Westminster City Council
Westminster City Hall
64 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QP
© Westminster City Council, September 2019
Westminster’s Disabled Person’s
Parking Badge
The Disabled Badge Scheme
Guidance Notes
Everything you need to know about
the Westminster disabled badge scheme.
Before you apply for a disabled badge, please read the guidance notes below. This
document will tell you everything you need to know about Westminster’s disabled badge
The information we have given is correct at the time of print. However, parking rules
change from time to time so this information is for general guidance only. You must
make sure that you understand the parking rules and keep to them at all times.
A copy of this document is available in large print. To request a copy
please contact us on 020 7823 4567 or visit our website:
More useful information for people with disabilities:
Information on the congestion charge as well as parking concessions in other London
Blue Badge London; the concessionary parking scheme for London
Department for Transport Blue
Badge Guide:
Disabled Parking in Camden: (020 7974 4651)
Disabled Parking in City of London: (020 7332 1548)
Disabled Parking in Kensington & Chelsea: (020 7361 4380)
Directgov Website – Disabled people:
Congestion Charge:
Congestion Charging Exemption (0845 900 1234)
Disability Rights Commission www.drc.org.uk/
Westminster’s Disabled
Person’s parking badge.
A. The Disabled Badge scheme. ................................................................................... 5
1. What is the Disabled Badge scheme? ............................................................. 5
2. How is the White badge scheme different from the National Blue Badge
scheme? ........................................................................................................... 5
B. Eligibility. ................................................................................................................... 6
1a. Eligibility criteria for Westminster residents (over the age of 18): .................... 6
1b. Eligibility criteria for Westminster residents (under the age of 18): .................. 7
1c. Eligibility criteria for non-Westminster residents: .............................................. 7
2. Proof of Disability ............................................................................................. 8
3. Occupational Therapist Assessment ................................................................ 9
4. Exceptional circumstances ............................................................................. 10
5. Photograph ..................................................................................................... 10
6. Vehicles and Nominated Drivers .................................................................... 11
C. Making your application for the first time ................................................................ 12
1. How do I apply for a Westminster disabled badge? ....................................... 12
2. How long does it take to process an application? .......................................... 12
3. How long is the badge valid for? .................................................................... 12
4. Do I have to pay for this badge? .................................................................... 13
5. Why would you refuse my application? .......................................................... 13
6. Can I appeal the decision about my application? ........................................... 14
7. What can I do while I wait for my Badge? ...................................................... 14
D. I want to reapply for my badge ............................................................................... 15
1. Re-applying for your disabled badge .............................................................. 15
2. Returning your badge ..................................................................................... 15
E. What happens next? ............................................................................................... 16
1. Processing your application/timeframes ......................................................... 16
2. How will I receive my disabled badge? .......................................................... 16
3. Annual Declarations (White badges only). ..................................................... 16
F. Terms and conditions of use. .................................................................................. 18
1. What are the terms and conditions of use? .................................................... 18
2. Displaying your badges .................................................................................. 18
A. The Disabled Badge scheme.
3. Where can I park? .......................................................................................... 18
3a. White badge holders ...................................................................................... 18
3b. Blue Badge holders ........................................................................................ 19
3c. Enforcement of vehicle displaying disabled badges ....................................... 20
4. Permit Fraud ................................................................................................... 20
5. Central London Congestion Charge ............................................................... 21
G. Change of details .................................................................................................... 22
1. I have changed my vehicle (White Badge only) ............................................. 22
2. I have changed my address (White and Blue Badges). ................................. 22
3. I have changed my name. .............................................................................. 23
4. My disabled badge has been lost or damaged. .............................................. 23
5. My disabled badge has been stolen. .............................................................. 23
6. How do I pay? ................................................................................................ 24
H. Data protection statement ....................................................................................... 25
I. Ready to complete the application form? ............................................................... 26
1. What is the Disabled Badge scheme?
When the original disabled badge scheme was introduced, Parliament decided that the
full concessions available elsewhere in the UK would not be provided in Central London
because of traffic congestion and the high demand for parking. Central London is
defined as:
City of Westminster
City of London
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Part of the London Borough of Camden, bounded by and including the borough
boundary, Euston Road, Upper Woburn Place, Tavistock Square, Woburn Place,
Russell Square, Southampton Road, Theobalds Road and Clerkenwell Road.
In the City of Westminster, we operate the White Badge scheme. The White Badge can
only be used in the City of Westminster.
