of this spell find themselves unable to hit their targets.
By melding the powers of necromancy and the warped music of their screams, ban-
shees can form protective shells around any creatures. The uncanny “shell” makes
those creatures impervious to all magics for a short period of time.
Banshees have an unsettling ability to force their way into the bodies of living creatures,
thus replacing the creatures’ spirits with their own. While this ability causes the ban-
shees’ bodies to dissipate, it does give them permanent control over their new forms.
The dreaded gargoyles of Northrend are voracious flying creatures who revel
in slaughter and mayhem. Brought from the frozen north by the armies of the
Lich King, these strange, wiry flyers have rough, crystalline hides which pro-
tect them from all manner of attacks. In times of great peril, gargoyles can
land and condense their hides into a stone-like surface. Though they are
unable to attack in this state, they can take time to regenerate their wounds
and replenish their energies.
The voracious gargoyles of Northrend are capable of condensing their crystalline hides to make
themselves nearly impervious to any forms of attacks. Though they must land and remain
motionless while in this state, Stone Form does allow them to recoup their energies for battle.
Crypt Fiend
The cunning crypt fiends were once the lords of the ancient spider kingdom of
Azjol-Nerub that ruled over the arctic land of Northrend in ancient times.
However, the Lich King destroyed the crypt fiends’ civilization and took con-
trol of the frozen continent. Now the vile fiends command their spider under-
lings in the name of their master, Ner’zhul. These aberrant creatures are capa-
ble of summoning swarms of vile insects and projecting web-like strands to
incapacitate and harm their enemies.
The crypt fiends of Azjol-Nerub have always been adept at catching flying creatures in
their powerful webbing. Though creatures captured in this webbing will eventually
Though they retained their humanity after making their pact with
death, necromancers became some of the most terrifying agents of
the Scourge. These dark, nefarious men were once thought to be
aspiring geniuses by the Magocracy of Dalaran. However, their
insatiable lust to delve into the dark arts drove them to forsake their
very souls. Ner'zhul, the Lich King, granted these malevolent sor-
cerers true power over the dead in exchange for their obedience.
The shadowy necromancers have the power to raise skeletal war-
riors from the grave and bestow a number of dark enchantments
upon their fellow warriors.
Through the powers of Ner’zhul, the corpses of the recently slain can be
raised again as skeleton warriors. Though relentless and fearless, these
mindless automatons of death soon fall apart and fall to dust.
With their unholy powers, necromancers can greatly accelerate a crea-
ture’s movement and attack rates. Those under the influence of this spell
find themselves moving so quickly that their bodies begin to burn and
ache, slowly dying from the effects of their unholy frenzy.
Drawing dark energies directly from Ner’zhul, necromancers can cause
their enemies’ muscles to suddenly spasm and quake – leaving them
immobile and effectively helpless.
The twisted, mutilated bodies of the abominations are comprised
of multiple dead limbs and body parts from many different
corpses. These enormous warriors, scarred by loose stitchings and
putrid, open sores, love to carve flesh and tear their enemies
apart. The slow-moving and dull-witted abominations constantly
drip blood and smell like disease-ridden slaughterhouses. They
carry large cleavers into combat and wield various sickle-bladed
hooks on their disproportionate limbs.
A cloud of festering rotten flesh-vapors follows the abominations wherever they
go. The vile cloud is renowned for rotting living flesh upon contact. This name-
less disease is often spread to meat wagons, thus allowing the contraptions’ rot-
ting ammunition to deal further damage to the enemies of the Scourge.
Banshees were once beautiful female elves who fell before the power
of the Scourge. Their restless spirits were left to wander the world in
silent, tortured lamentation. Then, the Lich King gathered them
together and gave them terrible voices so that the living would finally
Undead Structures
The necropolis serves as the central command structure of the undead army.
Lumber harvested by ghouls is processed and loyal acolytes train for tasks from
their undead masters. Even when unattended, the vengeful spirits of the dead
protect the necropolis from enemy attackers. In time this structure can be fur-
ther modified to become the halls of the dead.
At this site, undead minions are summoned into the service of the Scourge.
Here gargoyles are made animate and given deadly attack capabilities.
Ghouls are trained to cannibalizing fallen foes to renew strength. Crypt
fiends are empowered to cast their inescapable webs.
Servants of the Undead tirelessly study the arcane arts in an effort to imbue
weapons and armor with unholy power. The graveyard, like the necropolis,
is able to process lumber for weapon and armor construction. This building
also pulls fresh corpses from deep within the earth, exhuming them for use
by the vile necromancers.
These towers of the ancient spider kingdom of Azjol-Nerub are called into
service once again to provide a source of raw energy for undead forces.
Several ziggurats are required to sustain a high number of Scourge warriors.
In time, these towers can be further empowered to provide protection.
Spirit Tower
Once infused with the restless spirits of the vengeful dead, spirit towers pres-
ent a formidable defense. The wraiths of the tower attack with supernatural
efficiency, and quickly add enemy forces to the ranks of dead. Multiple tow-
ers in an undead city will chill the heart of even the most courageous foe.
Halls of the Dead
As the presence of the Undead in the living world grows stronger, further mod-
ifications to the command structure become necessary. Transforming a necrop-
olis into the halls of the dead gives the Scourge power to raise more ancient
structures and advance their cruel efficiency. With continued advancement, the
halls of the dead may be further modified.
break free and may still defend themselves, they are immobilized while
caught in the crypt fiends’ webs.
Frost Wyrm
In ages past, venerable dragons nearing death flew to the land of
Northrend to die. To this day there are entire dragon graveyards lit-
tered with massive petrified bones and skulls. When Ner’zhul, the
Lich King, took control of Northrend, he used his powerful magics
to raise the ancient dragon skeletons from the dead. Now the skele-
tal dragons radiate cold power and think of nothing other than serv-
ing their dark master. Frost wyrms have a cold-based breath
weapon that can shatter entire buildings. They are also quite fond of
devouring their hapless enemies whole.
Ner’zhul’s vicious frost wyrms hold the frosts of Northrend within their
skeletal hearts. By inhaling a great deal of air, frost wyrms can expel blasts
of freezing cold so extreme, that they pull all the moisture from the air
around a building and freezes it solid.
Meat Wagon
One of the strangest and most dire tools utilized by the Scourge is
the dreaded meat wagon. This rickety contraption is used to collect
and store recently slain corpses from the field of battle. At any
time, corpses can be pulled from the meat wagon and raised into
undead warriors. When upgraded, the Meat Wagon can also fling
diseased corpses at enemy units with its crude catapult device. An
invaluable support vehicle for the Scourge, the meat wagon strikes
fear and woe into the hearts of even the most resolute defenders.
Skeletal Warrior
Called forth from the grave by the insidious necromancers, skele-
tal warriors are mindless slaves of the Lich King’s powers. These
lumbering fighters are highly resilient and tireless. When operat-
ing in great numbers, skeleton warriors serve as an invaluable part
of the Scourge’s combat force.
Called forth from the depths of the sacrificial pits, shades are vile,
wraith-like creatures who exist only to serve their dark lord,
Ner’zhul. The invisible shades are virtually undetectable by normal
sight, making them ideal scouts and spies for the Scourge. Though
they cannot attack the living, they are still considered valuable
assets to the Lich King’s forces.
Temple of the Damned
Once used by the orcish horde to channel demonic energies, the
Scourge has now reclaimed this powerful edifice. From the Temple
the insidious necromancers emerge to animate fallen corpses and
the tormented spirits of the banshees are called into service.
Meat at the slaughterhouse is used to serve the twisted purpose of the
malevolent Scourge. Grotesque, monstrous abominations are pieced
together and instilled with the single purpose of killing. Meat wagons
are constructed to lob plague-infected body parts at the enemy.
Altar of Darkness
This structure serves as a channeling nexus for the Scourge’s dark
restorative powers. When a hero falls in battle, his essence may be
recalled to this site, where it is given new, unholy life. Provided
that the building stands and resources are sufficient, undead
heroes will not stay dead for long.
Black Citadel
When the powers of the Undead in the living world become fully
manifested, further modifications to the halls of the dead become
necessary. Building of the black citadel allows the Scourge to oper-
ate at peak efficiency. Along with this modification comes increased
fortification, making the black citadel a truly formidable stronghold.
The boneyard is the home of the frost wyrms, once magnificent
dragons now reduced to skeletal frames, manipulated by the
dark magic of the Scourge to serve the Lich King. Frost wyrms
have a crippling ability to cast their freezing breath onto enemy
forces and buildings. In large numbers, frost wyrms present a
truly dominating force.
Sacrificial Pit
The sacrificial pits of Azjol-Nerub were used long ago to sacrifice
enemy forces in exchange for success in battle. Undead forces may
be sacrificed at this location to call forth a shade, an invisible wraith
capable of spying on the enemy, detectable only through magic.