We will also give qualifying Westminster residents a Blue Badge with the White Badge
so that it can be used outside Westminster. Non-Westminster residents applying for the
White badge are required to hold a Blue badge issued by their Local Authority.
To qualify for the scheme, you will need to meet both the disability criteria and provide
proof of residency in the borough. In the case of Non-Westminster residents, you will
need to supply proof that you work, study or receive medical treatment in Westminster
on a regular basis.
2. How is the White badge scheme different from the National Blue Badge
The Blue Badge scheme is a national scheme that provides a range of parking
concessions for people with severe mobility problems who have difficulty using public
transport. The scheme operates throughout the UK though the concessions vary in
Further information on the parking rules for Blue Badge holders can be found in
section F.
Further information about the National Blue Badge Scheme can be found here:
A. The Disabled Badge scheme.
1a. Eligibility criteria for Westminster residents (over the age of 18):
Your sole or main home must be in a controlled parking zone in the City of
A qualifying disability must be demonstrated as outlined in section B2. The
applicant may be required to undergo an assessment by an Occupational
Therapist before a disabled badge application can be accepted.
All Westminster residents who are British, Commonwealth or EU citizens must
appear on the Electoral Register. Applicants who are not British, Commonwealth or
EU citizens must declare that they are unable to be on the Westminster Electoral
Westminster will check all applicants against the Electoral Register and reserve the
right to decline an application from a British, Commonwealth or EU citizens who
does not appear on the register.
Each applicant may hold only one White and Blue Badge at any time.
Up to 2 vehicles can be registered to a White Badge. Blue Badges are not vehicle
specific and any vehicles will not be added to the Blue Badge.
Proof of address:
We will accept any 2 of the following as proof of your permanent address in
Westminster. These documents must show your name and Westminster address. We
will accept documents that are in joint names. One of these documents must be dated
within the last 3 months.
A council tax demand.
A formal tenancy agreement or an original letter on headed paper from your
solicitor confirming that you are the legal owner and occupier of the property.
A landline or contract mobile phone bill, or a broadband bill.
A personal bank / building society / credit card statement. A company account or
store card statement will not be accepted.
A valid driving licence (both parts, if applicable) (drivers only).
A utility bill (gas, electric, water).
B. Eligibility.
B. Eligibility.
A V5C vehicle registration document showing the applicant as the registered
keeper and their Westminster address.
A valid Disability Living Allowance certificate or Personal Independence Payment
A letter provided by Motability finance.
A valid Attendance Certificate (for applicants over 65).
Do not send original documents. Copies of these documents will be accepted with your
application but they will not be returned to you.
1b. Eligibility criteria for Westminster residents (under the age of 18):
In the case of applicants who are under the age of 18, the application form must be
completed by a parent or guardian in the young person’s name.
Applicants aged 16 and under do not qualify to be on the electoral register, the
person applying on their behalf should be on the register if they are a qualifying
1c. Eligibility criteria for non-Westminster residents:
If you are a disabled non-Westminster resident, you may be eligible for a White badge if:
You work in Westminster. You must be in employment from a fixed business
base with a Westminster address for a minimum of 16 hours a week on a
permanent basis or a fixed temporary contract for a minimum of 6 months. The
White badge will expire in line with the contract end date. If an off-street parking
space is provided where you work, you will not qualify for the scheme. You must
enclose a letter from your employer confirming the number of hours you work a
week. The letter must be on headed paper, signed by your employer and dated
within the last 30 days.
You are in full time education in Westminster. This is considered to be a
minimum of 16 hours per week. We would expect you to be parking for periods of
time exceeding the maximum time allowed in paid parking bays each time you are
in Westminster. You can demonstrate this by providing a letter from the
educational institute on their headed paper. The letter must be signed by a
member of the faculty indicating the number of hours per week that you study and
dated within the last 30 days, this person cannot be related to you.
You are receiving medical treatment in the borough. This is considered to be at
least 12 hours of life-saving treatment per week for a period of up to 3 months and
each treatment session should last a minimum for 4 hours, or you require at least
12 hours of treatment a per week on an on-going basis (i.e. longer than 3 months)
and each session should last a minimum of 4 hours. Treatment such as dialysis is
included in this category. You can demonstrate this by a letter from the hospital or
doctors on their headed paper. The letter must be signed by a doctor or person you
are receiving treatment with indicating the number of hours per week that you
receive treatment and dated within the last 30 days. This person cannot be related
to you.
B. Eligibility.
Westminster will carry out verification visits for all applicants studying or in employment
in the borough.
Non-Westminster residents will need to have a Blue Badge issued by their local
If you are a passenger, worker or student and not the driver, you must provide evidence
that the vehicle needs to be parked close by to you. This can be a letter from your
employer or institute confirming that you have a carer who remains with you. An
example of this would include the need for the passenger to have a carer to assist them
in the workplace.
Please contact us if you are not sure you meet the above criteria. Our contact details
can be found on the back page of this document.
2. Proof of Disability
You may qualify if you fall within one of more of the following:
Eligible without further assessment
You are registered as severely sight/visually impaired. You will need to tell us
which Local Authority you are registered with. Applicants will need to supply a
Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI). You do not need to supply this if you are on
the register within Westminster as we will contact Social Services for the reference
You receive the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component of the Disability Living
Allowance (HRMCDLA), or the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of
Personal Independence Payment (PIP), or you receive 10 or more points (cannot
undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological
distress) in the “planning and following journeys” part of a mobility assessment for
Personal Independence Payment, or are in receipt of a DS1500 form if you are
terminally ill. You must enclose in your application a copy of your Certificate of
Entitlement the Department or Work and Pensions for the Department of Social
Security showing how long you are entitled to the allowance and the rate of the
allowance. The badge issue will be valid for a maximum of 3 years or until the
length of the award if less than 3 years. The certificate must show your name and
Westminster address.
You receive a War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement (WPMS). You must enclose in
your application an original or copy of an official letter confirming that you receive
this supplement.
Eligible subject to further assessment
If you do not fall into the criteria outlined above, you may be required to undergo a face-
to-face assessment by our independent Occupational Therapist to determine if you
qualify medically. You may qualify if you fall within one of more of the following:
B. Eligibility.
You drive a vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms and are unable
to operate or have considerable difficulty in operating all or some types of pay &
display machines or the pay-to-park service.
You are unable to walk or have considerable difficulty in walking because of a
permanent or temporary substantial disability.
Be unable to walk;
Experience very considerable difficulty whilst walking, which may include very
considerable psychological distress; or
Be at risk of serious harm when walking; or pose, when walking, a risk of
serious harm to any other person.
You are applying for a child (under the age of 2) who has a condition that requires
that they always be accompanied by bulky or essential medical equipment.
You are applying for a child (under the age of 2) who has a condition that requires
that they must always be kept near a motor vehicle so that they can, if necessary,
be treated for that condition in the vehicle, or taken quickly in the vehicle to a place
where they can be treated.
If you refuse to accept a face-to-face assessment if requested, we will not process your
3. Occupational Therapist Assessment
An occupational therapy assessment questionnaire is included at the end of Application
Pack 1A (Apply for a disabled badge as an individual) which you will need to fill in to
help us determine your eligibility. Applicants who automatically qualify for a badge
without further assessment (Application Pack 1B) do not need to fill out a questionnaire
unless requested to do so. You may be required to undergo a further face-to face
mobility assessment by our Occupational Therapist. You will NOT have to pay for this
service. In addition:
The assessment will be based on your answers in the questionnaire but if a face-
to-face assessment is required, the assessment may be carried out at your home.
Appointments are arranged (within reason) at a time and date that is convenient to
you. We aim for the face-to-face assessment to be carried out within 3 weeks of
receiving your application.
The Occupational Therapist will aim to return their report to the council within 2
weeks of receipt of the questionnaire assessment at the end of this pack, or of your
The council may need to contact your general practitioner or consultant as part of
the Occupational Therapist’s mobility assessment if further information is required.
Westminster City Council retains the right to accept or decline an application based
on the Occupational Therapist’s report. If you are unhappy with the decision you
can appeal to Westminster City Council. See section C6 for further information.
B. Eligibility.
If you need an interpreter, then this will be provided by the council. You will not be
allowed to nominate a family member or friend to be an interpreter.
The council makes the final decision based on the report.
The assessment is made in order to establish if you have a disability that would
have a comparable qualification under the Disabled Living Allowance (DLA) rules.
4. Exceptional circumstances
If you do not meet any of the above criteria but still think you are eligible for a disabled
badge, please contact us. We will consider exceptional circumstances for applicants
who need a badge urgently for less than 3 months for life saving treatment.