Night Elves: the Sentinels
Night Elf History
The Kaldorei and the Well of Eternity
Ten thousand years before the orcs and humans clashed in their First War,
the world of Azeroth cradled only one massive continent surrounded by the
infinite, raging seas. That land mass, known as Kalimdor, was home to a
number of disparate races and creatures, all vying for survival amongst the
savage elements of the waking world. At the dark continent’s center was a
mysterious lake of incandescent energies. The lake, which would later be
called the Well of Eternity, was the true heart of the world’s magic and nat-
ural power. Drawing its energies from the infinite Great Dark beyond the
world, the Well acted as a mystical fount, sending its potent energies out
across the world to nourish life in all its wondrous forms.
In time, a primitive tribe of nocturnal humanoids cautiously made their way
to the edges of the mesmerizing, enchanted lake. The feral, nomadic
humanoids, drawn by the Well’s strange energies, built crude homes upon
its tranquil shores. Over time, the Well’s cosmic power affected the strange
tribe, making them strong, wise and virtually immortal. The tribe adopted
the name Kaldorei, which meant “children of the stars” in their native
tongue. To celebrate their budding society, they constructed great struc-
tures and temples around the lake’s periphery.
The Kaldorei, or night elves as they would later be known, worshipped the
moon goddess, Elune, and believed that she slept within the Well’s shim-
mering depths during the daylight hours. The early night elf priests and
seers studied the Well with an insatiable curiosity, driven to plumb its untold
secrets and power. As their society grew, the night elves explored the
breadth of Kalimdor and encountered its myriad denizens. The only crea-
tures that gave them pause were the ancient and powerful dragons. Though
the great serpentine beasts were often reclusive, they did much to safe-
guard the known lands from potential threats. The night elves believed that
the dragons held themselves to be the protectors of the world, and that they
and their secrets were best left alone.
In time, the night elves’ curiosity led them to meet and befriend a number
of powerful entities, not the least of which was Cenarius, a mighty demi-god
of the primordial forestlands. The great-hearted Cenarius grew fond of the
inquisitive night elves and spent a great deal of time teaching
them about the natural world. The tranquil Kaldorei developed a
strong empathy for the living forests of Kalimdor and reveled in
the harmonious balance of nature.
Yet, as the seemingly endless ages passed, the night elves’ civi-
lization expanded both territorially and culturally. Their temples,
roads, and dwelling places stretched across the breadth of the
dark continent. Azshara, the night elves’ beautiful and gifted
Queen, built an immense, wondrous palace on the Well’s shore
that housed her favored servitors within its bejeweled halls. Her
servitors, whom she called the Quel’dorei or “high-borne,” doted
on her every command and believed themselves to be greater
than the rest of their lower-caste brethren. Though Queen Azshara
was loved equally by all of her people, the high-borne were
secretly hated by the jealous masses.
Sharing the priests’ curiosity towards the Well of Eternity, Azshara
ordered the educated high-borne to plumb its secrets and reveal
its true purpose in the world. The high-borne buried themselves in
their work and studied the Well ceaselessly. In time they devel-
oped the ability to manipulate and control the Well’s cosmic ener-
gies. As their reckless experiments progressed, the high-borne
found that they could use their newfound powers to either create
or destroy at their leisure. The hapless high-borne had stumbled
upon primitive magic and were now resolved to devote them-
selves to its mastery. Although they agreed that magic was inher-
ently dangerous if handled irresponsibly, Azshara and her high-
borne began to practice their spellcraft with reckless abandon.
Cenarius and many of the wizened night elf scholars warned that
only calamity would result from toying with the clearly volatile arts
of magic. But, Azshara and her followers stubbornly continued to
expand their burgeoning powers.
As their powers grew, a distinct change came over Azshara and
the high-borne. The haughty, aloof upper class became increas-
ingly callous and cruel towards their fellow night elves. A dark,
brooding pall veiled Azshara’s once entrancing beauty. She began
to withdraw from her loving subjects and refused to interact with
any but her trusted high-borne priests.
A young, brazen scholar named Furion Stormrage, who had spent
much of his time studying the Well’s effects, began to suspect that a
terrible power was corrupting the high-borne and his beloved
Queen. Though he could not conceive the evil that was to come, he
knew that the night elves’ lives would soon be changed forever…
The War of the Ancients
The high-borne’s reckless use of magic sent ripples of energy spiraling out from
the Well of Eternity and into the Great Dark Beyond. The ripples of energy
streamed out into the Twisting Nether and were felt by terrible alien minds.
Sargeras, the Great Enemy of all life, the Ravager of Worlds, felt the potent rip-
ples and was drawn to their distant point of origin. Spying the primordial world
of Azeroth and sensing the limitless energies of the Well of Eternity, Sargeras
was consumed by an insatiable hunger. The great, dark god of the Nameless
Void resolved to destroy the fledgling world and claim its energies as his own.
Sargeras gathered his vast, demonic army, known as the Burning Legion,
and made his way towards the unsuspecting world of Azeroth. The Legion,
comprised of a million screaming demons, all ripped from the far corners of
the universe, roiled and burned at the thought of conquest. Sargeras’ lieu-
tenants, Archimonde the Defiler and Mannoroth the Destructor, prepared
their infernal minions to strike.
Queen Azshara, overwhelmed by the terrible ecstasy of her magic, fell victim to
Sargeras’ undeniable power, and agreed to grant him entrance to her world.
Even her high-borne servitors gave themselves over to magic’s inevitable cor-
ruption and began to worship Sargeras as their god. To show their allegiance to
the Legion, the high-borne aided their Queen in opening a great, swirling por-
tal within the depths of the Well of Eternity.
Once all his preparations had been made, Sargeras began his catastrophic
invasion of Azeroth. The warrior-demons of the Burning Legion stormed
into the world through the Well of Eternity and laid siege to the night elves’
sleeping cities. Led by Archimonde and Mannoroth, the Legion swarmed
over the lands of Kalimdor leaving only ash and sorrow in its wake. The
demon warlocks called down the searing Infernals that crashed, like hellish
meteors, into the graceful spires of Kalimdor’s temples. The Doomguard, a
band of burning, bloodletting killers, marched across Kalimdor’s fields
slaughtering everyone in their path. Even packs of wild, demonic Felhounds
ravaged the countryside, unopposed. Though the brave Kaldorei warriors
rushed to defend their ancient homeland, they were forced to give ground,
inch by inch, before the fury of the Legion’s onslaught.
The Sundering of the World
It fell to the young scholar, Furion Stormrage, to find help for his belea-
guered people. Stormrage, whose own brother, Illidan, practiced the high-
borne’s magics, was incensed by the growing corruption amongst the
upper class. Convincing Illidan to forsake his dangerous obsession, Furion
set out to find Cenarius and muster a resistance force. The young, beautiful
Heartbroken by his brother’s departure, Furion led his companions into the
heart of Azshara’s temple. Yet, as they stormed into the main audience
chamber, they found the high-borne in the midst of their final dark incanta-
tion. The raging communal spell created an unstable vortex of power with-
in the Well’s raging depths. As Sargeras’ ominous shadow drew ever clos-
er to the surface, Furion and his allies rushed to attack.
Azshara, having received Illidan’s warning, was more than prepared for them.
Nearly all of Furion’s followers fell before the mad Queen’s raging powers.
Tyrande, attempting to attack Azshara from behind, was caught off guard by
the Queen’s high-borne guardsmen. Though she vanquished the guardsmen,
Tyrande suffered grievous wounds at their hands. At seeing his love fall,
Furion went into a murderous rage and resolved to end Azshara’s life.
As the battle raged inside and outside of the temple, Illidan appeared from
the shadows near the shores of the great Well. Producing a set of specially
crafted vials, Illidan knelt and filled each with the Well’s shimmering waters.
Convinced that the demons would crush the night elves’ civilization, he
planned to steal the sacred waters and keep their energies for himself.
The ensuing battle between Furion and Azshara threw the high-borne’s
carefully crafted spellwork into chaos. The unstable vortex within the Well’s
depths finally exploded and ignited a catastrophic chain of events that
would sunder the world forever. The massive explosion rocked the temple
to its foundations and sent massive quakes ripping through the tortured
earth. As the horrific battle between the Legion and the night elves’ allies
raged around and above the ruined capital city, the surging Well of Eternity
buckled in upon itself and collapsed.
The resultant catastrophic explosion shattered the earth and blotted out the skies...
Mount Hyjal and Illidans Gift
As the aftershocks from the Well’s implosion rattled the bones of the world,
the seas rushed in to fill the gaping wound left in the earth. Nearly eighty
percent of Kalimdor’s landmass had been blasted apart, leaving only a hand-
ful of separate continents surrounding the new, raging sea. At the center of
the new sea, where the Well of Eternity once stood, was a tumultuous storm
of tidal fury and chaotic energies. This terrible scar, known as the Maelstrom,
would never cease its furious spinning. It would remain a constant reminder
of the terrible catastrophe and the utopian era that had been lost forever…
The few night elves that survived the horrific explosion rallied together on
crudely made rafts and slowly made their way to the only landmass in sight.
Somehow, by the graces of Elune, Furion, Tyrande and Cenarius had sur-
priestess, Tyrande, agreed to accompany the brothers in the name
of Elune. Though both Furion and Illidan shared a secret love for
the idealistic priestess, Tyrande’s heart belonged to Furion alone.
Illidan resented his brother’s budding romance with Tyrande, but
knew that his heartache was nothing compared to the pain of his
magical addiction…
Illidan, who had grown dependent on magic’s empowering ener-
gies, struggled to keep control of himself and his overwhelming
hunger to tap the Well’s energies once again. However, with
Tyrande’s patient support, he was able to contain himself and help
his brother find the reclusive demi-god, Cenarius. Cenarius, who
dwelt within the sacred Moonglades of the distant Mount Hyjal,
agreed to help the night elves by finding the ancient dragons and
enlisting their aid. The dragons, led by the great, red leviathan,
Alexstrasza, agreed to send their mighty flights to engage the
demons and their infernal masters.
Cenarius, calling on the spirits of the enchanted forests, rallied an army
of ancient tree-men and led them against the Legion in a daring
ground assault. As the night elves’ allies converged upon Azshara’s
temple and the Well of Eternity, all-out warfare erupted. Despite the
strength of their newfound allies, Furion and his colleagues realized
that the Legion could not be defeated by martial strength alone.
As the titanic battle raged around Azshara’s capital city, the delu-
sional Queen waited in anticipation for Sargeras’ arrival. The Lord
of the Legion was preparing to pass through the Well of Eternity
and enter the ravaged world. As his impossibly huge shadow
drew ever closer to the Well’s raging surface, Azshara gathered
the most powerful of her high-borne followers. Only by linking
their magics together, in one focused spell, would they be able to
create a gateway large enough for Sargeras to enter.
Furion, convinced that the Well of Eternity was the demons’
umbilical link to the physical world, insisted that it should be
destroyed. His companions, knowing that the Well was the source
of their immortality and powers, were shocked by the rash notion.
Yet Tyrande, seeing the wisdom of Furion’s theory, convinced
Cenarius and their dragon comrades to storm Azshara’s temple
and find a way to shut the Well down for good.
Knowing that the Well’s destruction would prevent him from ever
wielding magic again, Illidan selfishly abandoned the group and set
out to warn the high-borne of Furion’s plan. Due to the madness
brought on by his addiction and the stinging resentment towards
his brother’s affair with Tyrande, Illidan felt no remorse at betraying
Furion and siding with Azshara and her ilk. Above all else, Illidan
vowed to protect the Well’s power by any means necessary.
The World Tree and the Emerald Dream
For many years, the night elves worked tirelessly to rebuild what they could
of their ancient homeland. Leaving their broken temples and roads to be
overgrown, they constructed their new homes amidst the verdant trees and
shadowed hills at Hyjal’s base. In time, the dragons that had survived the
great Sundering came forth from their secret abodes.
Alexstrasza the red, Ysera the green, and Nozdormu the bronze descended
upon the druids’ tranquil glades and surveyed the fruits of the night elves’
labors. Furion, who had become an arch-druid of immense power, greeted
the mighty dragons and told them about the creation of the new Well of
Eternity. The great dragons were alarmed to hear the dark news and spec-
ulated that as long as the Well remained, the Legion might one day return
and assault the world once again.
Furion and the three dragons made a pact to keep the Well safe and ensure that
the agents of the Burning Legion would never find their way back into the world.
Alexstrasza, the Life-Giver, placed a single, enchanted acorn within the
heart of the Well of Eternity. The acorn, activated by the potent, magical
waters, sprung to life as a colossal tree. The mighty tree’s roots grew from
the Well’s waters and its verdant canopy seemed to scrape the roof of the
sky. The immense tree would be an everlasting symbol of the night elves’
bond with nature, and its life-giving energies would extend out to heal the
rest of the world over time. The night elves’ named their World Tree,
Nordrassil, which meant “crown of the heavens” in their native tongue.
Nozdormu, the Timeless, placed an enchantment upon the World Tree that
ensured that as long as the colossal tree stood, the night elves would never
age or fall prey to sickness or disease.
Ysera, the Dreamer, also placed an enchantment upon the World Tree by
linking it to her own realm, the ethereal dimension known as the Emerald
Dream. The Emerald Dream, a vast, ever-changing spirit world, existed
outside the boundaries of the physical world. From the Dream, Ysera reg-
ulated the ebb and flow of nature and the evolutionary path of the world
itself. The night elf druids, including Furion himself, were bound to the
Dream through the World Tree. As part of the mystical pact, the druids
agreed to sleep for centuries at a time so that their spirits could roam the
infinite paths of Ysera’s Dreamways. Though the druids were wary of los-
ing so many years of their lives to hibernation, they selflessly agreed to
uphold their bargain with Ysera.
vived the Great Sundering. The weary heroes agreed to lead their
fellow survivors and establish a new home for their people. As
they journeyed in silence, they surveyed the wreckage of their
world and realized that their passions had wrought the destruction
all around them. Though Sargeras and his Legion had been ripped
from the world by the Well’s destruction, Furion and his compan-
ions were left to ponder the terrible cost of victory.
It was clear that Azshara and her elite high-borne followers had
been smashed to the bottom of the raging sea. Still, there were
many high-borne amongst the survivors who made their way to
the shores of the new land. Though Furion mistrusted the high-
bornes’ motivations, he was satisfied that they could cause no real
mischief without the Well’s energies.
As the weary mass of night elves landed upon the shores of the
new land, they found that the holy mountain, Hyjal, had survived
the catastrophe. Seeking to establish a new home for themselves,
Furion and the night elves climbed the slopes of Hyjal and reached
its windswept summit. As they descended into the wooded bowl,
nestled between the mountain’s enormous peaks, they found a
small, tranquil lake. To their horror, they found that the lake’s
waters had been fouled – by magic.
Illidan, having survived the Sundering as well, had reached Hyjal
summit long before Furion and the night elves. In his mad bid to
maintain the flows of magic in the world, Illidan had poured his
vials, containing the precious waters from the Well of Eternity,
into the mountain lake. The Well’s potent energies quickly ignited
and coalesced into a new Well of Eternity. The exultant Illidan,
believing that the new Well was a gift to future generations, was
shocked when Furion hunted him down. Furion explained to his
brother that magic was innately chaotic and that its use would
inevitably lead to widespread corruption and strife. Still, Illidan
refused to relinquish his magical powers.
Knowing full well where Illidan’s treacherous schemes would
eventually lead, Furion decided to deal with his power-crazed
brother once and for all. With Cenarius’ help, Furion sealed Illidan
within a vast underground chamber – to remain chained and pow-
erless until the end of time. Concerned that destroying the new
Well might bring about an even greater catastrophe, the night
elves resolved to leave it be. However, Furion declared that they
would never practice the arts of magic again. Under Cenarius’
watchful eye, they began to study the ancient arts of druidism that
would enable them to heal the ravaged earth and re-grow their
beloved forests at the base of Mount Hyjal.
Tyrande, left alone to protect Kalimdor from the dangers of the new world,
assembled a powerful fighting force from amongst her night elf sisters. The fear-
less, highly trained warrior women who pledged themselves to Kalimdor’s
defense became known as the Sentinels. Though they preferred to patrol the
shadowy forests of Ashenvale alone, they had many allies upon which they could
call in times of urgency.
The demigod, Cenarius, remained nearby in the Moonglades of Mount
Hyjal. His sons, known as the Keepers of the Grove, kept close watch on the
night elves’ land and regularly helped the Sentinels maintain peace in the
land. Even Cenarius’ shy daughters, the dryads, appeared in the open with
increasing frequency.
Though the task of policing Ashenvale kept her busy, Tyrande felt lost and alone
without Furion at her side. As the long centuries passed while the druids slept,
her fears of a second demonic invasion grew more palpable. She could not
shake the unnerving feeling that perhaps the Burning Legion was still out there,
beyond the Great Dark of the sky plotting its revenge upon the night elves and
the world of Azeroth.
Night Elf Hero Units
Keeper of the Grove
The enchanted keepers are the favored sons of the demigod, Cenarius. Like
their lesser dryad sisters, the keepers appear to be half night elf and half
stag. They have enormous antlers and manes of leaves that flow down their
backs. Their right hands are disfigured and twisted like the gnarled root-
claws of the treants. Keepers possess many strange powers over nature and
the animals. Though they typically remain within the sacred Moon Glades of
Mount Hyjal, the keepers always heed the call to arms when the lands of
Kalimdor are threatened.
The sons of Cenarius are favored with the ability to cause roots to erupt from the ground and
entrap enemy forces. These roots not only keep the enemy immobile, but also inflict damage.
This ability allows the keeper to call forth allies from the surrounding forest. These stout
treants will do as the keeper wills until the magic that animates them expires and the
trees return once more to the earth.
While this aura is active, any forces that engage the keeper or his allies in hand to hand
combat will be damaged by a druidic flurry of razor sharp thorns and brambles.
Exile of the High Elves
As the centuries passed, the night elves’ new society grew strong
and expanded throughout the budding forest that they came to
call Ashenvale. Many of the creatures and species that were abun-
dant before the Great Sundering, such as furbolgs and quilboars,
reappeared and flourished in the land. Under the druids’ benevo-
lent leadership, the night elves enjoyed an era of unprecedented
peace and tranquility under the stars.
However, many of the original high-borne survivors grew restless.