You can contact us as follows:
By Phone: 020 7823 4567 (Mon – Sat 8am to 8pm)
By Textphone: 020 7641 8000 (Mon – Sat 8am to 8pm)
By Post: Permits Administration, PO Box 734, Redhill RH1 9FP
5. Photograph
All applicants applying for the first time or renewing their permit and children aged
between 2 and 15 years old must submit a passport sized photograph (45mm by
35mm) with their application. We will accept digital photos, or photos that have
been cut to passport size. Please refer to https://www.gov.uk/photos-for-passports
for guidance.
The photograph will be valid for a maximum period of 3 years.
The photograph must be passport size, clearly show the applicant’s face and must
be signed on the back by the applicant (if the applicant is under 18 years old, the
photograph should be signed by a guardian).
In cases where the applicant may have a severe facial disfigurement, we will use
discretion and waive the need for a photograph. The applicant should provide a
letter from their General Practitioner.
For instances where an applicant is terminally or critically ill, a disabled badge can
be issued through our emergency process without the need for a photograph or a
mobility assessment. Please contact us if there are any special circumstances
related to your application.
Unsuccessful applicant’s photographs will be securely destroyed and physical
copies only be returned if requested.
B. Eligibility.
6. Vehicles and Nominated Drivers
You may register up to 2 vehicles with your Westminster White Badge. Please note that
if you are only applying for a Blue Badge no vehicle details are required.
Your chosen vehicles must be:
A passenger vehicle made or adapted to carry no more than 12 passengers (not
including the driver); or
A goods- carrying vehicle no bigger than 2.44 metres (8 feet) high or exceeding
6 metres in length;
The vehicle must be able to fit in a parking bay.
If you are a passenger and not the driver, it is your responsibility to ensure that
your driver complies with the conditions of use of the Westminster disabled
badge scheme. Your driver cannot take advantage of the parking concessions
offered unless you are using the vehicle. Misuse of the badge can result in the
badge being withdrawn and legal action being taken.
If the vehicle is a company vehicle used by yourself or a nominated driver, a letter on
company headed paper will need to be supplied confirming that you or a nominated
driver is the sole user and keeper of the vehicle.
1. How do I apply for a Westminster disabled badge?
Please ensure you have completed the application form and occupational therapy
assessment questionnaire (Application Pack 1A only) and enclosed all required
documents before you submit your application to us. We recommend that you gather all
your proof documents prior to filling in your application.
Applying by Post:
Permits Administration
PO Box 734
Redhill RH1 9FP
If you send your application and documents by recorded delivery, we will return them in
the same manner. We do not return copies of proof documents.
2. How long does it take to process an application?
For those applicants who automatically qualify, we aim to process your application
within 7 days.
For those applicants who do not automatically qualify or require further
assessment, we aim to process your application within 6 weeks.
3. How long is the badge valid for?
Westminster will issue a disabled badge for up to a maximum period of 3 years at
any one time.
Where entitlement for a disabled badge is linked to the Higher Rate Mobility
Component of the Disability Living Allowance, or the enhanced rate mobility
component of the Personal Independence Payment, or the War Pensioner’s
supplement, the period of issued will reflect the length of validity of these
allowances if that period is less than 3 years. If your award is about to expire, a
permit will be issued in the interim period for a minimum of 1 month pending the
new award.
For applicants who will need a face-to-face assessment by an Occupational
Therapist, Westminster will issue a badge for the duration considered reasonable
by the Occupational Therapist (up to 3 years at any one time).
White Badges will be issued for a maximum period of 12 months at any one
time for Non-Residents who are employed or studying in Westminster.
C. Making your application for the first time
C. Making your application for the first time
Badges will be issued for up to 3 months for non-residents (adults and children)
who attend a Westminster medical institution for emergency life-saving treatment
such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. For those attending ongoing medical
treatment such as renal dialysis, badges will be issued for up to a period of 12
In the case of resident children under 2, the badge will be issued for a maximum
period of 2 years ending on the day immediately following their second birthday.
These applicants will then need to re-apply for a disabled badge.
4. Do I have to pay for this badge?
Westminster does not make a charge for first-time applications or renewals of
disabled badges.
There is a £10 administration fee to add, remove or change a vehicle on the
There is a £10 administration fee to facilitate a change in name on the badge.
There is a £30 charge to reissue a badge that has been lost.