Like Illidan before them, they fell victim to the withdrawal that
came from the loss of their coveted magics. They were tempted,
once again, to tap the energies of the Well of Eternity and exult in
their magical practices. Dath’Remar, the brash, outspoken leader of
the high-borne, began to mock the druids publicly – calling them
cowards for refusing to wield the magic that was theirs by right.
Furion and the druids chaffed of Dath’Remar’s arguments and
warned the high-borne that any use of magic would be punishable
by death. In their insolence, Dath’Remar and his followers unleashed
a terrible magical storm upon Ashenvale in an ill-fated attempt to
convince the druids to rescind their law.
The druids, unable to bring themselves to slaughter so many of
their kin, decided to exile the reckless high-borne from their lands.
Dath’Remar and his followers, glad to be rid of their conservative
cousins at last, boarded a number of specially crafted ships and set
sail upon the seas. Though none of them knew what awaited them
beyond the waters of the raging Maelstrom, they were eager to
establish their own homeland where they could practice their cov-
eted magics with impunity. The high-borne, or ‘Quel’dorei’ as
Azshara had named them in ages past, would eventually set shore
upon the eastern land men would call Lordaeron. They planned to
build their own magical kingdom - Quel’Thalas - and reject the
night elves’ precepts of moon worship and nocturnal activity.
Forever after, they would be known only as the “high elves.”
The Sentinels and the Long Vigil
With the departure of their wayward cousins, the night elves turned
their attention back to the safekeeping of their enchanted home-
land. The druids, sensing their time of hibernation nearing once
again, prepared to sleep and leave their loved ones and families
behind. Tyrande, who had become the First priestess of Elune, asked
her love, Furion, not to leave her for Ysera’s Emerald Dream. But,
Furion, honor bound to enter the changing Dreamways, bid the
priestess good-bye and swore that they would never be apart so
long as they held true to their love.
With evasion, the demon hunter gains the advantage of being able to dodge enemy
strikes. Although this does not work against every strike, it is nonetheless a powerful
defensive tactic.
The demon hunter’s mastery of dark powers allows him to create a fiery shell around his
body that inflicts damage on nearby enemies. This ability, however, takes tremendous
concentration to use and will quickly drain the demon hunter of power if used too often.
The demon hunter may channel his demonic energies into a bolt of negative energy
that will burn away an enemy’s mana reserves.
At the height of his powers, the demon hunter may change into demon form for a lim-
ited amount of time. While in this form the demon hunter not only possesses the abil-
ity to hurl fireballs, but also enjoys increased regeneration and health.
Night Elf Units
Wisps are ancient spirits of nature that inhabit the forestlands of Kalimdor.
Legends say that Wisps are actually the disembodied spirits of deceased
night elves, but these rumors have yet to be proven. The wisps act in uni-
son with the night elves and serve to strengthen the demigod-like trees
known as the Ancients. Beckoned by the night elves, Wisps are capable of
animating various trees and expanding themselves into rough-hewn struc-
tures of living wood and stone.
All Wisps possess the ability to self-terminate, negating any magical effects in the
immediate area, and draining enemy forces within the vicinity of mana.
This ability allows the wisp to use its healing powers to mend friendly night elf struc-
tures and mechanical units. This ability costs a minimal amount of gold and lumber.
Archers compose the first rank of the Sentinel army. These brave warrior
women are expert marksmen and use the concealing forests of Kalimdor to
their advantage. Their lightning-quick ambushes are legendary, for few warriors
can match the proud archers' speed and cunning. Like all night elf women,
archers have the ability to Shadowmeld at night.
In a demonstration of his ultimate communion with nature, the keeper may
call down a mighty shower of rain that will restore health to all friendly forces
within its range for its entire duration. The keeper is also healed by the majes-
tic powers of nature that are unleashed.
Priestess of the Moon
The fearless leaders of the Sentinel army, the priestesses of the
moon epitomize the power and grace of their race's ancient moon
goddess, Elune. The priestesses, equipped with silvery, glowing
armor, ride the fearless Frostsaber tigers of Winterspring into bat-
tle. Charged with the safekeeping of the night elf lands and armed
with magical energy bows, the priestesses will stop at nothing to
rid their ancient land of evil.
Empowered by the goddess Elune, night elf warriors possess the ability to
completely blend in with their surroundings between sunset and sunrise,
rendering them invisible to their enemy. This effect, however, can only be
achieved while the warriors are standing completely still.
The scout is an owl that may be sent to any area of the map for observa-
tion purposes and to reveal invisible enemies. The owl will only reveal for
a limited amount of time.
Calling upon the powers of the Moon Goddess Elune to imbue her arrows with
searing magical energy, the priestess is able to fire deadly volleys at any foe.
The commanding presence of the priestess boosts the morale of her war-
riors, enabling their attacks to strike with heightened accuracy and power.
At the peak of her experience, the priestess may call down a furious show-
er of falling stars that cause massive destruction amongst enemy forces.
This catastrophic power, given to the priestess by Elune herself, achieves
its full duration as long as the priestess stays in the spell’s vicinity.
Demon Hunter
Demon hunters are dark, shadowy warriors who are shunned by the
greater night elf society. They made a pact, long ago, to fight against
the forces of chaos using its own terrible powers against it. These mys-
terious warriors ritually blind themselves so that they develop spectral
sight that enables them to see demons and undead with greater clar-
ity. They wield demonically charged warblades in battle and even call
upon demonic energies to augment their formidable combat skills.
Although they are counted as some of the mightiest warriors within
the night elves' society, the demon hunters are always maligned and
misunderstood for making their selfless pact with darkness.
The power of their spirit totem allows the druids of the claw to assume the form of a mighty
bear. In battle, the ferocity of these beasts is legendary.
This power allows the druid of the claw to heal over time. This ability may be used on the
druid himself, or on nearby allies who have been wounded over the course of battle.
Tapping into the primal forces of nature and the raw power of his totem, the druid of
the claw can roar during battle, encouraging his allies to inflict increased damage upon
the enemy.
Druid of the Talon
These secretive druids have adopted the totem of the storm crow. Their pri-
mary role in society is information gathering and intelligence. They have the
ability to transform into storm crows and fly over the field of battle to scout
and deliver orders to distant troops. Their magical abilities are capable of
channeling even the winds to fight against the enemies of Kalimdor.
The druid of the talon may use the power of his spirit totem to transform into a giant storm
crow. While in this form, the druid can fly, enabling him to cross almost any terrain.
Using his totem’s power to channel the chaotic forces of the wind, the druid of the talon
may create a furious cyclone that will lift enemy forces high into the air and then drop
them back onto the ground, where they will be slowed for a limited amount of time.
This ability, when cast, strips an enemy unit of its armor for a limited duration of time.
While the spell is active, the druid may observe the enemy no matter how great a dis-
tance may separate them.
Treants are enormous enchanted beings whose bodies are born of the liv-
ing trees of Kalimdor. They guard the forests of Kalimdor and are count-
ed as some of the eldest beings alive. Treants are tremendously strong
and resilient to even the strongest blows. In time of peril, they can be
seen emerging from their shadowy forests to protect the land from evil
and corruption.
Hippogryphs are ancient, magical beasts whose bodies resemble both stags
and ravens. They patrol the skies above Kalimdor and viciously attack any ene-
mies of the wilds that they encounter. The intelligent hippogryphs have given
Empowered by the goddess Elune, night elf warriors possess the ability to
completely blend in with their surroundings between sunset and sunrise,
rendering them invisible to their enemy. This effect, however, can only be
achieved while the warriors are standing completely still.
Huntresses are the elite cadre of the Sentinel army. Drawing their
strength from the moon goddess, Elune, these warrior women
ride the feral Nightsaber panthers into battle. Huntresses are
strong and swift, and merciless to those who would defile the
sanctity of Ashenvale Forest. Like all night elf women, Huntresses
are able to Shadowmeld at night.
Empowered by the goddess Elune, night elf warriors possess the ability to
completely blend in with their surroundings between sunset and sunrise,
rendering them invisible to their enemy. This effect, however, can only be
achieved while the warriors are standing completely still.
This ability enables the huntress to see through the eyes of her owl famil-
iar, allowing her to spy on enemy positions. The owl will perch at a tree
permanently, unless the tree is destroyed.
The enchanted dryads are the daughters of the demigod, Cenarius.
The playful, frolicking creatures vaguely resemble centaurs (their
cursed cousins), but have bodies more akin to woodland fauns.
Swift and sure, the dryads are at peace with all of the children of
the forest. Though they abhor unnecessary violence, the dryads will
defend the wildlands of Kalimdor with their lives if need be.
The daughters of Cenarius can gain the ability to abolish all harmful magic
and undo the works of enemy sorcerers who recklessly wield their powers
in an affront to nature.
With this ability, the dryad herself is immune to magic in all forms. This is
an innate ability that does not rely upon stored mana and does not dimin-
ish over time.
Druid of the Claw
These ancient druids have adopted the totem of the bear and use the
powers of their totem to defend their society from any external threats.
When not in hibernation, they are fond of assuming bear form and
roaming in seclusion throughout the wildlands of Kalimdor. When
riled, the druids of the claw display ferocious power and stamina. Their
magical spells augment their allies' fighting skills and bravery as well.
roots before nearby wisps will be able to harvest from it. As long as the mine is entan-
gled, gold from the mine may be processed to fuel the night elf economy.