There is no charge to reissue a badge that has been stolen. The applicant must
provide a police crime reference number as proof that the badge has been stolen,
otherwise a £30 charge will apply to re-issue the badge.
No refunds will be offered on administration fees associated with the disabled
badge scheme.
5. Why would you refuse my application?
We may refuse your application if:
You do not meet the conditions of the scheme. This includes not sending us proof
documents, supporting letters, or photographs that we ask you for.
You do not meet the medical criteria of the scheme.
You refuse the medical assessment by our Occupational Therapist.
Your badge is due to be returned to us and you have not returned it.
You are not on the electoral roll and have not ticked the box stating that you are
not eligible.
We have been unable to verify your place of business in Westminster.
We will attempt to contact you to ask for any missing information we require before
making a decision with regard to your application. If we refuse your application, we will
write and explain the reason why your application was refused and return any original
documents to you (the photograph will be kept in case of appeal). We will also advise
you on the appeals process.
C. Making your application for the first time
6. Can I appeal the decision about my application?
If you are unhappy with the decision we make about your application, you can
make an appeal in writing to Westminster Permits Customer Relations. You must
clearly describe the reason for your appeal, for example, your health has
deteriorated since you were last assessed and provide supporting medical
evidence of this.
An appeal should be made within 3 months of the original application being turned
down unless you have submitted evidence that you now automatically qualify
under the disabled badge scheme rules.
Please send your appeal to the following address: Permits Administration, PO Box
734, Redhill RH1 9FP. The process of appealing can be made in three stages.
Stage 1 – We will investigate and issue a response within 10 days
Stage 2 – We will send a response within 10 days
If your appeal should be dealt with within the council’s Corporate Complaints procedure
and not within the disabled appeals procedure, we will advise you of this and forward
your complaint to be placed in the correct procedure. Your appeal does not enable you
to park your vehicle or travel in a vehicle using the Blue or White Badge concessions.
If you’re unhappy with the way that the council has handled your stage 1 and stage 2
complaints, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman. This is an independent
national service that investigates complaints against councils.
7. What can I do while I wait for my Badge?
If you are a Westminster resident and need to park your vehicle on-street while waiting
for your disabled badge(s) application to be assessed or you are appealing and your
badge has expired, you can apply for a resident parking permit.
You must be able to provide the proofs required by the resident permit scheme. You will
be required to pay the full annual charge. You may park as per the concessions offered
by the resident permit scheme. You may NOT park in disabled bays until you are issued
with a disabled badge.
If the application for a disabled badge is accepted, a refund on any unused part of the
resident permit will be payable to the permit holder and is not subject to an
administration fee.
In addition, if you have a Blue Badge, you can park as per the Blue Badge concessions
in the borough (see section F).
To obtain a Resident Permit Application form or to obtain a refund:
By Phone: 020 7823 4567 (Mon to Sat, 8am to 8pm)
By Textphone: 020 7641 8000 (Mon – Fri, 8am to 6pm)
Website: www.westminster.gov.uk/parking
1. Re-applying for your disabled badge
Three to six weeks before a badge is due to expire, you will be sent a reminder letter
with an application form advising what you need to do if you wish to reapply for your
badge. You will need to re-apply for your disabled badge(s) and submit all requested
proofs and evidence with your application. You will also need to fill out the occupational
therapy assessment questionnaire and may be required to attend a face-to-face
You do not need to send us your current disabled badge(s) with your application. On
receipt of your new badge, we will supply you with a freepost envelope, which you must
use to return the old badge back to the City of Westminster.
2. Returning your badge
You must return your disabled badge to us if:
You no longer need it (for example, you move out of Westminster).
It is out of date.
You are no longer entitled to it.
You want to change your chosen vehicles.
We ask you to return it to us.
You are acting on behalf of a deceased badge holder.
You want to replace a permit because it has faded or is unreadable.
If it has been replaced by a duplicate badge and then you find the original, you will
need to return the original to us by post to:
Permits Administration
PO Box 734
Redhill, RH1 9FP
D. I want to reapply for my badge
1. Processing your application/timeframes
Westminster will process your application within 8 weeks. During this period you may be
contacted by an Occupational Therapist (if necessary) to schedule an appointment. If a
face-to-face assessment is required, the Occupational Therapist will visit your home
address and will conduct the assessment. The Occupational Therapist will then advise
Parking Services of the recommendations on whether a badge should be issued. It takes
approximately 3 weeks after an assessment before you will be informed of a decision on
whether you have been successful or not.