Moon Well
Moon Wells are hallowed repositories of the sacred waters of the Well of
Eternity, the pool of energy that gives life to the mystical World Tree. When
additional water is added, these wells nourish the night elf troops with their
life sustaining waters. Additional moon wells become necessary as the night
elf forces grow in number.
Using the concentrated waters of the Well of Eternity, Moon Wells can replenish both the
mana and health of friendly forces that drink from it. At nighttime, the well’s waters regen-
erate to be used again the next day.
Ancient of War
Embodied in this ancient guardian are the spirits of courage and determination
that are necessary to propel the will of the night elves. Calling upon the long-
forgotten energies of conflicts from ages past, this guardian provides a link to
the brutal side of nature and the cycle of life and death that rules all creation.
The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to restore vital health.
When being attacked, resorting to this technique can prove to be a powerful healing tactic.
All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with the mobility
to either attack or relocate when the need arises.
Hunters Hall
This hall is a place where the materials of war are imbued with the night
elves’ mystical enhancements. Wood and steel are fashioned into the stout
armor using established traditions and methods stretching back thousands
of years, as the spirits of the Ancient Guardians are invoked and their bless-
ings bestowed upon each completed work.
Ancient Protector
The early purpose of these primeval guardians was to defend the resting
places of the druids as they slept. Called now into service for the Third War,
these wardens dedicate their existence to the defense of their brethren and
the forested lands of Ashenvale. These mighty ancients can also hurl enor-
mous boulders at any enemies who threaten the tranquility of the night
elves’ villages.
their allegiance to the night elves in honor of Cenarius, demigod,
who stands as the protector of nature and all of its creatures.
Hippogryph Rider
In the heat of battle, night elf archers can call upon the mighty
hippogryphs to carry them into the air. The archers who mount the
flying beasts are capable of firing their arrows from the hip-
pogryphs’ backs. The brave creatures respond to the female riders
as if they shared an empathic bond.
The mysterious chimaeras of Ashenvale Forest are deadly, territo-
rial beasts who have developed an empathic bond with the night
elf race. The fearsome, two-headed chimaeras fly above the dark
forests spewing forth their terrible breath upon all who would defy
the sanctity of Kalimdor. Just the sight of these dark, massive
beasts is enough to drive most enemies to retreat.
Crafted from the sturdy ashenwood trees, the night elves’ ballis-
tae are deadly siege machines built to fling heavy bolts of iron-
wood at both enemy forces and structures. Ballistae are consid-
ered an invaluable asset to the night elf Sentinels due to their
mobility and accuracy in tense combat situations.
Night Elf Structures
Tree of Life
The mighty tree of life is an enchanted sapling of the World Tree,
Nordrassil, from which the night elves draw their life energies.
This mysterious ancient is the key to the night elves’ immortality
and harmonious coexistence with nature. Nordrassil’s energy,
channeled through the tree of life, allows the night elves to bene-
fit from its powers regardless of the vast distances that might sep-
arate them.
The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to
restore vital health. When ancients are being attacked, resorting to this
technique can prove to be a powerful healing tactic.
All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with
the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises.
It is necessary for the tree of life to entangle a gold mine with its massive
All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with the mobility
to either attack or relocate when the need arises.
Altar of Elders
So powerful is the night elf bond with nature, that even upon their death, their
life energies may be recalled, and their spirit made tangible in the waking
world once again. For this to occur, a nexus must be constructed, a channel-
ing place to collect and restore life energies. This place is the altar of elders.
Tree of Eternity
Once a tree of ages reaches its full maturity, it evolves into a tree of eternity.
This is the highest level of growth, and the strongest pos-
sible bond with the World Tree and the Well of Eternity. At
this point the night elf commu-
nity is at its height, drawing
freely from the tree’s nearly
unlimited power.
Chimaera Roost
Only with the evolution of the tree of
eternity do the feral chimaeras feel content
to allow for training and enhancement
through night elf intervention. This kinship
is necessary to fully realize the benefits of
the chimaera alliance.
The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to restore
vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can prove to
be a powerful healing tactic.
All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with
the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises.
Tree of Ages
With the passage of time, a tree of life may grow into a tree of
ages, tempering the balance of nature and forging a bond strong
enough to allow advanced development within the night elf com-
munity. With this evolution comes increased knowledge, wisdom
and awareness.
The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to
restore vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can
prove to be a powerful healing tactic.
All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with
the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises.
Ancient of Wind
Ancients of the wind are able to tap into the more feral side of
nature. The ancient of the wind allows contact with the stoic
druids of the talon. This site also provides a location for the tam-
ing of the mighty hippogryphs.
The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to
restore vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can
prove to be a powerful healing tactic.
All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with
the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises.
Ancient of Lore
The ancients of lore are the keepers of wisdom, and the living keys nec-
essary to unlock nature’s most guarded secrets. Contact with the ven-
erated druids of the claw is only made possible through the existence
of this enlightened sentinel. The knowledge of this ancient is necessary
also to enable communion with the enigmatic, free-spirited dryads.
The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to
restore vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can
prove to be a powerful healing tactic.
Origin of the Burning Legion
The Titans and the Ordering
No one knows exactly how the universe began. Some theorize that a cata-
strophic cosmic explosion sent the infinite worlds spinning out into the vast-
ness of the Great Dark – worlds that would one day bear life-forms of won-
drous and terrible diversity. Others believe that the universe, at it exists, was
created as a whole by a singular, all-powerful entity. Though the exact ori-
gins of the chaotic universe remain unclear, it is clear that a race of power-
ful beings arose to bring order to the various worlds and ensure a safe future
for the beings that would follow in their footsteps.
The Titans, colossal, metallic-skinned gods from the far reaches of the cosmos,
came forward and set to work on the worlds they encountered. They shaped
the form of their worlds by raising mighty mountains and dredging out vast
seas. They breathed skies and raging atmospheres into being – all part of their
unfathomable, far-sighted plan to create order out of chaos. They even
empowered primitive races to tend to their works and maintain the integrity
of their respective worlds.
The Titans, ruled by an elite sect known as the Pantheon, brought order to a
hundred million worlds scattered throughout the Great Dark Beyond during
the first ages of creation. The benevolent Pantheon, seeking to safeguard their
structured worlds, was ever vigilant against the threat of attack from the vile,
extra-dimensional entities of the Twisting Nether. The Nether, an ethereal
dimension of chaotic magics that connected the myriad worlds of the universe
together, was home to an infinite number of malefic, demonic beings, who
sought only to destroy life and devour the energies of the living universe. The
pure-hearted, altruistic Titans, unable to conceive of evil or wickedness in any
form, struggled to find a way to end the demons’ constant threat.
Sargeras and the Betrayal
To combat the demonic entities that made their way into the Titans’ worlds from
the Twisting Nether, the Pantheon elected their greatest warrior, Sargeras, to act
as their first line of defense. Sargeras, a noble giant of molten bronze, carried out
his duties for countless millennia, seeking out and destroying the demons wher-
ever he could find them. Over the eons, Sargeras encountered two powerful
demonic races, both of which were bent on gaining power and dominance over
the physical universe.
The Eredar, an insidious race of devilish sorcerers, used their warlock mag-
ics to enslave a number of worlds that they had invaded. The indigenous
Kil’jaeden the Deceiver was chosen to seek out the darkest races in the uni-
verse and lure them to Sargeras’ shadow. The second champion,
Archimonde the Defiler, was chosen to lead Sargeras’ vast armies into bat-
tle against any who would stand against the dark Titan’s will.
Kil’jaeden’s first move was to enslave the vampiric Dreadlords under his terrible
power. The Dreadlords, serving as his elite guard and agents throughout the uni-
verse, took pleasure in their work by locating primitive races for their master to
corrupt and bring into the fold. First amongst the Dreadlords was Tichondrius the
Darkener. Tichondrius served Kil’jaeden as the perfect soldier and agreed to pro-
mote Sargeras’ burning will to all the dark corners of the universe.
The mighty Archimonde also empowered agents of his own. Calling upon
the malefic Pit Lords and their barbarous leader, Mannoroth, he hoped to
forge a fighting elite that would scour creation of all life.
Sargeras, seeing that his armies were amassed and ready to follow his every
command, launched his raging forces into the vastness of the Great Dark.
He referred to his growing army as the Burning Legion. To this date, it is still
unclear as to how many worlds they consumed and burned on their unholy
crusade across the universe.
The Ordering of Azeroth
Apparently unaware of Sargeras’ mission to undo their myriad works, the
Titans continued to move from world to world, shaping and ordering them
as they saw fit. Along their journey they came across a small world that’s
inhabitants would later name Azeroth. As the Titans made their way across
the chaotic, primordial landscape, they encountered a number of hostile,
elemental beings. The elementals, worshipping a race of unfathomable evil
beings known only as the Old Gods, vowed to drive the Titans back and
keep their world inviolate from the invaders’ metallic touch.