2. How will I receive my disabled badge?
If you are a resident in Westminster, we will issue you with a Blue Badge with your White
Badge, which is valid for up to a maximum period of 3 years. You will receive this by
standard first class post to your registered address, which you have indicated in your
application form, or by recorded delivery if your application was sent to us by recorded
delivery or if we need to return your documents to you.
All non-Westminster residents will receive their White Badge by post.
3. Annual Declarations (White badges only).
Westminster will issue a White Badge for a maximum period of 3 years at any one time.
If your disability award is valid for more than 12 months:
You may be required to make an annual declaration to confirm that your details
remain unchanged. This includes your name, contact information, vehicle details
and your disability status.
If your White Badge is about to expire, you will be required to re-apply for your
White badge providing all the proof and evidence as requested by the scheme.
Westminster will write to you to notify you that you need to make a declaration. The
declaration must be made within 30 days of receiving it. Please sign the
declaration and return it to us at: Permits Administration, PO Box 734, Redhill RH1
If you fail to return the annual declaration if requested, your White badge may become
invalid and you will not receive the concessions for parking in Westminster, and you may
be liable for a Penalty Charge Notice.
If your disability award is valid for less than 12 months:
You will not receive a declaration; you will receive a reminder letter to re-new your
badge. Please complete Application pack 1A: Westminster disabled badge scheme, first
E. What happens next?
E. What happens next?
time and renewals and send it back.
1. What are the terms and conditions of use?
It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with the conditions of use of your disabled
badge(s). If you are a passenger in your vehicle, your nominated driver must keep to the
same conditions as a disabled driver. Your driver cannot take advantage of the parking
concessions offered by a disabled badge unless you are using the vehicle. These terms
and conditions of use are in addition to Section F2.
2. Displaying your badges
In Westminster you must display both your White and Blue badges when you are
parking or using a vehicle under this scheme to park at your home or place of work,
or to take you to or from somewhere. Failure to clearly display both badges may
result in a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) being issued and you may be
reported to, and investigated by our Fraud Team.
Do not display the badge if the vehicle is being used for any other reason.
You must not allow anyone else to use the badge for any other reason. Do not use
the badge to simply allow able-bodied people to take advantage of the benefits of
the scheme while you sit in the car. Misuse of the badge can result in the badge
being withdrawn and legal action taken.
3. Where can I park?
3a. White badge holders
The Westminster White Badge scheme allows on-street parking in Westminster only. It
is not valid in any other area. Holders of valid White badges may park free of charge
without time restrictions as long as both badges are valid and displayed in:
Any Resident bay
Any paid-for parking bay
Any Disabled bay for Blue Badge holders (subject to a 4-hour maximum stay time,
Mon – Fri 8.30am – 6.30pm)
It is not permitted to park:
In a suspended bay
In a disabled bay that has been assigned to a severely disabled resident
specifically for their own use
F. Terms and conditions of use.
F. Terms and conditions of use.
In a doctor’s bay, hospital bay or diplomat’s bay
On a single or double yellow line during controlled hours unless loading or
unloading, getting in or out of the vehicle or where time plates on street indicate
that further restrictions are in place.
3b. Blue Badge holders
The parking concessions afforded to Blue Badge holders within Westminster differ from
the national concessions. Under this scheme, you can park in the following parking
Blue Badge Disabled Bays: Customers with valid Blue Badges can park free of
charge for up to 4 hours between 8.30am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday and
unlimited parking in these bays at all other times.
Pay-to-park bays: Holders of valid Blue Badges must make an initial payment to
park in these parking bays during controlled hours. They may stay for one extra
hour free after the paid for time has expired. To register for Pay by Phone facilities
please call 020 7005 0055. Pre-Paid parking cards are also available from libraries
and One Stop Services.
You are not permitted to park:
In Resident Bays and on yellow lines during controlled hours (you can park on a
single yellow line outside the hours of control) or where time plates indicate that
further restrictions are in place after controlled hours.
In a suspended bay.
In a disabled bay that has been assigned to a severely disabled resident
specifically for their own use.
In a doctor’s bay, hospital bay or diplomat’s bay.
Boundary Streets
Westminster has an agreement with the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
(RBKC) that allows holders of our White Badges and the RBKC Purple Badges (not Blue
Badges) to park on shared streets in both boroughs and still benefit from the disabled
parking concessions. You must display your White and Blue Badge clearly on the
dashboard of your vehicle. Failure to do so may result in a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)
being issued and you may be reported to and investigated by our Fraud Team.