The Pantheon, troubled by the Old Gods’ penchant for evil, sent their forces
to make war upon the elementals and their dark masters. Though the ele-
mentals fought and raged, their powers could not stop the mighty Titans. The
Pantheon shattered the Old Gods’ citadels and chained the five evil beings far
beneath the surface of the world. Without the Old Gods’ power to keep their
raging spirits bound to the physical world, the elementals dissipated and bled
back into the earth itself. With the elementals’ departure, nature calmed, and
the world settled into a peaceful harmony. The Titans, seeing that the threat
was contained, set to work.
The Titans empowered a number of races to help them fashion the world. To
help them dredge out the fathomless caverns beneath the earth, they cre-
races of those worlds were mutated by the Eredar’s chaotic powers
and turned into demons themselves. Though Sargeras’ nearly limit-
less powers were more than enough to defeat the vile Eredar, he
was greatly troubled by the creatures’ corruption and all-consuming
evil. Unable to fathom such depravity and spite, the great Titan
slipped into a brooding depression. Despite his growing unease,
Sargeras sought to rid the universe of the warlocks for all time, by
trapping them within a vacuous corner of the Twisting Nether.
As his confusion and depression deepened, Sargeras was forced
to contend with another group intent on disrupting the Titans’
order. The Nathrezim, a dark race of vampiric demons (also known
as Dreadlords) set out to conquer a populated world by possess-
ing its inhabitants and turning them to the shadow. The nefarious,
scheming Dreadlords had turned whole nations against one
another by manipulating them through unthinking hatred and
mistrust. Though Sargeras defeated the Nathrezim easily, their
corruption affected him deeply.
The noble Sargeras, unable to process the raging doubt and despair
that overwhelmed his senses, lost all faith in not only his mission,
but the Titans’ vision of an ordered universe, as well. Sargeras
began to believe that the concept of order itself was folly – and that
chaos and depravity were the only absolutes within the dark, lone-
ly universe. Though his fellow Titans tried to persuade him of his
error and console his raging emotions, he disregarded their theo-
ries as delusional. Storming from their ranks forever, Sargeras set
out to find his own place in the universe. Though the Pantheon was
sorrowful for his departure, they would never believe just how far
their lost brother would go.
As Sargeras’ madness consumed the last vestiges of his noble
spirit, he began to rationalize that the Titans were truly responsi-
ble for creation’s failure. Deciding, at last, to undo their works
throughout the universe, he set out to form an unstoppable army
that would set the physical universe to the flame.
Even Sargeras’ titanic form distorted from the corruption that
plagued his once noble heart. His eyes, hair and beard erupted in
flames and his bronze, metallic skin split open to reveal an end-
less furnace of hate and flame.
In his madness, Sargeras shattered the prisons of the Eredar and
the Nathrezim and set the vile demons free. The cunning demons,
bowing before the dark Titan’s vast rage and power, offered them-
selves to him and swore to serve him in whatever malicious way
they could. From the ranks of the powerful Eredar, Sargeras chose
two champions to lead his demonic army of destruction.
Doom Guard
The fearsome Doom Guard serve as Archimonde’s personal escorts. Although
they are often called upon to perform a number of duties for the Legion, their
loyalty lies with him alone. These monstrous, fiery warriors are nearly immune
to magic and can defeat entire armies with their sheer strength alone.
Pit Lord
The Pit Lords who serve under Mannoroth the Destructor are some of the
most cruel, barbarous butchers to ever roam the trackless wastes of the
Twisting Nether. These hulking engines of hate and death love only to kill
and bring sorrow to all living creatures. Fanatically loyal to Mannoroth, the
Pit Lords will stop at nothing to see the will of the Legion upheld.
These mindless giants of flame and fury are summoned by the warlocks’
Inferno spell. Falling to earth as green, molten meteorites, infernals exist
only to destroy every living thing in their path. Though their lifespans are
limited, the mighty infernals have been known to destroy entire cities before
their energies dissipated back into the Great Dark Beyond.
ated the dwarves from magical, living stone. To help them dredge
out the seas and lift the land from the sea floor, they created the
immense, but gentle sea giants. For many ages the Titans moved
and shaped the earth, until at last, there remained only one per-
fect continent. At the continent’s center, the Titans crafted a lake
of scintillating energies. The lake, that they named the Well of
Eternity, was to be the fount of life for the world. Its potent ener-
gies would nurture the bones of the world and empower life to
take root in the land’s rich soil. Over time, plants, trees, monsters
and creatures of every kind began to thrive on the primordial con-
tinent. As twilight fell on the final day of their labors, the Titans
named the continent Kalimdor – “land of a eternal starlight.”
Satisfied that the small world had been ordered and that their
work was done, the Titans prepared to leave Azeroth behind. Yet,
before they departed, they decided to empower the greatest
newborn species of the world to watch over Kalimdor should any
force ever threaten its perfect tranquility. Each remaining member
of the Pantheon imbued a portion of its power to the five great
dragons awoken in that mythic age. Alexstrasza the Life-Binder,
Malygos the Spell-Weaver, Ysera the Dreamer, Nozdormu the
Timeless, and Neltharion the Earth-Warder were all empowered
by the Titans’ vast powers and charged with the world’s defense.
With the dragons prepared to safeguard their creation, the Titans
left Azeroth behind forever. Unfortunately for them, and the small,
newborn world they had shaped, it was only a matter of time
before Sargeras learned of its existence…
Demon Units
Felhounds are demon hounds used by the Pit Lords to sniff out
sources of magic wherever they be found. Felhounds, who feed
upon magic itself, are fond of draining the energies of hapless wiz-
ards and then ripping their bodies to shreds.
Born of the Eredar race, warlocks are absolutely corrupt and
unimaginably powerful. Their chaos magics have burnt out whole
worlds and annihilated countless species over the aeons.
Kil’jaeden taught the orcs the secrets of warlock magics, but the
orcs could never master the powers of entropy and destruction as
well as the wicked Eredar. Under Archimonde’s command, the
warlocks serve as the Legion’s tacticians and strategists.
release from their eternal suffering. Though they are
not necessarily evil, they hunger for physical contact,
often causing great harm to any living beings they touch.
Gnolls are one of the younger races of Lordaeron.
Indigenous to both the Alterac Mountains and the
Redridge Range far to the south, these hyena-like
humanoids are extremely aggressive and are often
found quarreling amongst themselves. Though rela-
tively intelligent compared to most beasts, they are
not very bright by human standards. They have been
known to manipulate each other into fights over
ridiculous things like "whose shadow is larger." It
has often been stated that the gnolls would be
quite a fearsome race, if they ever stopped tearing
each other to pieces long enough to organize
themselves into an army.
Golems are magically wrought automatons of varying types of stone. Most
Golems can be found in and around Dalaran, for the mages there created
them to perform manual labor and guard their mystical holdings. Certain
renegade wizards have also been known to create their own Golems to pro-
tect their secret dens and lairs. Most Golems are magically protected from
spells, so that enemy mages cannot turn them against their creators. Golems
are generally thought to be mindless. However, there have been documented
cases of Golems roaming freely, without their masters to control them. Where
these vagabond constructs go or what they seek is a complete mystery.
Kobolds are a race of sniveling, rat-like humanoids who infest the deep tun-
nels of the Alterac and Redridge Mountains. Cowardly and pathetic by
nature, they can be riled to action when backed into a corner. Kobolds have
limited intelligence and usually try to stay away from populated areas where
other, larger races dwell.
Though relatively new to Lordaeron, it is purported that Murlocs are actual-
ly a very ancient race of Azeroth. These creatures have steadily been mov-
ing in-land from their oceanic dwelling places, even adapting to fresh-water
Creatures of Lordaeron & Northrend
Human bandits prey upon hapless travelers and soldiers alike. These
lawless rogues think only of theft and burglary and enjoy causing
great pain to their victims as well. Though the Alliance has offered
large bounties towards the capture of these wretched men, they
always find a way to slink back into the shadows of the wilds.
Dragons, Blue
The blue Dragonflight, ruled by Malygos, the lord of magic,
was all but devastated by the evil Deathwing and his black
Dragonflight. Though there are few great blue dragons left in
the world, their magical powers are awesome to behold.
Native to Northrend, the few blues stay relatively close to the
great Dragonblight, where they commune with the ancient
dragon spirits who died in ages past. Their freezing breath
and gargantuan claws have been the death of many hapless
travelers in Northrend.
Dragons, Red
The red Dragonflight, ruled by the Dragonqueen, Alexstrasza, is a
noble and honorable group of creatures. They consider them-
selves the protectors of all life, and in many ways they are. More
often than not, they are found protecting sacred areas and items,
seeking to keep them from lesser beings who might be hurt by
their energies. Their breath is a fearsome stream of fire, and they
have been known to swallow enemies whole and slowly digest
them over the course of a day. Their most hated enemies are the
black dragons ruled by the great, dark leviathan, Deathwing.
Fallen Priest
These wretched individuals were once counted as the most
devout amongst the clergy of Lordaeron. But, after years of con-
stant war and suffering, they have lost their sense of the holy
Light. Now they exist only to spread their frustration and negativ-
ity to their fellow men and women.
Ghosts are tortured spirits who writhe in the agony of undeath.
Unable to realize that are no longer alive, they roam the trackless
wastes between the Twisting Nether and the physical world, seeking
lakes and rivers in order to populate areas they would not nor-
mally be found in. Though they continue to inhabit more areas of
Lordaeron, their supposed intelligence is debatable due to the fact
that their guttural language is impossibly difficult to decipher.
However, their use of weaponry and uncanny fighting abilities
imply a rather sinister racial intellect.
The Nerubian spider-men once ruled over the kingdom of Azjol-
Nerub that stretched like a great web beneath the desolate gla-
ciers of Northrend. However, the Lich King crushed their dark
empire and sent them skittering into the arctic wastelands.
Though there are few pockets of Nerubian warriors left, they still
seek to gain vengeance upon Ner’zhul and reclaim their subter-
ranean kingdom.
Ogres are one of the few races that are not indigenous to Azeroth.
They were actually brought from the world of Draenor during the
First War a generation ago. Ogres are not the stupid, lumbering two-
headed beasts they once seemed to be. In fact, many of the ogre
lords have rallied the remnants of their people that were scattered
when the horde fell. Though their plans are unknown, there is no
doubt that these powerful, deceptively intelligent warriors will gath-
er their forces once more.
Revenants are hateful undead creatures who outside the
domain of Ner’zhul’s control. Bonded to base elemental spirits,
these phantom creatures live only to rage and use their powers
for destruction.
Trolls, Forest
Forest trolls are one of the most ancient indigenous races of
Lordaeron whose civilization actually predates that of the high
elves by several thousand years. They are vile creatures for the
most part, practicing voodoo, ritual sacrifices, and in some cases -
though never documented, cannibalism. Though forest trolls are
never friendly, they have a particular hatred for the high elves,
whom they consider the despoilers of their ancient homelands.
However, their hatred does end with the elves, they hold all the
races in contempt and will only work with others if it means the
possible elimination of a more hated enemy. The forest trolls
worked briefly with the orcish horde during the Second War, but
quickly abandoned their orcish allies after the horde’s defeat.
Trolls, Ice
Like their evil forest troll cousins, ice trolls revel in carnage and wickedness. Driven
into the desolate wastes of Northrend in ancient times, the ice trolls carved out a
meager society for themselves amongst the cold stone and lifeless plains.
Cannibalistic by nature, ice trolls are renowned for their love of eating their recent-
ly slain enemies raw. Their social structure is very similar to that of their forest
dwelling cousins.
The indigenous wendigo of Northrend are exceedingly voracious crea-
tures. Solitary by nature, wendigo rarely live amongst others of their
kind. Cannibalistic and savage, these hulking, fur-covered humanoids
are highly territorial and do not take kindly to intruders stumbling into
their hunting grounds.
Though most contemporary human and high elven mages bow to the sov-
ereignty of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor, there are a great many who choose to
delve into the secrets of magic by themselves. Considered to be non-sanc-
tioned renegades by the Kirin Tor, these rogue mages strive to expand their
knowledge of magic and spellcraft beyond the constraints of what most
other wizards believe to be safe or morally acceptable.
Wolves are indigenous to many parts of Azeroth. They live on every known
continent and have a wide variety of sub-species and social habits. Though
most wolves are hostile towards humans and demi-humans who encroach
upon their territories, there are a few unique wolf packs who have befriend-
ed demi-human counterparts (like the orcs, for example).
The Creatures of Kalimdor
Corrupted Treants
These wretched tree-creatures were once proud, immortal defenders of
Ashenvale forest. Yet, when the Burning Legion invaded the world in ages
past, its demonic energies corrupted many of the ancient tree-men and
ingly hostile as of late. The night elves, concerned by the once peaceful race’s
condition, have attempted to help the furbolgs settle their tensions. But
the mighty bear-men retreat ever-further into their territories and fall
deeper into the rage that is overtaking their race.
These vile, unscrupulous winged women live only to cause mischief and sor-
row. Hailing from the windy Stonetalon Mountains, the harpies are mas-
terful at ambushing hapless caravans and foolish travelers alike.
These subterranean beasts share a common ancestry with the
mighty kodo beasts. However, they have adapted to life beneath
the earth by evolving a number of natural defenses and abilities.
The giant, slow-moving kodo beasts of the Barrens are one of the
most intriguing species of Kalimdor. Though gentle and pon-
derous by nature, these mighty beasts become fierce enemies
when threatened or attacked. Many kodos hold a special bond
with the benevolent tauren race.
It is said that some rare kodos are bound to the spirits of the sky and
storm. Thus, the tauren have legends about those they call Lightning
Lizards, Thunder Lizards and Storm Walkers. Whether or not these behe-
moths actually have supernatural powers remains to be seen.
Mutant Murlocs
Though Murlocs abound along the rugged coastal regions of
Kalimdor, there is a mutant strain of the race that has emerged in
recent months. Though it is unclear what has caused the creature’s
strange mutations, many agree that something dark and sinister is awak-
ening deep beneath the raging Maelstrom. The mutant Murlocs have been so
corrupted that they have been known to turn on their own brethren under
These lumbering, misshapen creatures are beloved by the night elf druids and
treants alike. They are benevolent by nature, but fearsome when roused or
angered. Though they stay away from populated areas, they are often found in
the serene glades of Mount Hyjal.
drove them into shadow. Now these tortured creatures live only
to spread their corruption and hatred of all living things.
Dragons, Black
Though the black Dragonflight was nearly annihilated in ages past,
a few of the evil creatures have made their homes in the dry, des-
olate wastes of the Barrens. With their lord, Deathwing, either
missing or dead, the black dragons seek to appease
only themselves. The creatures are immensely pow-
erful and cruel and revel in mortal suffering. The
black dragons are the enemies of every other
Dragonflight, especially the great red dragons
of Lordaeron.
Dragons, Green
The enchanted, ethereal green dragons live
only to serve the forces of nature and uphold
the balance between mortal creatures and
the ever-evolving world. The green
Dragonflight, ruled by the dreaming god-
dess, Ysera, holds a special love for the
night elves and their druids. Though
most green dragons live within the
mystical dimension known as the
Emerald Dream, a few of the
graceful creatures still roam the
shadowy paths of Ashenvale for-
Legend holds that the primitive, barbaric
centaurs are actually the bastard off-spring
of the night elf demigod, Cenarius.
Whether or not this is true, it is certain
that they are savagery and brutality
incarnate. These horse-men ceaselessly
terrorize the Barrens of Kalimdor and
maraud the villages and cities of the
lands indigenous peoples. The tauren
claim that the centaur have always existed to
scourge the land.
Furbolgs are hulking, simple-minded bear-men who live with-
in the savage corners of Ashenvale forest. Though they have
no special love for war or murder, their tribes have become increas-
Heroes and Villains
Occupation: Human Archmage - Head of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran
Affiliation: The Kirin Tor
Age: 71
Antonidas is the head of the Kirin Tor, the conclave of wizards that rules over
the magical kingdom of Dalaran. This venerable Archmage is reputedly one
of the most powerful wizards in the world. Though his failing health prohibits
him from spending to much time away from his beloved city, his apprentice,
Jaina Proudmoore, serves as his eyes and ears in the world. Antonidas looks
forward to the day when he will hand his power and mantle of leadership
over to Jaina, who he feels will make a most impressive Archmage.
Occupation: Eredar Overlord of the Legion Forces
Affiliation: The Burning Legion
Age: Unknown
Archimonde the Defiler was one of the first demons to rally behind Sargeras
when the Burning Legion was formed. Archimonde is heartless and brutal,
but very cunning and far sighted. The colossal demon wields limitless war-
lock magics and primal strength to lay waste to any who would oppose his
fiery will. In his heart of hearts, he seeks to become a god and wield pow-
ers that rival those of Sargeras himself. After ten thousand years of waiting,
he is prepared to invade the world of Azeroth once again. Though he is
committed to carry out the invasion in Sargeras’ name, he may have ulteri-
or motives in mind for the world and its innate magics.
Cairne Bloodhoof
Occupation: Tauren Warrior - Chieftain of the Bloodhoof Tribe
Affiliation: The Horde
Age: 99
The mighty chief of the Bloodhoof tauren, Cairne is a peerless warrior and a
wise leader of his ancient people. Though slowed somewhat by the weight of
age, Cairne still possesses the strength and valor of twenty men. This great-
hearted giant knows that his people are in grave danger of extermination from
the marauding centaurs. However, he has never given up hope of one day
finding a way to lead his people to a new land where they can make their
home and live in peace.
Quillboars are a race of primitive boar-men that have razor sharp
spines protruding from their muscular, hunched backs. These
resilient, fearless creatures inhabit the central Barrens of Kalimdor
in the labyrinthine maze of thorns called Razorfen Downs.
Sludge Beasts
These strange creatures share an elemental heritage, but have
been corrupted by the powers of chaos. Now they exist as tor-
tured masses of semi-sentient goo. No one knows what
their motivations are or if there is any specific
ecology behind their existence.
Though many scholars believe
that all spiders trace their roots
back to the ancient kingdom of
Azjol-Nerub, the giant spiders of
Kalimdor have made a claim to
the shadowy corners of
Ashenvale Forest.