This reciprocal agreement applies to the following streets:
St Luke’s Road
Ledbury Road
Westbourne Grove
Chepstow Place
Ossington Street
Ennismore Garden Mews
Ennismore Street
Rutland Street
Cheval Place
William Street
Lowndes Square
Lowndes Street
Chesham Place
Chesham Street
West Eaton Place
Bourne Street
Holbein Place
F. Terms and conditions of use.
3c. Enforcement of vehicle displaying disabled badges
Westminster will not usually remove a vehicle that is parked in contravention if it is
displaying a valid White or Blue Badge. However, a PCN may be issued and the
vehicle relocated to a nearby parking bay.
A vehicle displaying a valid White or Blue Badge may be removed if it is
considered a danger to other highway users, obstructs the free flow of traffic or we
are directed to do so by the Police. However, we would not take the vehicle to the
pound but re-park nearby as close as possible to the original parking place.
Westminster will not enforce vehicles that are parked according to the White and
Blue Badge rules if their disabled badge has expired by no more than 14 days
provided the disabled concessions would have applied.
For detailed information about on- street enforcement, please refer to our Enforcement
Code of Practice:
4. Permit Fraud
You may know or suspect that:
A disabled badge has been obtained illegally.
A forged parking permit or disabled badge is being used.
A White or Blue Badge is being misused.
We investigate all lost and stolen reports though our Fraud Team. If badges are lost or
stolen on more than one occasion, we reserve the right to suspend the badge re-issue
until the investigation is concluded.
The team will contact you within 24 hours of a badge being suspended. The Fraud Team
also carry out other routine checks to recover badges.
The City of Westminster takes permit fraud seriously, particularly for disabled badges
and wants to hear what you have to say. You can raise your concerns regarding
suspected fraud or corruption within or against the City of Westminster by:
Visiting our website: https://www.westminster.gov.uk/report-a-fraud
Calling our Freephone Fraud Hotline: 020 7361 2777.
Calls to this number are treated in the strictest of confidence and you may remain
anonymous. You can also leave a phone message outside normal office hours.
We ask for as much information as you can provide to enable effective investigations
into your allegation(s). All information you provide will be treated in the strictest of
Any reported instances of suspected fraudulent use of disabled badges are investigated
by our Fraud Team. If you are visited by a member of our Fraud Team they will identify
themselves to you and carry identity cards.
F. Terms and conditions of use.
5. Central London Congestion Charge
If you hold a Blue Badge, you can apply for the 100% discount from congestion
charging. Further information and to register for the 100% discount can be found at:
If your Blue Badge expires, the discount does not apply.
1. I have changed my vehicle (White Badge only)
You must return your White badge to us if:
You want to permanently change, delete or add a vehicle to your White Badge.
You may register up to 2 vehicles with your White badge at any one time.
You will need to tell us if you are the driver or passenger in this vehicle.
If you are a passenger and not the driver, it is your responsibility to ensure that
your driver complies with the conditions of use of the White Badge. Your driver
cannot take advantage of the parking concessions offered by the White Badge
unless you are present in the vehicle.
You need to send us your current White badge with your application.
There is a £10 administration fee per vehicle to make this change which can be
paid by post.
You must complete Application Pack 2 – Changes, Replacements and Returns.
2. I have changed my address (White and Blue Badges).
You must inform us if you have moved home. This can be done in writing, email,
telephone or Textphone.
If you are leaving Westminster, you may keep your Blue Badge until it expires but
you should apply to your new Authority at your new address before your badge
expires so that they can issue a new badge to you. You must return your White
Badge to us.
If you are changing address within Westminster, you will not need to return your
badges to us but you will still need to inform us of your change of address.
You will need to apply to go on the electoral register at your new address if eligible
to do so.
If you are moving address within Westminster, you will need to submit one of the
following documents as proof of your permanent home in Westminster. This must show
your name and Westminster address and must be dated with the last 3 months.
A council tax demand.
A formal tenancy agreement or an original letter on headed paper from your
solicitor confirming you are the legal owner and occupier of the property.
G. Change of details
G. Change of details
A landline or contract mobile phone bill.
A personal bank / building society / credit card statement. A company account
statement will not be accepted.
A valid driving licence (both parts) drivers only.
A utility bill (gas, electric, water).
A V5C vehicle registration document showing the applicant as a named driver and
their Westminster address.
A current, valid Disability Living Allowance certificate or Personal Independence
A letter provided by Motability finance.
We will send you a letter confirming the change of address.
3. I have changed my name.
We will accept one of the following as proof of your change of name. We will accept a
copy of your proof document.
Marriage Certificate.
Divorce Certificate.
Deed of Change of Name.
You need to send us your current White and Blue badges with your application.
There is a £10 administration fee to make this change, which can be paid by post or at a
One Stop Service.
4. My disabled badge has been lost or damaged.
You will need to briefly explain how the loss or damage happened in your
application form.
If you find your badge at a later date, you will need to return the original to us.
There is a £30 administration fee to make this change. which can be paid by post.
If you report a loss of more than one badge during its validity, we will investigate
You will need to supply us with a passport photograph for your application to be
5. My disabled badge has been stolen.
If your disabled badge has been stolen, you must report this to the Police and obtain a
crime reference number.
G. Change of details
You will need to tell us the details of the theft and provide us with the crime
reference number and the name and address of the Police station where you
reported the theft.
If you find the original badge at a later date, you will need to return this to us.
There is no charge to replace a stolen badge as long as you supply us with a crime
reference number. Failure to do so will incur a £30 charge.
If you report more than one badge stolen during its validity, we will investigate this.
You will need to supply us with a passport size photograph for your application to
be processed.
6. How do I pay?
You can make payment by credit or debit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard,
Maestro, Solo or Delta. The 3-digit security code must be included with the card
number on Application Pack 2.
We accept cheques by post made payable to ‘City of Westminster’.
No refunds will be offered on administration fees associated with this disabled
badge scheme.
We do not accept cash payments.
New data protection laws apply from 25 May 2018. To find out why the Council needs to
collect and store personal data, how this is used and your rights to access your
information, please refer to our Privacy Policy and our Fair Processing Notice at
Westminster City Council will process your information primarily for the purpose of
providing parking services to residents.
We may also use your information to detect and prevent fraud and protect public funds.
This will include the recording of vehicle information and verifying residency status and
parking entitlements both within and outside the City. We may therefore disclose your
information to or request information from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority
(DVLA) and Law Enforcement Agencies such as Local Authorities.
We will use a number of means to ensure the lawfulness of the use of our parking
services. This will include the use of surveillance equipment, civil enforcement officers,
auditors and dedicated investigators to record data.
We will place the details of any lost, damaged or stolen badges on a database. This
information may be made available to law enforcement agencies and accessed by other
Local Authorities to detect and prevent fraudulent use of disabled badges and to protect
public funds.
We will use the information you provide to recover unpaid Penalty Charge Notices
issued in Westminster.
In line with its duty to protect public funds, the council and it agents will undertake
investigations involving random auditing of vehicles and users who hold valid parking
permits to counter suspected fraudulent use of its parking services. If you wish to
complain at the manner in which your personal data has been processed or may be
used you should write to the:
Data Protection Officer
Bi-Borough Legal Services
The Town Hall
Hornton Street
London W8 7NX
H. Data protection statement
We recommend you gather all your proof documents prior to filling in your application.
This will make it easier to complete the application form with all the documents you need
to submit with it. Please type or write your application form in full block capitals and use
black ink. If you are under the age of 18, your application form must be signed by a
parent or guardian over the age of 18 on your behalf.
You will need to complete Application Pack 1A: Westminster Disabled Badge Scheme;
First Time and Renewals or Application Pack 1B: Westminster Disabled Badge Scheme;
First Time and Renewals (Eligible without further assessment) if you are:
Applying for a disabled badge for the first time.
Re-applying for your disabled badge.
You will need to complete Application Pack 2: Westminster Disabled Badge Scheme;
Changes, Replacements and Returns if:
The details on your permit have changed such as your address, vehicle or name,
If you require a badge re-issue because your White badge has been lost, damaged
or stolen
If you need assistance completing the application form or have any questions about the
Disabled White badge Scheme, please contact us:
By Phone: 020 7823 4567 (Mon – Sat 8am to 8pm)
By Textphone: 020 7641 8000 (Mon – Sat 8am to 8pm)
By Post: Permits Administration, PO Box 734, Redhill RH1 9FP
Website: www.westminster.gov.uk/parking
In Person: Visit one of our One Stop Services
I. Ready to complete the application form?