Though not necessari-
ly evil, wild spiders can
become fearsome oppo-
nents if they feel their
nests have been defiled.
Satyrs were once night elves
who practiced the magical arts in the
days before the War of the Ancients.
These magically corrupted night elves, hav-
ing given themselves over to the will of
the Legion, became terribly cursed.
Though they retained a portion of their
magical power, their bodies were warped
and twisted into those of beasts. Now the
satyrs exist only to harry their hated night elf cousins and obey
the will of the Legion – which they believe will one day return.
These avian creatures are found throughout the Barrens – seeking car-
nage upon which to feed. The mottled scavengers have been known
to aid the vile harpies from time to time – drawn by the promise of
freshly slain flesh and blood.
never let her disappointment interfere with her studies or her rigorous
investigations. Her mentor, the Archmage Antonidas, has claimed that she
may become the greatest sorceress humanity has ever produced.
Occupation: Human Necromancer - Leader of the Cult of the Damned
Affiliation: The Scourge
Age: 58
Kel’Thuzad was one of the greatest Archmagi of Dalaran. He was one of the
members of the Kirin Tor and a dear friend of the Archmage Antonidas.
However, his lust to delve into the dark arts of necromancy made him an
outcast amongst his fellow wizards. Heeding the call of the god-like Lich
King, Kel’Thuzad traveled to Northrend and offered his soul to Ner’zhul. The
Lich King commanded the dark wizard to create a cult that would facilitate
the creation of a grand, undead army. Kel’Thuzad used his powers and vast
fortune to found the Cult of the Damned – the sinister group that would
bring Ner’zhul’s dark will to fruition…
Occupation: Demon King of the Pit Lords
Affiliation: The Burning Legion
Age: Unknown
Mannoroth the Destructor is a being of pure hate, malice, and rage. He is
the ultimate living engine of destruction, seeking only to raze and murder
everything in his path. It has been speculated that he has some significant
ties to the orcish race – that he may be the original source of their bloodlust
and corruption, but this has yet to be proven. Mannoroth has waited ten
thousand years to return and finish the job he started during the War of the
Ancients. Now, at last, his time for vengeance has come.
Malfurion Stormrage
Occupation: Night Elf Arch Druid
Affiliation: The Sentinels
Age: 15,032
Furion was the first night elf to oppose the evil Queen Azshara and her
demon-worshiping high-borne. He, along with his brother Illidan and the
demi-god Cenarius, led the battle against the Burning Legion during the
War of the Ancients. He was the first to forsake magic and adopt the tenets
of druidism. He has been the spiritual leader of the night elves for over ten
thousand years and has worked to safeguard his people’s fragile culture –
even from within the trance-like state of the Emerald Dream.
Grom Hellscream
Occupation: Orc Warrior - Chieftain of the Warsong Clan
Affiliation: The Horde
Age: 46
Grom Hellscream is the last surviving orc chieftain from Draenor.
Having led his mighty Warsong clan to countless victories over the
humans, Hellscream despaired at the lethargy that overcame his
race after the Second War. Hellscream was one of the first orcs to
fall victim to the demons’ curse on his race. He has struggled with
the rage and bloodlust within his heart for many long years. Now,
under Thrall’s visionary, idealistic leadership, Hellscream believes
that he and his people can finally be freed from the demons’ cor-
rupting influence.
Illidan Stormrage
Occupation: Night Elf Demon Hunter - Former Sorcerer
Affiliation: None…
Age: 15,032
In the dark days, before the War of the Ancients, Illidan was one
of the few non-high-borne practitioners of magic. Though his
older brother, Furion, warned him that magic was an evil, corrupt-
ing power, Illidan steadfastly refused to give up his coveted art.
Over time, the noble night Elf lost his soul to a dependency for
magic’s chaotic energies. Though Illidan used his dark powers to
aid his brother against the demons of the Burning Legion, he ulti-
mately betrayed his people by siding with the evil Queen Azshara
and her followers. After the war ended and the landmass of
Kalimdor was shattered forever, Illidan created a new Well of
Eternity to ensure that his coveted, corrupting magic would not
disappear from the world. For his sin, his brother, Furion, com-
manded that he be chained beneath the earth for all time. Illidan
has remained caged in darkness ever since.
Jaina Proudmoore
Occupation: Human Sorceress - Special Agent of the Kirin Tor
Affiliation: The Alliance
Age: 23
Perhaps one of the most gifted sorceresses to train in Dalaran for
generations, Jaina is a bright, inquisitive young woman who con-
stantly strives to expand her powers and knowledge of magic.
Her father, Admiral Proudmoore of Kul Tiras, was one of the
great heroes of the Second War. Jaina feels constant pressure to
live up to her father’s name, but wishes only to study and follow
her path of magical investigation. Like Arthas, Jaina was deeply
hurt when her affair with the young Prince ended. However, she
human internment camps. For his honor, optimism and courage, Thrall was
unanimously elected to be the new warchief of the orcish horde.
Occupation: Nathrezim Dreadlord
Affiliation: The Scourge, Burning Legion
Age: Unknown
Tichondrius the darkener is an insidious demonic Dreadlord who revels in shadow
and suffering. Though he honors the wishes of his master, Kil’jaeden, he resents
his duty to watch over and police the Lich King, Ner’zhul. He believes that the Lich
King will ultimately betray the Legion and attempt to free himself from its power.
Tichondrius is, above all, a very good soldier. Though his own desire for power and
conquest is fierce, he carries out his duties with calculated precision and care.
Tyrande Whisperwind
Occupation: Night Elf Priestess of the Moon - Leader of the Sentinel.
Affiliation: The Sentinels
Age: 13,836
Tyrande is an ancient night elf princess and high priestess of the moon god-
dess, Elune. In ages past, she aided Furion and Illidan Stormrage in their bat-
tle to save Kalimdor from the Burning Legion. As well as being Elune’s high
priestess, she is the leader of the Sentinels a group of warrior women who
have sworn to protect Kalimdor’s shores while their male counterparts, the
druids, sleep in the trance-like Emerald Dream. Tyrande is a fiery warrior and
holds certain resentment for shouldering the defense of her land while the
druids sleep. Her undying love for Furion Stormrage has given her strength
and courage enough to face the centuries alone and uphold her sacred charge
to defend Kalimdor from any threat.
Uther the Lightbringer
Occupation: Human Paladin - Leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand
Affiliation: The Alliance
Age: 64
Uther was the first of the paladins blessed by the Archbishop Faol, prior to
the Second War. He is a weathered veteran, respected as one of the great-
est warriors in human history. Though it has been many years since war
endangered his beloved Lordaeron, Uther has never tired in his duty to pro-
tect his land from demi-human threats and social unrest. The great-hearted
leader of the paladins is perhaps the greatest general the Alliance has ever
known. Only his wish to see Arthas become worthy of his father’s crown has
kept him from retiring and taking his due rest.
Muradin Bronzebeard
Occupation: Dwarven Prospector - Former Ambassador of Ironforge
Affiliation: The Alliance, Explorer’s Guild of Ironforge
Age: 221
Muradin is the brother of King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge. During
the dark days of the Second War, Muradin served as the liaison
between Lordaeron and the dwarves’ realm of Khaz Modan. While at
the court of Lordaeron, Muradin befriended the youthful Arthas and
taught him how to master fighting blades of every type. Muradin was
one of the first dwarves to establish the Explorer’s Guild, a group ded-
icated to archaeology and exploration of the unknown world. Though
Muradin rarely has a chance to visit Khaz Modan or Lordaeron any-
more, he is a firm supporter of the dwarves’ alliance with the humans.
Prince Arthas
Occupation: Human Paladin - Crown Prince of Lordaeron
Affiliation: The Alliance, Knights of the Silver Hand
Age: 24
The only son of King Terenas, Arthas is an idealistic, yet somewhat
rash, young man who dreams of one day succeeding his father as
King of Lordaeron. Arthas became an apprentice paladin at nine-
teen and has served as a favorite pupil of Uther the Lightbringer
ever since. Though Arthas loves the kindly Uther as an uncle, he
longs to take command of his own destiny and become a hero like
those brave veterans who fought the orcs during the Second War.
Despite the heartache he felt when his brief affair with the sorceress
Jaina Proudmoore came to an end, Arthas has remained remarkably
committed to his roles as both the Prince of Lordaeron and as a holy
paladin. He has a deep reverence for the holy Light and wants noth-
ing more than to safeguard his beloved people from harm.
Thrall, Son of Durotan
Occupation: Orc Shaman - Warchief of the Horde
Affiliation: The Horde
Age: 24
Thrall is the only son of the orc chieftain, Durotan, who was killed
by assassins during the First War. As an infant, Thrall was found by
human soldiers and raised as a slave and gladiator. Educated and
trained in the arts of war, Thrall yearned for freedom and a chance
to know his own people. The inexperienced Thrall escaped from
bondage and set off to find others of his kind.
Thrall found the lethargic orcs and vowed to free them from their
imprisonment and their demon curse. Studying the orcs’ ancient rites
of shamanism, Thrall learned how to wield the fury of the storms and
earth. He succeeded in rallying his people and freeing them from the